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Jan 27, 2009 8:11 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Best episode of the OVA! Nene tooling up with the gun and cartridges is one of the best scenes in the history of anime. |
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol |
Feb 5, 2009 9:43 PM
Feb 5, 2009 10:03 PM
I just cant get the image of this plucky pink haired almost-bimbo young woman carefully and methodically tooling up in a Die Hard situation, out of my mind. :D |
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol |
Nov 24, 2009 6:21 PM
Not my favorite episode of the series as it was for you, but it was a pretty good episode nonetheless, and Nene was really a likeable character. I really enjoyed the series, although I think some episodes felt a little confusing. Overall it was good enough to leave me with a feeling of "not enough" so I guess I'll have to check its prequel and sequel for more Bubblegum fun. |
Nov 27, 2009 9:01 PM
I agree with naikou and beatnik, I thought this was the best episode in the series. I like how it took the character of Nene, who I'd absolutely hated until this episode, and actually made her the center of the story. And it did it effectively, too. Overall, I don't think this OVA has aged as well as, say, Top wo Nerae. But, it was still an enjoyable experience overall. I just wasn't a fan of some of the episodes and I don't think that some things were explained, by that I mean that I thought some scenes were random. 7/10, definitely worth the time watched. |
Ston3_FreeN7Nov 28, 2009 3:02 AM
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job." - Geralt of Rivia |
Nov 28, 2009 2:47 AM
insan3soldiern said: Overall, I don't think this OVA has aged as well as, say Top wo Nerae I'd say this is a large part of its charm! |
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol |
Nov 28, 2009 3:05 AM
Beatnik said: insan3soldiern said: Overall, I don't think this OVA has aged as well as, say Top wo Nerae I'd say this is a large part of its charm! I guess so and I don't mean by the distinctly 80's feel of it. I meant that it isn't as good to someone like me who hadn't seen it when it first came out. But, show's like Top wo Nerae and Legend of the Galactic are still fantastic despite the fact. I loved the music of Bubblegum Crisis and the 80's feel, btw. |
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job." - Geralt of Rivia |
Aug 1, 2010 2:40 AM
Great watch. Loved how Nene does nothing in the battles yet she still is a Knight Saber. This series is a good 7/10 but the music is just too amazing and I haven't laughed so hard when Nene called Priss an apewoman haha. So I think I'll settle with an 8/10 for the music and apewoman comment. |
Aug 12, 2010 10:48 PM
easily the best episode XD <3 nene and damn that non vocal track about halfway through was addictive, I gotta get me that |
Jan 28, 2011 11:03 AM
I'm still a fan of the first episode, but this is the second best in my opinion. It's amazing how little consistency this series had though, one episode would be amazing and the next would be barely a third as good. Agreed about the non vocal track halfway through, I just wanted to get up and start dancing, no matter how awkward it would be :) |
“Money can't buy dere” |
Mar 14, 2011 3:13 AM
finally got around to finishing this. this episode was one of the better ones for sure but i dont know if i would call it the top one. and this episode explained why in 2040 nene has the pink suit. the whole time during 2033 she has the other one and i was like WHY THE F DID THEY CHANGE IT IN THE NEW ONE. i am sad to see it end. the music and the animation style will not soon be forgotten. |
Aug 15, 2011 4:13 PM
Definitely ended on a high note with this episode. Lisa was probably the best one-shot supporting character. Too bad for her bleach-blonde hair. I may be a little forgiving when it comes to Bubblegum Crisis, but I'll give it an 8/10. 2040 was one of my gateways into anime. |
Jan 9, 2013 10:22 AM
TiamatNM said: easily the best episode XD <3 nene and damn that non vocal track about halfway through was addictive, I gotta get me that I know that song was so good! I'm giving this a 10. I was really impressed with how well this show combines 80's action movies with 80's "bubblegum" pop (or well really just popular music and movies of it's own time) It never stopped being fun, and it maintains a unique and elusive "cool factor" many other animes strive for and totally fail at. |
Aug 25, 2013 7:39 AM
Really good episode, great way to end the OVA. I liked that Lisa ended up figuring out who at least one of the knight sabers was, but didn't actually make it public out of respect. The scene where Lisa reaches the room from where Nene was shouting instructions, only to go in and find the Knight Sabers, was amazingly executed IMO. In terms of storyline though, it felt like ep7 would have fit more as a final episode than this.. Overall though, I give this a 7/10. I didn't enjoy the first 4 episodes of the show, but the last 4 were much better. Which makes it frustrating because I want to give it a better score because it finished on a high, but I can't because of the first half of anime... |
RaiteiAug 25, 2013 7:42 AM
Feb 3, 2015 10:28 AM
The animation is lovely in this episode. Fluid while keeping the typical detail and overall style of the series. |
Feb 20, 2015 4:59 AM
Finally Nene gets some much needed development and screentime. I didn't enjoy this as much as some of the previous episodes, but it was still pretty good. I loved the music and animation too. I really wish they could have done some more episodes. I want to check out the sequels too. But I don't hold my breath as to the quality. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Jun 3, 2015 10:12 AM
Dec 2, 2015 3:09 PM
This was my favorite episode. everything was good the music, the story, the characters. |
Apr 2, 2017 6:06 AM
Imagine if BGC continued into the 90s with this level of animation quality and writing. What could have been... |
Apr 22, 2017 10:28 PM
Oct 24, 2017 10:49 AM
This was a pretty interesting episode. It was nice how Nene got her own episode. I had a few minor gripes but overall good episode. I'd give the series a 7/10. |
Feb 5, 2018 7:31 AM
This was the best episode, up there with 4 and the other early ones. Nene might beat out Priss as favorite girl with this one. |
Aug 11, 2018 12:07 AM
Around the 25 minute mark you get a Classic '80s synthesizer montage scene FTW. Nice to see they got a Nene episode in there at least. And she was pretty damn awesome. Real shame they had to end it there. But I'm pretty happy they gave it a bit of a revival with 2040. My biggest gripe with 2040 though is Nene's hair change. T-T Still, newer hair reminds me of Erika Hartmann from Strike Witches, so it's somewhat forgivable. |
Current Events Thread Topics... Not even once. |
Nov 7, 2018 10:58 AM
In some ways it felt like the type of episode you'd find in the middle of a series. The way it took time out to develop a more sidekicky character feels like the type of thing a series would do to break the tension before buckling down. But on the other hand, I felt like the dialogue really drove home that the Knight Sabers' work is never done and so it was a nice way to end the series without forcing a conclusion. I'll check out the sequels when I can, but if I don't like them, this will always be a nice note on which to part with the series. |
Dec 14, 2018 11:26 AM
Melbot said: In some ways it felt like the type of episode you'd find in the middle of a series. The way it took time out to develop a more sidekicky character feels like the type of thing a series would do to break the tension before buckling down.. That's because it wasn't meant to be the final episode. It was supposed to go on for a few more episodes but the animation studio and the production house had a falling out and it was never finished. Bubblegum Crash was evidently an attempt to finish it, but that was put to a halt early on as well due to a legal dispute between the two parties. Anyhow, onto the episode it's self. I really don't agree with the sentiment that the rest of the people in this thread seem to have. I actually thought that this was by far the weakest episode. The animation felt much more lazy than normal, with even some choppy animation in parts and a few noticeable animation mistakes. Also the artwork in this one felt the most generic of all the episodes and the writing felt sub-par as well. Maybe I'm reading into things a bit too much because I know the history of what was going on behind the scenes but this episode honestly feels like it reflects it and it just feels like they weren't into making this one. |
KristiwazhereDec 14, 2018 11:36 AM
Apr 17, 2019 1:21 AM
Definitely the best episode |
Jul 8, 2019 1:26 AM
Nene grew so much in this episode, she is now perhaps my favourite character of the show xD It's a shame they only made 8 episodes instead of the originally planned 13. I could watch 50+ epsiodes if they kept this style flowing. Oh well, on to Bubblegum Crash =) |
Feb 13, 2020 10:19 AM
This was my favorite episode as well. Love Nene. Damn if this show doesn't have some of the coolest aesthetics out there. Both how it looks and how it sounds was cool as fuck. |
Apr 28, 2020 3:56 PM
I watched Bubblegum Crisis 2040 before I watched this, so every episode feels like a 10/10 compared to the slog that 2040 was. Idk why they decided to suck all the fun out of it in that series. |
Jun 29, 2020 1:42 PM
great to re-watch it again! time worth. ( i did in the ancient '90s over the VHS tapes) still one of my favorites SCF-Cyberpunk ANIME. and great BGM all the Vocals song! Konya wa Hurricane. over 20 years olde, and still my favorite Rock song! |
Apr 1, 2021 3:06 PM
Just as I expected, a Nene story! I think her surname is pronounced wrongly, by the way, if it's meant to be a Slavic one. FIST SHIFT, BOOMA 1, etc, amazing Engrish Leon referred to himself as "onisan" while Lisa called him "ojisan" lol That scientist's enhanced boomers looked kinda inspired by Predators. Sad we didn't get an ED sequence, but whatever. Best episode so far, and a nice way to close the series. I expected it to be more "song-focused" though. The animation was also more remarkable than in earlier episodes, especially during the chase scene and fights. Fun fact: Hiroaki Gouda, this episode's director, is credited as a member of studio Graviton here: This little studio was one where Hideaki Anno had his directorial debut: Coincidentally, Gouda would later participate in Evangelion production! Took me a long time to realize but Fargo was played by Koichi Yamadera! Such a fitting voice for a "spy"/informant. P.S. Is the runtime 50 or 52 minutes? For some reason English wiki says it's 52...hope there weren't any cut scenes. P.P.S. "Cuty feet" and "washout leg (jeans) denim" being part of the suit's schematics cracked me up |
St0rmbladeApr 11, 2021 4:19 AM
Aug 13, 2021 2:19 PM
Man, am glad we got to have one episode of Nene! Episode 8 is the end of the OVA but no the conclusion for Bubblegum Crisis, and yet, it is a very good episode that digs into the life of one of the "comic relief characters", Nene. It was delightful since we got to see her prove her place in the group and understand the struggles she faces in her daily life as an AD police officer. Also, we are introduced to another episodic character but then again, it adds more to the stakes of the episode and the thrilling storyline of the Knight Sabers being exposed. 7/10 for Bubblegum Crisis. The animation and art got better along the way, and we got to be intrigued by the different Cyberpunk stories in a world full of Boomers. Note: If you are able to, watch the subtitled version. |
Nov 7, 2021 12:12 AM
Best episode yet! What a great way to end off the series! |
Dec 31, 2021 7:12 PM
The final 2 episodes were really good especially this final episode. But the rest of the anime seemed kinda average to me. The Music was fantastic through the whole show. but the sory just didnt seem all that special. I might just watch A.D Police to see if it gives a better sense of the characters personality. overall bubblegum crisis is a 5/10, but thiiis episode is like a 7/10 though ^w^ |
Dec 31, 2021 7:12 PM
The final 2 episodes were really good especially this final episode. But the rest of the anime seemed kinda average to me. The Music was fantastic through the whole show. but the sory just didnt seem all that special. I might just watch A.D Police to see if it gives a better sense of the characters personality. overall bubblegum crisis is a 5/10, but thiiis episode is like a 7/10 though ^w^ |
Feb 9, 2022 6:41 PM
Feb 17, 2022 1:06 PM
This one didn't feel like a finale, but I liked that it was about Nene. 7/10 The style of this series is awesome. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Apr 15, 2022 7:50 PM
Loved this episode focused on Nene, she is just so cute, loved the worktime montage sequence, it was a nice badass ending for the series. Also was that Vision acting in that movie showing at the drive in? lol Overall what a fantastic series: the lovely animation, the peak late 80s and early 90s aesthetics, the awesome outdated futuristic tech & vehicle design, the perfect OST and of course the super cute and sexy girls made this classis truly an enjoyable time. What a GEM this was! I'll be surely searching for the related media. |
May 19, 2022 1:44 PM
not a good finale but a good episode. better than most of the series. series gets a 7/10 for me. poor story and no resolution |
Dec 21, 2022 2:07 PM
This was one of the best episodes. It's too bad the series didn't continue. Loved the animation in this series and the music was as good as it gets. |
Dec 21, 2022 2:17 PM
walla said: This was one of the best episodes. It's too bad the series didn't continue. Loved the animation in this series and the music was as good as it gets. So surprised and happy people are still watching this... the last episode gets the most attention it seems. It is excellent, and the ending song is awesome. But 1 through 3 are really my favorite, as an arc; and the song at the end of 3 is unforgettable. I'm talking about the English version tbh |
Dec 22, 2022 8:14 PM
SuperAdventure said: walla said: This was one of the best episodes. It's too bad the series didn't continue. Loved the animation in this series and the music was as good as it gets. So surprised and happy people are still watching this... the last episode gets the most attention it seems. It is excellent, and the ending song is awesome. But 1 through 3 are really my favorite, as an arc; and the song at the end of 3 is unforgettable. I'm talking about the English version tbh Yeah I love the early music best. I'm relistening to that track now to refresh my memory and yeah it's awesome. I also love Hurricane. I'll have to hunt down the soundtrack for this show, have never done that for an anime before. I saw the Japanese version, I started watching the dub but because there was so much music I wanted to hear it in the original language. :) |
Dec 23, 2022 11:09 AM
walla said: SuperAdventure said: walla said: This was one of the best episodes. It's too bad the series didn't continue. Loved the animation in this series and the music was as good as it gets. So surprised and happy people are still watching this... the last episode gets the most attention it seems. It is excellent, and the ending song is awesome. But 1 through 3 are really my favorite, as an arc; and the song at the end of 3 is unforgettable. I'm talking about the English version tbh Yeah I love the early music best. I'm relistening to that track now to refresh my memory and yeah it's awesome. I also love Hurricane. I'll have to hunt down the soundtrack for this show, have never done that for an anime before. I saw the Japanese version, I started watching the dub but because there was so much music I wanted to hear it in the original language. :) Yeah I love the early music best. I'm relistening to that track now to refresh my memory and yeah it's awesome. I also love Hurricane. I'll have to hunt down the soundtrack for this show, have never done that for an anime before. I saw the Japanese version, I started watching the dub but because there was so much music I wanted to hear it in the original language. :) You won't find the soundtrack in English version- I remember back many years ago fans begged Animeigo to release a soundtrack, and that's basically a tiny family-run outfit and they decided against it due to cost; which probably missed their last chance to capitalize on waning popularity. The re-performance of the music was done on the fly and the cuts and everything were the only way it was saved, they did not keep the full versions (so lost media basically); and there is precious little information about them on the web as interest in this anime is virtually nil these days. I imagine the only way to save the soundtrack would be to try and record it from your TV speakers... |
Jan 27, 2023 3:58 PM
What a nice upbeat episode to end the series on. I loved getting a Nene spotlight episode, and although I'm very much a Priss fangirl, I kinda wish the other Knight Sabers had gotten a similar treatment. The music slaps, as always. So glad every episode's OST is available on Spotify because I've been listening to them non-stop ever since I started watching. |
Beep boop |
Feb 11, 2023 1:26 PM
I got a bit of surprised with the visual. The series got a truly "first 80´s" visual, but in this last one, had a "mid 90´s" visual, even the direction. Makes the episode more appealing. |
Nov 12, 2023 8:53 AM
This may just be my favorite episode, as a lot of others have said. It really seems like the animators were hitting their stride during the last four episodes, and all four felt like a step up from the first half of the series. It's such a shame that they weren't able to do the remaining planned episodes. The character animation in particular this episode was stellar. Both Nene and Lisa had so much character to their movements it was an absolute joy to watch especially Lisa's escape sequence through the AD Police HQ. The fight scenes were also well done. The mechanical designs in this series have been spectacular. |
KurokamiPhantomNov 12, 2023 9:12 AM
Dec 20, 2023 5:29 AM
Reply to St0rmblade
Just as I expected, a Nene story! I think her surname is pronounced wrongly, by the way, if it's meant to be a Slavic one.
FIST SHIFT, BOOMA 1, etc, amazing Engrish
Leon referred to himself as "onisan" while Lisa called him "ojisan" lol
That scientist's enhanced boomers looked kinda inspired by Predators.
Sad we didn't get an ED sequence, but whatever. Best episode so far, and a nice way to close the series. I expected it to be more "song-focused" though.
The animation was also more remarkable than in earlier episodes, especially during the chase scene and fights.
Fun fact: Hiroaki Gouda, this episode's director, is credited as a member of studio Graviton here:
This little studio was one where Hideaki Anno had his directorial debut:
Coincidentally, Gouda would later participate in Evangelion production!
Took me a long time to realize but Fargo was played by Koichi Yamadera! Such a fitting voice for a "spy"/informant.
P.S. Is the runtime 50 or 52 minutes? For some reason English wiki says it's 52...hope there weren't any cut scenes.
P.P.S. "Cuty feet" and "washout leg (jeans) denim" being part of the suit's schematics cracked me up
FIST SHIFT, BOOMA 1, etc, amazing Engrish
Leon referred to himself as "onisan" while Lisa called him "ojisan" lol
That scientist's enhanced boomers looked kinda inspired by Predators.
Sad we didn't get an ED sequence, but whatever. Best episode so far, and a nice way to close the series. I expected it to be more "song-focused" though.
The animation was also more remarkable than in earlier episodes, especially during the chase scene and fights.
Fun fact: Hiroaki Gouda, this episode's director, is credited as a member of studio Graviton here:
This little studio was one where Hideaki Anno had his directorial debut:
Coincidentally, Gouda would later participate in Evangelion production!
Took me a long time to realize but Fargo was played by Koichi Yamadera! Such a fitting voice for a "spy"/informant.
P.S. Is the runtime 50 or 52 minutes? For some reason English wiki says it's 52...hope there weren't any cut scenes.
P.P.S. "Cuty feet" and "washout leg (jeans) denim" being part of the suit's schematics cracked me up
Priss "the ape-woman" - I got to hand it to Nene, she has a point :D As much as I like Priss, her being one of the best "warrior" type of girls in anime, she does lack in the charm department. Last few episodes made me think she's not into men at all, and Leon has to spend all his time with his queer partner at that. This is so sad. I think Sylia remains somewhat at a loss here as well, even if she's not into romance, but I'm ok with her being cold or uninterested in romantic stuff at this point. Maybe she is a droid secretly built by her father... no, that's crazy. As of Linna, she seems like an original "unlucky in romance" type before Sailor Jupiter :D. Previously Nene wasn't given credit in this sense, Leon obviously didn't aggree she was cute, but we understand at this point it's simply a matter of priorities for her. Working and being with Knight Sabers eats up all her time aside from occasional fun with her concert going co-worker friend. anyhoo.. this is Nene's highlight! Nene was so underestimated before, used mostly in a comic way, unfortunately. But now we know she's not only a cute little pink office girl, but a brave, brilliant, selfless and a little overweight cute little pink office girl :D Knight Sabers woudn't be the same without her. After hundreds of anime seen, I can say that she's quite dear to me. I don't remember many characters like that. And while I like all the main cast here, this ep really made Nene my favorite :] Ridiculous villain aside, this was great, action packed, and awesome episode. And since I'm not focusing on action or plot in these series exactly, but rather on the atmoshere and style and charming leads, it's fine. I don't find the later installments of ova and TV terrible too. I'm glad this wasn't the last "goodbye" to the series and Nene :) @St0rmblade Nene's surname is hilariously quazi-Russian, in a Russian Tzar kind of way. Seriosuly, Romanova (feminine form for Romanov) is not a surname you will find outside that particular dynasty, it's similar to "Stalina" (as Stalin was a pseudonym, not an actual surname). Romanov dynasty was foreign to Russia, as opposed to native Ryurikovitch' they had surpassed on the throne due to some foreign intrigues. And it's funny sometimes when it surfaces in characters. Nene Romanova sounds pretty funny too (btw, it's pronounced "romAnova" in Russian). |
Mar 13, 2024 6:17 PM
Glad to see the sentiment in this thread! This is my first foray into the world of Bubblegum Crisis and DAMN they hit a stride with this last episode. I'm about to go nutty on the content that is available. Nene-chan getting the spotlight was so incredible. An absolute tech wizard and brings as much to the table as every other member. The character development and uniqueness for all the members of the Knight Sabers is truly wonderful. This series is really good at showing beyond telling. Seriously riding such a high off this! Till we meet again! |
Mar 31, 2024 7:03 PM
Loved it! Truly a classic. |
Jun 1, 2024 5:29 AM
What a great OVA. Perfectly captures the 80s/early 90s anime vibe. Excellent animation. No fear of violence or boobs. Just straight action in Mega Tokyo. If it continued for like 24 or even 12 episodes it might've gotten a bit tedious with how episodic and plot-light it is but for 8 episodes it had just enough of that to keep it going. What a gem. |
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