Star Wars Club

<span style="color:purple">The club details are brought to you by me, Ita, Wikipedia, and the creator, Tachi-sama.<!--color--></span> <span style="color:green"><span style="font-size: 200%;"><div style="text-align: center;">Welcome to the Star Wars Club!!!<!--center--></div><!--size--></span> ...A place were all the true fans can come and hangout debet to you hearts content..of course no spamming allowed.we all know through the history of movies this one franchise is held up above the rest as one of the greatest in thanks to the King himself George Lucus.herald across the world of opening our eyes and understanding of the scifi realm.ok in short just have fun as always. ^^ <div style="text-align: center;"><strong>The True Club Details<!--center--></div></strong> The events depicted in Star Wars media take place in a fictional galaxy. Many species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. Robotic droids are also commonplace and are generally built to serve their owners. Space travel is common, and many planets in the galaxy are members of a Galactic Republic, later reorganized as the Galactic Empire. One of the prominent elements of Star Wars is the "Force", which is an omnipresent form of energy which can be harnessed by those with that ability. It is described in the first produced film as "an energy field created by all living things [that] surrounds us, penetrates us, [and] binds the galaxy together. The Force allows users to perform a variety of supernatural feats (such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition, and mind control) and also can amplify certain physical traits, such as speed and reflexes; these abilities can vary from user to user and can be improved through training. While the Force can be used for good, it has a dark side that, when pursued, imbues users with hatred, aggression, and malevolence. The six films feature the Jedi, who use the Force for good, and the Sith, who use the dark side for evil in an attempt to take over the galaxy. The Star Wars franchise began as a film series. The original trilogy comprised three films: Star Wars, released on May 25, 1977, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, released on May 21, 1980, and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, released on May 25, 1983. The opening crawl of the sequels disclosed that they were numbered as "Episode V" and "Episode VI" respectively, though the films were generally advertised solely under their subtitles. Once Star Wars became a success and sequels were realized, Lucas numbered the initial film as the fourth episode in his series and gave it the subtitle A New Hope when the film was re-released in 1981. In 1997, to correspond with the twentieth anniversary of the release of Star Wars, Lucas released "Special Editions" of the three films to theaters. The re-releases featured alterations to the original films, primarily motivated by the improvement of CGI and other special effects technologies, which allowed visuals that were not possible to achieve at the time of the original filmmaking. Lucas continued to make changes to the original trilogy for subsequent releases, such as the first ever DVD release of the trilogy on September 21, 2004. On May 19, 1999, Lucas released the first of the long-awaited prequel trilogy, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. This was followed by Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones on May 16, 2002, and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on May 19, 2005. <div style="text-align: center;"><strong>The Characters</strong><!--center--></div> <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> Aarraba the Hutt Aayla Secura Achk Med-Beq Adar Tallon Adi Gallia Agen Kolar Admiral Ackbar Aiden Bok Ainlee Teem Ajunta Pall A'kal Vincolan Aks Moe Aldar Beedo Alema Rar Alexander Kensar Alicia Chinn Alto Stratus Anakin Skywalker Anakin Solo Anchor Blue Anna Jool Arvel Crynyd Arca Jeth Arhul Hextrophen Armand Isard Asajj Ventress A'Sharad Hett Ask Aak Atton Rand Aurra Sing AV-6R7 Azrakel Bail Antilles Bail Organa Bana Breemu Bao-Dur Barada Barquin D'an Barriss Offee Bashad Jendu Bastila Shan Ben Skywalker Beru Whitesun Lars Bevel Lamelisk Bib Fortuna Bin Essada Bisnor Biggs Darklighter Boba Fett Boc Bodo Baas Borsk Fey'lya BoShek Boss Nass Bossk Brakiss Bria Tharen Bultar Swan Brandy Mercer C-3PO Cade Skywalker Callista Calo Nord Canderous Ordo Carth Onasi Cassus Fett Cay Qel-Droma Cerasi Chalmun Charal Charza Kwinn Chewbacca Chi Eekway Chirpa (Chief) Chuundar Cilghal Cindel Towani Cin Drallig Cleigg Lars Coleman Trebor Corde Corla Metonae Corran Horn Count Dooku Cradossk Crion Crix Madine Cydon Prax Daakman Barrek Dak Ralter Darca Nyl Darred Janren Darsha Assant Darth Andeddu Darth Bandon Darth Bane Darth Cadeus Darth Malak Darth Maul Darth Nihilus Darth Plagueis Darth Revan Darth Rivan Darth Sidious Darth Sion Darth Traya Darth Tyranus Darth Vader Darth Vectivus Daultay Dofine Davik Kang Denaria Kee Dengar Depa Billaba Derek Klivian Desann Davin Felth Dexter Jettster Diva Shaliqua Dor Gal-ram Dormé Dorsk 81 Dorsk 82 Doda Bodonawieedo Dr. Evazan Droma Droopy "Snit" McCool DS-61-2 (Mauler) DS-61-3 (Backstabber) DS-61-4 (Dark Curse) Dud Bolt Durge E-3P0 Echuu Shen-Jon Edcel Bar Gane Eeth Koth Eirtaé Empatojayos Brand Empress Teta Ephant Mon Etain Tur-Mukan EV-9D9 (Eve-ninedenine) Even Piell Exar Kun Executor Sedriss Franc-Tireur Farak Fomo-Dur-Takaladaban Galak Fyyar Galak Stari Gardulla the Hutt Gaeriel Captison Garindan Garm Bel Iblis Gav Daragon Gavin Darklighter Gen Gjenzek General Cassio Tagge General Grievous General Maximilian Veers General Redd Wessel General Rom Mohc Gethzerion Ghent Giddean Danu Gilad Pellaeon Gilramos Libkath G0-T0 Gorc Gorm Grakchawwaa Grand Admiral Thrawn Grand Moff Tarkin Greeata Greedo Gree (Clone Commander CC-1004) Grievous' Bodyguards Grizz Frix Habic Ic'On Hanharr Han Solo Henri Malor Hermione Bagwa Hin-Tai Chinn HK-47 HK-50 Hermi Odle Hok Daragon Horak-mul Horox Ryyder Han Mana I5-YQ Iaco Stark IG-88 Isolder Ister Paddie Ivor Drake Jabba the Hutt Jacen Solo Jaden Korr Jagged Fel Jai Maruk Jaina Solo Jamillia Janice Nall Jango Fett Jan Ors Janu Godalhi Jaster Mereel Jar Jar Binks Jawa Jaxxon Jedi Exile Jek Porkins Jem Ysanna Jenna Zan Arbor Jerec Jeremitt Towani Jessica Meade Jobal Naberrie Jocasta Nu Joclad Danva Jodo Kast Johun Othone Jolee Bindo Jori Daragon Julius Kensar Julius McConner Just Skywalker Juhani Kaan Kabe Kalgrath Kalpana Kalyn Farnmir Kar Vastor Katarine Towani Kavar Kendal Ozzel Kerri Lyn Mooney Keyan Farlander K'Kruhk Ki-Adi-Mundi King Terak Kir Kanos Kirtan Loor Kit Fisto Kitster Krussk Kueller Kylantha Kyle Katarn Kyp Durron Lama Su Lando Calrissian Leektar Leia Organa Solo Lewis Macleod Lexi Dio Loam Redge Lobot Lonna Vash Lomi Plo Lorn Pavan Lott Dod Lowbacca Ludo Kressh Luke Skywalker Lumas Etima Luminara Unduli Lumiya Lushros Dofine Lyn Me Mace Towani Mace Windu Magaloof Maggi Chinn Mahe Chinn Malakili Malé-Dee Mara Jade Skywalker Marka Ragnos Mas Amedda Maw Max Rebo Meena Tills Melas Melee Memit Nadill Merumeru Micah Giett Mikal Chinn Mission Vao Moff Jerjerrod Momaw Nadon Mon Mothma Montross Morgan Katarn Muftak Mungo Baobab Nabai Chinn Naga Sadow Nash Adiras Nem Bees Nat Secura Nee Alavar Neyo (Clone Commander CC-8826) Nield Nien Nunb Nilo Nom Anor Nomi Sunrider Nute Gunray Nym Nyrat Agira O-Bin O-Lana O-Vieve Obi-Wan Kenobi Odan-Urr Commander Oddball Odumin Olana Chion Ona Nobis Onaconda Farr Onimi Ood Bnar Ooroo Oola OOM-9 Oppo Rancisis Orn Free Taa Ottegru Grey Owen Lars Pablo-Jill Patrick Cresham Padmé Amidala Palpatine Passel Argente Pax Bonkik Pic Plo Koon Plovin Kut Poggle the Lesser Pol Secura Ponda Baba Pooja Naberrie Po Nudo Prince Beju Princess Leiawo Qi Zhu Qordis Queen Amidala Queen Organa Qui-Gon Jinn Qu Rahn Quinlan Vos R2D1 R2D2 R2D7 R4-P17 R5-D4 Rabé Raymus Antilles Rana Raynar Thul Rango Tel Redge Dunlak Reelo Baruk Ree-Yees Remote Rep Been Rex Ric Olié Rogwa Wodrata Romodi Motti Ronet Coorr Roron Corobb Roth-Del Masona Rune Haako Rute Gunnay Ruwee Naberrie Ryoo Naberrie Sabé Saché Sade Chinn Saelt Marae Shader RyeN Saesee Tiin Sagoro Autem Salacious Crumb Salla Zend Salporin San Hill Sar Labooda Sarkly Sariss Sate Pestage Saul Karath Sheltay Retrac Sebulba Sei Taria Sena Leikvold Midanyl Serra Keto Sev'rance Tann Sha Koon Sha'a Gi Shaak Ti Sharad "Howlrunner" Hett Shakka Shea Sadashassa Shimrra Shmi Skywalker Silya Darklighter Elan Sleazebaggano Shu Mai Shug Ninx Sifo-Dyas Silya Shessaun Simus Sio Bibble Siri Tachi Sly Moore Sola Naberrie Sonam-Ha'ar Sora Bulq Ssk Kahorr Stam Reath Stass Allie Sun Fac Sy Snootles Swilla Corey T3-M4 TC-14 Tahl Tahiri Veila Talia Talon Karrde Tan Yuster Tanner Cadaman Tannon Praji Tarados Gon Tarfful Tarkin Tarr Seirr Taun We Tavion Tendau Bendon Tenel Ka Terr Taneel The Dark Woman The Disciple the Last Handmaiden Thire (Clone Commander CC-4477) Tholme Tikkes Timar Daragon TK-421 TK-422 Tom Zarthh Toonbuck Toora Tsavong Lah Tu'ala Tuknatan Tulak Hord Tundra Dowmeia Twink Kee Tyvokka Tusken raider Ulic Qel-Droma Uola Kish Uthar Wynn U-3PO Valorum V-Tan Valyn Ayers Vandar Tokare Vanden Willard Vergere Versé Vodo-Siosk Baas Vilmarh Grahrk Vima Da Boda Visas Marr Vol-Daak Voolvif Monn Vrook Lamar WA-7 Wald Wam "Blam" Lufba Wat Tambor Watto Wedge Antilles Welk Whie Malreaux Wicket W. Warrick Wilik Malor Wol Cabasshite Xanatos Xizor Xaverri Xeltek Yaddle Yané Yarael Poof Yarna D'al Gargan Yarua Yoda Ysanne Isard Yun Yu'Shaa Yuthura Ban Zaalbar Zam Wesell Zayne Carrick Zekk Zett Jukassa Zez-Kai Ell Zhar Lestin Zo Howler Zorneth Zorba the Hutt Zsinj Zuckuss<!--spoiler--></span></div> From<!--color--></span> <!--link--><a href=""><span style="color:blue"><u>Wiki<!--color--></span></u></a>

Club Members

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Displaying 5 of 11 topics | See All
Club Discussion
Poll: Thoughts on Disney Booting the Expanded Universe?
987654321ad - Mar 11, 2015
0 repliesby 987654321ad »»
Mar 11, 2015 9:24 PM
who is your all time greatest character
Tachi-Kun - Aug 24, 2008
29 repliesby that_dude650 »»
Jan 5, 2015 8:03 PM
How many Star Wars related items do you posses?
clalala - Jan 6, 2012
2 repliesby kereealazer »»
Dec 14, 2014 7:51 PM
Win a Limited Edition Star Wars VW Darkside Greenpeace T-Shirt
natikimie - Feb 10, 2012
0 repliesby natikimie »»
Feb 10, 2012 3:26 PM
Closing Down Starwars club
Tachi-Kun - Mar 23, 2009
14 repliesby DankEvergreen »»
Jan 1, 2012 3:21 AM

Club Comments
uncivilized_one | Aug 2, 2013 5:21 PM
This is real Star Wars after Return of the Jedi, not Episode VII:

uncivilized_one | Apr 13, 2013 1:51 PM
Yeah, it sucks that Disney closed LucasArts, it was a great game producer.
To me Episode VII already sucks, 'cause they will start from scratch (make a new plot), not adapting stories from the Expanded Universe (like The New Jedi Order). To me post-Return Of The Jedi material will always be The Expanded Universe.

Midnight_Rays | Apr 13, 2013 10:18 AM
Well that sucks. I wanted see them in 3D. I just hope that Episode VII will be good...I heard that Disney also stopped all of the games too...

uncivilized_one | Mar 26, 2013 3:45 PM
Yes. Disney wants to concentrate all efforts in the making of Episode VII, they said.

Midnight_Rays | Mar 26, 2013 1:37 PM
I wonder if Disney is the reason why episodes II and III won't be in 3D?

Midnight_Rays | Feb 16, 2013 8:15 PM
I wonder why?? It's too bad because I really wanted to see episodes II and III in 3D.

uncivilized_one | Jan 31, 2013 9:31 AM
Star Wars Episode II and III on 3D were cancelled.

kaidono | Dec 10, 2012 12:46 AM
my newest work ,so let me know what you think -

Club Stats
Members: 133
Pictures: 20
Category: Other
Created: Aug 16, 2008

Club Staff
Tachi-Kun (President)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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