Has "Fairy Tail" has left a void in your heart? Fear not, for "Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest" is here.
For those of you who have already read "Fairy Tail", I'm happy to say that the feel and flow of "Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest" is so far similar to the early/middle portion of the original story and along with having the same starring characters; having this sequel it's just like the original never ended at all. That void left in my heart from the ending of it's initial run was filled immediately. I'm not sure if it is the nostalgia factor that is making me
Alternative TitlesJapanese: FAIRY TAIL 100 YEARS QUEST More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Jul 25, 2018 to ?
Magazine pocket Statistics Ranked: #32712 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #415
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Your Feelings Categories Sep 14, 2018
I was hoping.... Yeah, what was I actually hoping for? That the writing would get better and the fan service take a step back? Guess I was hoping in vain.
7 chapters in and we've already lost one of the main characters' credibility. *sigh* Minor spoiler about the "Quest" ahead.. Remember Natsu? The guy RAISED by a dragon? Who LOVED Igneel and thought well of dragons except for the evil ones running rampant? Yup, the same guy now sets off on a quest to "seal" some dragons without even bothering to ask why. And initially he thought he'd just beat them to a pulp because he didn't think ... Mar 18, 2019
I wanted to state something first, and I think a lot of people can agree with me that the last Fairy Tail arc was disappointing and the final chapter being a major letdown. I was glad to hear that a new series is coming up and boy... it still hasn't changed one little bit.
Story: (4) It's really fucken predictable, the thing I hated so much in the original Fairy Tail was the fact that every arc had the same formula, - Everyone is living in peace and harmony - The villain shows up with little to no explanation. - They get hyped up to be "very strong." - ... Nov 29, 2018
Well, here we are again. Fairy Tail continues off from where it last left off, being that Natsu and the main crew go on the 100 year quest. This quest is to seal off the remaining dragons in "Earth Land" (I actually didn't know what the name of the world was called so I looked it up. Kind of a weird name). During this time, the remaining members of Fairy Tail receive a new member, Touka. This member so happens to be someone that Jellal is looking for, and she is presumed to be someone evil and the creator of Liberius, an evil ... Jul 10, 2019
Best days of my life watching this marvelous Anime. I've been a fan since 2013 I know I'm not a veteran fan to FT and I wish I could turn back time to be as thrilled as now to wait for every Ep. and I wish I started watching it since 2009. I cried, laughed, and got mad and excited watching it! I never experienced these kinds of emotions in my whole life. I learned a lot from every character ESPECIALLY from my hero Natsu D. <3 much love and support from me. Actually, I don't get the others when they say it's hentai or
Sep 17, 2023
I actually like this sequel better than the original series. Sure, it's still the same trope all over with extensive fan service. However, the tone is far less serious than the original, and new characters keep on coming even with zero hint of the plot so far about their sudden appearance. The manga repeats itself so much that it becomes kinda brainless fun action sequence, and people should just enjoy it and do not expect something deeper than that.
Overall, FT100YQ is recommended for people looking for some fun pastime, because it's really fun, instead of looking for coherent, decent story-telling. Aug 23, 2020
If you are like me, the main Fairy tail story ending probably left a void in your heart. Personally, Fairy tail was how I discovered this entire world of anime and manga so it was obviously very dear to my heart and nothing can replace the very first anime you watched. So you can imagine how happy I was when I found out there is a whole sequel spin-off series for it!!
Honestly, the story is as good as the main series. Sometimes, I feel like it could even be called better. Yeah, they have nonsensical elements here and there but honestly that is what Fairy ... Mar 17, 2023
Similar to other people, Fairy Tail has given me a "void" in my heart, most of us wanted to drop it by the "last" arc of Fairy Tail which was just... you know messed up I guess, it could have been at least decent but Mashima wasted off it, especially the villains, the forgettable spriggan 12, and the OVERhyped... trust me TRULY OVERhyped Acnologia who got wasted off in mere chapters. But, this is about the new manga 100-year quest which is obviously not even near as popular as the original run of Fairy Tail, but I think PERSONALLY that people should at least give
May 1, 2019
A review on Fairy tail 100 years quest, some spoilers
Story-1 The story made no sense, so apparently, there are 5 ''god dragons'' These dragons are so powerful and famous and well known that they're named the God Dragons no one has been able to kill them for at least a 100 years. So if they're so well known and famous where were they when Acknologia supposedly the KING OF ALL DRAGONS was looking for a strong fight or was going to destroy the world...I guess they were just sleeping right? Not only that but now there is an entire guild of a brand new generation of ... May 14, 2019
A huge improvement over last arc. It still lacks depth of Tartoras arc. The tone is somewhat similar to older Fairy Tail. The pacing lacks bit of coherence considering author is managing two story line within same manga at same time. The villains are quite good and Dragon Gods are frankly easy on eye. Also the new person who is drawing has great eye for design. Designs looks really pretty.
All in all a nice treat for fans and on fence readers. First few chapters are slow and boring but story keeps getting better and chapter improve. The fight scenes between Natsu and one of ... Apr 27, 2021
Fairy Tail changed a bit with 100 Years Quest, or rather it just feels that way. It will be a jarring experience for anyone to come from the original manga, or the anime, at the height of its development and epic delivery, to... this. While enjoyable to established fans, I would not necessarily recommend to people who weren't overly sold on the series to begin with. It feels detached from the main series, has questionable character decisions and feels more-of-the-same in a lot of chapters. The premise is interesting, but there is little emphasis on our actual characters beyond the immediate fight or event. When
May 20, 2019
So Fairy Tail is likely my favourite series, I've loved it since I first picked it up. I didn't actually know about 100 years quest until I saw it come up on my usual manga site.
I could immediately tell that it was a different artist and writer- the characters have said things that seem really out of character, the art isn't as good. And it just seems forced. There are times when it seems far more like fan fiction than a continuation of the story. Fairy Tail is one of the few series that would really get my emotions involved, but this series just ... Jul 26, 2021
Goddamit Mashima.
I can look past Fair Tail's errors and weak points. But this manga is something diffrent. This is a hot mess. Heads up, this will be quite spoilery. So at the time of writing this, FT:100yq is quite bad. DragonBall Super Anime bad. You could already tell by the end of fairy tail that mashima was losing interest in the story and just wanted to move on and make something new. Incomes Kondansha and forces him to drag the story on and on and now here is this sequel manga that he doesn't even draw himself. ... May 13, 2022
I am going to break this down into categories to make the review much easier to read based off what is going on.
To Start, (Spoilers below) Plot: The plot of the story is Team Natsu going on a quest called the 100 Years Quest (A quest uncompleted for almost 100 years). They meet Elefsaria who is the creator of the 1st Magic Guild in the history of Earth Land. He is also a dragon similar to Acnologia. He is known as the Law Dragon which is based around Knowledge/information. Something happened in the past leading to Elefsaria seeking out Wizards to seal the 5 Dragon Gods. ... Sep 23, 2022
Hello, and welcome to my first manga review on this site (or anywhere)!
Fairy tail is... how do I put it, hated by a lot of people for some valid reasons: and even as a massive fairy tail fan myself I can agree that it has some inconstancies that could hinder the viewing experience for some. However that was the original fairy tail we are talking about 100 year quest now and oh boy is it a upgrade on almost every way. I'm writing this review now because otherwise I would have to wait a few years for the manga to wrap up. However, we ... Jul 17, 2021
I'm loving this sequel so much. Its like the original never ended! It's awesome to see Lucy use her star dresses, something we only got a taste of in the original. Some are complaining about the fan service never toning down and well it wasn't ever going to. It's a Shonen fan service Manga marketed to adolescent boys 🤷♀️ lol. All of the characters are experiencing more character development and relationships are evolving. It's a fun story. It's got all the antics we love about team natsu. I've enjoyed every chapter. I've laughed out loud while reading it. Maybe I'm biased since I'm
Nov 20, 2024
I gotta say at first I wasn't sure how good it was gonna be, the first few chapters I feel like Atsuo Ueda was just getting into the art style of Mashima Hiro but then the story got going and I am really into it! It's somehow a bit more cute then the original but just as creative, I like that they bring back all sorts of characters through it and relationships have developed for most people..... although I will be disappointed if Lucy and Natsu don't get together by the end haha. I don't want the 100 year quest to end just like the
Sep 18, 2021
I love Fairy Tail so much, and I've been a fan for years, so as someone who's read all the existing spin offs, I was so excited for the sequel. The word "disapointment" is an understatment for what this is.
They reduce every character down to whatever their two strongest character traits were in the original, and half of them are now only focused on the other half of their ship. There's none of the character depth from the original, and many characters, like Gray, change completely to fit the ship naritive. That by itself is enough to dismantle the entire story. Not to spoil ... |