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May 8, 2023 2:55 PM
Sep 2017
Suletta's character development arc is long overdue at this point, so I hope it won't be a letdown. Such a rude awakening is definitely a start.

Also feels kinda weird how ppl misread this as Miorine doing it for her own sake, when she clearly understands that at this point, under Prospera's tight grip, she is very much a lost cause.
May 8, 2023 2:58 PM

Apr 2018
Miorine knows what she's doing but I feel like it will just get worse because she won't outplay Prospera like that... felt bad for Suletta definitely, she's not understanding what's happening...
May 8, 2023 2:59 PM
Sep 2017
MAXproARYAN said:
So i have one question, why do sulleta's mom want aerial to be taken away, how does that benefit her plan? I kinda got lost at that part
Suletta is not special, what is special is Aerial itself, i.e. Eri. Since this is supposed to be the "final duel" at the school, there is no need to use Eri for dueling anymore, and she thus can be directly incorporated into the Quiet Zero project, all according to Prospera's plan.

Ashhk said:
Miorine knows what she's doing but I feel like it will just get worse because she won't outplay Prospera like that... felt bad for Suletta definitely, she's not understanding what's happening...
If she's doing it for Suletta, this is the only option to get her out of this revenge plot, even if Prospera gets what she wants in the end. Suletta is the only reason she went this deep into this rabbit hole, she could've just ditched everything and fled to Earth or whatever, you know

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
Koito91May 13, 2023 2:17 AM
May 8, 2023 3:03 PM
Feb 2019
What I would like to happen from now on... Guel becoming the protagonist (yes it is the best character developed so far) 
and Suletta (until now I haven't seen any evolution on her part, a complete boring person, 
who continues with a story of fiancée that we agree didn't stick to anyone)
becoming the villain and I guarantee you would improve this series a lot.

Kiryu-chanMay 8, 2023 3:14 PM
May 8, 2023 3:32 PM
Sep 2017
Kiryu-chan said:
What I would like to happen from now on... Guel becoming the protagonist (yes it is the best character developed so far) 
and Suletta (until now I haven't seen any evolution on her part, a complete boring person, 
who continues with a story of fiancée that we agree didn't stick to anyone)
becoming the villain and I guarantee you would improve this series a lot.
not sure why you're speaking for everyone like that, but i could definitely see suletta's heel turn work in the way. getting swayed onto the side of dawn of fold or something would give her a bit of a character
May 8, 2023 3:47 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

Guel didn't hesitate a SECOND after Aerial powered down and immediately went in for the kill

And now Suletta has been... set free? Can she now live the life that Miorine wishes for her?

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 8, 2023 6:41 PM

Dec 2007
Miorine is truly her father's daughter. I wonder if she will remember her claim that she would never be like him. 
May 8, 2023 6:56 PM
Jan 2023
No way Suletta actually lost for once 😱
May 8, 2023 7:25 PM

May 2015
Mariklyn said:
Spirelord said:
Doesn't the fact that the duel was rigged invalidate the duel?? I could've sworn they made a big deal about that in the past. It is kind of insane and a huge plot hole that Miorine can get away with that when she admits to it in the middle of the battleground, when it's all being recorded no less.

Yah... this show is filled with plot holes, unfortunately.
They also have an history of making you believe something that feels ridiculous, to tell you first thing in next episode "actually, yes". Happened in season one, when everyone lost their mind that Aerial might be a Gundam, then nobody reacted when Elan used one too, just to tell us there was some reaction.

Except Guel, I don't feel any sympathy for any character in that show anymore, and it becomes harder to feel involved. The use of the whole "I did that for your own good" trope annoys me a lot. Yeah, let's separate the girl that see her MS as family, and litterally splashed a guy just before your eyes. She sure gonna take the betrayal right. This feel so stupid from Miorine who is supposed to be smarter than that. I cannot stand Suletta always being a crybaby anymore. We're far beyond the point where her being naive has become annoying.
Turtles_HunterMay 8, 2023 7:46 PM
May 8, 2023 8:00 PM

Aug 2017
Guel really matured and I'm impressed with his character development. This man just wanted to revive the Jeturk family after the passing of his father.
He finally has the chance to do so by dueling Suletta once again and taking Aerial after he wins.
Props to Guel because he has to battle the most skilled Gundam user ever. The flashbacks during the fight with his father must've been traumatizing but he kept his composure.

I feel so bad for Suletta. She could've won the duel but it was rigged by Miorine. Miorine wanted to free Suletta from Aerial and from Prospera's brainwashing.
Now I wonder how Suletta will grow from this. Having Aerial be taken away from her and be thrown away by Miorine basically. Considering she's now useless to Miorine.

May 8, 2023 10:04 PM
Jul 2013
MAXproARYAN said:
So i have one question, why do sulleta's mom want aerial to be taken away, how does that benefit her plan? I kinda got lost at that part
She doesn't want it and it doesn't benefit her at all. She's cutting her losses. There is no way to retrieve it after the houses ganged up against GUND-ARM. At least for now.
May 9, 2023 12:15 AM

Mar 2019
The red herring pairings are disolved, Suletta rejects Elan and Guel in quick succession, it was nice that they finally spelled out Suletta's intentions, so that even the people in the back could hear.

I suppose Suletta losing would have been more sad, had I not known that she would lose at some point. Then again I suppose Suletta and Miorine wouldn't have had any real relationship, had there not been character arcs to enforce the meaning of their relationship. I guess at the end of the day this a necessary direction for the show to go in order for Suletta to have any degree of self actualization. I suppose it remains to be seen how Suletta can get a Gundam or two after losing the Aerial. Though the Gundam is virtually useless without Suletta. 

Guel somehow manages to regress becoming even less his own person, but then again none of the other characters have any real independence either, as of yet. As the enforcers of the status quo assemble, Suletta is forced out of the group, seemingly going where ever after losing it all. I guess the people rooting for Guel to become the main character really like the Gundam Seed Destiny school of writing. 

I guess Suletta can now finally side with any faction that aren't ostensibly bad guys. Seeming as how the Benerit Group are pretty much the villains of the show, it would have been concerning, had the main character continued to punch down the downtrodden for the rest of the show. I suppose Suletta can now have that character arc where she throws away the headband, which has seemingly ever since the beginning been a symbol of the power that her mother held over her, I mean she doesn't have it in the ending either. But I guess Gundam was all about parental figures always being justified.
KumiveneellaMay 9, 2023 12:26 AM
May 9, 2023 12:20 AM
Apr 2021
Guel Jetturk story negs 90% of anime characters fr. PEAK GUNDAM SUPREMACY ONCE AGAIN
May 9, 2023 3:30 AM
Jan 2018
Miorine will pay for this…..
May 9, 2023 4:24 AM
Sep 2017
Mariklyn said:
Spirelord said:
Doesn't the fact that the duel was rigged invalidate the duel?? I could've sworn they made a big deal about that in the past. It is kind of insane and a huge plot hole that Miorine can get away with that when she admits to it in the middle of the battleground, when it's all being recorded no less.

Yah... this show is filled with plot holes, unfortunately.

A plot hole of unjust and corrupt power structures that are literally the theme of the whole show.

I do not recall there being any rules about rigging, only about Gundams. Jeturks literally had the AI fight for Guel, the houses don’t give a toss about rigging stuff when they actually need to rig it.
katkattingtonMay 9, 2023 4:34 AM
May 9, 2023 5:02 AM

Jan 2022
katktv said:
Mariklyn said:

Yah... this show is filled with plot holes, unfortunately.

A plot hole of unjust and corrupt power structures that are literally the theme of the whole show.

I do not recall there being any rules about rigging, only about Gundams. Jeturks literally had the AI fight for Guel, the houses don’t give a toss about rigging stuff when they actually need to rig it.

Nah, I disagree. The theme is more about betrayal. Everyone and everything is getting backstabbed. How the characters react to the betrayal seems to be the only thing pushing the narrative along. Yet, the show seems to delve between reality and fantasy. For example, they introduced the concept of business. From what I have gathered, these kids are dealing with huge lumps of money. Yet the face of the company opperates a one billion dollar machine? (my guess) And she has the mental fortitude of a child? Yet her courage seems from her bold words like "no one hurts my bride." It just comes off as goofy even by anime standards. The negative criticism is just the result of the show juggling to many things at once and failing in the process. Lord knows how many people are watching this show only because it has the Gundam brand. Put the brand away, and the story comes off as inconsistently flat.
May 9, 2023 5:51 AM

Jun 2016
My heart for Suletta, Miorine can only do things one way and that's being very brash with everything. Miorine thinks she's doing the right thing for everyone, including Suletta, but what a way to do it

I do think Suletta needs to reach out to Prospera, nd one of two things happen. Either Prospera tells Suletta the truth because Suletta accepts everything from her mother, or Prospera abandons her because her plan can move on without her
May 9, 2023 6:45 AM
May 2015
Loving this season so far. Very intense, quicker pacing, gravitas.

As far as the romance goes - I have no preferences and what will make or break G-Witch as a great Gundam or a lackluster one will not be the romantic subplots
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May 9, 2023 8:39 AM
Sep 2017
Mariklyn said:
katktv said:

A plot hole of unjust and corrupt power structures that are literally the theme of the whole show.

I do not recall there being any rules about rigging, only about Gundams. Jeturks literally had the AI fight for Guel, the houses don’t give a toss about rigging stuff when they actually need to rig it.

Nah, I disagree. The theme is more about betrayal. Everyone and everything is getting backstabbed. How the characters react to the betrayal seems to be the only thing pushing the narrative along. Yet, the show seems to delve between reality and fantasy. For example, they introduced the concept of business. From what I have gathered, these kids are dealing with huge lumps of money. Yet the face of the company opperates a one billion dollar machine? (my guess) And she has the mental fortitude of a child? Yet her courage seems from her bold words like "no one hurts my bride." It just comes off as goofy even by anime standards. The negative criticism is just the result of the show juggling to many things at once and failing in the process. Lord knows how many people are watching this show only because it has the Gundam brand. Put the brand away, and the story comes off as inconsistently flat.

Suletta is not really the face of a company as much as she is a leverage for Prospera, all while Miorine is actually managing the books and is the one that first and foremost responsible for giving the company the confidence it needs. It wasn’t Suletta giving the company confidence, it is Delling’s endorsement of Miorine and ultimately Miorine’s command. Suletta is there because the only thing she needs to be relevant is winning duels. It’s not about confidence, it’s about people not being able to defeat her up until now.

I genuinely don’t understand how this relatively straightforward plot flies over some of y’alls heads.
May 9, 2023 10:04 AM

Oct 2010
I need the name of the dramatic OST when Guel finally fights back.
May 9, 2023 10:10 AM
May 2018
How could Miorine think that it was a good idea? She abandons Suletta who will probably try to seek solace in her mother only to learn that her mother also doesn't want her anymore. Now it's just a coin flip of whether she'll become suicidal or homicidal.
May 9, 2023 11:40 AM

Jan 2022
katktv said:
Mariklyn said:

Nah, I disagree. The theme is more about betrayal. Everyone and everything is getting backstabbed. How the characters react to the betrayal seems to be the only thing pushing the narrative along. Yet, the show seems to delve between reality and fantasy. For example, they introduced the concept of business. From what I have gathered, these kids are dealing with huge lumps of money. Yet the face of the company opperates a one billion dollar machine? (my guess) And she has the mental fortitude of a child? Yet her courage seems from her bold words like "no one hurts my bride." It just comes off as goofy even by anime standards. The negative criticism is just the result of the show juggling to many things at once and failing in the process. Lord knows how many people are watching this show only because it has the Gundam brand. Put the brand away, and the story comes off as inconsistently flat.

Suletta is not really the face of a company as much as she is a leverage for Prospera, all while Miorine is actually managing the books and is the one that first and foremost responsible for giving the company the confidence it needs. It wasn’t Suletta giving the company confidence, it is Delling’s endorsement of Miorine and ultimately Miorine’s command. Suletta is there because the only thing she needs to be relevant is winning duels. It’s not about confidence, it’s about people not being able to defeat her up until now.

I genuinely don’t understand how this relatively straightforward plot flies over some of y’alls heads.

Wow,I feel stupid for reading that. Honestly, if you're going to be disingenuous because people don't like the show, ignore the criticism and enjoy it, but don't start a discussion if you yourself can not understand your own position in the argument.

If the Martian girl is not the face of the company, then why is she forced to keep winning her battles? it's almost as if the company is marketing her image to promote the business. The same face that influenced those terrorists pilots from earth. The same face used the company commercial. The same face that had been the number one student in the school in terms of ranking. But looking at the facts, we have a girl who goes to a pilot school, who is ranked the highest among her peers, operates an actual Gundam, and is part of a company that is supposed to help people. But help me make understand how that is not the face of the company in terms of branding or marketing? 🤡
May 9, 2023 5:11 PM
Sep 2017
Mariklyn said:
katktv said:

Suletta is not really the face of a company as much as she is a leverage for Prospera, all while Miorine is actually managing the books and is the one that first and foremost responsible for giving the company the confidence it needs. It wasn’t Suletta giving the company confidence, it is Delling’s endorsement of Miorine and ultimately Miorine’s command. Suletta is there because the only thing she needs to be relevant is winning duels. It’s not about confidence, it’s about people not being able to defeat her up until now.

I genuinely don’t understand how this relatively straightforward plot flies over some of y’alls heads.

Wow,I feel stupid for reading that. Honestly, if you're going to be disingenuous because people don't like the show, ignore the criticism and enjoy it, but don't start a discussion if you yourself can not understand your own position in the argument.

If the Martian girl is not the face of the company, then why is she forced to keep winning her battles? it's almost as if the company is marketing her image to promote the business. The same face that influenced those terrorists pilots from earth. The same face used the company commercial. The same face that had been the number one student in the school in terms of ranking. But looking at the facts, we have a girl who goes to a pilot school, who is ranked the highest among her peers, operates an actual Gundam, and is part of a company that is supposed to help people. But help me make understand how that is not the face of the company in terms of branding or marketing? 🤡

I’m not sure why you’re so rude to me all of the sudden.

First of all, Mercurian, not Martian. It is literally in the title.

Second, she is forced to keep winning her battles because winning a battle makes you a groom/bride and Miorine did not want a different person to be her groom/bride? Mio literally wanted to flee to Earth before meeting Suletta and falling for her. Suletta’s only distinguishing thing company-wise is precisely that she operates a Gundam and keeps wrecking everyone. Gundam is the primary reason she was noticed at all, and it’s not her that does all of this, but rather a Gundam itself. This is all clearly established.

Besides, who do you think is gonna be running GUND-Arm now that Suletta is effectively ditched? Maybe it’s the de-jure leader of the thing yk
May 14, 2023 12:11 PM
Apr 2023
Each episode gets better and better. Gundam is always better then the last. The betrayal, i did not see that coming oh my goodness!
May 15, 2023 10:33 AM

Feb 2019
Mariklyn said:
katktv said:

A plot hole of unjust and corrupt power structures that are literally the theme of the whole show.

I do not recall there being any rules about rigging, only about Gundams. Jeturks literally had the AI fight for Guel, the houses don’t give a toss about rigging stuff when they actually need to rig it.

Nah, I disagree. The theme is more about betrayal. Everyone and everything is getting backstabbed. How the characters react to the betrayal seems to be the only thing pushing the narrative along. Yet, the show seems to delve between reality and fantasy. For example, they introduced the concept of business. From what I have gathered, these kids are dealing with huge lumps of money. Yet the face of the company opperates a one billion dollar machine? (my guess)  And she has the mental fortitude of a child? Yet her courage seems from her bold words like  "no one hurts my bride." It just comes off as goofy even by anime standards. The negative criticism is just the result of the show juggling to many things at once and failing in the process. Lord knows how many people are watching this show only because it has the Gundam brand. Put the brand away, and the story comes off as inconsistently flat.
What you're thinking of is not a plot hole. It's you looking directly at the point the show is trying to make, and writing it off because you disagree with it.

Yes, these are immature teens who have ended up in a world of corporate politics. Their actions have results at a scale they can no longer conceptualise. Ideals such as friendship or peace struggle to survive in this environment, and that's an issue for the characters we follow.

To put it another way, when you think "that's silly, why would this be happening," that's because the show is saying "exactly, it shouldn't."
Well I for one already loved Lain.
May 15, 2023 11:53 AM

Jan 2022
O_T_T said:
Mariklyn said:

Nah, I disagree. The theme is more about betrayal. Everyone and everything is getting backstabbed. How the characters react to the betrayal seems to be the only thing pushing the narrative along. Yet, the show seems to delve between reality and fantasy. For example, they introduced the concept of business. From what I have gathered, these kids are dealing with huge lumps of money. Yet the face of the company opperates a one billion dollar machine? (my guess)  And she has the mental fortitude of a child? Yet her courage seems from her bold words like  "no one hurts my bride." It just comes off as goofy even by anime standards. The negative criticism is just the result of the show juggling to many things at once and failing in the process. Lord knows how many people are watching this show only because it has the Gundam brand. Put the brand away, and the story comes off as inconsistently flat.
What you're thinking of is not a plot hole. It's you looking directly at the point the show is trying to make, and writing it off because you disagree with it.

Yes, these are immature teens who have ended up in a world of corporate politics. Their actions have results at a scale they can no longer conceptualise. Ideals such as friendship or peace struggle to survive in this environment, and that's an issue for the characters we follow.

To put it another way, when you think "that's silly, why would this be happening," that's because the show is saying "exactly, it shouldn't."

The part that you're quoting is my assignment on the female lead and the company she is a part of. The original poster pointed out the irrational to admit cheating during a duel and be open about it. But the show has been inconsistent in general. Like in the beginning, when the council made a huge deal about Little Red (LR) operating a Gundam.

I'm just saying from a logical sense. Ever since suellette showed up, nothing but trouble has fallen to the school. For each major event, the show tries to ignore the event or do a half ass job to explain it. I guess now they are trying to take LR Ariel away, but by cheating. Because LR is too good ? it just leads to the question of why hasn't anyone else tried before, they already shown how easily terrorists infiltrated the group. Or what sense does it make to be the strongest (in terms of the school motto "might make right.") When it's easier to cheat.
May 15, 2023 12:54 PM
Aug 2015
First: why is this 25 episodes and not 50, if it was 50 even if the pace was a bit slower it still would end up just as good. Recently instead of feeling fast paced because suddenly the world has begun to change drastically instead it feels rushed to me but most people won't agree with me on that I think. 

The episode was amazing and I think that it wasn't mio's sabotage that made Aerial shutdown Aerial did it herself because she saw or was somehow aware of the exchange between mio and prospera. Aerial merely played along with them to protect Suletta. If everything with Elan 5 didn't happen earlier and the "I'm sorry" I would just go with the sabotage but they did (99% sure this isn't true but I can dream). 
The long awaited Suletta growth arc begins hopefully we ditch the school for this arc, let's go for a vacation to earth just like Mio wanted in the beginning. Seeing another whole new world without her mom or Aerial to support her or manipulate her and maybe using a Gundam other than Aerial can make her question her entire life and find answers to questions on her own. 

Plus I doubt Suletta will go all villain like some people want because we have seen that if not for her mother she is actually a good person. 

Mariklyn said:
O_T_T said:
What you're thinking of is not a plot hole. It's you looking directly at the point the show is trying to make, and writing it off because you disagree with it.
Yes, these are immature teens who have ended up in a world of corporate politics. Their actions have results at a scale they can no longer conceptualise. Ideals such as friendship or peace struggle to survive in this environment, and that's an issue for the characters we follow.
To put it another way, when you think "that's silly, why would this be happening," that's because the show is saying "exactly, it shouldn't."

The part that you're quoting is my assignment on the female lead and the company she is a part of. The original poster pointed out the irrational to admit cheating during a duel and be open about it. But the show has been  inconsistent in general. Like in the beginning, when the council made a huge deal about Little Red (LR)  operating a Gundam.

  I'm just saying from a logical sense. Ever since suellette showed up, nothing but trouble has fallen to the school. For each major event, the show tries to ignore the event or do a half ass job to explain it. I guess now they are trying to take LR Ariel away, but by cheating. Because LR is too good ? it just leads to the question of why hasn't anyone else tried before, they already shown how easily terrorists infiltrated the group. Or what sense does it make to be the strongest (in terms of the school motto "might make right.") When it's easier to cheat.

Pride, fear of possible retaliation would be a good starting point it is easy to cheat if the company is a low ranking one considering how the Benerit group functions however if they are part of big three or top 10 I guess the situation changes. The pride aspect originates from them using their own mobile suits instead of other company's units if you cheat while using your own mobile suits doesn't that scream "I have no faith in my company's products" that could affect future sales. When it comes to the Aerial event the sabotage was internal not external so I guess people don't really care if an internal power struggle happens unless it could influence them greatly and Aerial in essence belongs to Gund-ARM not Suletta and who is in charge of Gund-ARM, Miorine Rembran. 

There could also be rules in place that involve theft of technology between companies in the group, Peil could of thought if Aerial was stolen and they wait a sufficient amount of time then they could pass off Aeril's technology as their own work or just support whoever is willing to ignore their actions to the position of president. 

They also didn't targt LR because she is too good it is Aerial that is the problem, she has too many unknowns in play, a mobile suit that should have some form of negative effect on it's pilot but not only do those negatives not exist but it surpasses all possible predications on multiple occasions. Anyone would be concerned and for them there is also the threat of how this could influence sales, why buy an inferior product if something better exists. 

Remember behind this school are a huge number of corporations all of which are in a group that wil ruthlessly  toss you away if you become useless to them. Money, market shares, investment and power within the group are all happening while these kids go about their normal school days. 

The terrorism thing would just be considered a possible result of business, targeting Aerial in the second case could be seen as an attempt to eliminate a possible hindrance to future attacks, toss in the Nika thing it would just reinforce it with the thought "maybe they couldn't find a way to deal with it secretly so they went with the direct approach" or the paranoia that a company in the group is responsible or even just the competition trying to get rid of a threat to their market share. 

But with this whole Quiet Zero and the appearance of MS dolls in ep 14 give me what end game can look like vibes. 
FallanxMay 15, 2023 1:46 PM
May 17, 2023 10:05 AM
Apr 2023
4 yuri got hands
May 18, 2023 12:29 PM
Aug 2021
there's no chance this doesn't end up with them coming back together, miorine's as trapped as suletta is right now and that ending to me just seems to read as trying to take the most responsibility for whatever prospera's plan with quiet zero is
May 19, 2023 10:37 AM

Feb 2019
Mariklyn said:
The part that you're quoting is my assignment on the female lead and the company she is a part of. The original poster pointed out the irrational to admit cheating during a duel and be open about it. But the show has been inconsistent in general. Like in the beginning, when the council made a huge deal about Little Red (LR) operating a Gundam.

Assignment? Assessment, surely?

What do you mean by inconsistent, here? That Bennerit were against Gundams earlier, yet now have been successfully coerced into allowing them? The entire first half of the show was about arranging this, are you complaining that the cast aren't unchanging slabs of stone, unable to make decisions and incite changes?

I'm just saying from a logical sense. Ever since suellette showed up, nothing but trouble has fallen to the school. For each major event, the show tries to ignore the event or do a half ass job to explain it.

I really don't know what you're describing here. Things have changed as a result of earlier events, that's plainly evident and natural in the story being told. It appears you're unsatisfied they're not reacting in what you imagine is the "logical" way, but I don't see how anything that's happened so far is provably illogical. Examples of what you're thinking is the case would help.

I guess now they are trying to take LR Ariel away, but by cheating. Because LR is too good? it just leads to the question of why hasn't anyone else tried before, they already shown how easily terrorists infiltrated the group. Or what sense does it make to be the strongest (in terms of the school motto "might make right.") When it's easier to cheat.

This one is really annoying, because you're skirting a hair's width from the realisation the show should be inciting in you. Yes, everyone is (under your terminology) "cheating." It's almost as if a monopoly of war profiteers is an inherently unfair environment were those with power and resources use every underhanded trick to get what they want(!) Wouldn't that be a twist(!)

I really must urge you to recall what I told you in my last comment. Consider what the show is trying to teach.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
May 21, 2023 9:43 AM
Dec 2016
I guess now they are trying to take LR Ariel away, but by cheating. Because LR is too good? it just leads to the question of why hasn't anyone else tried before, they already shown how easily terrorists infiltrated the group. Or what sense does it make to be the strongest (in terms of the school motto "might make right.") When it's easier to cheat.
Steal Aerial... for what? Keep in mind El4n and Miorine both sat in Aerial in S1 and it did nothing. The only thing anyone other than Prospera and Suletta knows about the Aerial is that the pairing of Suletta and Aerial is special and they're trying to crack the formula to put it in their mechs. They're not specifically interested in Aerial itself.

The terrorists did not infiltrate the group. Shaddiq betrayed the group and gave the terrorists the resources and means to commit their attacks.

The dueling motto literally spells it out for you. "Results aren't determined by the specs of the machine nor the skill of the pilot, rather only the truth" which is that the ones with more resources and means get to dictate the result of the duel(s). Even further spelt out with the whole piloting exam episode where suletta failed the exam not because her skill or her machine was lacking but because she did not gather the requisite (human) resources.
May 21, 2023 10:26 AM

Feb 2007
On one hand, I can see why Miorine did it. But I'm really not a fan of how she did it...
May 25, 2023 11:07 AM
Jun 2017
The end to this episode really gets you
May 29, 2023 6:02 AM

Sep 2014
GrimAtrament said:
Comander-07 said:
Miorine is the most toxic girlfriend I have seen in ages. Walking red flag.

Nobody died this birthday though. Lame.

Is this actually going to end in just 7 eps?

Prospera turned her own daughter into a living weapon and the other one into a walking puppet. but Minorine is the toxic one? smh some of these takes are weird.
Maybe because Prospera is not Sulettas GF? And 2 wrongs dont make a right?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 3, 2023 10:00 AM

Apr 2016
among all they deceived Suletta! Poor!!!

Jun 3, 2023 10:02 AM

Apr 2016
It´s overcharged, Like Frodo with the ring!!! kekeke

Jun 3, 2023 10:03 AM

Apr 2016
a great change to returns!!! kekeke

Jun 3, 2023 10:03 AM

Apr 2016
The best is that she returns to Mercury with her mom!!!! kekeke

Jun 4, 2023 8:07 AM

Jul 2021
This 2nd season is a lot darker than the previous season wtf. Despite Miorine's attempt to sabotage Suletta, she finds herself compelled to continue collaborating with Prospera in the development of Quiet Zero. To ensure Suletta remains entirely free from Prospera's influence, the only viable solution is to keep her distanced from Miorine.
Jun 7, 2023 7:09 AM
Sep 2008
Was hard to see  Suletta and Miorine like that but Miorine did what she thought was best. and playing into Prospera hand? i mean Miorine is still a child. Prospera has been planning her revenge for longer then  Miorine has been alive so i think this outcome is believable. Everyone is just doing the best with the cards they have. Suletta also needed this to grow i mean she is super dependent. She even said it would be hard for her not to listen to her mom. excited to see what happens after this
Jun 10, 2023 1:44 PM

Jan 2013
haha! imagine getting outrigged this bad.
Jun 11, 2023 7:48 PM

Jun 2014
While I know that Guel is a good person, Suletta didn't deserve to suffer, or be tricked like that.

Miorine thinks that what she's doing is for the best, but I'm not entirely sure of that. Only time will tell, of course.

Jun 11, 2023 9:39 PM

Jul 2009
Damn. Suletta I'm crying with you.
Jun 14, 2023 10:31 PM

Nov 2017
I hate that I love this show so much. This episode shattered my heart into a billion tiny shards and I couldn't breathe past the lump in my throat.
Jun 18, 2023 11:10 PM

Jul 2008
That was cruel of Miorine to do....but I get it. The brainwashing of Suletta is intense...
Jun 23, 2023 10:34 PM
Jul 2017
The end of this episode hits me like a punch in the chest. Just, like, completely winded listening to sulletta's pleas for a another duel. It was telegraphed as miorine set it up to saved sulleta from the cruel situation she is trapped in, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Really stellar work by the VAs all around. tearjerker scene. 
Jul 5, 2023 12:48 AM
Jul 2020
Everyone in this show is so overly edgy tbh, but i'm not exactly hating on it.

They did suletta dirty, damn them tbh.
Jul 8, 2023 1:04 PM

Mar 2015
Like father like daughter
Jul 8, 2023 10:58 PM
Nov 2019
Guel's confession makes me wish there was some sort of Witch of Mercury otome game with the 3 branches' boys. Would've been a pretty funny/shocking/enjoyable way to market the series given the weird love triangles.

Also I'm convinced Suletta is like, mentally Eri's age or something lol
Jul 9, 2023 3:21 PM

Jan 2019
I'm binging through a rewatch via the dub and I think this may be Witch From Mercury's last truly great episode.

It marks an end to the duels and Guel's arc comes to a satisfying full circle before the plot starts getting pretty messy after this episode as the show rushes to an ending.

Also it's the last time "happy birthday" is used, which is really strange because it absolutely should've played into the finale somehow.

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