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Jan 23, 8:31 AM

Nov 2011
Impressive but I'm not too surprised. Kenshin always seemed like the type who learns quickly including powerful new skills. Hiko might be his best mentor yet.

Another buildup episode but important one for Kenshin. He needs to learn more than just new skills but also self discipline in fighting. Every part of his body is a weapon that he can make use. I'm also impressed by how much Hiko knows about the art of combat.
Jan 23, 8:31 AM

Mar 2021
the master doesn't age much that's funny makes the past scenes confusing sometimes lol

didn't know Kenshin might have a connection to Christianity interesting detail

the move where either you die or kill the apprentice intense moment really shows the depth of their relationship

even the strongest sword technique requires suitable physique makes sense why Kenshin struggles so much

Jan 23, 8:32 AM

Dec 2021
Really did like this part in the OG/manga because it showed that up til now, we always thought Kenshin was this unstoppable badass that could always stand his ground. But with Seijuurou it's shown on full display just how weak Kenshin is compared to him, and that he still has a LOT to learn if he not only wants to get stronger, but to also defeat Makoto and protect his comrades.

This episode did get me questioning though, Hitenmitsurugi Ryu is all about moving super fast right? So like, why didn’t Kenshin ever think to just hit all nine suigetsus at the same time with that speed eh. But yeah, the way Seijuurou is teaching Kenshin is kinda the same thing Kenshin told Yahiko last season. But then in this episode, he's out here choosing a stance that just drains all his stamina lol.

God though, LIDEN fucking cooked with the attack and montage scene. So much raw emotion and power that could make a man cry. With this episode it's pretty much set in stone that Seijuurou is up there with the best sensei's in shounen.

Jan 23, 8:32 AM

May 2020
That was an unforgettable first meeting… literally, for both Kenshin and Hiko Seijuro, and for plenty of reasons as well. Btw, I do hope Kenshin knows what actually has happened while he was, and is, busy here getting the entire crash course on his new technique. Though if he isn’t, he’ll pretty soon as I mean now that an even advanced version of hiten mitsurugi-ryu has been passed down to him, we’ll see him making a comeback to the outer world. Kuzuryusen looks pretty dope as well, might be Kenshin’s most stylish attack yet.

Have really enjoyed Kenshin and Seijuro’s bond as well. They go wayyy back and it really does show. I mean not everyone in this series has seen Kenshin’s childhood. People know him as the hitokiri he was… after he became the legend, but yeah, this man has been near him since his childhood, has given him his name and yeah, has taught him all of that which eventually made Kenshin, THE Kenshin. Really the kind of closure this training arc deserved as well. Yeah, pretty much this was the best one this season.
Softhenic03Jan 23, 8:38 AM
Jan 23, 9:31 AM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 23, 11:08 AM

Feb 2019
Without a fucking doubt one of the best episodes of this series to date. Incredible. Kenshin and Hiko’s father/son relationship was so beautiful.

Here’s a guy in Hiko who’s probably the strongest in Japan considering he’s above Kenshin(until the end of the ep) and even he was shaken to his core by Kenshin’s spirit when he found him. Very cool that it was Hiko’s idea to take Kenshin under his wing! It’s a miracle that Kenshin is even able to smile and laugh like he does now after being sold off into slavery and then surviving something like that..

But what blows my mind is how strong Hiko is. Like we’ve seen Kenshin take on some absolute demons in this series and come out on top, but with his master’s he’s still a boy in a sense and it took everything to just land a scratch on him! Just shows there’s so much more room for him to grow as a person and swordsman and this episode did a great job on both fronts

When Hiko took off the shoulder pads and cut a damn line in the earth my jaw dropped. Kinda got some Rock Lee Naruto vibes when he dropped the weights! It never dawned on me that the missing ingredient Kenshin needed was the will to live! In every fight he’s just fighting to protect other people, but never to save himself. The lack of self preservation and will to live is what he needed. When we’re afraid it’s how we surpass our limits and grow as people. Can’t be brave without fear. Such a cool scene seeing him finally master the technique. Something tells me Megumi won’t be happy about Kaoru being the first person he saw in his mind tho 😂

But RIP Hiko, that farewell next week is gonna be heartbreaking from basically the only father Kenshin ever known.
Marinate1016Jan 23, 11:49 AM
Jan 23, 11:32 AM

Aug 2020
grandiose, bellissimo,incroyable

this was art from the beginning to the end of the episode

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Jan 23, 11:55 AM
Jul 2023
I don’t recall some of this dialogue and scenes in the original adaptation but perhaps I’m forgetting (its been a while since I’ve seen it) because it seems Lidenfilms took a lot of inspiration from the OVA Trust and Betrayal with Kenshins background.
Even if I’m wrong still is one of the best episodes so far.
Jan 23, 1:24 PM
Jul 2024
Ah yes, while he trains, we get peaks at the OG story. I forgot the whole War Orphan thing, honestly.
Jan 23, 1:30 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Pranksteure
the master doesn't age much that's funny makes the past scenes confusing sometimes lol

didn't know Kenshin might have a connection to Christianity interesting detail

the move where either you die or kill the apprentice intense moment really shows the depth of their relationship

even the strongest sword technique requires suitable physique makes sense why Kenshin struggles so much

@Pranksteure To me, though, and forgive this, it recalls the Rule of Two for the Sith Lords. One Master, one apprentice. Same deal basically. Only treachery was allowed & expected in their order. Otherwise...
Jan 23, 1:56 PM

Feb 2012
The flashback was crazily done well.
Kenshin finally lands a hit on his master but neglects his landing. His master is a man of his word and teaches him a new technique but he has to figure out
the ultimate technique from that.
They weren't even his parents, he was in slavery until his masters were killed by those probably wanting to steal him; he was not emancipated until Hiko Seijuro took care of the rest with his sword. The girls who were his fellow slaves were not so lucky and he gives them headstones unlike the slavers who were marked with crosses.
Now that's how Shinta got the name Kenshin.
Seijuro remembering Kenshin's stupid moments really cements him as a father figure.
The present combat scene was exceptionally well to.
Faced with his potential death, Kenshin thinks of Kaoru! He can't die yet, he can't even think to die yet.
Seijuro understands Kenshin's situation perfectly. Regarding life; he's taken many and to atone protects many, but he thinks too lightly of his own life.
Kenshin has been taught the importance of his will to live to overcome the hitokiri inside himself, thus he's learned Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki.
Fortress_MaximusJan 24, 3:22 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jan 23, 2:31 PM

Jun 2012
Mastering the ultimate technique is no easy task, but Kenshin is gradually making progress. The climax is intense, with the outcome of both techniques reaching a dramatic resolution.
Jan 23, 2:33 PM

Jul 2024
Even better than the OG
Jan 23, 2:59 PM
Jun 2020
Pretty awesome ! A episode after the anime returned - 13 or 14 - was pretty awesome tbh but I dont remember all my opnion. About this one I choosed to reopen on browser just to rewatch the end of this episode. U guys are fucking awesome ! Congratulations for the anime you are making. I had to go here and make a review. Last episode Saito told something about tsukashi from karate - i never heard this b4 even being a karateka - made me feel like you producers are reading the comments. Sooo cool. Awesome <33 AWESOME JOB ! KEEP ON GOING ! =D
Jan 23, 3:29 PM
Oct 2020
Great episode. We see how Kenshin got his name as well through a flashback. Kenshin gets passed on the ultimate technique from his master as well. Honestly really loved his master who made Kenshin which everyone else sees as a monster man slayer that's the strongest into just another man a human like everyone else. He really made it apparent that even Kenshin still has flaws he needs to improve upon.

Also do these two have anti-aging techniques as well or something? They gotta because they both look young still. From the flashback to now the master didn't change a bit. Also he really had a Goku weights moment there.
Jan 23, 4:18 PM
May 2021
how is nobody talking about how this studio had the guts to attempt to adapt trust and betrayal now that was bold
Jan 23, 4:25 PM

Dec 2018
“The will to live is stronger than anything”, I love that, that is powerful stuff. It was pretty obvious that was the thing Kenshin was missing since he kept saying he had to learn this move even if it kills him, I mean what’s the point in learning the move if you’re dead lol, but I really loved the way Kenshin was made to realize it. The first person he thought of in the face of death was Kaoru, and after her was a lot of other people he’s come to know along the way, he used to have a problem with pushing people away, but having that issue resolved also led to valuing his own life which I think is very beautiful, it’s kinda funny it took his life being threatened to come to this conclusion but I guess this was the only way Kenshin would be convinced lol.

It was also cool seeing those flashback scenes, it really adds a lot to the relationship Kenshin has with Seijuro, it’s just unfortunate it looks like we aren’t gonna have a lot of time to appreciate it since Seijuro wasn’t looking so good at the end of this episode, we knew it was coming since Seijuro himself said only one of them would make it out of this alive, but damn it still hurts lol. But at least this means Kenshin’s training is finally done, and soon the fight will be taken to Shishio instead, I’m really looking forward to seeing how Kenshin makes use of this new ultimate move.
Jan 23, 6:47 PM
Oct 2016
Kenshin has reached his master's heights of power. Some intense training requiring Kenshin to dig deep if he wants to complete it and escape with his life. Suijuro really put Kenshin through the pages, he said he was holding back but I don't believe him. He was definitely wacking Kenshin around as much as he could. Their big jumping clash midair looked so cool under a waterfall and everything. We got some basic training moments that were very by the book but the end with Kenshin realizing he can't die yet he's got so much to live for hit me emotionally. Kenshin remembering all the people who would be sad by him dying, how many people he's helped since this whole journey started. It was tough for Kenshin to fight his master full force like that but definitely necessary given how far he needed his heart to go.
Jan 23, 8:35 PM

Nov 2021
I love the moral of this episode. "The will to live is stronger than anything". Seijurou better not be dead though, I would really hate that especially since Kenshin's whole thing is to not kill.
Jan 23, 11:45 PM

Jan 2017
cakesandwakes said:
I don’t recall some of this dialogue and scenes in the original adaptation but perhaps I’m forgetting (its been a while since I’ve seen it)

The part about Hiko's cape was cut in the 1996's Anime, but aside of that, it's the same.

cakesandwakes said:
it seems Lidenfilms took a lot of inspiration from the OVA Trust and Betrayal with Kenshins background.
Xrotics_13- said:
how is nobody talking about how this studio had the guts to attempt to adapt trust and betrayal now that was bold

Actually, that's the opposite.

The flashback from when Kenshin was called Shinta was from here, in the Kyoto Arc, in the Manga. It's also like that in the 1996's Anime, but they very slightly extended it, and incorporated it again while adapting the Tsuioku-hen Chapters in the OVAs (the Manga didn't mention that flashback during the Tsuioku-hen Chapters).

They will adapt Tsuioku-hen again tho, it's absolutely mandatory for the final Arc.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jan 24, 12:33 AM

Apr 2016
Kenshin learned the new technique...
...but killed his master, paradoxical that he did not want to kill, but he kills his sensei!
Jan 24, 12:33 AM

Apr 2016
Kenshin learned the new technique...
...but killed his master, paradoxical that he did not want to kill, but he kills his sensei!
Jan 24, 4:49 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to Ranxomare
Kenshin learned the new technique...
...but killed his master, paradoxical that he did not want to kill, but he kills his sensei!

VindicaterJan 24, 11:21 PM
Jan 24, 5:12 AM
Jul 2023
Reply to Vindicater

@Vindicater if you do this reply, please do with spoiler mention. There are many people who dont read manga and dont know the story
Jan 24, 7:35 AM

Feb 2012
Insane episode. The pace and direct was really masterful
Jan 24, 7:41 AM

Feb 2020
Dang this is it. The young part of Kenshin already had those memories of darkness, in which, if its not from his resolution to wander far to meet Kaoru and the rest, he can't survive and master the last piece of his sword technique. Interesting concept of secret technique. A strong nine-point thrust counter, straightly ex-Shinta refuse to death. Kinda suit well against Aoshi thrust technique with his two swords tho. But what about the flame that Shishio own? More so when against the blind ronin. Curious what lies behind all the actions forward. But yeah, lets just see for the next already!
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Jan 24, 7:43 AM

Jun 2015
Back then Kenshin's master must had been some force on the field. The insight into the various slashes was damm interesting. Even as a kid Kenshin's kindness was undeniable. Though i would say that creating graves for the bandits was just a wasted effort. Damm Seijuro sure was pretty buff thats for sure. Kudos to Kenshin for finding the spark that was needed to ignite his motivation. Still i wonder is the cost for passing the technique to another the life of the master. Because if it is it sure is steep price.
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Jan 24, 8:07 AM
Nov 2017
Kenshin better be wearing that weighted cape next episode and onwards..

Although, I'm kind of annoyed how master lost even though he took off his weights that were holding him back, and he supposedly said he was better in skill and strength which he was lacking
YuushaNiJan 24, 7:28 PM
Jan 24, 6:40 PM

Oct 2010
Reply to YuushaNi
Kenshin better be wearing that weighted cape next episode and onwards..

Although, I'm kind of annoyed how master lost even though he took off his weights that were holding him back, and he supposedly said he was better in skill and strength which he was lacking
@YuushaNi Yeah seems unrealistic considering, but it advances the story.
Jan 24, 9:46 PM

Feb 2016
Man, I was waiting for this episode! Kenshin's backstory, and his cool ass teacher.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Jan 24, 11:22 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to Miraz_Un_Nabi
@Vindicater if you do this reply, please do with spoiler mention. There are many people who dont read manga and dont know the story

Sorry. Fixed it now.
Jan 25, 12:35 AM
Jul 2023
Reply to YuushaNi
Kenshin better be wearing that weighted cape next episode and onwards..

Although, I'm kind of annoyed how master lost even though he took off his weights that were holding him back, and he supposedly said he was better in skill and strength which he was lacking
YuushaNi said:
Although, I'm kind of annoyed how master lost even though he took off his weights that were holding him back, and he supposedly said he was better in skill and strength which he was lacking

He is master, he is not here for fighting with his pupil. He is here to teach. He is 100% skillful to block Kenshin's amakakeru ryo nu hirameki. Because he had seen that Kenshin figured out the technique. But if he did, Kenshin couldn't learn the final technique.
And it is all the fate of Hitenmitsurugi ryu's master, they had to end their life while passing the ultimate secret technique to his pupil.
Jan 25, 1:27 AM

Dec 2007
So up to now I've been kinda let down by the remake as someone who is a massive Kenshin fan. Literally one of the main reasons I follow anime and manga today. Biggest reason has been the handling of THE big moments and scenes (like Kenshin vs Saito / Kenshin saying goodbye to Karou). Up until now they've just been a let down to just bad. But I'll give the remake credit today. This certainly counts as one of the big moments and I was curious how it'd go and they did it well. I'd still take the original version over it slightly (mainly b/c the music is better and the handling of Kenshin realizing what he lacks was also better I think), but I can't complain. Good job remake, hopefully it continue to handle these key moments with this level of quality and keeps improving.
Jan 25, 10:33 AM
Jan 2009
Was Hiko's cape always so pointy? It made me wonder who is pointier Seijuro Hiko or Seto Kaiba?
Jan 25, 12:07 PM

Nov 2011
Kenshin that wets his bed, everyone has some past xD
Jan 25, 12:23 PM
Sep 2022
That backstory was done really well
Jan 25, 6:09 PM
Jun 2021
Best adapted episode so far.
Jan 27, 6:01 AM

Oct 2016
I forgot how cool Kuzuryusen and Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki look written down.
Jan 27, 8:37 PM

Jul 2016
That moment when you realize Hiko Seijuurou could conclude the arc sooner if he had decided to face Shishio himself. Truly the power of experience and badassery.

And seriously, what a cool fucking name "Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki" is!
Jan 29, 2:16 AM
Mar 2019
So there it is. The reason why Kenshin is so special in spite of his apparent weak stature is his will to live. This is why I love this character a lot. He's a true underdog gifted (cursed?) with the most dangerous of skills. We're heading into deep waters now. Now begins the road to Shishio Makoto.
Jan 30, 8:51 AM

Apr 2018
It was great to see more backstory of Kenshin with his master and now the ultimate training for the dragon arcana, but yeah it's true that Kenshin forgot that value his own life as well with his no kill policy and now he knows that he must survive no matter what... damn that ending though, he managed to slash his master, the wound is massive.
Jan 30, 11:24 PM

Jul 2008
I got one word to say about the ultimate technique......OW!
Mar 5, 5:58 PM

Jul 2017
A young Kenshin having to witness a brutal killing, this is what remains a core memory for his master Seijuro Hiko, now retraining his idiot apprentice one more time.

Having landed a hit on his master after 10 long years, Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu finally gets an upgrade learning its ultimate form of the 9-hit consecutive Kuzuryuusen, though Hiko has no time wanting Kenshin to quickly master the technique as well. But when compared to the TRUE ultimate of Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki, Kuzuryuusen is only a test to see if the user can properly execute the form in its brutal fatality, and Kenshin unfortunately is not at that point yet, so Hiko giving Kenshin the night to do an introspective and find his soul, that's as much motivation as he would spoonfeed to his apprentice.

The flashback of Kenshin (formerly Shinta) and Hiko when the former is just a young orphan, taken care of people that lost their lives and given a new identity from the master that would shape his life for 19 years, it's not easy living and mastering under such a master who has been suppressing his powers as its true successor, and yet, not giving his apprentice the light of the day to act on confusion. Still, Kenshin's reason for living because of Kaoru and the others, is the reason he's able to master the ultimate technique, and render his master a goner.

To pass down such power, the responsibility just turned even bigger for Kenshin now...

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