Aside from anime and manga, I like mathematics, programming, music, learn new things...
I like to play board games, cards, quizzes, blindtests...
I play blindtest, I create blindtests, I love blindtest, I live blindtest.
mainly about anime musics obviously (openings/endings/ost)
I'm the guy that knows THAT OST without watching the anime. ^^"
Favorite anime (franchises or isolated) :
One piece
Death Note
Monogatari series
Phantom requiem for the phantom
Higurashi no naku koro ni
Sayonara zetsubou sensei
Paranoia Agent
Dragon Ball (nostalgia factor)
Saint Seiya (nostalgia factor)
Kanon 2006
Hotarubi no mori e
(rule of cool)
Jojo 2012 Battle tendency
Initial D
Code Geass
Hunter x Hunter
jojo stardust crusaders
Hellsing Ultimate
Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22
Fate Zero
No Game No Life
Shingeki no Kyojin
Full Metal Panic
Girls und Panzer der Film
Baka to test
School Rumble
Excel♥Saga[french dub]
Plastic Nee-san
Detroit Metal City
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?
Inferno Cop
Kono suba
[Angel Beats]
Hajime no ippo
Eyeshield 21
Ping Pong the animation
Baby Steps
Moero Top Strikers
Gundam seed (without destiny)
Shinsekai Yori
Porco Rosso
Kokoro Connect
Nodame Cantabile
Jigoku Shoujo
Kami-sama no inai nichiyoubi
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
Suisei no Gargantia
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Aoi Bungaku Series
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
Why that huge number of unfinished anime?
Why are they not in the drop list yet?
Why did I not watch this classic?
A show left unattended doesn't mean necessarily I like it less than the ones I finished.
It was easier in the past when I didn't know the existence of all these anime.
Now basically there are too many possibilities for me to choose from at each instant.
I want to watch what matters most but I don't have foolproof heuristics to help me choose what to start/continue in priority. My ratings, my friends ratings and the (consensus) general ratings are not correlated with each other. Popularity seems to come from nowhere, friends recommendations can help but they are tuned to their enjoyment and not mine. (even if it's fun and interesting to discuss an anime with someone that likes it a lot)
Then how do I choose what to watch?
sometimes completly randomly (so I don't have to think about it too much) :
-An anime is chosen by votes or by someone and we simulwatch it in group
-a randomizer on a list of twenty anime or more
-anime challenges
-interesting chara-design :P
but basically I tend to choose anime that puzzles me the most
I love mysteries and not knowing exactly how the plot will unveil.
I could read a lot of info about every anime before choosing them but it won't help me because it would spoil me too much and I would have a too precise idea about the plot. Having a precise idea is boring to me so my interest in that anime would decrease. It's because I tend to anticipate everything and do a lot of connections between plot points to cover holes in my knowledge so it feels like I have already watched it without watching it.
If you want to lure me into watching/continuing something you have to give me imprecise, incomplete and random information about the anime or make me feel like that information is incomplete and there is more to that.
What you should clearly not do is spoil me an important plot point or give too much hints about it, then my mental image would be too precise.
Sometimes just the title is enough to interest me, sometimes an unusual opening, an unusual original soundtrack is sufficient, a picture...
Something can fall into the on-hold list just because I lost focus when i was watching it. Then more the time pass without watching it and more my mental picture of that anime become fixed and dull and less I have the motivation or focus to continue it soon.
My drop list contains everything that I don't think I will have one day the motivation or focus to continue or finish.
or I watch One Piece
One Piece is enough.
It's always tuned to my enjoyment. :D
About my ratings
I tend to rate something based on a certain amount of interest I have in that something.
My enjoyment is closely related to my interest (since one can fuel the other) but it's not the same thing.
So I could enjoy a lot something that interest me a little and conversely I could find very interesting something I enjoyed a little.
I would love to rate in percentage but it's difficult to determine an appropriate subjective percentage every time. ^^"
They are not objective ratings since objectivity is impossible to attain when opinions and appreciations are involved (because each person has its own subjective opinion on what objectivity should be)
Since I can't continue a manga that doesn't interest me and since I don't mind bad drawings if the scenario is interesting enough,
my ratings are especially high and probably won't interest you.
Also I find it difficult to rate something I don't remember accurately.
About my favorite manga spots
I'm not sure what would be my top 10 favorite manga series since I enjoyed more than 20 manga to the fullest.
This top could easily change on a whim.
My favorite manga is clearly Liar game.
Angel Densetsu deserves also a spot since it contains some of the most epic-funny situations I came accross in my manga journey.
For the remaining spots I'm confused because
1) I try to compare different feelings from different times
2) I feel I have to chose what is better between an interesting plot, a funny plot, a good romance,... It seems impossible to do so.
3) some mangas I enjoyed a lot have some parts I wished were not there, shorter or were handled differently (naruto from chapter 598, bleach from the fullbring arc, gantz second part, some parts in berserk/negima/...)
4) I have not finished some of them so I could change my mind in the future
Fall 2013
Team :
Log Horizon
Nagi no Asukara
Coppelion (out at W8)
Little Busters Refrain (out at W5)(in at W8)
Diabolik Lovers (out at W2)
Strike the Blood (in at W2)
Kuroko no Basket 2 (in at W5)
Spring 2014
Team :
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
No Game No Life
Black Bullet
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Akuma no Riddle (out at W3)
Mekakucity Actors (in at W3)
Mushishi Zoku Shou (never used)
Fall 2014
Team :
Amagi Brillant Park
Ookami Shoujo
World Trigger (out at W2)
Shigatsu kimi wa Uso (in at W2)
Akatsuki no Yona (never used)
Spring 2015
(internet shutdown at week 14 :( )
Team :
Owari no Seraph
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Shokugeki no Souma
Kekkai Sensen
Plastic Memories
Gunslinger Stratos
Spring 2016
Team :
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Sakamoto desu ga?
Joker Game
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Flying Witch
Fall 2016
Other very long stories that can't be tracked here
Dragon Ball Multiverse : Page 1958
The Gamer : Chapter 230+
The Walking Dead : finished
Mother of Learning : 108/108
Yep j'ai mis un pied dans l'univers de Gundam.
Pour l'instant c'est bien sympa (J'estime à 8/10) mais j'aurai sûrement un avis plus poussé quand j'aurai vu d'autres Gundam.
Une fois que j'aurai vu SEED et SEED Destiny, le prochain Gundam que je regarderai sera Gundam 00 je pense.
Hey thanks for such an awesome gift. You gave a bunch of great recommendations, I have not been able to start reading them yet but I cannot wait until I can.
All Comments (108) Comments
Guess who went to Tokyo last October? :3
Apologies for the late issuing!
Si j'aurais pensé te trouver là, mais bon, c'est pour Haru^^ mais t'approche pas trop d'elle ;)
(Bien vu la faille ;) )
Pour l'instant c'est bien sympa (J'estime à 8/10) mais j'aurai sûrement un avis plus poussé quand j'aurai vu d'autres Gundam.
Une fois que j'aurai vu SEED et SEED Destiny, le prochain Gundam que je regarderai sera Gundam 00 je pense.
For #102:
Mawaru Penguindrum
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
ありがとう :D