A great philosopher once said, that every change begins with a moment of lucidity. In these moments a veil opens, one which normally shrouds all the unwelcome truths we are aware of, but which we have buried deep within ourselves, where we cannot see them. And it is only these moments in which we can make a decision. The decision to either act, or to let the moment pass, until the veil seals itself again and we once more are the slaves of our habits.
I don't believe in revolutions. They are too simple, too fiery, and they too often end with the opposite result of what was intended. But neither am I a cynic who has lost all of his faith in the world. Change is possible, but it won't come as a big bang, but rather as a long path, one that will constantly confront us with obstacles - obstacles we can either choose to overcome, or at which we choose to turn around and go back to being what we were.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries25
- Reread0
- Chapters1,170
- Volumes127
All Comments (27) Comments
Are you watching Jujutsu Kaisen? It's very exciting.
Well yes, but actually no
Never heard of the last one though. I must admit I'm not a great fan of harem anime haha.