Horny male A man of culture.
Join this club if you believe in never dropping an anime. Maybe dropping isn't so bad afterall 🗿
Growing up is learning to drop animes you don't like.
Eren did nothing wrong.
Mikasa on the other hand Having watched the ending now, it was all for the best, not blaming Mikasa or anyone.
The end of an era 5/11/23.
The cycle continues.
Current goal: Have 300 completed before 1st January 2023. done 26/12/2022
Long time goal: Complete 200 animes per year.
Completed count as of 01/01/23: 305.
Completed count as of 01/01/24: 424.
Reached 100 days watching on 28/04/24.
Completed count as of 01/01/25: 467 (oh lord how i have fallen).
My Kawaii Waifus and precious best girls <3

Azunyan, Yui, Ricchan, Mio, Mugi are #1 BEST GIRLS OF ALL TIME
<33333333333. Words cannot describe how much I love them.
I use watching anime as a way to escape from reality.
nah not anymore (31/12/22) yo boy has grown🗿
2D girls are superior in every aspect compared to real girls but the only downside 2D girls have is that they are 2D.

Note: All my favorite animes are temporary and subject to change with more animes I watch.
Uni re-opened, gotta say good bye to watching animes 16 hours a day. Hoping I get time to at least watch the seasonals.
200th completed anime (25/06/2022) :
250th completed anime (11/09/2022) :
Non Non Biyori
300th completed anime (26/12/2022) :
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
When does one even start to feel like an adult?
If I ever stop being online for more than a few weeks without any notice then you might be right to think what you are as there's no way that I'm gonna stop watching anime and using MAL for several weeks.
All Comments (341) Comments
But bro you have to be disciplined.
wtf bro? GF? (You expect a gf from weeb? XD) Never thought so. Dating is such a hassle. Don't wanna have these relationship shit.
Black Lips are good. I mean we all love goths.😏😂 (Unless they fuck up your life XD)
Fucked Up Lifestyle. Probability of Stroke increased by 100%. Just sleep at night and do stuffs in day.
Oh Fine!
I'm losing interest for a long time now before even working. Before completing High-school. Anime is just for a escape. Like Dopamine intake.
I get summer vacation but I don't know what to do with it. Hobbies are kinda dead.
What kind of Job you got? Govt. Job? Likely Govt. Job I guess.
& What are you upto? Told you mine. XD
im ovulaton mon ami
You Graduated. Congrats. I'm still doing maybe another year and I'm a graduate. After that Post graduation.
I'm currently doing a low paying job for my finances.
Nothing quite grasps my interest. kinda losing interest for everything for a long time now. But liking smoking for while now.
after that only seasonal animes and some mangas (Gonna limit myself to minimum in upcoming years If I live though). I don't know where to comment anymore. People are getting stupider everyday.
I'll try. Let's see.
How's going with you? anything interesting? I love to hear people's stories.
i dont really use MAL much, I got a notification in mail about a certain post, i found you in the replies