I watch what randomly grabs my interest not really focused on a single style or genre. I like a little bit of everything, but my main interests are fast paced action and cool aesthetic designs for tech and character.

~~Kansei dorifto forever~~
Any anime with a score of 5 and up is highly recommended.
My tokusatsu list:
All Comments (54) Comments
Sorry for a late response, but I wanted to finish that anime first. After completing it, I can say it gave exactly what I expected to see. To mention a few of things that were among my expectations: crazy gore, good looking character designs, lots of action, hardcore and supernatural fighting techniques, and simple, yet entertaining plot combining ninja and sci-fi elements. It was all there. It's maybe not the best anime I've ever seen, but I enjoyed watching it.
You're right, that kind of simple, creative anime, with such elements I mentioned eaerlier, are songs of the past, sadly. Or at least are very rare sights. As some people say: "they don't make that kind of shows these days", heh.
Don't worry about the club invitation, haha. I check my own section of personal club invitations once in a blue moon, so I was wondering if perhaps you were similar to me in frequency of checking those invites. ;D Thank you for accepting it. Welcome to the Saint Seiya Club! :)
About Zeus Arc, indeed. New Saint Seiya manga project, following the final chapter of Next Dimension, will be announced soon, according to one news from Kurumada Productions website (source: https://kurumadapro.com/column/article_131.html). Fingers crossed tightly for it to be Zeus Arc. :D
After finishing the first episode, I must admit I liked it. Not the best anime I've ever seen, but once, like you said, you turn your brain off and just enjoy the action, it's a really cool show. But it was just the first episode out of 6. I bet this anime gets even better later on. :D
Btw. Would you like to join Saint Seiya Club? I sent you an invitation some time ago. If you don't want to then it's perfectly fine. I just don't know if you saw the invitation itself. I very rarely check my own list of club invitations, so I can imagine that there might be other people who do the same thing, haha.
A classic adult dark fantasy.
Criei um canal no YouTube recentemente, e seria incrível se você pudesse se inscrever e dar uma forcinha pra esse meu projeto, vou falar de animes e outros tópicos!! Estarei profundamente grata e agradeço, desde já!
Aye, Saint Seiya will shine forever, haha.
Thanks for your kind words about my Favorites section. :)
So I have seen Appleseed; I have NOT seen Dominion! That will be the one I check out first! :D
And 100% I will never not preach the word of Macross Plus. Super influential and formative anime for me. I'm due for a another re-watch of it.
So I have some movies for you that you may like! Memories and/or Robot Carnival. Both are a compilation of short stories from the greats of that era. Cannot go wrong with either one. The art is absolute insanity; that pure hand drawn wonderfulness. Below is a screen cap from my favorite story in Robot Carnival. :)
Same to you! <3
That means a lot to me! I spent a lot of time on it the past weeks. I could not be happier to get an outside opinion that it reads well! I really tried to have the tags be interesting and categorize aspects that I found helpful. :D
Two things: one it's great to see someone who regards Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal as highly as I do. An absolute masterpiece. Loved reading through your notes. Second, any anime you have to recommend that I am sorely missing!? I see you have Initial D which I am hoping to dive into in the near future.
Regardless, I'm also planning on watching all the canon stuff before it airs, as I imagine the stuff we see will be more influenced by the anime than even the manga. Maybe not as much as Nisei's anime, but that's what more people are familiar with.
That '83 anime was what I got into first that ultimately convinced me to seek out the manga. One of funniest things out of the broader battle shonen genre I've yet read, and a very easy recommendation to make once you've wrapped up the anime or come to a point you'd rather read the story. I plan on coming back to finish it then watching the Scramble for Kinniku Throne anime and, of course, the new show coming out later this year.
Wow, this was just pure visual art excellence.