if you are checking my list and thinking what a weird scoring that could be correct since i do not score on a regular way.
i score on:
1: art style
2: characters
3: based on the genre i score on comedy, action etc.
4: story
number 1 does not mean that it is most important !
this are just 4 of the several things i look to ( still many people will not agree on the scores but i like almost all type of things and can see the good points of almost any show it also depend on the mood i am in)
I also score based on something else that can be seen at Saishuu Heiki Kanojo i gave it a 10 art was horrible but here i scored based on something else then art and such aspects but i do not know how to put that in words and explain my self there even if i did people most likely will think i am crazy if they do not think that by now already;)
scores are also a bit off because when i created this list i had to add so many that i did not fully remember any more i refreshed my memories by checking pieces of the shows again but still for some this did not 100% help most of them i gave a 7 or 8 because i never disliked one of the anime's that i did not fully remember.
even said i score basrd on all the points mentioned above. most of time for me it is still most important if it keep me into it like i want to finish the whole anime in 1 night if its different that is also okay but it most of time infect my score if it get me easy distracted.
i think the lowest score i gave is a 3 this is most common for specials that are totally worthless but since the art is good and other aspects it came to a 3.
side note on subbing groups:
at moment i am a bit down on the subbing groups that are doing shows for some there are some good groups doing it but for many subbing groups i normally avoid are doing it as only one and after a year still no new group doing it and then i find it hard to start such a anime which might be great if i watch it.
top anime:
do not really matter since i like most and you can talk about any i have seen if you feel like it. surely there some more i do like a lot but then i would have to make something bigger then a top 5 and i am to lazy to do so.
so the top 5 i am having now is just some of the once i enjoyed a lot but i felt like putting this 5
top 3 on my page should actually all be on 1st place but that's not possible they out stand all other top anime and anime i liked a lot that are not in it so you can basically say that are my all time favourites no matter what.
top characters is hard since many shows like Kyou no Go no Ni had allot of good and funny characters.
top 5 genre's:
1. Psychological or Mystery ( can't decide)
2. horror/thriller
3. Ecchi (Ecchi that is meant for humor reasons not for fan service if fan service it is not in my top genre)
4. Romance
5. Drama
this does not mean i do not like other genres but with this 5 i almost always had a good feeling so a good experience.
the only type of anime i most of time find hard to watch are:
1. hentai ( i do not have problems with naked scenes or some love making scene but hentai's are mostly not having a real story and even if it does i would not be able to follow it for me it would be the same as watching a 18+ xxx rated movie that's trying to put a story but most of time they just f***ing with each other not my type of thing but everyone its own taste of course )
2. Robot ( not really a genre but you get me ) ( this is just 1 thing i really do not enjoy most of time. i have seen some anime with robots that i did enjoy and some even really enjoyed like Bokurano and Saishuu Heiki Kanojo ( not sure if this one can be seen as robot but okay) but this are some exceptions but this 2 also one of my favourites. many i do not like and most of time that is like humans vs robots or robots taking over the world and that kind of stuff il pass on that (not saying all robot anime are about that but just using examples)
yeah don't think there's something specific like that. If it's subbed new releases then rss would do since forums upload everything newly subbed on it but nothing like announcments from magazines of new ovas and etc.
I'm doing prty good, college started for me again so that kinda sucks and less time but yeah same here with the weather, rain and getting colder so more time for anime~
hehe that would be awesome in many ways lol could apply that to anything =p
I'm doing well~ but it's really hot nows cuz summer so kinda lazy to do anything lol
oh hmm for rss feeds you need a website reader like NewsBlur or Old Reader, Google reader closed so that sucks.
Hmm it just collects all the feeds from different websites to one place but i dont think you could do what you want with it. I can see new eps from an anime forum feed but not anything list based. ANN also has news about upcoming series, ovas and when something gets an adaptation but you cant really choose it to be based on a personal list so idk if you are interested.
Yep looks like it went well~
Oh hmm I see, guess gotta try something if they wont respond
You could use RSS feeds for new eps tho so it's not that unique but those are not desktop notifications but only on website.
Thanks~ finally done with em, now just to wait for grades~
I'm still behind too but catching up now~
Oh hmm I know that site but never actually used AniDB so not sure how that works. They send notifications for eps?
Yeah its gets harder to balance everything now =/
Met mij gaat alles wel goed, druk met de opleiding maar voor de rest is alles oké.
Misschien heb je in de zomervakantie (heb ik in ~9 weken) wat tijd, maar we kijken nog wel.
All Comments (124) Comments
I'm doing prty good, college started for me again so that kinda sucks and less time but yeah same here with the weather, rain and getting colder so more time for anime~
hehe that would be awesome in many ways lol could apply that to anything =p
oh hmm for rss feeds you need a website reader like NewsBlur or Old Reader, Google reader closed so that sucks.
Hmm it just collects all the feeds from different websites to one place but i dont think you could do what you want with it. I can see new eps from an anime forum feed but not anything list based. ANN also has news about upcoming series, ovas and when something gets an adaptation but you cant really choose it to be based on a personal list so idk if you are interested.
Oh hmm I see, guess gotta try something if they wont respond
You could use RSS feeds for new eps tho so it's not that unique but those are not desktop notifications but only on website.
I'm still behind too but catching up now~
Oh hmm I know that site but never actually used AniDB so not sure how that works. They send notifications for eps?
Yeah its gets harder to balance everything now =/
In principe ben ik als ik wakker ben wel online op Skype, ik run het ook op m'n laptop als ik naar school ga.
Nice hehe, this season has lots of good series' too.
Ik zal wel vergeten zijn op de Submit knop te klikken, dat heb ik vaker. ^^
Morgen ben ik vrij, dus dan zal het wel lukken lijkt me.
Met mij gaat alles wel goed, druk met de opleiding maar voor de rest is alles oké.
Misschien heb je in de zomervakantie (heb ik in ~9 weken) wat tijd, maar we kijken nog wel.
Of nog steeds druk met werk enzo, haha.
would you like to join us ?
I saw Baccano a year and a half ago, might have to rewatch it first then watch the specials at the same time.
Yep die Higurashi is al een tijdje uit, ik weet alleen niet wanneer ik hem ga kijken.
We kunnen hem samen kijken als je dat zoekt.
Heb trouwens nu ook een mooie microfooninterface en microfoon, nu is m'n audio-stapel al 3 stuks hoog haha.