I'm Jokuc, a boy from Sweden with a big interest for movies and anime! Apart from the obvious, I spend my spare time posting on forums, doing graphic design, watching youtube videos, reading about science and new technology breakthroughs, playing a few games as well as writing movie reviews.
So what kind of person are you anyway? ( ゚ー゚) I'm a very curious person who tends to be lively... unless I have stayed up all night, which happens too often (〃ノωノ) I'm also super talkative... but only if I have something fun to talk about, as I am an awful topic starter ┐(´ー`)┌
...I love everything cute! I'm also bisexual ( ^ڡ^) This might be because I have a bit of a feminine side.. Crossdressing in some cute clothes is something I enjoy and most of my cosplays on conventions tend to be rather girly ヽ(。ゝω・)ノ☆
Anime I watch As for anime, I like almost every genre, but I'm not very interested in the mecha theme. My favorite genres are adventure, thrillers and drama but I also watch quite a lot of comedy.. and ecchi... but only for the plot! I..it's not like I enjoy those lewd scenes or anything! ..baka! (≧σ≦)
_If you want to get to know me...
Feel free to say hello or whatever you'd like to throw my way, I'm an easily bored person so I always want cuddles
need something to keep me occupied.___________
Thank you for reading :3
Things jokuc likes (☆▽☆)
Lewd things :3c
Creamed Spinach
Cute people! ふふふ
Things he doesn't like .( ̵˃﹏˂̵ )
99% of all vegetables
Rick and Morty
Alcohol ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
**Might as well scrap this page cause youtube links die all the time. I'm also too lazy to update it with OSTs from new series I watch.
this list is outdated but I don't have time to update it*
Games I'm currently playing!
Guild Wars 2
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II
Pokémon main series
Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
Worms Armageddon
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
About my ratings ☆
I don't particularly like the words MAL uses to describe their corresponding ratings, as I, for example, don't think a 5* score (which is just one above "bad") describes the "average" anime. I almost always finish watching series I start as I don't like dropping things half way through. I like being able to engage in conversations about shows even if I don't like them. My ratings often change as I watch more of a series and I often go back and change my ratings. I always take my own enjoyment into account when rating stuff and not just production quality. Anime is made to entertain, and if it succeeds, I don't see why I shouldn't give that show a decent score. Even if it is poorly made.
All Comments (1311) Comments
I'll let you go though
I never woulda thought of that lol
not much's up i'm just doin my usual stuff watch anime play eroge all that jazz
I've never even heard of sora yori before, whattsat?
cool to see someone who likes Overlord
What kind of games do you like to play? :3