Author, Composer and the inventor of tungsten. Ask me about Nasuverse lore, keeping Adobe Flash on life support, Cosplay, to explain every sci-fi movie or the deal with airline food.
The ratings ascribed attempt to identify two separate measurements at once. Primarily quality, a simple measurement of how well put-together the work is, followed by something best described as intensity, the level to which the work demonstrates passion in its production, creativity in its inception, and so forth. Whilst the former correlates exactly from 1-10 as expected, with 1-5 being bad, 6-10 being good, and 5 and 6 themselves roughly equal as "average" the latter is instead parabolic, starting with 5 and 6, which I'd consider "mundane," rising out in both directions until 1 and 10, which are both significant, but for opposite reasons. In other words, a 1 is as much bad, as a 10 is good, and a 9 is as good as a 2 is bad, et cetera. This also correlates to something of a third axis, clarity, how easy it is to tell the quality of a show and how early I can do so. 10s and 1s are obvious from the very first episode, whilst 5s and 6s may not be clear until the end, and even afterward may change around. I should also point out everything is in reference to format. A 9/10 short or music video is a 9/10 in comparison with other shorts and music videos, not with full movies and series. To further clarify aspects of my list, I use the Watching section exclusively for ongoing stuff, with the On Hold section being a more complete representation of that which I'm currently viewing. "CUFN" amongst my list tags means "Complete until further notice." It specifically refers to shows that are clast as airing and so have an incomplete episode count, but said episodes are either released entirely sporadically or have since been cancelled. For all intents and purposes, then, they are completed entries. Similarly, "Won't continue with" indicates shows dropped between seasons, such that neither marking the previous as unfinished nor the next as ever having been started would be fully accurate. All other tags should be self-explanatory. I'm currently considering employing the Priority column as a means to show my interest in a work or how memorable it proved to be, but this, I imagine, shall take a while. |
Anime Stats
Days: 69.1
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed568
- On-Hold51
- Dropped139
- Plan to Watch1,006
- Total Entries1,768
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,769
Last Anime Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
Manga Stats
Days: 7.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries227
- Reread0
- Chapters1,158
- Volumes119
Last Manga Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note
Kill la Kill
Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san
Black★Rock Shooter (TV)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Lodoss-tou Senki
Nihon Animator Mihonichi
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Manga (10)
Type-Moon Gakuen: Chibichuki!
Hana no Miyako!
Touhou Ibara Kasen: Wild and Horned Hermit.
Black★Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul
Black★Rock Shooter: The Game
Quintet Phantasm
Light Novel·2014
Division Maneuver
Light Novel·2017
Nana to Kaoru
Character (10)
Matoi, Ryuuko
Kill la Kill
Tachibana, Hibiki
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Kiryuuin, Satsuki
Kill la Kill
Black★Rock Shooter
Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Hatsune, Miku
Fate/Grand Order
Littner, Yoko
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Anarchy, Stocking
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Nikaidou, Saki
Zombieland Saga
Gremory, Rias
High School DxD
All Comments (22) Comments
I've always admired your brutally honest feedback and I wanted to post a short story I wrote for honeyfeed a while ago but realised you've been gone for a year noooo😭😭😭😭 WE MISS YOU (Sentai parody) (Metal Hero and Sentai parody)
the series title is actually EXTREME HEARTS, my bad. generic moe anime titles all blur together at some point lol
Overall it was a fun episode for me, the one thing i'm not so sure about is having Mint already on the team from the beginning, i'm not sure how that'll effect her story, which was a big part of what got me to really connect and relate to her when i first watched the original
What are your thoughts on the original? Who's your fav character?
Also, thankfully MAL gives you full control of your profile, so if you ever get your profile littered by idiots, it's just a simple delete away to fix. Works for me! :)
I think this way too, you can really stretch your legs now and get MORE of those great debates with people who actually ARE interested in hearing out your points (experience speaking here) now that they CAN post to you more in private without gumming up a topic! And just remember, people like Ryo would never post to your profile even if invited. That requires too much courage :P
See you around then! Thank you!
I chat with a lot of people all the time, often too, and never became "friends" with them and so I just hate feeling like it's "forced", you know?
I admire your gumption on the forums and it was cool sharing some KLK things, but I especially feel like I'm making you strain to match my usual quantity and the like when it just isn't your style, you know?
Does this make sense? It's just my stubborn notion that anyone who IS on that friend list has TO be one of my friends, and I just don't think we were really ever there, beyond just a nice side conversation.
Well, if you ever do want to write to me about your thoughts on S-CRY-ed if you ever get to it, or new funny drama on the forums to link to, feel free, and if you ever unlock your profile to be able to chat without being friends, it'll be cool sometimes too... but yeah, forcing you in as a 'friend' like this just feels wrong to me. :/
Ugh, I really hope this doesn't come off as smug or anything; it's just how I feel. You're definitely an interesting person to talk with, but I wish we could've done that outside being 'officially' friends. :(
I speculated if you were a cosplayer (I don't really know how risque you can dress in this day and age without the excuse of cosplay, especially if you're a woman, haha), but I have dabbled in it. And I don't really do full costumes or anything; I'm more of an accessory guy. Mostly just jackets or outer wear (and I get obsessed with such things), but it's not just limited to such things.
I think Ryuko's standard outfit is so cozy looking, and I love that subtle red on the black base and I can't deny I'd probably want to dress akin to that (it is a modest sailor outfit, I guess) if I was a girl.
So while the full costume was not an option, that doesn't mean the Sekki Tekko wasn't!
Don't know if you've ever even been curious to look for it to buy, but the replicas you find are.... cheap, to say the least. And the one thing about my props is: I hate cosmetic only. If you're gonna make something, it has to be as realistic and FUNCTIONAL as possible ; otherwise it's a gimmick; at least within my means. Hell, part of the reason I get so obsessed with these things is because I love how they work. To not recreate that, where's the fun? It's literally akin to buying your dream car that doesn't actually run. ._.
This is completely from scratch. Custom glove, uniform coloring, foam, pewter, metal sheets, a little mini pocket knife; like I wanted it to be as real as possible. Figuring out how to actually rig it just to get it on was tricky, to say nothing about designing knuckles out of metal that would sit flat and comfortably open-handed or fist balled, and thinking how to have a knife without stabbing myself, haha. Tricky!
(Remember how I said how similar Ryuko was to the S-CRY-ed character Kazuma? They both also wear just a single glove, just on different hands, so yeah, I made his too, haha) Maybe after you watch S-CRY-ed and if you like it, I'll share that one :P