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This club was made for fans of the lovely, sad and strong demon slayer Sango from Inuyasha.
<strong>About Sango</strong>
Sango is the older sister of Kohaku, and, even if young, she's the most powerful demon slayer of her village. Her main weapon is Hiraikotsu, a huge boomerang made of purified demon bones. Sango is always accompanied by Kirara, her faithful demon cat, which also helps her in the fighting.
She, just like Inuyasha and Miroku, seeks revenge against Naraku, because he not only destroyed her village and made Kohaku kill his companions, but he also separated the two siblings and keeps Kohaku under his power.
Sango was also once tricked and used by Naraku for his evil plans, and this only made her hate him even more.
Sango cares deeply about Kohaku, and her affection made her brother remember about his past, even if briefly. She never loses hope of saving Kohaku, and incessantly looks for him.
The other important male in Sango's life is Miroku, a perverted monk who constantly gropes her... and inexorably gets hit by her.
The monk and the slayer are a great fighting team, and are obviously destined of ending up as a couple.
Sango's personality is strong-willed and independent, as expected from a fighter, but she also has a sweet, cute, adorable side. She acts like a tsundere with Miroku, hitting and insulting him for being the pervert he is, being jealous when he harasses other women, and blushing quite often in his presence.
(written by <!--link--><a href="
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by Yandere.
<!--link--><a href="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_InuYasha_characters#Sango">Sango's Wikipedia Page</a> (manga spoilers)<!--center--></div>