Jan 26, 2013 6:08 AM
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Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu
Jan 2, 2014 2:50 AM
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C'monnn gimme more cute commentary on something! @.@
How're ya omg? It has been ages! You never come on facebook, I miss you. Remember me? lol
Lol I love your picture trying to summon Corporal Levi btw xD
It's ok :D But.. if I unfollow please don't hate me XD It's probably just your posts :P
Mmm yes I totally agree with you on that one, not knowing what's going to happen and reading the manga/novel at the end :D
Bye~ :3
lol followed you on tumblr XD
No I haven't yet ;P
I see. I didn't really find the masked lion-dude that interesting. I found the princess really interesting though. The previews at the end did hint at what's gonna happen though. Yeah the other thing I was interested in was the cutie Scar. Why she's sick with a "fake" preganancy. And also I really like how the main character's trying to find why her mom was trying to create a little piece of heaven on earth (letting the dead wander around without burying them).
Actually scratch that also. My most main interest is waiting to see them get discovered and chased and maybe caught by the whole town. lol. xD I guess we'll see what happens. =3
Lol poor girl. =3 I cried as well but not in the corner. x3 How'd you like the 4th episode? =3