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May 19, 2014 9:20 PM

Aug 2012
Man, South Park is from 1997 o_O
Didnt know that it was this old , lol

This episode: Random.
Jun 5, 2014 12:37 AM

Jul 2013
Meg-nyan said:
Ahhhh this was a really good episode!!!
You can definitely see the growth in Naota in this episode, him gaining more confidence and independence and boldly standing up to Mamimi more than once.
He's starting to see that Mamimi never really cared for him in the first place.
And Naota + Canti = Atomsk???? Freaking awesome.

I love the symbolism in this show.
"Komugi, are you there?"

Jul 11, 2014 2:05 AM

Oct 2013
hasha great episode
he lost his eyebrows and became a girlyman
dat guitar at the end XD
he tried to kiss her and well yeah that happened XD
Sep 20, 2014 7:14 PM

Jul 2013
South Park!! and... Atomsk? huh?
Sep 29, 2014 12:49 PM

Jan 2014
Naoka's father is just... what the...
Oct 8, 2014 5:21 AM

Oct 2013
haru is now frothing over the robot coz he got a cool guitar XD
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Nov 17, 2014 9:11 AM

Jun 2014
Talking to the 4th wall maybe?

Nov 22, 2014 5:05 PM
Jul 2018
Why was his dad fully decked out in Nazi garb?
Either way, episode was hilarious, but I'm still convinced that it's just plain awful.
Dec 21, 2014 3:39 AM

May 2011
Apart from the usual random action in the second half, this episode really brought out some of the most insightful and intense development of the involved characters, namely Naota and Mamimi. It is more and more evident that Naota has matured gradually since Haruko's appearance, and the rift in relationship between Naota and Mamimi as she starts to observe that Naota has already grown to be a man different from his brother, and not just another copy of his brother who always admires and wants to be like him. It is obvious that Haruko is still stuck in the past, calling out to his brother's name when he was trying to save her from the usual alien mech.

Nevertheless, his flamboyance (hinted) over the series of events still highlighted his immaturity at this juncture, and it is hinted that Ninamori saw through him (since both of them are rather similar, yet highly in contrast with each other.) It is these subtle scenes and not the bombastic actions which actually took my charm, indeed. The reason why I can enjoy Gainax's works is because of all these little details, and not the outright screen-capturing action sequences which pay homage to almost anything.

Well, the best part of this episode was still the first four minutes or so, which actually confirmed us over Naota's evident crush on Haruko. That kiss was uncannily surprising though, especially coming after the guitar being mentioned. (Which was a sexual innuendo leftover from the past episode)
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Dec 21, 2014 3:41 AM

May 2011
I hope I'm not just the one who actually enjoyed the anime not for its random action scenes, but its messages though.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Feb 20, 2015 7:01 PM

Aug 2014
I loved the South parks reference.
I'm starting to realize that this whole story is basically a metaphor or allegory for kids who get into sex with older women when they are young.
I think that the guitar symbolizes Naota's dick.
Foolycooly either means the idea of a kid like Naota playing (or being played with) by older women, or it just means getting a hickey.
I think that Naota and Haruko have already had sex like twice. When the kids in the truck were asking him what he had done with her, I think that Naota and them got all red-faced because they actually had sex metaphorically when the baseball came down rather than hitting a random baseball away. Another hint at that was the fact that the class president was sucking on the popsicle like it was a dick right when they said that.
When Haruko and her dad were fighting, it could be that they were in a relationship and she got "foolycooly" with Naota during the relation ship and the dad was literally fighting his kid in the world that this show is showing through an allegory. When Haruko was fighting with the red-head guy, that could have represented that she was also in a fight with him as her boyfriend. At the end they might have fucked metaphorically because when she left him she said "small as usual" and the heart she pulled out of him looked like a small dick. Then she went back to Naota because apparently he's more sexually impressive to her than the red haired guy because she said something along those lines to the red-head as she left. In the last episode, when it looked like the red-head was questioning Naota, he was asking him about his dad, so, maybe he was trying to figure out if Haruko was cheating on him with Naota's dad, which she was.
Another important moment to the allegory was when Mamimi was all sad with Naota. As you can see, Naota's character has developed during the series from the first episode because he is more sexually aggressive with Mamimi now rather than in the first episode where he didn't care. He was too sexual for Mamimi though, because she was all sad that he had gone too far and was "foolycooly' with others. He was trying to get her back by acting like the "thing" that they had for eachother was more than it was and it seemed to have scared her a bit.

This show is turning out to be quite interesting, I'm liking it more and more now, now that I know of more of the symbolism and the behind the scenes allegory that is going on in this show. At first, I thought it was just some lame comedy anime, but its turning out to be quite cool.... foolycool.....foolycooly!
Mar 29, 2015 11:21 AM
Mar 2015
The anime gets better with every episodes. I still don't really know about what it is, but it makes fun. Espacially all the references for other TV shows or animes are great. In this episode I think I saw One Piece, Sailor Moon and South Park.

Apr 21, 2015 1:31 PM

Oct 2014
Loved the battle scene, and aw Naoto is growing up so fast :')

I died when Haruko picked her nose after fighting eyebrows guy xD

And the South Park art parody was pretty funny as well!

Also, Naota's dad dressed as a Nazi xD
Oct 9, 2015 12:59 PM

May 2015
All I really got out of this episode is that Nato's friend likes squeaking like a mouse a lot, for some reason Kamon owns a Nazi officer uniform and that one of Haruko's alien powers is apparently the ability to shoot a boxing glove out of her vagina.

It's weird. I just finished watching Assassin's Classroom and said it was the weirdest anime I'd ever seen. It looks like it just got one-uped.
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Oct 19, 2015 1:48 PM

May 2015
that southpark reference though.
Nov 15, 2015 6:11 PM

Feb 2015
pacuuuuu3 said:
This is awesome, I wish I understood it more

Guess I'll have to read the manga

there's a manga...O_O MUST REED.

grayrebornnhy said:
Apart from the usual random action in the second half, this episode really brought out some of the most insightful and intense development of the involved characters, namely Naota and Mamimi. It is more and more evident that Naota has matured gradually since Haruko's appearance, and the rift in relationship between Naota and Mamimi as she starts to observe that Naota has already grown to be a man different from his brother, and not just another copy of his brother who always admires and wants to be like him. It is obvious that Haruko is still stuck in the past, calling out to his brother's name when he was trying to save her from the usual alien mech.

Nevertheless, his flamboyance (hinted) over the series of events still highlighted his immaturity at this juncture, and it is hinted that Ninamori saw through him (since both of them are rather similar, yet highly in contrast with each other.) It is these subtle scenes and not the bombastic actions which actually took my charm, indeed. The reason why I can enjoy Gainax's works is because of all these little details, and not the outright screen-capturing action sequences which pay homage to almost anything.

Well, the best part of this episode was still the first four minutes or so, which actually confirmed us over Naota's evident crush on Haruko. That kiss was uncannily surprising though, especially coming after the guitar being mentioned. (Which was a sexual innuendo leftover from the past episode)

not sure how a guitar = sex but ok...

berserker15 said:
I loved the South parks reference.
I'm starting to realize that this whole story is basically a metaphor or allegory for kids who get into sex with older women when they are young.
I think that the guitar symbolizes Naota's dick.
Foolycooly either means the idea of a kid like Naota playing (or being played with) by older women, or it just means getting a hickey.
I think that Naota and Haruko have already had sex like twice. When the kids in the truck were asking him what he had done with her, I think that Naota and them got all red-faced because they actually had sex metaphorically when the baseball came down rather than hitting a random baseball away. Another hint at that was the fact that the class president was sucking on the popsicle like it was a dick right when they said that.
When Haruko and her dad were fighting, it could be that they were in a relationship and she got foolycooly with Naota during the relation ship and the dad was literally fighting his kid in the world that this show is showing through an allegory. When Haruko was fighting with the red-head guy, that could have represented that she was also in a fight with him as her boyfriend. At the end they might have fucked metaphorically because when she left him she said "small as usual" and the heart she pulled out of him looked like a small dick. Then she went back to Naota because apparently he's more sexually impressive to her than the red haired guy because she said something along those lines to the red-head as she left. In the last episode, when it looked like the red-head was questioning Naota, he was asking him about his dad, so, maybe he was trying to figure out if Haruko was cheating on him with Naota's dad, which she was.
Another important moment to the allegory was when Mamimi was all sad with Naota. As you can see, Naota's character has developed during the series from the first episode because he is more sexually aggressive with Mamimi now rather than in the first episode where he didn't care. He was too sexual for Mamimi though, because she was all sad that he had gone too far and was "foolycooly' with others. He was trying to get her back by acting like the thing that they had for eachother was more than it was and it seemed to have scared her a bit.

This show is turning out to be quite interesting, I'm liking it more and more now, now that I know of more of the symbolism and the behind the scenes allegory that is going on in this show. At first, I thought it was just some lame comedy anime, but its turning out to be quite cool.... foolycool.....foolycooly!

thanks for the explanations, both of you.
i couldn't stop laughing at this one! the TV scene, the manga scene, south park, nazi clothing, all the anime references...just too much for my stomach! LOVED it.
Nov 21, 2015 6:48 PM
Jul 2015
All I can guess at is that it's some sort of extended metaphor for puberty.

Anyway this was as fun and crazy as ever. I consider this to be a slice-of-life comedy with crazy action scenes.
Mar 30, 2016 5:53 AM

Jul 2015
berserker15 said:
I loved the South parks reference.
I'm starting to realize that this whole story is basically a metaphor or allegory for kids who get into sex with older women when they are young.
I think that the guitar symbolizes Naota's dick.
Foolycooly either means the idea of a kid like Naota playing (or being played with) by older women, or it just means getting a hickey.
I think that Naota and Haruko have already had sex like twice. When the kids in the truck were asking him what he had done with her, I think that Naota and them got all red-faced because they actually had sex metaphorically when the baseball came down rather than hitting a random baseball away. Another hint at that was the fact that the class president was sucking on the popsicle like it was a dick right when they said that.
When Haruko and her dad were fighting, it could be that they were in a relationship and she got "foolycooly" with Naota during the relation ship and the dad was literally fighting his kid in the world that this show is showing through an allegory. When Haruko was fighting with the red-head guy, that could have represented that she was also in a fight with him as her boyfriend. At the end they might have fucked metaphorically because when she left him she said "small as usual" and the heart she pulled out of him looked like a small dick. Then she went back to Naota because apparently he's more sexually impressive to her than the red haired guy because she said something along those lines to the red-head as she left. In the last episode, when it looked like the red-head was questioning Naota, he was asking him about his dad, so, maybe he was trying to figure out if Haruko was cheating on him with Naota's dad, which she was.
Another important moment to the allegory was when Mamimi was all sad with Naota. As you can see, Naota's character has developed during the series from the first episode because he is more sexually aggressive with Mamimi now rather than in the first episode where he didn't care. He was too sexual for Mamimi though, because she was all sad that he had gone too far and was "foolycooly' with others. He was trying to get her back by acting like the "thing" that they had for eachother was more than it was and it seemed to have scared her a bit.

This show is turning out to be quite interesting, I'm liking it more and more now, now that I know of more of the symbolism and the behind the scenes allegory that is going on in this show. At first, I thought it was just some lame comedy anime, but its turning out to be quite cool.... foolycool.....foolycooly!

Thanks for the explanation, kind of hard for average people like me to figure the message of this show, i mean in other show it's pretty clear but here it's too much to understand by myself^^
Mar 31, 2016 9:03 AM

Feb 2013
What a lame episode,I didn't like anything about it.
Jul 18, 2016 12:54 PM

Sep 2013
smokes said:
sucky episode..
way tooo random.


I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Aug 8, 2016 11:55 AM
Mar 2016
T_Loesch777 said:
The Lupin the Third references and South Park scene were awesome.
T_Loesch777 said:
The Lupin the Third references and South Park scene were awesome.

Wasn't there also One Piece reference? Someone said I think "She is the real Pirate King" or something like that xD
Sep 6, 2016 2:21 PM

Jul 2013
Rlly fun ep. Not exactly sure what was happening, but fun.
Sep 29, 2016 5:56 PM

Jul 2014
5 down, 1 to go. Can't wait to be done with this.
Jan 3, 2017 1:12 PM

Jan 2016
That was fuckin awesome. Best episode so far
May 11, 2017 5:03 PM

Mar 2012
sometimes i think FLCL is a coming of age story made in the right way. JHLDHGLIUAEHGLUI
it's funny to watch this at 16 and now again that i'm 28. i still love it as much as did before, but i'm liking and getting attached to different characters and aspects of the story now.
my favourite character is probably cant, and well, i used to love mamimi, and now i don't really like her that much.
Jul 11, 2017 6:04 AM

Jul 2008
Can't believe I never caught the Star Trek Voyager reference until now.

Also I don't remember about half this episode, especially Naota's confrontation with Mamimi. This episode must have really been censored out on Adult Swim.
Aug 11, 2017 9:55 PM
Jul 2017
Worst episode yet. Made no fucking sense. Especially after the last episode that actually explained some stuff. I hope the last episode dumps it all. I liked the South Park references though

Sep 19, 2017 7:50 AM

Jun 2016
I have no fucking clue what the fuck is going on with this fucking anime anymore, but I'm still gonna fucking finish this because I fucking want to and why fucking not. Lmfao.

That fucking Nazi armband. Jesus.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jan 16, 2018 2:12 AM

Aug 2007
I absolutely love that Amarao's eyebrows were seaweed and he was wearing it so his N.O. channels couldn't be accessed. Though, his channel aptitude is not nearly as impressive as Naota's
/wiggles eyebrows

Also! There is a big reveal that Atomsk is dormant in Canti when he is blue, but active when he is red. Haruko's search for the pirate king was spot on, it seems~

Mar 28, 2018 8:31 AM

Nov 2011
Episode even more "crazy" than the previous one, all music and bullets, has the usual narrative structure that tries to confuse the ideas of those who look at it. References to many souls, as usual, although this time the reference is mostly dedicated to Lupine 3rd and South Park.
Apr 12, 2018 10:06 AM

Jul 2017
Where are my eyebrows?? Where are my eyebrows???
Apr 13, 2018 4:13 AM

Sep 2017
He's the pirate king!! Whyat is this, Onepriece?

Soyteh mc is supposed to sve the girl andthe red girl is supposed to call only hime? What is the ligc in that/? And he sauve sthe dat again.

I dojt' even car eith the spellling mistajnes now.Next eisode will suck as well. I wonder why people are hyped fro seasn2. This show issn;t even hat goo.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

May 13, 2018 1:43 PM
Jul 2018
This is probably my favorite episode of flcl so far, I love the action scenes and the overall randomness of the show, and I think this episode shows that off the best.
May 16, 2018 12:53 AM

Feb 2018
Loved the SP and NGE(Chance!) references!
This show is less random, the more you get into it, I am actually considering rewatching it really soon.
I wonder if the story is based on Anthony Kiedis' childhood xD
Sep 21, 2018 1:25 PM

Mar 2010
Almost done.... and still dont know whats happening lol.
Dec 12, 2018 2:25 PM

May 2018
Still to this day this is my favorite episode of FLCL!
Dec 26, 2018 3:52 PM

Dec 2018
she talks of hendrix but has a bass guitar
nor has she ever played a chord

South Park lmao

that girl with the popsicle lmao

bro finally grows a pair and stands up

Gibson 1961 ftw
Mar 31, 2019 11:18 PM

Oct 2017
The Lupin the Third reference was something I didn't pick up when I first watched this show but can appreciate now.
Jul 1, 2019 2:57 PM

Sep 2017
Kamon's obsession with Haruko is just weird, I'm gonna be honest. Has Haruko been talking to the cat the entire time? It was implied earlier but this is the first instance of it definitely being the cat. Haruko had amusing faces while in the rock outfit. I'm not well enough familiar with Japanese pop culture to understand anything she was referencing, though. Haruko HAS to be controlling when the horn grows. One wouldn't grow consistently to lead to a kiss otherwise. Then again, it wouldn't be the first unlikely coincidence in FLCL. Where was the boxing glove coming from? Do I want to know? What are the rules of this shooting game? It just looked like they were relentlessly firing at Naota. I enjoyed the South Park parody, despite me not watching the show. I guess I just enjoy having a parody I understand? New drinking game: Take a shot for every time Naota is hit by some motor vehicle. They reacted to Canti flying away pretty casually. How did a rumor spread that Naota was the one to save the city? Nobody should have been there, right? Haruko figured out Amarao's location quite fast. Her guitar is overpowered. Where did all of this Men in Black come from? I agree with Naota, Mamimi. I wouldn't describe what Naota and Haruko have as "love." I didn't realize the visual of the gun cocking the entire episode was for Naota's new bump. That's pretty cool. Amarao looks so stupid without his eyebrows, I love it. Did something happen between him and Haruko in the past? Can't think of any other reason she would be able to pull something out of his head. The scene with Canti flying and landing was badass. The animation was once again superb. Not sure what makes Naota the Pirate King, though. Are guitars a thing in One Piece?
Jul 3, 2019 3:47 AM

Aug 2017
Gytanzo said:
Has Haruko been talking to the cat the entire time? It was implied earlier but this is the first instance of it definitely being the cat.

I'd say that she's not talking *to* the cat, but *through* the cat. Imagine it as some sort of communication device for Haruko to talk to her "boss" After all, if she can create a hole in one's head to use it as a portal and pull stuff out of it, why can't she use the cat as a phone?
Jan 16, 2020 12:05 AM

Apr 2018
Hahaha south park
Apr 1, 2020 2:12 PM

Jan 2014
berserker15 said:
I loved the South parks reference.
I'm starting to realize that this whole story is basically a metaphor or allegory for kids who get into sex with older women when they are young.
I think that the guitar symbolizes Naota's dick.
Foolycooly either means the idea of a kid like Naota playing (or being played with) by older women, or it just means getting a hickey.
I think that Naota and Haruko have already had sex like twice. When the kids in the truck were asking him what he had done with her, I think that Naota and them got all red-faced because they actually had sex metaphorically when the baseball came down rather than hitting a random baseball away. Another hint at that was the fact that the class president was sucking on the popsicle like it was a dick right when they said that.
When Haruko and her dad were fighting, it could be that they were in a relationship and she got "foolycooly" with Naota during the relation ship and the dad was literally fighting his kid in the world that this show is showing through an allegory. When Haruko was fighting with the red-head guy, that could have represented that she was also in a fight with him as her boyfriend. At the end they might have fucked metaphorically because when she left him she said "small as usual" and the heart she pulled out of him looked like a small dick. Then she went back to Naota because apparently he's more sexually impressive to her than the red haired guy because she said something along those lines to the red-head as she left. In the last episode, when it looked like the red-head was questioning Naota, he was asking him about his dad, so, maybe he was trying to figure out if Haruko was cheating on him with Naota's dad, which she was.
Another important moment to the allegory was when Mamimi was all sad with Naota. As you can see, Naota's character has developed during the series from the first episode because he is more sexually aggressive with Mamimi now rather than in the first episode where he didn't care. He was too sexual for Mamimi though, because she was all sad that he had gone too far and was "foolycooly' with others. He was trying to get her back by acting like the "thing" that they had for eachother was more than it was and it seemed to have scared her a bit.

this is the explanation that makes the most sense to me. i think just about everything is a metaphor for sex/puberty
May 11, 2020 12:49 PM

Feb 2020
Well, that was quite an insane episode. I think I just stopped trying to understand the story, however I still gathered some stuff from this episode.

-Naota is in love with Haruko, but actually no he is in love with Mamimi (guess he only went with Haruko to satisfy his impulses)
-Mamimi isn't in love with Naota, she just deeply misses his brother (so has been trying to replace him with this poor Naota)
-Haruko is a total psycho but is also pretty badass
-Haruko is in love with Canti now (that was Canti right ? I'm a bit confused since I first thought it was Naota until he appeared out of nowhere)
-Haruko is a pedophile, now it's totally confirmed (I DIDN'T WANT IT TO BE CONFIRMED)
-Haruko's also someone who manipulates people to get what she wants (so I don't get what the show wants to see in her. It looks like she's supposed to be the helpful weirdo but if you really look she's nothing but a jerk)
-Eyebrows guy has apparently already been in a relationship with Haruko
-Eyebrows guy tried to kill Haruko because she's the one behind the terrorist attack (I think that's the reason ?)
-Little Naota is growing. A lot.

Sooo I still don't know what to think of this show. Its cartoony aspect is definitely growing on me, I'm enjoying it much more now and I like some of the metaphors, but the story is extremely confusing and some aspects are very disturbing. Funny thing is that the exact same goes for Haruko. She's growing on me, I find her to be very fun most of the time (and her psychotic side is just all the more fun), but some aspects of her just very irritate me (I actually can't stand her during serious/chill sequences. Her personality only works when everything's going wild.), and she is very disturbing due to being, well, a pedophile sex addict.
However I like Naota and Mamimi. I can't say I love them but they're interesting.
FafetteMay 11, 2020 1:50 PM
Jul 27, 2020 5:01 AM
Jul 2018
Sep 11, 2020 10:40 AM

Mar 2020
Oh god, I love this show. That animation, those references, this is just peak abstract art. "The real Pirate King" hahahaha
Dec 23, 2020 3:09 AM

May 2020
Feb 26, 2021 10:22 PM

Feb 2017
Best episode. Pure fun.

Mar 20, 2021 4:16 PM

Jul 2016
25 minutes of pure audiovisual madness. Absolutely loved this episode!
Mar 31, 2021 7:57 AM

Jun 2016
So many guns this episode, I think I'll be seeing them all in my sleep tonight. The gunfights were pretty wild in this one, there was barely enough time to process half the stuff on screen. Oh, and also way too many references, some that could go over yer head if ya didn't pay that much attention.

Highlight: Haruko running along the giant sized gun. It was a nice touch

May 15, 2021 12:20 PM

Jul 2020
I gotta say that the fight was pretty sick, also, South Park and One Piece reference?!?!?! Anyways, really enjoyed this episode and I'm definitely excited to see what's next!
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