I hate the question "if there is no point, why not just kill yourself". Initially it seems like a valid question, especially for someone who might think there is no real ending goal in life. But just because there is no goal, that does not mean you cannot make a reason for yourself, or even set your own goals. If nothing matters, then everything is of equal value. Nihilism is the ultimate truth, but it’s not something to live by.
We are nothing but a random occurance and compared to the universe we will die off as quietly as we appeared
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Dari indo juga kan
Thanks Udh Acc Friend Request!
Salam Kenal yaa!^^
Tpi keknya yg paling deket si Feena dari Ys 1& II, di wiki juga Feena :v
Iya bro, bingung kalo banyak backlog wkwk
Seri Trails juga mayan udah banyak juga nongol di Steam, tapi keknya ga dalem waktu dekat mau nyoba, backlog masih banyak wkwk
Ys origin sama Ys 1 & II saling nyambung, karna Ys origins prequel Ys1 & II, Ys oath atau Ys III remake baru beda tempat dan seterusnya
Dan char2 Ys sebelumnya, terkadang ada kembali lg di Ys yg baru
Makasih banyak bro :D
Kalo 8 dan lainnya terpaksa nunggu dah kebeli PC baru bisa lanjut, laptop skrg ga kuat wkwk.
Seri Trails ada rencana mau nyoba kapan2 nanti, keknya menarik
Ys walaupun story rata2 ga panjang, gameplaynya seru sama difficulty cukup brutal di Ys yg seri klasik kalo main di mode nightmare
Kalo Ys yg baru2 ga sehard Ys klasik, tapi tetep masih bagus story sama gameplaynya.
Fans seri Trails ini pasti
kalo gua game jrpg favorit seri Final fantasy sama Ys
Yoroshiku :)
Btw suka game jrpg juga ni keknya xD
Glad you've read them.