Well it’s official... Sayaka lost it and she’s dead meat now... besides being a Masou shoujo... er lich Mahou Shoujo I mean... Man looks like the little bastard enjoyed stomping Sayaka’s jewel... (Thanks to Yumekichi11 for the pic)
nerdyguy said:Before that, my knowledge about religion is quite limited.
So, IMO, it seems like a holy place to me, where the witch, Elsamaria is praying to a religious-like symbol, in which it seems like Monstrance to some of the viewers. (taken from /a/ in 4chan and puella magi wiki). Do anyone have an innate understand of what the red like "sun" in the fight scene represents?
There is also a representation of the tree, too btw. Going off tangent, it reminds me of the Sephiroth tree of life in Shin Seiki Evagelion.
Nothing else that I could comment in concrete here. To be honest I didn’t noticed it before, the shape likeliness and it’s symbolism and also where it was depicted before I read the whole thread. Monstrance huh? Well to be sincere it did look that the Witch being was praying to the symbol so. Shame on me, forgot such item was used in a catholic rites. Not that I haven’t seen one before but nowadays they’re not common anymore. Recalling the last time I’ve seen one it was basicly used as ornament no more than that. It’s interesting to know that it’s used as a representation of the host, the Bread, and in Catholicism the Body of Jesus.
Found interesting that the symbol was held by a robe-clad someone and whole picture looked like the Statue of Liberty. But that’s unlikely and it’s abstract explanation is closer to the religious side of all this mess, it’s really interesting and makes more my Seven Deadly Sins stronger by each Witch fought.
Going on to the next point,the concept of equivalent exchange, like what Kyouko have mentioned, is based on the concept of zero sum philosophy, in which states that when you create a miracle, in some other aspects, due to the chain effect, a despair is being formed.
As a side point, I think i could think of the reason why wishing a lot of wishes upon a wish is flawed. If you wish a lot of wishes, where does the equivalent exchange of having these wishes come from. It will come from more wishes as a self propagating effect. Ad infinium to absurdity. Zero sum. Agreed. Scary. Don’t wanna know what will happen now. xD
Going back. We could understand Kyouko's position from episode 6 onwards, that wishing for another person to be well could lead to some other bad tragedy as well (looks myopic to me) and the reason why she become such a "hedonistic" person.
That, going back to the concept of intention, like what Mami-san have warned Miki. To wish for a miracle for another person because she loves him or because she wants him to feel indebted to her. It is not the action or the end results, but the intention that matters. Extending the point, this is what her father believes too. It is faith that he considers important, not the "illusion" of magic. Having his beliefs destroyed, he lost his reason to live and went along a self destructive path. This. I finally understand the girl and finally feel comfortable around her. I’m glad her overall behaviour was explained in this episode.
There are a lot of conflict of paradigms in this episode, from what I have observed. (But in a pragmatic world, people are too myopic to believe in the fact that the immediate end results are the one that matters, not their intentions or in the grand scheme of things)
To end off, I would like to take the concept that is relevant in the Madoka anime, borrowed from the philosophy of china's history (even through I have forgotten the exact Chinese poem for this):
"History is a cycle." Agreed... Ever heard the saying that recites: “The Past is a great teacher to avoid mistakes.” Or something along those lines. The Past is supposed to teach us Important Lessons about life and how we should live our life.
In specific reply to cleo,
"But can we hold something inhuman to human standards?"
We could extrapolate:
Can we accept what other cultures that we find "barbaric", and vice versa. (I am suggesting metaphorically that Kyuubey is a set of culture, while Miki is another set of culture)
And yes, ignorance is bliss. (Through I could argue that this will make life meaningless, I prefer a my life to be one of mad-dom.) Is all up to the one who observes, lives, or analyse point of view... hard to tell in our case. But damn that Furry bastard is a really amoral and neutral.
nerdyguy said: Hi folks, I have read through all of your relevant points and would like to point out certain stuff .
Virtue and moral is relative. The way that we define good and bad is through our limited perceptive of what society and the environment defines us. In that aspect, Madoka, Sayaka and even Mami-san (as most of you would like to call her) (and Kyuubey too), could be immoral to a group of outsiders. (For example, they are bad because they are disrupting what a natural cycle of nature such as witch regeneration and stuff like that.)
Extending the argument, Kyuubey thinks that what he is doing is the so called "right" way because he is preventing the "grief" of the world, the witches, from doing evil to the world, by contracting little girls in an equivalent exchange of their commitment to fighting witches (and the after mentioned effects) with a miracle that could not exist in the standard view of the physical world itself . Mami-san, too, by dedicating her life to fighting witches. But he is "evil" too because he "tricks" little girls into doing his work for him. Totally agreed. We can be evil being in a different planet that value different virtues and morality. But Kyuubei saying or thinking he’s doing the right thing is, imho, wrong since Kyuubei hasn’t said that he’s doing the right thing... he’s just guiding the little girls somewhere they’re supposed to be.
By extending the argument even further, we could see that the concept of virtue, good and evil is being even more flawed, and that is even before computing all of the paradigms of different people and their "noble" (that is even being disputed-what is really right and what is really wrong) perception of morality itself. This, could lead to a big big question of what really is ethics? What are they? This’ not the place to discuss. That word carries lots of origins and views that could be analysed. Philosophic, Filologic, etc. To boring to discuss here ^^
What I could conclude in a almost certain term then, is that the commonly used perception of a part of morality is only what today's "superior" (superior as in society's alpha humans), only want us to behave as, through the use of "fear" and "reward" so as to maintain the status quo of the community.
PS: Not so much Faust references eh? Just curious. Yes that’s pretty much the commonly used perception of morality and ethics used nowadays... Indeed not so many but we had this religion oriented references... Ones that are way harder to analyse than Faust references ^^
Yumekichi11 said:layfonkun said: Am I the only person who finds Kyubey fascinating? Many people seem to find him cruel but I don't see it that way. He reminds me of a machine, very logical and calculating, however that does not make him evil. His methods to me are fine, and he has a point: she didn't ask. Would you buy a new car without asking questions? That's my other option if I get Shafted about him. If that is so, then it would mean someone is behind his creation and that means someone is higher. This could be a Bokurano where we may never know the higher ups but we may have a vision of them to see what he or they look like. Anyone who has seen Bokurano would know exactly what I mean. In any case I want to meet this person and slap him out for killing off innocent girls like that. This game is shit and lives are playing around in a cycle that is infinite unless someone breaks it like in Bokurano through a means it will never end, looking at Homura. Even her I am not sure if putting a end to the leader in Walpurgisnacht can solve things since he may be just part of the higher ups but not the leader. More than higher ups feels like Kyuubei is the damn boss... but hey there’s always the possibilities of someone higher is involved so let’s see what future episodes tell us about higher peps
kisami said:-Vid said: Oh man. I just LOVED it when Kyubey tortured Sayaka. It was like.. you pathetic piece of crap mahou shoujo, I'm the boss here. Go kill witches for me, get some grief seeds and shut up. : That was not torture. that was a very precise way of showing her exactly what she got herself into. it is certainly better than having a spear driven in her chest. in fact i might even go as far to say that he didn't even have to teach her that. that was more like a scene of a teacher demonstrating to his student. he can probably show them what it would be like before they make their wish directly but he wont do anything or tell them anything unless they ask. i am beginning to think that he probably has some really strict rules that govern him. he takes a completely neutral stance, which is evidenced by the fight between the two Mahou Shoujo. Also I think because of showing her that she tested it out to the max during her fight with the witch. Apart from Hitomi influencing her in that, a though passed through me as I see this for 2nd time, that of Sayaka testing out how slow her moves are when she is damaged a lot. Turns out she finds they are not slow at all and the pain does not feel at all anymore. Yup exactly this. Poor thing... Funny thing that she says that she feels unworthy for the guy but still breaks down on her friend’s arm and spills her heart’s content out... Her brains are not working correctly anymore... She has indeed turned into a zombie :S
-Vid said: It was about time that Sayaka lost her mind though. ;o I did find it pretty weird that her friend (with the crush on that nub guy) suddenly acted up like that, though. That didn't sound like something friends would say. Not at all. Maybe Kyubey is also involved with that? Or she's possessed again?:P
And tbh I was just waiting for Sayaka to die at the end of the fight. Well, who knows, maybe she will soon enough anyway. I didn’t expect such bomb to be dropped but it was the drop that spilled the glass causing Sayaka’s mental breakdown and later madness at the lastest battle against that ElsaMaria witch. Hitomi being controlled by Kyuubei? Not likely. Destiny or something along those lines acting against Sayaka... Probably, since we’ve just seen what Kyoko’s wish provoked. I felt like she was dying, but against that we got a mad Sayaka... Poor thing
Monad said: I don't know am not certain that Hitomi really wants that boy like many of you.
It seemed to me like she saw Sayaka not having the will to express her emotion and thought of pretending that she will confess to make her friend find the guts to go near the boy she loves. So it may have actually been an attempt to help her but she doesn't know that Sayaka feels bad about what she has become.
Sayaka obviously has a problem handling the fact that her soul isn't in her body. Her last crazy outburst shows her attempt to get hurt trying to feel the pain and going crazy over the fact that her body feels so soulless.
I wonder the feeling of a kiss or touch is diminish like the feeling of pain, making her go crazy over the fact that she would never be able to feel the touch of the boy she loves in a prober way.
Can that body even get pregnant for example? Can she feel sex normally?
If the only difference really is the feeling of pain then I believe she really doesn't need to take it so horrible no matter how bad it seems.
Maybe because am also a person that cares more about logic over sentimentality I can see Kyuubei having a point there. Really who cares if your soul is inside of your body or not if you still have control of it. I would only be concern in my ability to still have my senses except pain at full. Other than that i wouldn't really care. Feeling less pain isn't so bad anyway.
Now am waiting for some inside on Homura. She seems to be the most interesting girl with all the knowledge she has and the fact that even Kyuubei seems to not know much about her. Certainly that’s what’s happening to poor Sayaka. But I also wondered all that... Can she get pregnant in the future? Can she enjoy sex? At the moment it might sound stupid but hey is nice to consider it, since she’s so in love with Kamijo-kun. I feel the same monad and I support Kyuubei point of view too... Since you’re risking your body so much then why not forfeiting it and guard your lifesource ina different place, while the way you feel the world doesn’t change much.
DonKangolJones said:Sayaka's reaction is normal, predictable and pitiful. She's only a freaking little girl. However, at this point Sayaka gets what she deserves. At this point, she's gotten as many warnings and as much information as anybody. At this point, I don't doubt that's she's going to serve as the example. She can say she wants to be a hero all she wants. She's just deluding herself.
I also see that maybe I've been overreacting to Kyubey. He doesn't seem evil. He's simply not human and doesn't understand humans. This misunderstanding apparently leads to him seeming evil due to his "all business" approach. Homura has been dead right all along. And the more naively these girls deal with the situation, the more frustrating it becomes to watch them.
Interesting choice of direction in the end as well, I would have liked for them to show all the violence that went along with the scene, but what they did was just as effective.
Yes. Sadly pitiful. Well I hope her suffering is ended soon. Sounds cruel right? But she was the one that made the decision and now she has discovered that she made a horrible decision and now she wanna run away, but also wants to fufil his mission of defeating Witches and be the hero but she’s fooling herself. And yes... that’s Kyuubei for us... Damned Fur ball...
cleo said:paperbomb said: anyway this shows is getting better but Madoka is really getting on my nerves, she better become a Puella Magi soon...
Japanese fans noticed that the font of the kanji "魔法" (mahou, magic) in the show's logo text is heavily stylized, and could be read instead as "廃怯" (hai-kyou, cowardice, hesitation).
The visually valid joke title, "廃怯少女 まどか☆マギカ" (Hai-Kyou Shoujo Madoka Magika), could be translated as "wavering girl Madoka Magica" <3 On a lighter note... Hahaha this one is an amazing joke... Fits perfectly the current situation of the show. But I’m convinced Madoka will turn into a Puella Magi at some point in future episodes. When? Doesn’t matter, remember the reason why she agrees to make the contract is the interesting part of all this :D
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