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ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!
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Jan 5, 2023 5:13 PM

Jan 2017

Already AOTS, nothing more to say. 

Studio Bind is going super strong in thier adaptations! 

Takata said:
This reminds me of the time I was more than halfway through downloading a VN when I noticed that all the cute characters were actually traps, then just continued downloading the rest of it because it felt like a waste to delete it.
A Man Needs a Name! You cannot say this without the sauce! 
Jan 5, 2023 5:25 PM
May 2020
The animation is cute, the theme is interesting. Let's see how it goes!
Jan 5, 2023 5:36 PM
Sep 2020
The first episode didn't particularly wow me, but I am really glad Studio Bind went and did it.
It's great seeing the outrage it caused and I hope the freedom of art expression continues to be proppeled forward by anime.
Art censorship will never do any good for you going forward, and it is really difficult to put a brake on it once it's been accepted. Keep that crap away from art.
Jan 5, 2023 6:02 PM

Aug 2015
Damn. This was really really good. Studio Bind was really flexing with the animation and art on this one, they even animated small expressions and sweat drops. Both the OP and EDs were fantastic. I love the Yuru Camp stuff in the dude's bookshelf! I don't get the feeling that we're gonna get any super in-depth story or characters, but that's what I expect from this kind of show and honestly without having read the manga I feel like everything in this first ep was on point. 

I'm happy I watched the "uncensored" (japanese original release) version rather than the censored western release!
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Jan 5, 2023 6:14 PM

Jul 2015
Cute and funny, go watch something else if have any problems with this anime, there are a lot of good shows out there.
Jan 5, 2023 6:35 PM
Oct 2017
I thought it was very cute. I am curious how the rest of the series ends up playing out. Hope to see more scenarios of interesting self-discovery with comedic and fun twists.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 5, 2023 6:49 PM

Dec 2022
Nyanber said:
mosneet said:
a transgender loli siscon ecchi anime. I don't need anything else this season

It's ain't a siscon anime
It isn't a transgender anime either, for that matter. Not sure what he's on about.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jan 5, 2023 7:17 PM

Feb 2020
Mahiro is pretty hot / cute ngl
anyways I absolutely abhor Mihari's actions thus far
man should not be without his eroge
tis truly a cruel fate

Jan 5, 2023 7:31 PM
May 2021
I would probably enjoy this if they used adults instead of minors.. Premise sounds fun but mc being turned into a middle-schooler is a big no since they put so many sexual jokes in.
Jan 5, 2023 8:17 PM

May 2021
Archean-Return said:
Nyanber said:

It's ain't a siscon anime
It isn't a transgender anime either, for that matter. Not sure what he's on about.
Archean-Return said:
It isn't a transgender anime either, for that matter. Not sure what he's on about.
I've also been seeing people say it's a transgender anime, (Twitter people), but I'll also agree that it isn't. Yes, Mahiro was a male & is now a female thanks to Mihari's drug but that doesn't make it transgender anime because it's a "magical sex shift" (LOL! at MAL calling it a magical sex shift instead of a gender-bender) anime.
Jan 5, 2023 8:44 PM

Nov 2018
Man that sister is manipulative. She's trying to do something good but she does it without this thing called consent, and then afterwards guilt trips into it.
Jan 5, 2023 8:56 PM

Jul 2021

freaking amazing though not gonna lie. they didn't leave anything out. showed us everything that our mc would be suffering from having turned into a girl.

didn't like the imouto setting up a camera in our mc's room.

almost feels wrong to watch this lmao. gonna be guilty pleasure of this season for me.


The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jan 5, 2023 9:16 PM

May 2019
So this is the first "magical sex shift" themed anime that I'm watching and so far it's alright. While what the sister did without her brother's consent is not ok he at least is somewhat going along with it.

Towards the end of the episode I noticed a pamphlet that read, "The Big Brother Rehabilitation Project" so I'm guessing that the sister is trying to rehab her brother into being more productive in society, ie. getting up earlier, having a job, etc. instead of just being a shut in so in a way she is trying to help out her brother but the way she's doing it is questionable (like why change him into a girl to do this?). Curious to see what hi jinks they get involved with.
Jan 5, 2023 9:53 PM
Jan 2017
Definitely liked it. Maybe it should be called How to Turn your Brother into A Better Sister.
Jan 5, 2023 10:13 PM

May 2020
I've read manga in the past and that wasn't the very best of experience. Now watching the same absurdity with voices and bright colours made one thing certain, this series grabbed one hell of a lucky straw as far as the production side is concerned.. oh wait this studio likes working on things which involves a hikkimori as a central figure. So no luck I guess.

Now to see how much this will blow up.. NEGATIVELY.
Jan 5, 2023 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
Mihari is a little sus, I wonder how often she watched him when he was a boy with that camera but cute show. Surprised she wasn't in there room during the shopping  
Jan 5, 2023 11:52 PM
Feb 2018
Great artstyle, horrible story about everything wrong with anime.
Jan 6, 2023 12:03 AM

Jan 2021
That was wild, this is going to be a wacky one animated by THE goats at Bind. That ED animation is hella smooth holy shit. I can already smell the hate, which is honestly justified lol.
SpicelitJan 6, 2023 12:06 AM
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Jan 6, 2023 1:04 AM

Sep 2010
Dudi4PoLFr said:

Already AOTS, nothing more to say. 

Studio Bind is going super strong in thier adaptations! 

Takata said:
This reminds me of the time I was more than halfway through downloading a VN when I noticed that all the cute characters were actually traps, then just continued downloading the rest of it because it felt like a waste to delete it.
A Man Needs a Name! You cannot say this without the sauce! 
Consider yourself lucky I was able to find it again: v11415 on the visual novel database. In hindsight, the hints are there in the title. I just understood almost no Japanese at the time, and even now I can't read any Japanese. xD

As for obtaining the game, if you can find it anywhere online, I'll be very impressed. It's probably lying around on one of my old HDDs full of stuff I'd read if I could read Japanese. >.<
Jan 6, 2023 1:47 AM

Apr 2019
Oniichan wa Oshimai, just as the title says and as the main character said while they were running "Maybe it's time I give up trying to be the older brother and stay as I am now" is an anime about a male neet hikkikomori that suddenly became a girl overnight due to his sister's experimentation, reminds me of that one meme about being the first one to fall asleep at a sleepover, bro literally woke up and became a girl, i don't think this is the right plan to rehabilitate your older brother though, anyways, liking this anime so far 
JorovieJan 6, 2023 1:50 AM
Jan 6, 2023 2:17 AM
May 2016
Maybe am too old for this shit but still pretty good.
Jan 6, 2023 2:19 AM
Dec 2021
Jorovie said:
Oniichan wa Oshimai, just as the title says and as the main character said while they were running "Maybe it's time I give up trying to be the older brother and stay as I am now" is an anime about a male neet hikkikomori that suddenly became a girl overnight due to his sister's experimentation, reminds me of that one meme about being the first one to fall asleep at a sleepover, bro literally woke up and became a girl, i don't think this is the right plan to rehabilitate your older brother though, anyways, liking this anime so far 

You a haachama fan
Jan 6, 2023 2:54 AM

Oct 2014

mosneet said:
sisters don't typically look under each others' dresses to check if they're wearing underwear - but you're right, the siscon is probably incidental and not the main focus. siscon themes is probably more accurate

Not gonna lie, they most likely would in this situation.

Also are you a sister with sisters, or from whos' experience are you talking about?

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Jan 6, 2023 3:37 AM

Nov 2022
overall an amazing introduction. the amount of fanservice and little wholesome moments in this episode shows that there are high hopes for this anime. lets go 5chin.

Jan 6, 2023 4:14 AM

Jan 2021
i dont think i am the audience for this.. i found it really really weird and it made me uncomfortable, couldnt even get through the first episode. so im dropping it. i dont wanna waste my time.
"Akira, why am I the only one talking?"
Jan 6, 2023 4:33 AM
Apr 2019
Not sure if I'll drop this or not yet, the production quality is top tier, however the first episode felt extremely rushed, and the MC has accepted a forced sex change way too easily, was he always a walk-over pansy? Like seriously no fighting back by slapping/punching the sister, no fighting back by continuing to act male, dressing as a male, heck even wearing boxes and a singlet instead of panties and a bra would have been some form of fighting back and maintaining their maleness.
Jan 6, 2023 4:42 AM

Feb 2014
I pretty much went into this series blind, apart from the PV trailers. Studio Bind was my main reason for checking this series out.

My thoughts on the first episode? It was really good fun. Mihari going to those lengths to change her brother into a loli will be questionable for some, which I can understand, but all in all, I had a good laugh with the episode and the themes. Fanservice was very nice, which I always like! XD

The best part, obviously, was the animation. Studio Bind did a stellar job with Mushoku Tensei's production values and here, it's business as usual. You can tell the production team had fun and put a lot of love into the movements in the episode, including the OP and ED, which were also pretty good, too.

I think this will be my guilty pleasure of this season and I highly look forward to the next episode! XD
Jan 6, 2023 5:19 AM

Sep 2016
so the girl's grooming and gaslighting her big bro into thinking he's a girl?
yikes. just yikes.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 6, 2023 6:29 AM

Oct 2019
This anime has the cutest artstyle but a very questionable plot.
Jan 6, 2023 7:41 AM
Nov 2017
I liked the first episode, i have waited quite a bit for it since its PV1 which i found noice~
Jan 6, 2023 8:10 AM

Nov 2022
kojimaaoba said:
StaleNut said:

This isn't a trans anime bruh tf are you on

It’s TSF. Just close.
wtf is bro on about

Jan 6, 2023 8:14 AM

Nov 2018
First episode pretty great! I'm surprised there was a bit of censorship from CR but that's a shrug.

What we're witnessing here is AOTS, no question. The artwork is super cute and the color palette is so inviting. Story feels like I'm going to get some kind of gender-bender Oreimo/Lucky Star feel. Looking forward to seeing Otaku culture shine through in a show for once.

Also uohh S-tier eye catches.

Jan 6, 2023 8:31 AM
Jan 2023
I read the onimai in the manga and it was very good so the first volume did not disappoint
love: mihari
Jan 6, 2023 8:36 AM
Jan 2023
number of people are hating mihari more and more while what she is doing is just for the good of her brother, the people who hate her are idiots because they have never read the manga >:(
Jan 6, 2023 8:43 AM

May 2013
If there would be drug which reverted my age back to youth I wouldn't hesitate even second even if it changed my gender.
Jan 6, 2023 9:13 AM

Aug 2019
Pretty cute start but not sure if I'll stick around for this one. I might give the next episode a shot though!
Jan 6, 2023 9:20 AM

Oct 2016
i wish it were that easy. a magical drug that turns you into a girl but if you then realise you ain't into that you can just stop taking it and go back? i wish that existed irl
Jan 6, 2023 9:21 AM

Nov 2013
Hmm... Definitely better than expected.

Glad this didn't turn out to be some pedo-bait garbage, unlike that certain other show...

Apart from the whole sister drugs her brother, and sister spies on brother with a hidden camera thing, the show doesn't seem that creepy - for now at least.

Glad to see there's nearly 0 sexual tension from both siblings. Both characters seem ok and likeable. Hopefully this doesn't go weirder....

So, sister basically did the most bizarre and extreme step possible to rehabilitate her shut-in brother. Arguably a noble cause?
I don't know how turning him into a girl and giving him identity crisis can solve the issue without creating another serious one, but the show is a comedy and I shouldn't cloud my mind with serious yet unnecessary thoughts I guess.

Solid start IMO.
Jan 6, 2023 9:32 AM
Jun 2013
Literal tranime
The gross CG stands out like a sore thumb, the only redeeming factor is the OP. 
This is NHK written by degenerates.
Jan 6, 2023 10:00 AM

Sep 2018
I don't remember the last time I would've laughed as hard as I did just now at Toppington and Bottomsley – translators clearly had their fun and it paid off.

Still not sure if I'll be able to fully enjoy a plot so heavily centered around a magical sex shift, but since it's by Studio Bind I wanted to give it a try.
Jan 6, 2023 10:04 AM

May 2021
animegamer245 said:
VampireLord1024 said:
I've also been seeing people say it's a transgender anime, (Twitter people), but I'll also agree that it isn't. Yes, Mahiro was a male & is now a female thanks to Mihari's drug but that doesn't make it transgender anime because it's a "magical sex shift" (LOL! at MAL calling it a magical sex shift instead of a gender-bender) anime.
The People who unironically call this a ''transgender anime'' are probably newbies who don't know that these types of anime have existed for atleast 3 decades with Ranma 1/2 being the one who started the trend. Also I'm pretty sure before MAL separated Demographics & Themes from Genres the used to refer to these types of series as gender bender, I don't know why they changed it.
So why was I randomly quoted for?
Jan 6, 2023 10:10 AM

May 2019
Damn, I don't expect this to be quite wholesome and not really pervy with the whole premise. Her sister should get a Nobel Prize for the drug lol. The drug is also put to good use for rehabilitation to decrease NEET. I always enjoy gender shift gender roles comedy and this one looks promising.
VivaceRexJan 6, 2023 10:15 AM

Jan 6, 2023 10:16 AM

Jan 2018
too gay..............
Jan 6, 2023 11:23 AM

Mar 2022
this has no right to be so good. Animation is gorgeous (clever cgi tricks and lighting), OP and especialy ED are bangers.
The story is silly and the author needs a visit from the FBI, but here we are anyway, loliconing.
Jan 6, 2023 11:59 AM

Oct 2022
I'm really not entirely sure what I just watched, but I feel like the creator should have their internet search history investigated.
GympyJan 6, 2023 12:11 PM
Jan 6, 2023 2:10 PM

Sep 2020
Vey funny and great start! Also amazing op and ed, the animations of them are so good, the premise is silly but very entertaining to watching.
Jan 6, 2023 2:13 PM
Dec 2020
Why they have to make main charcater a little girl, he can just be a jobless adult man who turned into a adult woman. I feel really uncomfortable watching the semi nudity. and i'm sure every sane person felt same. ok. let's forget about child nudity for a second. it's really boring. i've watched many cgdct but this one's just boring. 
There are some good gender bender manga out there, i don't know why they decide to adapt this. and considering mushoku tensei also has same child nudity, i see a pattern here. but atleast mushoku has a good plot so we can look over somethings. but this anime has nothing.

Studio bind has some really talented people and has potential to be one of the greatest studios if only they stop adapting these questionable shows.
Jan 6, 2023 3:56 PM
May 2021
I thought this would be a horny anime, but it's really quite wholesome.
Jan 6, 2023 4:08 PM
Dec 2019
the artstyle is cute :3
Jan 6, 2023 4:31 PM

Aug 2020
Okay, this is one of the wackiest releases of this season by far xD

I hope Mahiro will have a significant change in this anime, and that Mihari will make him come back to his state. This will some NHK with little girls?!?!?!? XDXDXD

I like the OST, very catchy. And the employee at the lingerie shop was cute.

This will be out of the usual.

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