Nina the Starry Bride
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Nov 18, 2024 6:31 AM
Yeah, in simpler terms, Fortna is so fucking cooked lmao. |
Nov 18, 2024 8:31 AM
I've to say that this anime does a good job keep me guessing whether Nina will end up with Az or Sett or even both. |
Nov 18, 2024 10:28 AM
Nov 18, 2024 11:14 AM
Bro I love this anime I love Sett I hope she ends up with him maybe he ain’t unfixable 😭 |
Nov 18, 2024 11:34 AM
Ok ok ok so I like Sett a lil and kinda ship it now lmao. Started off on the wrong foot a few episodes ago, but they were cute today and Sett seems like a decent person underneath all that pain and loneliness. Being raised in a temple far away from family and loved ones and being abused essentially will mess anyone up and cause them to put up barriers. I have a newfound appreciation for his character and while like Nina said, Azure is number 1, I am open to Sett now. Meeting his brothers was interesting. I didn’t think he did the same “did I say you could speak to me” gimmick to them as well lmao, no wonder they hate him. I love when Nina breaks character and starts snapping on people for being dumbasses. You can tell Sett lowkey respects and likes it too because he’s probably used to overly stuffy and formal people all the time. Pretty funny that both kingdoms change the line of succession at the same time. Now whoever conquers Fortna will be king?? And Azure is king over in fortna?? Wtf. How much time has passed and what happened?? Wild cliffhanger to leave off on! Nina is so pretty 😩 |
Marinate1016Nov 18, 2024 12:48 PM
Nov 18, 2024 11:40 AM
Wild tiger cub is a walking plushie. Yup, makes total sense. Anyways, we got Sett's backstory. Finally Nina broke through his armor of ice. That ending though. What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode. Speaking of idiot royalties, Galgada queen seems like a dumbass too. Whoever takes Fortna shall be the king. She said it after taking away the title from Sett. She's basically instigating a freaking civil war! 4 princes, all want the throne and now they get the perfect opportunity. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?! |
Nov 18, 2024 11:49 AM
We doing chapter 13 and 14 today So last week i mentioned there was an important moment with Az that ran alongside nina's encounter with a new golden eyed beast. Removing this parallel scene was a true indication of how little care is actually being put into adapting this material. We get multiple recaps of the most basic infk of the seties but cut important scenes and build up, alter expresions and interactions and completely removing symbolism by removing scenes. Did they include the important skipped scene where it needed to be? No of course not. Thankfully its still in the anime, but its impact amd significance is entriely altered by changing its location to after the end of princes of galgada meeting their king at the end. The scene was Azure's coronation ceremony. By removing this parallel and it's significance to nina's current state, about to be preyed on by another golden eyed beast, they removed the impact of the tiger encounter, altering it to be entirely a Sett saves nina moment, and not nina and azure at the end of the previous ep. Nina praying to see Az again before this encounter, then calling for him to save her, leads to us seeing the steps Az has taken to save Nina. As much as Nina has been working towards saving Az, Az has been working towards saving Nina. Showing the former king's true intend with his words about nina after their encounter. Suffice it to say, I was right about their being a clear and deliberate bias in production of this anime towards Sett. Restricting Azures character during his interactions with nina undermining their romance, cutting a pivotal parallel l, softening Sett's behavior and completely changing his "kiss" with Nina last ep to paint it in a romantic, light despite still maintaining his thoughts, are all done with the intentional bias of someone on staff favoring Sett. This behavior has hurt both him and Azure and their interactions and significance to the story and nina To talk more about this significance, nina then saves her new golden eyed beasts cub, gaining a pet. while this new animal sidekick also parallels Sett with his Neena, it's important to acknowledge, Nina has now saved and tamed a golden eyed beast, just as she changed Az and strives to save him. A pivital reminder of him and her goals. The significance of this parallel, continues into later pivital story beats and reflects her changing relationship with Az. To further show the significance and intent, she names it Mevaria, which means Dawn. Azure thought nina eyes were the shade of dawn and Azure, is a shade of blue that is often associated with a cloudless sky. Two golden eyed beasts with names that reflect the hugh of nina's eyes. Lol. They gave sett 6 pack abbs. I'm not complaining but the thirsty of someone on staff is definitely strong. Which then gets furthered by them laining a worried look on Sett's face when it flashes to him saving her. That look is not interested the manga. So we're toning down and softening his looks and adding new ones to alrer their romance further? I see you for what you're doing whoever you are. Sett making that face is completely laughable to me considering his actual character. Same on you, Sett doesn't need to be toned down and romanticized, portray his character acurately. We have some great moments in the manga coming in this ep and this was uncessary in so many ways. Sett, still being drawn to look pretty and less smug even when injured does having me laughing, rolling my eyes but laughing at it. The parallels between Sett and the real Alisha run deep, much like the parallels between Nina and Azure. Two sides of the smae coint again. Both raised in insolation, both with immense pressure on them to adhere to the ideals of their environment. Cursed blood and blue eyes and what they mean in their invornments. The son of a priestess and a girl rasied to be one. Both chained to fate and forced into situations by their parents. There's more to say about their parallels, but we know little more of Alisha at this point in the story. Some revelations about her come eventually but they most likely won't be in the anime. If youre curious of her parallels to Sett, or info on her character, i encourage you to check out the manga. Shes an interesting figure in her own right and you may have some theories on her already like i did when reading that youd want to read and determine if yours are correct. Sett's backstory is really something. The omen Damian moment was hysterical to me despite the seriousness of the flashback as a whole. Also glad to see were still doing flashbacks entriely as slideshows. "Alisha" really is the epitome of what Sett hates. And can you blame him? Being restricted and forced into a religious environment that hurts you for a large portion of your life is highly damaging. As someone whoe been there, It can completely warp your view of such things, even if you wish it didn't. The characters in this series have many layers and well thought out motivations and traumas that influence their behavior. Whether you end up liking Sett or hating him, I hope you can agree that he is am interesting character. And Nina bites him back. See this is why their last kiss being altered is so grating. Cause it was far more of a bite then a kiss and nina returns the favor here. By turning both into kisses, it undercuts their actual dynamic, as well as Nina's character and her feelings for azure. I'm all for a spiteful kiss as a fan of Itakiss, but a spiteful bite is far more appropriate between these two. Nina literally narrates it as a bite herself going " chomp" as she lunges and appears to be doing more mouth to mouth them a kiss. Like girls cheeks puff up like she's blowing hard against his closed lips. Anime fails again. Setts view of love is reflective of his upbringing. Can Nina change his heart? Will Sett acting as if he cares for her beloved the key to him changing? Nina's underneath contest with Sett has no taken on a new form as she sets the new rules of the game. I adressed the cub earlier so well skip to after that. And again, nina manages to pierce Setts heart. Her rejection of fate, despite being the priestess of the stars appeals to his own anger at such things. And once again, Nina regains her name, after rejecting him saying it in the way we know she loves hearing it from Az. Guess you should be thankful he loves his bird so much Nina. You get to be Sett's pet like other Neena and your new tiger lol. Chapters 14 Were finally in Galgada. Are you ready for sibling drama? Fortna was always the goal for Galagada, the promised land. A messenger of the gods. A recurring theme. Were skipping some banter about Nina looking prepped for a wedding and some more info on galgada and Bastea where Sett resides. Love the casual jab at Sett being from the temple of blood and his one brother being chatty as the son of a concubine. Oh sibling drama. I really can't get used to how abysmal this anime is at portraying luxurious palaces. Once again you would never guess Nina is supposed to be in the lap of luxury. Where Neena and Mevaria are held looks like a prison cell, even beyond the cage. They animate so little, they can at least make things look nice. A problem that's persisted since episode 1. The only things that ever look like effort was put into the drawings are the clothes of the characters. Lol immediately after I praise the effort put into their clothes, they immediately prove me wrong. Nina is supposed to have her hair branded and a detailed nightgown as intricate as her usual attire but instead hai loose and a simple gown that a commoner would wear. Serves me right for offering praise for this adaptation. Sigh Sett doesn't lt order her to sleep in bed with him. He sarcastically asks if she can handle the cold on the floor. Neena reallly adds humor to every scene she's in. A true scene stealer. Sett and Nina's have something incommon. The loneliness and isolation of losing your caretaker as a yong child. The pain of losing a parent, the uncertainty, isolation and helplessness colored their views of love and life in different ways. And Nina finally breaks through to him with this night together. Love seeing Neena and Mevaria in bed with them. Nina tightly held is Sett's embrace all night is such a good moment to show how things have changed between them. Shes the light in his lonely dark world. Much like how she is the wind that is propelling Azure forward as the Former king foresaw And disappointed. Why even include the dressing scene if they weren't going to portray it? It's such a fun moment in the manga. Nina thinking of her maids and how she could dress herself, slowly taking off his top, giving us some nice manservice lol, then the humor of him asking her to take of his pants and her actually doing in and looking down and thinking he is not the same as Colin (the little brother from the begining) down there. If you aren't going to animate anything worthwhile then why include it at all. All the humor is missing. It just feels awakrd and empty and there for no reason at all in the anime. This episode gets a 1/10 for ruining one of my favorite comedy moments. Not kidding, I've been annoyed the whole time with how Azure was treated but this small moment broke the camals back and im just has me done with expecting anything at all from this half assed adaptation. The romance is butchered, the characters aren't themselves, the animation is near nonexistent and now even the humor is butchered. The only thing this anime has going for it at all are the op/ wd songs and the voice acting. But even Jill Harris and Austin Tindle can only do so much with how little they've been given to work with. Really this anime is a crime against the source. It's 2024, how is something being made this poorly. Oh right it's josei. And apparently josei and shoujo don't garner any respect anymore as shown by many recent adaptations. How are series aimed at woman being treated worse then they were in the 90s and early 2000s? We skipping over comedy with Nina's servants and her explaining nothing happened and going straight to the throne room. Skipping over him being told he can have children with nina before the wedding and thays why they were placed in the same room. All the angst is toned down in the throne room. Theres also either a mistake with the manga or anime in regards to how long their dream has been going. Based on the script of the dub and anime so far, I'm going with that having the mistake. The ruler says my great grandfather, not yours. And here's where the Azure scene got relocated cause whoever is in charge has no understanding of the sumbolim aim this series and no care at all for nina x azure. Oh Nina, you're here to protect Fortna and yet you're the method in which to attack it as well. You're going to have to ballance a lot going forward. |
Nov 18, 2024 1:45 PM
Now we have a love triangle, along with 3 half brothers scheming to make it a death match reverse harem. As well Seth might say "Unacceptable" |
Lord Cruelty V "But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be" |
Nov 18, 2024 2:46 PM
Why on earth this anime is only 6.83?!!🤦♂️ It is very good to say the least so far ! The story is keep giving twists, and unpredictable Personalities are well built and the animation is good as well! My eval is 8 at least! |
Nov 18, 2024 3:42 PM
The swap. Az the evil one (but why?! like Why?!?!?!), or maybe not yet, but at least likely killed his trash "father" and succeeded the throne that wasn't his. Sett is being the good one?! (like he is rapidly improving and honestly just further confuses his actions prior). 4/5, Looks like Nina has 5 men after her now (1 loved her, another seems to be building love for her, other 3 see her as tool). I agree with removing the previous King, but right now, it's really lame for them to invade. My main guess was 3 of the brothers invade, and lose. |
Nov 18, 2024 3:52 PM
The hunch I have about Sett being an impostor too becomes stronger with every episode... Anyway, Azure king huh.. guess lil bro died or sth, poor kid he was a precious cinnamon roll aww |
bruh |
Nov 18, 2024 4:35 PM
Reply to FullyCharged
The hunch I have about Sett being an impostor too becomes stronger with every episode...
Anyway, Azure king huh.. guess lil bro died or sth, poor kid he was a precious cinnamon roll aww
Anyway, Azure king huh.. guess lil bro died or sth, poor kid he was a precious cinnamon roll aww
@FullyCharged his brother is at the coronation |
Nov 18, 2024 4:40 PM
My opinion on Sett keeps changing. This is actually a pretty complicated character surrounded by jealous & scheming brothers. Or rather Half brothers. Nina better be careful, that place is a vipers nest. And now she is also going to raise a tiger cub?! LOL |
Nov 18, 2024 4:48 PM
Reply to Sigmar-Unberogen
Wild tiger cub is a walking plushie. Yup, makes total sense.
Anyways, we got Sett's backstory. Finally Nina broke through his armor of ice.
That ending though.
What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode.
Speaking of idiot royalties, Galgada queen seems like a dumbass too. Whoever takes Fortna shall be the king. She said it after taking away the title from Sett. She's basically instigating a freaking civil war! 4 princes, all want the throne and now they get the perfect opportunity. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
Anyways, we got Sett's backstory. Finally Nina broke through his armor of ice.
That ending though.
What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode.
Speaking of idiot royalties, Galgada queen seems like a dumbass too. Whoever takes Fortna shall be the king. She said it after taking away the title from Sett. She's basically instigating a freaking civil war! 4 princes, all want the throne and now they get the perfect opportunity. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
@Sigmar-Unberogen Yep, now we have A Game of Thrones 2.0 the Anime'. LOL BTW, This happened to the Inca Empire right about the time Pizzaro showed up. What could go wrong, right? |
Nov 18, 2024 6:20 PM
Gosh, I love this anime so much, there's so much to love from Nina her silly faces to the mystery the story seems to have. If the animation was a little better I would totally rate a 10/10 so far. Also I am totally team Sett, I love how they woke up cuddling together and even better how Sett slowly seems to be more open for Nina too. I am curious who will be able to become next king, obviously I am team Sett! Also the end was such a plottwist?! I never expected Az to become King, I hope we learn more about that next episode. |
Nov 18, 2024 8:31 PM
Things are not going as she planned |
Nov 18, 2024 11:26 PM
I genuinely like this anime! I haven’t read the manga so I guess I don’t have much reference but I do enjoy Nina’s character development and then this new twist of Az being the King |
Nov 19, 2024 3:55 AM
Looks like the relationship between Sett and Nina is progressing, and he seems too friendly in this episode. The Sett agenda is getting real. The tiger cub is so cute. What did Azure do to be crowned king? |
Nov 19, 2024 6:18 AM
Problem i have with this show is, it feels like its trying to fit a 24 episode series in 12. Not enough time on screen with the characters to show the amount of character growth. Pacing aside, always adore watchin this weekly, also tiger cub is adorable and i hope at some point whether in the anime or the source material its a fully grown tiger with nina. *don't spoil that just wondering to myself* |
Nov 19, 2024 6:43 AM
This episode get my dopamine high, Sett redeem himself just a bit, it such a cute episode with Neena, Nina and baby tiger. Azu become the king is a suprised. Sett have enemy from all direction and only Nina as his solace, I'm having second male lead syndrome again. As someone who like story book and legend, this anime scratch my thirst for it |
Nov 19, 2024 8:28 AM
oh cmon man !! this anime deserve rating above 7 !! |
Nov 19, 2024 10:41 AM
Azu is the king?!! Did not see that coming this fast!! My heart ached for azu x nina that moment :( like girl your boy is the king now and you don't have any idea + when she said she could start have little feeling for sett??? Like what about your first looove, I read a reply that said azu is the evil? I’m just hoping he really is at this point and all what he felt before was nothing otherwise I feel frustrated and to be honest I thought what if he killed the king to save nina? That is even worse I feel really bad Hope it ends fairly for his feelings |
Nov 20, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to emo82
Why on earth this anime is only 6.83?!!🤦♂️
It is very good to say the least so far !
The story is keep giving twists, and unpredictable
Personalities are well built and the animation is good as well!
My eval is 8 at least!
It is very good to say the least so far !
The story is keep giving twists, and unpredictable
Personalities are well built and the animation is good as well!
My eval is 8 at least!
@emo82 Don't trust mal score so much it's BS. I never trust mal score there alot people that just watch 1 ep then rate a show even tho they haven't watch the full anime. To answer your other question, I'm guessing the reason why people are rating the show so low compare to other anime is because it a josei/shoujo (not alot people enjoy these type of anime). Additionally, I have heard that the anime skip alot part from the manga and people aren't liking it, which in opinion is load Bullsh**t. The reason why believe this is because when LN/Manga/VN get an anime adaptation it inevitable that the anime will cut alot from the source material especially for 1 cour 12 ep series like this. Whether you like the way the anime is adapted or not, in order for the plot to progess the production committee must pick out the important part of the manga leave the unnecessary (I wouldnt call it unnecessary, it still important for character development, but aren't going to affect the story so much if they remove it) part out. Based on the 7 episode out, I would rate the show a 7.70/10, it has very enjoyable with plot twist after plot twist that keep hook to my seat. Also been really enjoying NiNa character development, she reminds me alot of Sariphi (from Neihimi to kemono), Tohru Honda (from Fruit Basket), and Nike remercier (from Soredemo Sekai). |
HaigenNov 20, 2024 12:11 PM
Nov 20, 2024 12:02 PM
Reply to Haigen
Don't trust mal score so much it's BS. I never trust mal score there alot people that just watch 1 ep then rate a show even tho they haven't watch the full anime.
To answer your other question, I'm guessing the reason why people are rating the show so low compare to other anime is because it a josei/shoujo (not alot people enjoy these type of anime). Additionally, I have heard that the anime skip alot part from the manga and people aren't liking it, which in opinion is load Bullsh**t. The reason why believe this is because when LN/Manga/VN get an anime adaptation it inevitable that the anime will cut alot from the source material especially for 1 cour 12 ep series like this. Whether you like the way the anime is adapted or not, in order for the plot to progess the production committee must pick out the important part of the manga leave the unnecessary (I wouldnt call it unnecessary, it still important for character development, but aren't going to affect the story so much if they remove it) part out.
Based on the 7 episode out, I would rate the show a 7.70/10, it has very enjoyable with plot twist after plot twist that keep hook to my seat. Also been really enjoying NiNa character development, she reminds me alot of Sariphi (from Neihimi to kemono), Tohru Honda (from Fruit Basket), and Nike remercier (from Soredemo Sekai).
Don't trust mal score so much it's BS. I never trust mal score there alot people that just watch 1 ep then rate a show even tho they haven't watch the full anime.
To answer your other question, I'm guessing the reason why people are rating the show so low compare to other anime is because it a josei/shoujo (not alot people enjoy these type of anime). Additionally, I have heard that the anime skip alot part from the manga and people aren't liking it, which in opinion is load Bullsh**t. The reason why believe this is because when LN/Manga/VN get an anime adaptation it inevitable that the anime will cut alot from the source material especially for 1 cour 12 ep series like this. Whether you like the way the anime is adapted or not, in order for the plot to progess the production committee must pick out the important part of the manga leave the unnecessary (I wouldnt call it unnecessary, it still important for character development, but aren't going to affect the story so much if they remove it) part out.
Based on the 7 episode out, I would rate the show a 7.70/10, it has very enjoyable with plot twist after plot twist that keep hook to my seat. Also been really enjoying NiNa character development, she reminds me alot of Sariphi (from Neihimi to kemono), Tohru Honda (from Fruit Basket), and Nike remercier (from Soredemo Sekai).
@Haigen thanks This is a good point Maybe people are so attached to the source material and can not get over the fact that anime is anime and source is source I would hate it for if you’re left confused because critical parts were removed; however, in this one you don’t feel that! |
Nov 20, 2024 12:03 PM
Reply to Haigen
Don't trust mal score so much it's BS. I never trust mal score there alot people that just watch 1 ep then rate a show even tho they haven't watch the full anime.
To answer your other question, I'm guessing the reason why people are rating the show so low compare to other anime is because it a josei/shoujo (not alot people enjoy these type of anime). Additionally, I have heard that the anime skip alot part from the manga and people aren't liking it, which in opinion is load Bullsh**t. The reason why believe this is because when LN/Manga/VN get an anime adaptation it inevitable that the anime will cut alot from the source material especially for 1 cour 12 ep series like this. Whether you like the way the anime is adapted or not, in order for the plot to progess the production committee must pick out the important part of the manga leave the unnecessary (I wouldnt call it unnecessary, it still important for character development, but aren't going to affect the story so much if they remove it) part out.
Based on the 7 episode out, I would rate the show a 7.70/10, it has very enjoyable with plot twist after plot twist that keep hook to my seat. Also been really enjoying NiNa character development, she reminds me alot of Sariphi (from Neihimi to kemono), Tohru Honda (from Fruit Basket), and Nike remercier (from Soredemo Sekai).
Don't trust mal score so much it's BS. I never trust mal score there alot people that just watch 1 ep then rate a show even tho they haven't watch the full anime.
To answer your other question, I'm guessing the reason why people are rating the show so low compare to other anime is because it a josei/shoujo (not alot people enjoy these type of anime). Additionally, I have heard that the anime skip alot part from the manga and people aren't liking it, which in opinion is load Bullsh**t. The reason why believe this is because when LN/Manga/VN get an anime adaptation it inevitable that the anime will cut alot from the source material especially for 1 cour 12 ep series like this. Whether you like the way the anime is adapted or not, in order for the plot to progess the production committee must pick out the important part of the manga leave the unnecessary (I wouldnt call it unnecessary, it still important for character development, but aren't going to affect the story so much if they remove it) part out.
Based on the 7 episode out, I would rate the show a 7.70/10, it has very enjoyable with plot twist after plot twist that keep hook to my seat. Also been really enjoying NiNa character development, she reminds me alot of Sariphi (from Neihimi to kemono), Tohru Honda (from Fruit Basket), and Nike remercier (from Soredemo Sekai).
@Haigen thanks This is a good point Maybe people are so attached to the source material and can not get over the fact that anime is anime and source is source I would hate it for if you’re left confused because critical parts were removed; however, in this one you don’t feel that! |
Nov 20, 2024 12:24 PM
Reply to emo82
@Haigen thanks
This is a good point
Maybe people are so attached to the source material and can not get over the fact that anime is anime and source is source
I would hate it for if you’re left confused because critical parts were removed; however, in this one you don’t feel that!
This is a good point
Maybe people are so attached to the source material and can not get over the fact that anime is anime and source is source
I would hate it for if you’re left confused because critical parts were removed; however, in this one you don’t feel that!
@emo82 I have been currently really enjoying the adaptation. There some part ep 2-4, It was bit rushed, but overall the show has really good pacing, balancing character development and story. If studio singal Md decide to add more manga scene, that would be great, but you wont have any story as result, they will need to cut part of manga story which is a huge NO-NO. Also the story/plot is the main reason people are enjoying it so much, if the studio spends more think focusing on character development it would mean less time on the plot. |
Nov 25, 2024 1:19 AM
Reply to Sigmar-Unberogen
Wild tiger cub is a walking plushie. Yup, makes total sense.
Anyways, we got Sett's backstory. Finally Nina broke through his armor of ice.
That ending though.
What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode.
Speaking of idiot royalties, Galgada queen seems like a dumbass too. Whoever takes Fortna shall be the king. She said it after taking away the title from Sett. She's basically instigating a freaking civil war! 4 princes, all want the throne and now they get the perfect opportunity. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
Anyways, we got Sett's backstory. Finally Nina broke through his armor of ice.
That ending though.
What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode.
Speaking of idiot royalties, Galgada queen seems like a dumbass too. Whoever takes Fortna shall be the king. She said it after taking away the title from Sett. She's basically instigating a freaking civil war! 4 princes, all want the throne and now they get the perfect opportunity. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
@Sigmar-Unberogen Sigmar-Unberogen said: What the actual F?! Az became the king??? After all the drama from queen and Az saying he won't take the throne! Not really surprising, the now-former king was a laughably poorly written villain and for Fortna to survive there has to be someone competent at the top, hence Az surprise ending. Now I wonder how Az did it. Queen should be pissed, no? What happened to the king? Did the older king play part in it? But wasn't he powerless? Did Az straight up murder his ass or something? Hopefully explained next episode. I'd assume grandpa did it. He's not fond of fools. |
Nov 25, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to emo82
Why on earth this anime is only 6.83?!!🤦♂️
It is very good to say the least so far !
The story is keep giving twists, and unpredictable
Personalities are well built and the animation is good as well!
My eval is 8 at least!
It is very good to say the least so far !
The story is keep giving twists, and unpredictable
Personalities are well built and the animation is good as well!
My eval is 8 at least!
@emo82 I agree, the rating for this anime should be higher!!!!! The animation is so good and the twists as well. I root for Az and Nina,I hope they become endgame. |
Dec 9, 2024 7:48 PM
How can so many people be team Sett? He's broken and abused so many people. Even killed a girl after pushing her to her limit, so she attempted to kill him. Committed attempted murder towards Nina, and I could go on!?!?!?! Sett and Nina will never be my OTP!!!!!! And I'm so excited to see Azure inherit the throne!!!!! |
Dec 28, 2024 12:43 PM
AZ É REI!!! Estou impactada com tanta reviravolta nesse anime! |
Dec 28, 2024 6:09 PM
I would never understand the people shipping Nina with Sett when he literally tried to kill her many times, Az is the only one for her T-T. And Az bro be looking extra fine at the end wth |
Jan 26, 2:45 PM
The brown haired brother is an asshole. Poor Sett had a rough upbringing. Bloodletting a little boy is fucking insane. That explains the reason he's the way he is. They treated him like dirt. The dream of Nina coming to rescue Sett was cute. I'm still partial towards Azure though. I'm surprised more people are shifting towards Sett though. I wasn't expecting Azure to become king! I wonder what caused the shift. Where did the previous king go?Does that mean Nina could've technically become the queen? Probs not since they're supposed to be siblings /: |
Jan 26, 2:47 PM
Reply to Min_Minaliski
I would never understand the people shipping Nina with Sett when he literally tried to kill her many times, Az is the only one for her T-T. And Az bro be looking extra fine at the end wth
@Min_Minaliski A little late to this, but I'm thinking the same thing! How tf are people liking Sett after how mean and cruel he's been towards Nina. Az did indeed look fine as hell at the end |
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