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Jan 11, 2009 6:18 PM

Aug 2008
Raw is out! Anyways, this episode was kind of.... meh, especially since the previous one was so kick ass. So the girl we saw the end at of previous episode turns out to be Hidemi or something like that. She falls in love with this gangster dude who's suppose to be really nice deep down inside. Then, someone took a picture of them together and both of their reputations were destroyed. Honestly, why do people even CARE about stuff like this? Whatever.

The gangster dude (Kinya, I think that's his name) was arrested for robbery. While in custody, he steals the police's gun and starts shooting people. When Hidemi saw this, she couldn't take it anymore and pulled the string.

Pretty messed up plot, eh?

Anyways, away from the plot, ENMA AI IS REALLY BACK!! I mean, she has her house and her grandma again. The sucky thing is we don't get to see the cooler animation of her bursting out of Yuzuki's back whenever the string is pulled; it's back to the old "put on your kimono and ride in Wanyuudo's cart" again.

At the end of the episode, Yuzuki vowed to stop Jigoku Shoujo, only to realize there's a crap load of people around here summoning Enma Ai. She has a tough job to tackle....

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jan 12, 2009 8:45 PM

Mar 2008
this ep is not that disconnected like the others. Giant mecha AI ftw lol
Jan 12, 2009 11:11 PM

Aug 2008
It was supposed to be a mecha Ai? I was thinking of Godzilla Ai, lmao.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jan 18, 2009 1:43 PM
Dec 2007
Women can be seriously scary... "You don't remember me? Ok, then, I'll kill you." Anyway, it's a nice development that Enma Ai is now back in her original form and Yuzuki is still able to sense potential Jigoku Tsuchin users, it opens a lot of opportunities for the next episodes (even if they probably won't be exploited).

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jan 18, 2009 2:39 PM

Dec 2008
Nice to see Ai back in her original form with the original routine. Also, looks like it'll lead to interesting developments with Yuzuki.

Felt kinda bad for the guy though. ): It also seemed a bit abrupt, but ehh.

There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
Jan 18, 2009 3:20 PM

Apr 2008
the scene where Ai complains about the postion of the pc made me laugh a lot
Zazzy753Jan 18, 2009 3:23 PM
Jan 18, 2009 7:50 PM
Nov 2007
Opening Comment: "Ai! You got some splannin to do!"

Comments made while watching:

-"The lost local train is now departing." Those left behind...better luck next time.

-Dude there is something yellow growing out of your hair.

-Shinjuku...isnt that where The World Ends with You takes place?

-I guess they blew their animation budget on skittles this week...

-Yeah welcome to our new secret headquarters...its not hell but its home...oh by the way are you alive?

-Where they heck did they find an old computer like that?

-Yellow tailed-head man meets the bad luck girl...oh goody

-Well considering how many schoolgirls get sent to hell nowadays...second in your class isnt as impressive as it used to be I guess.

-Enter dude with cell phone camera which he will likely use to blackmail the unlucky school girl...and oh hey Yuzuki finally gets some screen time!

-Oh crap not the middle aged gossiping women.

-Yuzuki will now attempt to do what Shibata only had very limited success doing.

-Kinya is a real nice person...bad judge of character...

-*Yuzuki and the other girl watch as Kinya is arrested* Well so much for that plan.

-Wow first time Yuzuki and Ai have actually had a conversation.

-The bad news for Yuzuki is that she failed to stop another soul from being sent to hell...the good news is she doesnt have to have Emma burst out of her back anymore.

-Woot! Ai's Grandma and the original music are back for the preparation scene! Whats more Wannyudo gets his old job back!


-Wow now that is tiny...

-!!! Hidemi-chan...? Now that is a makeover!

-Ai's business is booming...Yuzuki has her work cut out for her.

Post Episode Comments:

Well they didnt really explain how Ai is alive and what her current situation is with regards to the Lord of Hell and all that however we did have a solid episode here. Looks like they are going to go back to the formula from the second half of Season 1 where we have a character actively trying to stop Hell Correspondence. I suspect we will eventually learn about Emma's situation though.


Now you see this one is kinda tough...until you consider that the reason that Kinya was sent to hell was because he unwittingly wrecked Hidemi's reputation and possibly also because Hidemi read a little too much into Kinya's helping her out. Although Kinya is still a low-life he really isnt worth giving up your chance for salvation over. Factor in the fact that all of Hidemi's reasons for sending him to hell revolve around her own vanity and you should understand why I have to declare Kinya...

Not Guilty
Jan 19, 2009 3:00 AM

Jan 2008

I thought Kinya was such a good guy too =[
Why the heck did she turn into a slut at the end?
Jan 19, 2009 10:44 AM

Nov 2007
skyenix said:
Why the heck did she turn into a slut at the end?

I was also confused, I thought she sent him to hell to save her rep.
Jan 19, 2009 11:15 AM

Feb 2008
Vecna_Heine said:
the scene where Ai complains about the postion of the pc made me laugh a lot

what you know girls and their aesthetics.

its really stupid about that whole thing. she really didn't send him to hell to save her rep. what ultimately made her pull the string was because he didn't remember him. if he had, she probably would have forgotten about the whole thing.

the whole hell girl thing is just an easy button. people don't really want to get to the root of the problem. or face problems head on. why report a bully to the teachers when you can just send them to hell etc...

i think all the people that have used her in this way are all weak minded.
Jan 20, 2009 1:06 PM

Jun 2008
Poor Kinya :(

He didn't deserve that.

Too bad Yuzuki wasn't able to stop that stupid girl from using the Hell Girl. and I don't see how sending him to hell really helped things that much.

I wanted to steal the Nyanko xD
Jan 23, 2009 12:57 PM

Jun 2008
Well i didn't like this episode very much. Anyway Emma Ai is back to normal but the animation was not as usual. And the grandma is back also. Who is she anyway?
Aizilla is a definitely a new concept but not my taste. I kind of laughed when she stepped on him.
Is the society is Japan so conservative that whenever they see a girl near a man she is immediately a whore?
Well there goes that guy. That will teach you what you get for being nice. Seeing her change after she send him to hell she probably wanted him to fuck her or something and she is mad at him because he didn't.
Holy Jesus!! all these people are calling Emma Ai? Am surprised how Japan hasn't gone extinct yet.

Are we ever gone get an explanation why Emma Ai is back and how?

seekster said:

-I guess they blew their animation budget on skittles this week...

-Yeah welcome to our new secret headquarters...its not hell but its home...oh by the way are you alive?

-Where they heck did they find an old computer like that?

-Oh crap not the middle aged gossiping women.


-!!! Hidemi-chan...? Now that is a makeover!

Ha!ha! yes i thought those things also while watching.
Jan 25, 2009 10:05 PM
Nov 2007
kisami said:
the whole hell girl thing is just an easy button.

I can see the commercial for that now. *grin*
Jan 27, 2009 8:58 PM

Aug 2008
Enma Ai said:
See for yourself. The last days of hatred.

The last days of hatred? I'm not entirely sure what Ai means by that, but I doubt we'll see the end of hatred at this rate.
"Cicadas, even though their lives last only a few weeks, fall in love and disappear"

~Heed the roar of the mighty ocelot~
Mar 17, 2009 6:52 AM

Aug 2008
I thought this was a vast improvement on the current series, perhaps not animation wise but this certainly felt more like Jigoku Shoujo than the first 13 episodes.
Mar 20, 2009 8:20 AM

Feb 2008
skyenix said:

I thought Kinya was such a good guy too =[
Why the heck did she turn into a slut at the end?

Seeing your kind hero becoming a villain with you ownr eyes can really shatter your concept of life and hope. Added the your villain doesn't even recognize what you looked like only made matters worse.

Her hatred went from finding the snitch to keeping her reputation from going down the drain to simple and pure hatred. After realizing the errors of her way, she choose to become a slut cause her reputation is already close to none so might as well just enjoy the rest of your life as a slut.

Totally plausible scenario. Which is way i will always continue to watch shows filled with the sins of life.
Mar 21, 2009 2:01 AM
Nov 2008
This ep. is another "Loss of innocent" "Idealist fallacy" or something like this again
I now think 3rd season really focuses such issue

You know what Joker had done to Two-faces eh?
Sep 28, 2009 10:56 AM

Aug 2009
Lol, she became a slut in the end. Sad episode imo. and yess, the grandma is back. I missed her saying "Ai, I'll put your nanjuban here."

Silly delinquent guy, if he had not forgotten the name of the girl, he could have been saved. I think, lol.
She pulled because he forgot about her, damn that's messed up.

Btw, how is Yuzuki still sensing the people who'll access the Jigoku Tsuushin if Enma is not inside of her anymore?
Oct 9, 2009 2:03 AM

Nov 2007
I rather liked this episode. Strongest of the season so far. We get to see a real Ai sequence not the trippy transformation, and another silly person's life is ruined. Poor Yuzuki though, she wants to help, but drastically underestimates humanity's potential for hatred. :(
Jan 25, 2010 5:56 AM

Nov 2009
wow at first i really liked that guy untill he beat up the dude... hedamie got what he deserved i guess... and in the end... she REALLY changed!!! i was really surprised XD
Oct 10, 2010 1:17 AM

Apr 2010
Kanon-kun said:

xD Just what I was thinking. Giant Kikuri is cool too :P

Soo, Ai isn't inside Yuzuki anymore, but Yuzuki still has a connection to her and can see who plans to acess the Jigoku Tsuushin? This is getting really interesting a lot sooner than I expected.

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Oct 18, 2010 12:56 AM
Sep 2009
Okay, srsly? I had my doubts about this season. But the last episode, where Ai gets her body back and Akie gets sent in place of her father... and this one, where we find Yuzuki can now sense other potential users of Hell Correspondence not during, but before they meet with Ai...
OhGodthisisgoingtobeFUN X3
Just my two cents.
Feb 20, 2011 3:29 AM

Oct 2008
Lol.. >.>
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Aug 4, 2011 10:58 PM

Jun 2009
I still don't understand why do everybody suddenly change their minds about someone just for a pic :/
Anyways I hope Yuzuki will be able to do something to help ppl cause if she keeps doing stuff like this many ppl will go to hell. D:
Aug 8, 2011 6:44 PM

Dec 2010
Yuzuki's taking Shibata's path... well, kinda.
This episode was quite emotional which I liked. In the same time it showed how is our world and life actually filled with vanity. Not just once. It was the theme of this episode in my opinion. Kinya helping the girl. Then he even forgot how she looked like(he even wasn't drunk, so no excuse). Then he started acting like criminal just to get his reputation higher(not to mention how sad actually looked his brother when he was proud of him... too bad this was picture of our reality...). The best example was Hidemi - she was going to send him to hell just not to get her reputation ruined, but a moment later she pulled the string for real reason and not the one she was first after. And when she got shocked by him not recognizing her... it was just essential for her to get struck by emotions and pull the string in no more than blink of an eye.
Jan 28, 2012 2:52 PM

Dec 2011
Oh, how I've missed ojou-sama's ritual... and she's OCD?! I think I've fallen in love!

Perfect Episode; 6/5 ★★★★✶

Jun 29, 2012 10:20 PM

Jul 2011
my thoughts while watching
how he alive after getting stabbed
is that hajime under that coat... i really miss hajime
okay so she dropped her phone its broke duh dont run back for the phone and miss the train dumbass
is she gonna get raped?
okay so why is she following him into the store?
AI!!! i missed you lol you so funny
i figured everyone was gonna think she was bad.. she should have just called home
so this girl is supposed to be hajime now... she not even close
okay so she pulled the string so people wouldnt think she had anything to do with him just to end up like him anyway.. damn if he was still alive they could be a couple
Aug 10, 2012 1:17 PM

May 2012
What a story in this episode! Was quite impressive, I love that Ai is back to her old self with her old sequence in her old hideout :D

It's nice that Yuzuki is still being kept in the main story line now having the power to sense who's going to use the Hell Link! So that's quite a nice attribute to her and the story.

The torture scenes was epic as well and it was just sad for the person who got so much problems bcs of a single picture but yea the guy is better of being banished of to hell!

Great episode and welcome back Enma Ai! But in the ending that girl totally changed!
Sep 20, 2012 2:12 AM

Apr 2011
I felt bad for the girl this episode. The community dub her a slut, so she became one in the end. Yuzuki confronted Ai and asked for Akie back, but no dice.

I do wish Yuzuki is able to get Akie back, maybe through some plot device :)

and the wannabe gangster guy was never good at all. I guess he was too beaten up, to beat the homeless man at the beginning. LOL
Oct 1, 2012 8:16 AM

Jun 2012
So, everyone around Yuzuki wants to get revenge using Jigoku Shoujo?

Sounds like there's a good chance the same thing that happened in season 2 could happen again.
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Dec 17, 2012 2:10 PM

Jun 2011
Ahhh I missed the old times with Ai's computer and grandma ^^
I actually liked this episode quite a lot. Humans' hatred is bottomless...
Jul 11, 2013 8:32 PM

Mar 2010
definitely laughing at her turning into a slut in the end. i guess she figured, why the hell not? i'm going to hell anyway?! wow, so weird! i agree with the poster above saying this episode is about vanity. i love the new theme of yuzuki being able to sense people wanting to contact ai.
Dec 7, 2013 6:11 AM

Jun 2012
well not the depth that i hoped for but its also not disappointing.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Aug 16, 2014 8:40 AM

Jan 2014
So, it seems I was right in many points.
1) This is really going to be a Futakomori copy-paste, but with the add of season 1 story as well. So it's not just a school-setting show.
2) After the impressive end of part 1, we are now back to dullness, even though I quite appreciated this story, even though it quite disappointed me.
I was expecting this characters to be part of the develop of the second part, but I was wrong.

But one thing I don't understand. I thought the Jigoku crew build that base because Enma could not return to her old base. But why she was there with her grandma? Maybe she was transferred?

It was nice to hear the old soundtrack and the punishment starting segment.

So now Yuzuki has took the work Hajime and Tsugumi left off of trying to stop Jigoku Shoujo because it's futile. Well, I guess it's nice, but I'll support her.
Dec 11, 2014 11:00 PM

Nov 2013
Annnnnnnnd the plot is gone...

That delinquent was a douchebag. He was so dumb he couldn't even remember who Hidemi was.

Yay no more body horror transformation scenes!

I loved the music during the torture scene. So badass.

Glad Hidemi sent that delinquent to hell, I fucking hated him.

I'm hoping for the last 5 or 6 episodes to follow a continuous storyline like in Futakomori because the end of Futakomori was epic.
LonsolDec 11, 2014 11:05 PM

Oct 12, 2015 11:18 AM

Aug 2014
How can a photo like that ruin someone's life? That's retarded. People are retarded.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
May 9, 2016 2:19 PM

Feb 2015
Aw you are kidding me, Yuzuki's been upgraded from a Tsugumi to a Hajime? No! Urgh... okay, I can deal with it as long as she doesn't get annoying.

Well, at least Ai is back to her normal routine, alot better than listening to moaning, screaming nd a cocoon phrase.

By the way, that Hidemi changed so what was the point in sending him to hell? Because he didnt remember her? Urgh... people these days.
Jun 21, 2017 11:01 AM

Sep 2011
Something I noticed about this episode that doesn't seem to be mentioned (at least not specifically) in this thread yet: Kinya was never being nice because he was a good person. You could see it in how he explained it to his co-worker/friend/misguided protégé: he was just taking what the old man he'd later attack had said and using it to try to make himself look good.

Does that justify his eternal damnation? Not really, but it does help us understand that there wasn't some radical shift in his personality between helping Hidemi and attacking the old man; it was all about himself and his reputation the whole time.

Sep 30, 2017 9:19 AM

May 2015
Meh. This season is worse.

Hidemi went full-slut mode.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Feb 19, 2018 8:58 AM

Oct 2015
Kinya was an ass, if maybe not completely hopeless. Felt sorry for Hidemi going all slutty.

Between Enma Aizilla and Titan Altera, Mamiko Noto's voice suits gigantic chicks rather well!
Jun 11, 2019 4:55 AM

Jun 2017
Lol, Ai complaining about the "unsettling" position of the pc, cute and funny, also Giant Ai on the end, lol. Nice to see her back in her original form.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Jun 17, 2019 3:35 AM

Sep 2012
it seems changing her looks means she became a slut? seriously ppl get ur heads out of the gutter
Apr 9, 2020 12:26 AM

Jun 2016

man I missed the grandma and I also missed that soundtrack soo much. Let's gooo Ojouuu!!
Feb 1, 2021 4:53 AM

Mar 2019
I guess this was ok. Kinya went from an interesting character to your usual jigoku shoujo episodic "villain".
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Nov 12, 2022 7:52 PM
Dec 2017
another aighty episode i guess

Aug 2, 2023 2:14 PM

Sep 2017
So, this season's story started. Yet again, another hero of justice will face the harbinger of grudges
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