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Mar 24, 2025
Lets make this short and quick!
It starts off good the first few chapters, the premise and art really grabs you to keep on reading but then it just.... speeds up. None of the characters, including the two main characters, are developed enough for you to care about, there's no world building for you to understand anything whatsoever, and it just ends before you know it. I understand it's only 17 chapters but realistically it should've been around 30-40 chapters, even the Movie (Which is not based on the manga but based on the NOVEL!!! The manga is based on the novel also.)
tells a better story with a complicated premise in under 2 hours.... So why should you read it? Don't, read the novel or watch the movie even tho it's a lot different from both tellings but the premise stays the same.
Well... one reason is because the art is definitely really good in some pages, if you're an inspiring artist it's a good chance to pick up some references but other than that watch/read the latter.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 25, 2024
I enjoyed Kengan Ashura, soooo I should enjoy Kengan Omega is what you're most likely asking yourself. YES and sometimes no, why is that? I'll tell you why in this review.
Sooo... why YES? The beginning of the manga is definitely the best part if I'm being honest, everything with Koga makes this manga worth the read, atleast the beginning, just his cocky and humble attitude, him learning about the Kengan world, and his friendship with Ryuki are definitely the best stuff to read. Everything that involves around him are what's going to keep you turning the page and I was looking
forward to read this journey on how Koga can turn the tides around, how he can get stronger, how he can develops as a character as a whole, and how he interacts with the old characters from Ashura.... Well that's where the No comes in.....
Listen, I love Ashura with all my heart but why do we need to sidetrack Koga's journey to move way for the older characters and their problems? A big tourney comes mid way of the manga and Koga is not a part of it, I understand he wasn't that strong yet in order to compete but it takes away so much momentum my man had, he went from the main character to a side character who barely has any dialogue in that arc alone. That arc alone had no reason being that long, I feel like the author knew he made a mistake too and decided to make some of the outcomes of the fights rushed, and it's just disappointing when a character gets hyped up to be soooo strong and the fight is just getting good but then it ends in the next chapter just like that.
To continue on that topic on why no is the world building feels too much at times, I want to know more about the main characters and what they're doing but no we get a few chapters of what the SIDE CHARACTERS are doing and it's a lot. When we do get back to Koga, he did all his training, made all new friends, and handled most of his problems OOFFF F**KING SCREEN!!! It is infuriating if you came to this manga for Koga and we're at the point of the story where I forgot about Koga at times, in fact I had to look up his name for this review... it's like that first part of the story is filler at this point because we're focusing way too much on the what other characters are doing in their spare time.
For other stuff, atleast the art is definitely god tier so I'll give it that and if you want references on how action works, how the muscles move and so forth then this is a really good series to do so. The action is still top tier, if you read Ashura for the blood curly action then it won't disappoint at all here too and the villains although very chill and relax are very well thought out and are definitely menacing. Last but not least, even though it was a criticism I had above, the world building is still top tier, I just wished it didn't have to push Koga out of the way to make it so.
Story - 5
Characters - 6 (There's way too many)
Art - 10
Enjoyment - 8
Overall - 7
I know it's a bit of rant at times but trust me, you'll feel the same way also
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 23, 2024
So... I'm not up to date but I can tell you on the first chapter alone that it's still one of the few best intros to grab you into a new series.... that is til the next few chapters. I'll get more into it why in a bit but let me tell you why the first chapter grabbed me by the hair, it went straight to the point immediately without having you to go through 400 chapters to see if these characters liked each other or not, the artstyle is definitely unique and automatically will give you a good first impression especially the
colored illustrations, the story (atleast for the first chapter) although not unique made me kept turning the page to see what happens next and the two main MCs are definitely a good contrast for each other buttttt...........!
It sounds good for the first chapter, but after that it's just another cliche ecchi romance comedy slice of life. (A lot of tags there) Lets list those cliches here
- The Male MC is the only f'ing sentient boy character in existence (other than FemMC's father)
- The Male MC is kind to everyone, useless and gets saved by the Female MC, has the rizz of a wooden carved statue but still manages to pull the baddest of the bad, and is the absolute center of the universe.
- The Female MC is the stereotypical sexy girl known throughout the whole school, has no huevos to initiate anything without be told to do so, gets flustered easily, and gets jealous by simple misunderstandings.
- Side cast are all girls with some of them having quirks you've seen in other cliche mangas, most of them not all have a yuri complex going on with the female MC, have nothing else going on for them because they're only there to spew what you expect from them, and well they're just there to be sexy and that's about it lol.
- cliche chapter ideas that don't move the plot at all and you can honestly skim over and forget
- Ecchi moments that are cool FOR ME atleast, if you're not into that then you can entirely skip this manga.
So with that being said, the first chapter is fool's gold, after all that it's all bronze and cliche from there. I only kept dragging myself to keep reading because I was hoping for some change but... it's what I expect still nothing good. If you're an artist like me, it's a good manga to collect some references in, so... that's something.
Story - 4
Art - 9
Characters - 4
Enjoyment - 4
In total - 6
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 18, 2023
Just read it, don't like it the first go around then wait and give it a second chance without taking it too seriously and then you'll find why I and many others love this manga so much.
Story - It's so basic that you can make the premise without even thinking too much about it, but here's the thing when you're out there flushing down the idea down a toilet, somebody made it a reality and made it actually GOOD. I'm going to be honest because I didn't like it the first time reading it around and that was the time when I took it SERIOUSLY,
I didn't like the idea of someone so basic having 100 girlfriends so it didn't vibe the first time around and that's the consensus on how many others felt too. HOWEVER I gave it a second chance and this manga is PURE F***ING GENIUS, every joke hits, every girlfriend gets introduced in the best way possible, every chapter has their own pizzazz that makes you keep coming back, the main character Rentarou is both the best straight man and funny man whenever he's on screen and this is totally read binge worthy.
Art - It's cute, every girl actually looks unique and doesn't look like an exact copy of each other. Plus it's one of those mangas that uses its own art to tell a story, or in this case, to tell jokes which hits all the time when it does that and yeah. So to put it here, it's sexy, it's cute, it's funny, and it never looks plain! So 9 out of 10.
Characters - Everyone has their own originality for you to like, personally I love all the girls and my favorite has to be Rentarou, that's right the bestest BOI of them ALL! PUT SOME MF'ING RESPECT ON MY MAIN MAN'S NAME! He doesn't take advantage, he's a giga chad, he fights for his girls, he cheers them up whenever they're down, and he toughens himself up whenever such a challenge arrives. WHICH HAREM MC EVER DONE ANY OF THAT OTHER THAN BE USELESS WHILE THE GIRLS DO ALL THE WORK, he's a total package and he alone makes the whole story worth reading, but the girls are cool too. There's a cute one, a shy one, sexy one, a tsundere, a masochist, tough ones, a GILF, nerdy ones, maids, a MILF, a girl who like numbers and I bet if we keep going, you'll eventually find your own personal fetis- I mean favorite.
Overall - Just read it, I can't explain to you how good it is without making this review super long! This is an actual good harem which you don't need to fight for who gets to end up with the MC because my man has the RIZZ of Kratos, the God of Love and he's out there taking moms, grandmas, your sister, your ex, your current girlfriend, your cousin, your childhood friend, your wife, your daughter, whatever you can name and he's out there taking them for HIMSELF and you'll just be left flabbergasted with no girls whatsoever. In all seriousness, the anime is also coming out and I encourage to give that and this manga a chance, otherwise you're just missing out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 10, 2022
Story: 6 It's essentially a woman in her mid 20s who's basically trying to live her best life and get a boyfriend, so yeah it's pretty basic, she doesn't get super powers, she doesn't beat a 1000 year old super villain with the power of friendship, and she doesn't end up on a voyage across the world in hopes of finding the One Piece, just a basic premise of living an ordinary everyday life with a hint of humor and romance on top of it. So just this very first part alone should entice you to read the first chapter or not.
Characters: 7 I
like them, the main character alone is enough for me keep pulling me in for the next chapter. I have nothing really else to say other than the fact that I hate none of them, and they all have a place in the story.
Art 6: It's basic lol, I have nothing else to say but I think I was too kind for this high of a rating but I liked the story and I thought the art made the MC look cute in my honest opinion.
Enjoyment: 8 I didn't want to wait a full on weekend for every new chapter to come out and wanted a manga to binge, and yeah I don't regret reading this fully from start to end, and yes I thought it had a cute ending, unlike a certain bunch of other series I won't name.
Overall: 7 If you're bored, give the first chapter a read, you're not really losing much doing so.
Anyways thanks for reading, I wish I can add in more but there's only so much I can honestly explain.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 20, 2021
This is from the same author who made Hell's Paradise, so expect the same vibe with this manga series. It's still in it's early stages but if you read Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, Parasyte, Chainsaw Man or anything with that kind of action/horror/yakuza genre and you're looking for something with the same kind of feel then this might be a really good recommendations since Hell's Paradise was really good and it feels like even in its first few chapters it's building up to be just as great also.
Story - 9:
I can't give it a 10 yet since it's still too early to tell but it
captured my attention immediately with that first chapter and it already settled its own worldbuilding in no less than six chapters and it's something I'm really looking forward to explore. Keep in mind, this manga does not hold back and that was the beauty of Hell's Paradise so expect the unexpected with this growing gem.
Art - 10:
It's beautiful and again it's as beautiful and awe inspiring like it was with Hell's Paradise and sorry if I keep mentioning that lol but that's another series I recommend to anyone that just began this series also. Everyone looks distinct, the art in the background is telling its own story, and you can actually see the action and feel the impact of each blow.
Character - 9:
We only got introduce to two main characters so far like Maruo and Urara but they're good enough to keep you compel in their upcoming journeys plus the background characters and upcoming enemies look tantalizing and I can't wait to explore more info on them.
Enjoyment - 10:
I'm excited to see where this story's direction is going and I want to keep reading more. I hope to God this series gets more traction so please, I urge to give this manga a try.
Overall - 9:
It'll probably be a 10 in the future with the way it's going, it got potential and a whole f$%@ ton of it. I'll re-review every 20 chapter or so, so for right now it's good for the first 6 chapters we have right now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 19, 2021
This is one of those series that you have to give a try and read more than just a few chapters in order to appreciate the greatness and potential that this manga has. This is also the author's first work... which I say I'm looking forward to his future projects once he finishes this series because it's just that damn good. So anyways my first impressions going into this was that it was interesting and I like the fact that the Uncle who is the main character of the story just got back from finishing his Isekai'd journey and still retained most of the powers
and items he had, so most of the story is basically him telling his nephew, who he's living with, about his stories in his own charming way. It starts out a bit depressing and sometimes the uncle can be insufferable to some other people but as the chapters kept on rolling the stories started to become charming (The Elve), cute (Mabel), a bit Ecchi (Alicia), very comedic (The Uncle most of the time and also Edgar and Raiga) and can be very interesting as he tries to understand why he got Isekai'd and how he can come back to Japan.
Story 8: It's not a 9 or 10 but the fact that it makes you intrigued about the other world, also I haven't really touched the part where they're in the real world in Japan where he's telling his nephew, Takafumi and his nephew's love interest (C'mon man we all know it lol), Fujimiya and the real world is basically the real world, nothing interesting but it's nice to see that the uncle is trying to adjust with the 17 years of advancements Earth has made while he was in his comatose Isekai. So all together it builds a lot of interesting concepts here and I can see this becoming an easy 9 or hell even 10 in the future as the manga delves in more.
Art 10: I've been spoiled with awesome artwork and animation in a lot of mangas/animes I've read/watched before so it really makes me so picky with this score... but to answer your question yes this is one of those mangas with really good art work and really dives into the details. It can be awesome, cute, sexy, comedic, unique and just really pleasing to the eyes most of the time and best of all it really contributes to the story which is perfect.
Characters 9: There's only a few of them but they're all memorable and have the best chemistry with each other and no one seems to be out of place. If I can remember the names of all the characters named in this manga, then it basically did a good job on introducing them. The only reason it's not a perfect 10 is because it's not yet over and there's still some development to be had for some of the minorer (not a word but I have use it lol) characters who I hope to see more of in the future.
Enjoyment: 10 I'll be honest, I expected nothing with a title like that and thought I'll be reading another boring Isekai... and the next day I just caught up with the most recent chapter which is 35. So who knows, maybe you'll enjoy the crap out of this series like I did too or just be another series you gave only 4 chapters and dropped it before it's full potential is realized.
And that's overall a 9, I'll probably update more on this review in the future because I'm very eager to read the next chapter and I really want people to give the manga or anime (which it's getting) a chance.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2021
Story 6: You got the basic Isekai element, man gets teleported to a random world with some gaming elements, you've probably seen or read that thousand of times at this point. I know 6 is a kind of bad score to give but listen please, I enjoyed reading every chapter of this story even if most arcs are really rushed, most of the world building is kinda.... there, and most of the character development is... again just there. In my honest opinion it feels like this story could've been perfect, it has the elements of making a much better series but again those three problems
consist too much and apparently it's near its climax which I feel it's way toooooo soon. Anyways I feel like I should say more about this series but there's not really much you haven't seen before which kinda makes me sad because it has the feel to be its own series with its own unique aspects but right now its just another Isekai with some business aspects,
Art 7: You've seen this art before in many other basic Isekais or shonens with the same backgrounds I bet too. The only reason why I gave it a 7 instead of a 5 is because some of the designs for a few characters actually look good and there's some scenes I feel are pretty well drawn.
Character 6: Ninomiya carries this whole entire series on his back like everything he did or will do gave me a reason to read the next chapter, he's just that good but everyone else... I feel like they can be done a bit better, I mean don't give me wrong they are a good cast but not many of them other than Rim somewhat get the star time they deserve due to the fast pacing of this manga. It's like reading One Piece but you only know Luffy's dreams, characteristics and power but no one else gets that type of development which will probably turn you off in a way or at that point you're mainly just reading it for Luffy's star power but no one elses.
Enjoyment 9: I really enjoy reading this manga, I spent a month trying to find a new series but ended up dropping highly rated community score (Like around the 8s, I'm very picky) mangas in 10 chapters or so but this one which is scored lowly (which I can see why now lol) ended up peaking my interest. I know I said a lot of critical things but this is definitely not a boring read.
Overall 7: Give it a skip or read it, it's up to you to make the decision. I made mine and I don't regret catching up to the most recent chapter and I will finalize this review once the manga finished, til then my friends ~.
Side Note: This is Youhei's first work, so all I can say to that is coodles to you and wish you the best of luck in the future~!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 29, 2021
Let me answer a question first before I get to the review, do I have to read Seven Deadly Sins in order to understand this series? For the time being... it doesn't look like it, it may be a sequel but as far as the first few chapters go you can easily get into it and yeah you will hear about some characters and lore about the first series but it's not enough to force you to read all 364 chapters of SDS. I will re-edit this review just in case tho ~
Story - 8: It's simple, as I said above easy to pick up,
and interesting enough to keep you intrigue for the next chapter. Plus I love the fact that the author is once again is mixing Religion alongside the Arthurian Legend with a hint of his own imagination... which is really captivating to see honestly just like the first series and I just hope it doesn't end up as disappointing as it did too. So for the mean time I have a lot of hope that this series will deliver and do much better than the prequel ever can do but for right now! It's an 8 in its larvae stage.
Art - 10: The main thing I loved in the first series was the art and it does not disappoint in the sequel, it's unique, really detailed, and it's basically telling another story without having to say anything. I wish I can praise it more but it's all my opinion and I know it can be a hit or miss, but I'm an artist myself, and I can take some inspiration with some of the backgrounds and character designs here.
Character - 8: Every character in this series are still in their introductions including the main himself, so there's not much to say but I really like how innocent and wholesome Percival is so far. I gave this an 8 because I would love to know more on this cast in the future.
Enjoyment - 8: It's still relatively new but it's good enough to keep me wanting to read and it gives me the same vibes when I used to be really into Seven Deadly Sins (before it became doo doo crap at the end).
Overall - 8: I'll make sure to update my review once it gets to 50 chapters but for the mean time, give it a read or atleast put it on your to read list.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 5, 2021
(Review in Progress) This is the current work of the author who wrote both Yankee-Kun to Megane-Chan (Flunk Punk Rumble) and of course Yamada-kun to 7-nin No Majo (Yamada and the Seven Witches). Both of them good series in their right and they both had their own criticisms but they both had a lot of charm to them to keep you reading. I had to mention these two series first because it's not as funny as those two were, doesn't have a big and colorful cast, not really much drama as I thought it would have for love comedy harem, and it feels like there's
not much of foundation to keep you interest. I'll get more in depth but the reason I kept reading was because Yamada had a down time in its series in the middle but it managed to bring itself up to the conclusion... Yankee was a bit of the opposite... but still a good series regardless!
Story (4): All I have to say is that this third series had a lot to live up to after we got both Yankee and Yamada and all I have to say is that it's no where near as good as those two. It's a harem, between his set up to be Fiance Erika Amano, his test score rival and crush Hiro Segawa, and (possibly? It's been over 40 chapters and they still messing around whether they both just see each other as siblings or not) his thought to be biological sister Sachi Umino. The first chapter atleast simplifies these three as the main contenders buttttt there's no conflict..... It feels like there should be conflict but there's none whatsoever, we kept being told that there's a storm brewing the next chapter but again nothing ****ing happens and everything is resolved... I'm going to mention Yankee and Yamada again real quick here, in 48 chapters we get to meet a bunch of characters, had some conflicts, had a bunch of laughs, and we get to see some sort of drama... Cuckoo ain't got none of that, I laughed a few times and most of the 'love' situations are so forced that its cringeworthy and one more thing to note is there's not really any story arcs atleast up to chapter 48.
I'm just hoping the story picks up from here... please do.
Art (7): It's certainly the same as the last two series so I don't know why it feels like she got a bit lazy with the character designs.
Character (4): We only got 4 characters that the story revolves around and they're odd. Lets start with Nagi, he's the main character of this manga but there's really not much known about him... he has some quirks that can be explored but they're not really explained like how he's supposedly really strong but no one mentions it and there's more but I rather keep this short and say that after 48 chapters, there's still so little we know of him....
Erika... I really don't care too much for her and all her interactions with Nagi seemed super forced, the chapters with both of these two are usually the ones I can't get into and had to motivate myself to keep reading, she's not per say a bad character.
Sachi is probably my favorite character in this mostly because she's interesting, she has actual traits of being a complete character and the chapters she's in are some of the ones I look forward to.
Hiro... she's alright, nothing bad about her at all but there's seems to be something up with her and I look forward to seeing what she's up to.
Okay that's it, in 48 CHAPTERS, there's only been little development with and between these characters, and there's only one other minor character that's not their parents but he rarely shows up and you don't really get to know much about him at all!
Enjoyment (4): It's disappointing even without comparing Yamada or Yankee, it's still really disappointing. I only read because I was such a big fan of the mangaka and was hoping to see her get more attention but this is not it chief.
Overall (5): One question... How did they not know that their kids were switched in the first place. Like imagine this, didn't they get told what gender their baby was before they sat them in beds, did they atleast see what kind of colored hair their babies had, and I can keep going but I'll stop here. Okay lets ignored all of the above and try to get into this situation, wouldn't you be questioning your spouse because both Nagi and Erika had no similar traits as their 'mother' and 'father'. It's one of the biggest nitpicks for me and I just can't get over how dumb that sounds, but I guess it would make sense if they were the same gender and had the same colored hair but what ever... Just ignore this big elephant of a question if you truly are going to read on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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