Very first exposure to the world of anime was dubbed Pokemon. I was about 6 and I watched the U.S. premiere of the first episode and I liked it (Ash was dreaming of Pokemon, Ash was late to get his starter, Gary and his fangirls, and Pikachu shocking Ash to death).
I soon discovered another anime which was one of my favorites, DIGIMON! (dubbed) I thought it was going to be some lame copy of Pokemon (which was still successful at that time), but I decided to watch it anyway and it was AMAZING. After Digimon ended its 3rd season, I stopped watching anime for a while because Fox Kids and Kids WB started showing re-runs and other stuff.
My cousin hooked me back to anime by showing me the anime of Black Cat (subbed). I was astounded by how awesome it was and how different it was to, say, Pokemon. I finished the series, but it rekindled my want to watch more and I did; leading up to today, anime and manga lover.
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I see you have seen a lot of Tales anime, did you play the games?