Sins Loli And Shota are same just 1female and other1 Male i use just 1term that is more used and that's Loli and Lolicon
what i have learned more, lolicon is a form of this complex:
Being in love or sexually attracted to anime or cartoon characters.
in medical world its more known as Fictosexuality, Fictoromance, and Fictophilia
so they are only interested in lolis that way and not real ppl
the ones that fap to it, the other type are just fans of awry thing related to loli
and the ones that are fans only see art even the ones that create that art
and loli represents petite in anime
labeling them pedos can cause real life harm to innocent lolicons if ppl see them that way and the more ppl are like that the higher is the risk, ppl's view on them has to change to stop violence against loicons
u can call them weirdos fine (i give u pass on that, cause different ppl different opinions and views and i can se why some may see it that way) but not pedos
the connection with Lolita is BS, made up just to attack loli art style and lolicons, just cause this are similar words doesn't mean there is connection there
loli is a cute moe version of petite, there are adult lolis and teen lolis just like there are adult petite and teen petite
but if u want to go that route, even anime child doesn't look like real human so they could as well fap to a alien and that brakes ur argument apart, is it weird yes, is it pedo?, no its not pedo!
this mess was born from many thing, one mistranslations then biases then cause we ordinary ppl don't know psychology and also some ppl wanting to force their world view and/or ideology on japan cause Japan isn't like west corporation, ppl on bird platform scream and they pend the knee and do what the mob ordered them to do, and some ppl want to force japan pend the knee to, also why u find mostly BS stuff on lolicons when u search, almost impossible to find reliable unbias source that is when u search directly about lolicon
no one is forcing u to like loli/shota also no1 is forcing u to watch it, if it makes u feel uncomfortable u have choice not to watch it, but making it something its not, making it a pedophilia issue is hurting ppl while loli and lolicons are not
easy don't like it don't watch that stuff, its the rule i live by (also keep ur kids away from it to u have that right), u can critique series plot and chars for example sure but what ur not critiquing any series, ur low key attacking ppl
Sins pro-ship also is on lolicon side i half to explain what they are about:
Pro-Ship view, what they stand for:
If you don't believe people should be harassed over their fictional interests, you are by definition pro-ship. It's fine if you don't use that label, though.
and also part of what they stand for:
Those who are pro-ship believe fans should be able to ship any fictional relationship - even problematic ones. This abbreviation is often used in contrast to anti-ship.
Pro-ship fans do not necessarily ship problematic relationships themselves. Rather, they believe all fans should be allowed to ship whatever relationships they want, and that a fan's chosen ships don't reflect their IRL morals. In pro-ship fans' minds, fiction is fiction, and shipping problematic relationships doesn't hurt anyone.
and pro-shippers are the ones that actually ship, group dedicated for shipping, and they ship any1 they feel like shipping even relationships that are taboo in real life, but ofc a person can be both pro-shipper and pro-ship to
in short pro-shippers are about shipping anything even what some call problematic relationship/ships
Pedophilia is uncurbable mental illness where person is sexually interested in children and looses interest once child become teen
Ephebophilia is when some1 is sexually interest in teens and they loose interest once teen becomes adult, that's how the both illnesses work
so if some1 over 18 falls for 16y is not automatically case of Ephebophilia, some life long married couples have started that way and even in countries where below 18 is illegal cause the law says sex is illegal with below 18 not dating, ofc if parents don't trust u they can get restraining order if u don't listen to them when they tell u to never see her again at least until she is 18, sometimes love just happens between above and below 18 its life fact
but to make it simple some1 whos only interested in below 18 is sick, if they lust for below 18 and cant get off from adults, this days ppl like to label anything pedophilia that they don't understand and what makes them unconfutable
its not black and whit like some ppl think, its ferry complicated
when it comes to real life and real ppl, we shouldn't even use this labels unless its on ppl who have been convicted in podophilic crime
New Wisdom from a Youtube comment i happen to see:
First, when animation creators draw things about loli (little girls) and other things, no children in the real world are affected in any way. In other words, they do not really ask for help when creating these publications (including 18-year-old girls). If a child comes to do this, it is even less likely that child pornography will occur during creation.
Secondly, we anime fans all know that our favorite anime characters are all virtual, so we don’t have any doubts about children in the real world. After all, children in the second dimension are different from children in the third dimension. Therefore child pornography cannot occur.
Third, for those pedophiles, whether they have watched anime or not, they will want to sexually abuse children. Such people should be prevented, but the United Nations instead pointed the finger at anime. It affects our body and mind. If this is the case, why is the child sexual abuse rate in Japan so much lower than that in Western countries? According to a "United Nations" survey, the probability of child abduction in Japan dropped from 1.72/100,000 in 2004 to 0.99/100,000 in 2014. , while child sexual assault incidents dropped from 30.1/100,000 in 2004 to 21.1/100,000. On the other hand, in the Western world, we take the UK as an example. The child abduction rate in the UK alone increased from 26.36 in 2004 to 2014. 51.04, the child sexual abuse rate is even more exaggerated, soaring from 136.7 in 2004 to 271.5 in 2014! It can be seen that the child sexual abuse rate in Japan, a major animation production country, is much smaller than that in the Western world, which denies the According to the United Nations, "Lolita characters in anime can create erotic thoughts for ordinary people."
Fourth, the United Nations is an international organization that protects human rights, politics, law, peace, culture and other affairs in various countries, and the animation industry is an artistic indicator of Asia. If this unrealistic bill of rights is passed, it will not only severely set back the animation exhibition It is also a kind of harm to animation culture. In the end, the United Nations, which originally said that it wanted to safeguard the cultures of various countries, might destroy the entire animation industry.
if its 2realistic and looks like actual child then its a problem
I'm kind of guy who dose not smoke nor drink, i like music a bit, & i watch movies & anime's & some TV series Online, & i play PC games, RPG mostly :), & i don't like night clubs. AGE 39
Bible Is A Fairy Tale Book, Ppl its time to stop living in fantasy world & come to reality & instead watch fantasy & not live in it awry day (hes villain but he can't more right about this)
Watching Arifureta s3.
Currently episode 7.
So far it's good I guess. Fine sometimes.
Both 1st and 2nd seasons I rated 7/10
There are high chances of season3 end up 7/10 as well. Let´s see.
Wow so many youtube videos xD There is one 3 hours long xD
Ah, another shota or male kid/child anime. Not really my cup of tea but there are few nice ones out there. That one specifically Tensei Kizoku I didn't watch (it's from 2023, I see. It's a relatively new one). Probably I passed at the time.
Do you enjoy male kid protagonist in animes, by the way, Sugram. Just curious/wondering cause I see you share a lot those.
Currently watching 2.5-jigen no Ririsa (2.5 Dimensional Seduction). Currently episode 19. Have you watched?
I enjoyed more the first couple of episodes, despite the "censorship" (they really toned down the ecchi, sadly). Then there was too much overreacting/overmelodrama and they recycled too much >.< Like.. they already made the point but kept recycling/repeating the drama and also the flashbacks.
So far... I would say it's a 7/10, waving to 6/10 a few times.
Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei I am yet to watch. Mean score very low here on MAL but that only makes me even more exciting to watch hahaha for some reason I tend to enjoy animes that people rate low (also to not enjoy as much animes that people rate high, but I swear it's not on purpose lol)
I haven't watched Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles S1, is the protagonist shota / very young male?
I have started yesterday Monogatari Series - Off & Monster Season
Monogatari series is super nice, although it can be confusing a few times lol; still it's one of those confusing/fast paced conversations that is super cool.
That is something I also thought about a few times.... we have yet to see Treyni's full power? Like... we know (or we can feel) she's powerful, but she hasn't show her full power in the anime yet, right? Or she did? She has this young and cute energy mixed to her maturity; "ara ara"... and so some of us might not know how powerful she is. I feel like if she get super serious it's GG hahaha
Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei I am yet to watch >.< I have been kinda busy these 4 past days... hopefully from today I'll be able to progress with my watching. I am yet to finish Spice and Wolf remake. Actually, I am yet to update my list with the season that just ended >.< I have selected too many animes from the past-past season to watch LoL so it's taking much more time than I expected.
the issue with other giff could have also been the speed (at least partly, sins the birthday giff is slower and doesn't make my page load slower), it did look fast/wild
Thank you for letting me know about the issue! I post those banners quite often, and this is the first time someone has mentioned it affecting load times. I’m really sorry it caused any inconvenience for you. I’ll make sure to be more mindful of this in the future. I’m also working on new designs for this year, so I’ll aim to create versions that are more optimized and enjoyable. I truly appreciate your feedback!
I really enjoyed the first season of Maou-sama, Retry! R. I even went back to re-watch it to refresh my memory of the events, expecting the story to continue. Unfortunately, this new season felt completely disjointed, and I didn't enjoy it at all.
seems like culprit was one large happy new year giff what i started to use after getting it from some1 to my wall, after del it loading went back to normal, maybe it would normalized over time to when if comments would have pushed it back to second pages where its not visible who knows but del it fixed slow loading
All Comments (1392) Comments
Currently episode 7.
So far it's good I guess. Fine sometimes.
Both 1st and 2nd seasons I rated 7/10
There are high chances of season3 end up 7/10 as well. Let´s see.
I rated both seasons 1 and 2 7/10
Let's see what will be of season 3
Ah, another shota or male kid/child anime. Not really my cup of tea but there are few nice ones out there. That one specifically Tensei Kizoku I didn't watch (it's from 2023, I see. It's a relatively new one). Probably I passed at the time.
Do you enjoy male kid protagonist in animes, by the way, Sugram. Just curious/wondering cause I see you share a lot those.
Currently watching 2.5-jigen no Ririsa (2.5 Dimensional Seduction). Currently episode 19. Have you watched?
I enjoyed more the first couple of episodes, despite the "censorship" (they really toned down the ecchi, sadly). Then there was too much overreacting/overmelodrama and they recycled too much >.< Like.. they already made the point but kept recycling/repeating the drama and also the flashbacks.
So far... I would say it's a 7/10, waving to 6/10 a few times.
I haven't watched Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles S1, is the protagonist shota / very young male?
I have started yesterday Monogatari Series - Off & Monster Season
Monogatari series is super nice, although it can be confusing a few times lol; still it's one of those confusing/fast paced conversations that is super cool.
I didn't watch the movie yet , where did you watch it ?
Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei I am yet to watch >.< I have been kinda busy these 4 past days... hopefully from today I'll be able to progress with my watching. I am yet to finish Spice and Wolf remake. Actually, I am yet to update my list with the season that just ended >.< I have selected too many animes from the past-past season to watch LoL so it's taking much more time than I expected.
the issue with other giff could have also been the speed (at least partly, sins the birthday giff is slower and doesn't make my page load slower), it did look fast/wild
that's is also urs, also no issue