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Aug 1, 2008 3:22 PM

Jan 2008
This Won guy has serious issues. I think he used to be beaten by his dad, and now he takes it out on kids. Well, anyone with a pulse really, he even socked Bright at one point. Good to see him get a taste of his own medicine by Judau.

Hopefully they'll make a flashback OVA all about Won and how he turned into such a monumental arsehole, and a follow-up movie where we see him forced into a fight club and beaten mercilessly by wrestling midgets.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Aug 2, 2008 3:13 AM

Feb 2008
Cihan said:
This Won guy has serious issues. I think he used to be beaten by his dad, and now he takes it out on kids.

I completely lawled reading that. XD

Yeah, ugh ... glad he finally got what was coming towards him though. He didn't seem that annoying in Zeta at times (like when he was on the Argama with Bright, Bright made it clear he was the Captain of the ship and shut him up).
Dec 24, 2008 8:46 PM

Aug 2008
Echelon said:
Cihan said:
This Won guy has serious issues. I think he used to be beaten by his dad, and now he takes it out on kids.

I completely lawled reading that. XD

Yeah, ugh ... glad he finally got what was coming towards him though. He didn't seem that annoying in Zeta at times (like when he was on the Argama with Bright, Bright made it clear he was the Captain of the ship and shut him up).

I respectfully disagree. Won needed to shut up ALL the time! The only time I could stand his voice was when he was leading those petite mobiles in Zeta Gundam. I clapped when he got hit!
Nov 21, 2009 9:24 PM

Feb 2009
What a great episode, the best one so far. ZZ started okay, being comedy its strong point at that point, but now its starting to get really good with the war plot thickening and the characters getting a lot more serious.
Dec 12, 2010 9:00 AM

May 2008
^^ Highly agree here~
I love how the story is becoming more serious. I just didn't really like the comedy elements, it wasn't so Gundam like at the beginning. But now I started to like ZZ more.
Dec 18, 2010 5:22 AM

May 2010
I thought the first half of this episode had lots of comedy elements actually. I know I burst out laughing a few times watching this episode.
“Money can't buy dere”
Jan 28, 2011 4:35 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
If ZZ has any reedeming qualities over Zeta is that at least Wong get's punched in the face like he richly deserves. What an annoying character! Judau's carefree attitude is actually pretty refreshing for a Gundam series.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 13, 2012 11:57 AM

Jun 2012
Nice episode! I'm glad that ZZ is becoming more serious.
Nov 1, 2013 10:51 AM

Sep 2010
Betting Cecilia will die next episode. I think her and Torres make a cute couple. xD
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jan 13, 2014 9:57 AM

Oct 2008
Oh Won-san. I remember smiling when he beat up Kamile in Zeta and Kamile was like "I'm against violence! (even though I beat up people for saying my name is girly)" lmao. Was happy to see him get punched this time though.
Feb 13, 2014 9:10 PM

Aug 2011
Really funny seeing Wong being hit by someone else for a change.
Though I will never forget that glorious scene when he just randomly beat up Kamille in Zeta.
May 18, 2014 10:14 PM

May 2008
Terrible episode all around.

I was hoping for Wong to get Judau's butt, but ended up with Judau kicking Wong's butt... Not sure how to feel about that.

But, I do feel like they took his worst traits and made it worse. Man, was he horrible in this episode. The only good line was about Monda and Beecha's betrayal. (Bright's response to that is so terrible, it makes me think wtf he's smoking.)
Nov 24, 2014 1:18 PM

Mar 2013
Worst Gundam series of them all.
Jan 18, 2015 2:01 PM

Nov 2014
Glad to see Judah won't take any of Wong's shit. That guy's so awful Bright's actually defending the kids over him.

I noticed Wong's little mention of a new ship that the crew would only get if they came back alive, are we gonna get a mid season ship upgrade instead of a mecha?.
Bubcus993Jan 18, 2015 2:07 PM
Feb 2, 2015 10:35 PM

Jul 2009
Amazing episode!

When they played Zeta's ED Hoshizora no Believe, it brought me memories of Zeta!

I'm glad they're reusing some of the iconic Zeta's OST!

Judau is much cooler now! He isn't the type of person who takes all the abuse he can. I think Wong needs to calm down, not everything is solved by hitting the person multiple times.

At least Bright said something about this, unlike Kamille where Bright left him and Wong beat the shit out of him.

I think Torres is also playing a big role now. He's like Kai Shiden from Gundam 079. Ironically he also falls in love with a spy named Miharu Ratokie. I won't be surprise if Cecillia dies in the next episode or so.

The atmosphere is getting back like Zeta. Though i can see they're still toning down the violence, i'm pretty sure Wong would have at least hit Judau before being strike back. Even killing the enemy Judau seemed hesiitant compared to Kamille which he would have killed all of them in one swoop.

Good stuff! Just bring more violence, more Bright slaps, more enemy deaths and we're back on track!

Can't wait for the next episode!
May 11, 2016 5:28 PM

Jan 2014
By virtue of Puru not being there, that episode was at least x3 better than the last one. Which is not saying much, mind you, but despite the usual silliness in the first half, the very neat action-packed second half sort of made up for it. Still not 100% convinced that this show is worth sitting through all this stupidity, but hey.

My God, Bitcha and Mundo are so bad they can't even recognize a beautfiul lady when they see one: in what dimension is Elle better-looking than Cecilia? smh

How does it feel to actually be the one on the recieving hand of the correction tho, Wong? That man was a complete ass in Zeta; even though Kamille probably deserved 99% of the beating he got, I'm glad Aikido gave him a taste of his own medicine.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 18, 2016 7:16 AM

Dec 2015
Like everyone else I celebrate this episode for the well-deserved correction Wong got. Thanks Judau.
Bright did the right thing to defend the kids except about the traitors (only complaint Wong was right about). Does this man really see Bright as a head hunter who will harvest new Newtypes every time the previous ones are expired? He's nuts and as bad as most of the military leaders we see since the end of 0079 (Dozle could teach him a thing or two) to considere even kid soldiers as mere tools.

The spy was very reminiscent of the Miharu story with Kai in 0079. Let's see if ZZ lighter atmosphere will save her from an obvious death.

Some comedy scenes were funny, some were'nt but overall it was a good episode.
Dec 16, 2016 10:45 PM

Jun 2013
Solid episode, but i wish the stupid slapstick would go away, it just doesnt work.
Feb 15, 2018 9:12 PM

May 2015
Just when I was under the impression that Milly has caught Torres eyes she was undercut by Cecilia after their reunion Milly was not a factor in this episode...
Sep 1, 2018 8:06 PM

Jun 2014
Wong finally got a taste of his own medicine. That hit Judau gave him makes up for the time Wong hit Kamille.

Milly seems more suited for Torres than Cecilia. I wonder what will happen in the next episode?

Sep 29, 2018 5:48 PM

Aug 2010
Beatnik said:

This Won guy has serious issues. I think he used to be beaten by his dad, and now he takes it out on kids. Well, anyone with a pulse really, he even socked Bright at one point. Good to see him get a taste of his own medicine by Judau.

Hopefully they'll make a flashback OVA all about Won and how he turned into such a monumental arsehole, and a follow-up movie where we see him forced into a fight club and beaten mercilessly by wrestling midgets.

Comment of the week (or so to speak) right there. Judau Ashta is now officially the best Gundam pilot in the entire series!!
Nov 4, 2018 10:54 PM
Nov 2013
Man, Wong deserved that kick, don’t fuck with the pilots m8. It’s cool how Bright was taking Judau’s side too.

I like how they used the ED from Zeta as bgm at the start of the episode. The comedy wasn’t too overbearing either. This was a decent episode overall, now let’s get some more mech battles!
Jan 2, 2019 3:23 AM

Feb 2017
I am glad Wong got beating this time, that was so satisfying after what he did to Kamille in Zeta (tough Kamille deserved it at the time)
Apr 19, 2019 1:41 PM

Nov 2016
This is why Judau is best Gundam boy(so far)

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 29, 2020 7:35 AM

Aug 2017
FINALLY Mr. Wong got corrected by somebody, I applaud Judau xD But damn, Wong punched Bright in the guts, it's unforgivable!
I also lost it when the ED theme from Zeta suddenly started playing

The moment with Gottn's subordinates saluting in the civil uniform was funny

Bright told Wong that he never participated in a battle... Well techincally he did once when Von Braun was attacked by the Titans.

Judau also used his mini-wave-motion-cannon in the head for the second time in the show. It's such a powerful weapon yet almost never used.

The whole subplot with Cecilia reminds me of Miharu from the original trilogy. Will she meet the same fate? Also ZZ seems to have some double episodes (arcs), it wasn't the case in Zeta. Interesting.

@Rei_III looks like we had identical thoughts about Cecilia and Miharu since I'd written my post before reading the thread :0
St0rmbladeJun 29, 2020 7:42 AM
Aug 20, 2020 8:54 PM

Apr 2014
it felt so good to see that won guy get beat so easy, cause god did i hate him in zeta i mean he's still annoying here but was nice to see him get beat
"one step at a time"
Jun 17, 2021 1:44 AM

Apr 2016

Um, no. Actually it seems to be pretty easy to save Leina. Leina is with Puru. Puru is at Axis. Judau can buy a ticket and ride a passenger ship to Axis. Then he just needs to meet up with Puru. Both Judau and Puru are newtypes who can sense each other, so once Judau comes within range of Axis, Puru should detect him and come out to meet him. If not, then no bigge, Judau just needs to go to the palace, and infiltrating guarded facilities in Gundam is pretty easy. It helps that Axis doesn't have Judau's photo so guards can't recognize him.
Sep 2, 2021 10:30 AM

Jan 2012
Last episode they were in cells and now they are free again.
Consistency is lacking between episodes
Bright was one of the last sane person in this series but now he becomes dumb.
=> He prefers to trust newtypes who have already betrayed him. (beecha and mondo)

Pretty satisfying to see wong being punched even if he is in the right.
He's just annoying.
MagnordSep 2, 2021 10:40 AM
Mar 3, 2022 6:57 AM

Dec 2021
Judeau beating Wong back is part of the reason why, despite ZZ being a trainwreck most of the time, Judeau is actually the chaddest pilot a Gundam ever had (my enthusiasm immediately faded when the boys randomly over-heard a secret plan to attack the Argama at the bar)
Oznerol7Mar 3, 2022 7:04 AM
Nov 29, 2022 3:10 PM
Dec 2015
Lol, after all the bullshits beecha and mondo did in the previous episodes, now they are like the "good guys" whose side you would take against wong? that was pretty funny

Wong is an ass but i agree with him when he complains that the kids need more discipline

I was glad that puru wasn't around because i find that character very annoying. Same for chara so that was a plus

Sapewloth said:
in what dimension is Elle better-looking than Cecilia? smh

lol I like Elle, but yeah, Cecilia has a more feminine/mature look
Sep 6, 2023 4:02 AM

Jul 2017
no please wong i didn't miss you please go away forever.
also, I don't know why but i like a lot the cast of gundam zz.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Mar 25, 2024 7:25 PM

May 2015
So everyone just ignores the traitorous acts of Beecha and Mondo?
Oct 9, 2024 1:07 AM
Jul 2024
Best episode yet by a mile. It's incredibly cathartic to see Wong get his ass beat after all he did in Zeta. I wasn't entirely on board with Judau as a character at first, but judging by the last few episodes I think he's on track to become my favorite Gundam protag.

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