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Jul 14, 2019 9:46 AM

Nov 2011
Nice style of the OP song.

I got an eerie feel from the first episode. It takes place in a modern setting and one of the characters almost gets into a car accident before being saved. The feel of the show gives me a dark metropolis feel.

Animation looks solid with the modern version.
Jul 14, 2019 11:04 AM
Jul 2016
The woman in purple drowning HAS TO BE MEMED (11:40) πŸ˜‚ "Nani?! Yada?! AAAARGLUULULULULULULULU"
ItsBritneyBitchJul 14, 2019 12:15 PM
Jul 14, 2019 11:27 AM

Jul 2015
I guess it was fine but nothing special though. we have to wait and see.
John_MaxJul 14, 2019 11:41 AM
Jul 14, 2019 11:47 AM

Feb 2017
Nothing special so far. I like the setting tho.
Jul 14, 2019 12:06 PM
Jul 2018
Summers was already annoying.. don't understand what she was thinking during some moments.

Somewhat alright start and could have been better. I really dig the jazz so far. As for the show really need two or three episode to judge. So far its nothing special.
Jul 14, 2019 12:11 PM
Nov 2013
I liked the Jazzy music as far as story it seems interesting
Jul 14, 2019 12:16 PM
Jul 2016
This going straight to the dustbin
Jul 14, 2019 12:16 PM

Oct 2010
wanted to see cuz for Maaya and JUNNA but the anime iteslf doesnt sound that interesting so I need more feedback from ya'll
Jul 14, 2019 12:20 PM

Nov 2016
This was really mediocre.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 14, 2019 12:20 PM

Sep 2017
Summers is really annoying. maybe one of the most annoying characters I have seen in anime. apart from her, I enjoyed the episode and hopefully we will get to see a lot more of Bem, Bela and Belo. loved the OP btw!
Jul 14, 2019 12:20 PM
Jul 2019
Keninje said:
kuraharah said:
Irritating heroine, the type that can't do anything but sticks her nose into everything. Hope plot will focus more on the weird trio than her throwing tantrums like five times per episode.

oh, seems I won't need to waste my time on this anime. good thing i came here first
it's the first damn episode, just wait...
Jul 14, 2019 12:23 PM

Jan 2014
Not a fan of the blonde girl, but aside from her everything else seems pretty good

If the quality stays this consistent, and doesn't dip, this could be the sleeper hit of the season
Jul 14, 2019 12:24 PM

Jun 2017
As far as I know this is some kind of reboot of some old thing... I liked it though, the music is spot on.
Jul 14, 2019 12:30 PM

Jul 2017
noice have absolutely no idea what's going on, OST is pretty spot on though, OP sounds like a mix of Kakeguri and Lover's Suicide through Rakugo
Jul 14, 2019 12:38 PM

Oct 2010
Kinda neat that Range Murata has 2 anime this season after disappearing for so long
Jul 14, 2019 12:47 PM

Jun 2009
Loved how the corrupt cops were sliced in half.
Jul 14, 2019 12:49 PM

Sep 2017
It's just very generic. Film Noir, jazz music, corruption, a naively good cop, supernatural crime, good guy monsters.

OK jazz music in a crime story is a cliche but it did sound nice.

Action scenes: mediocre.
Jul 14, 2019 12:52 PM

Aug 2011
Lol no. I couldn't get past the idiocy of her leaving the car unlocked... especially while a so called theft is taking place somewhere in the vicinity.

Yeah the other person could've stolen the car regardless of it being locked or not but come on now. Zero common sense and barely 5 minutes in.
Jul 14, 2019 12:57 PM
Sep 2018
quite boring as of now... won’t throw it away just yet though.
Jul 14, 2019 1:21 PM
Apr 2016
Everything shouts "THIIIIIIII(3)IIIIIIIRD RATE" here. Except for some transitions, this is just not refined. Same case like with Fairy Gone. I guess referencing low-effort titles will now become a seasonal thing. Either way I am willing to stick with it as it plays with interesting themes, like demons believing they will become humans if they keep doing good things. But the cringe-threshold is now extremely low, and each bad decision on the studio's part could force me to abandon this struggle.
DoctorWasabi said:
Not a fan of the blonde girl, but aside from her everything else seems pretty good

If the quality stays this consistent, and doesn't dip, this could be the sleeper hit of the season

The quality is literally one step above the floor. I pray it stays consistent, as expecting anything better is... naive.
Kougeru said:
Kinda neat that Range Murata has 2 anime this season after disappearing for so long

And both are kinda over-generic. Success/unsuccess. But it's cheap to produce and will surely interest the (grey) mass until proper titles come in.
stand said:
Lol no. I couldn't get past the idiocy of her leaving the car unlocked... especially while a so called theft is taking place somewhere in the vicinity.

Yeah the other person could've stolen the car regardless of it being locked or not but come on now. Zero common sense and barely 5 minutes in.

Might be a culture barrier. We are talking about an upright cop which puts others and ideals before herself. When she saw a robbery she did not care for the car - she was focused solely on helping the lady. That is "common sense" to her. Argue that, car lover.

Keninje said:
kuraharah said:
Irritating heroine, the type that can't do anything but sticks her nose into everything. Hope plot will focus more on the weird trio than her throwing tantrums like five times per episode.

oh, seems I won't need to waste my time on this anime. good thing i came here first

Are we talking about a female police officer who just left safe space, fighting against water bending monsters and demons that can absorb bullets like sunlight? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, not much she can do there.
Daniel_NaumovJul 14, 2019 1:27 PM
Jul 14, 2019 1:26 PM

May 2018
Well then I guess this was one of those were a human partnered up with some freaks particularly with Bem, Belo and Bella.
Jul 14, 2019 1:58 PM
Sep 2017
It was an ok first episode. Really liking the music and atmosphere. The backgrounds are good and I think the transitions they did between some scenes were amazing.

As for the plot and the characters............we'll have to see.
The blonde woman is pretty hot-headed and is making some very stupid decisions, but I like her sense of justice. Let's see, what the show does with her.
While Bem, Belo and Bela are quite cool, they are also very monotone so far. It works for this first episode, but if they are this one-note for the whole series it may quickly become boring.

Otcho_Shogun28Jul 14, 2019 2:01 PM
Jul 14, 2019 1:58 PM

Mar 2016
The animation was so brilliant that it makes the boring design of the girl look slightly better.

The story reminded me of Psycho-Pass in some way. Not sure why. (Maybe it's because of the studio or the police girl.)

I had been expecting the story to be horrendous like 'Phantom in the Twilight', but I am glad this is better than that (so far, at least).
Jul 14, 2019 3:18 PM
Aug 2016
Did that water monster get stronger after absorbing those bullets or what? and why the hell didn't he kill the blond ass who shoot him along with the other cops who just arrived and were further from him than her? it seems as if he went out of his way to avoid scratching her while massacring everyone else standing right behind her. Speaking of the blond ass, she was scared shitless of the water monster that she couldn't even move away when he was swinging his shit at the cops behind her, but the other monster who just killed the monster that made her freeze out of fear (and also the one who made my eyes bleed with his lame ass ugly transformation sequence) is not scary enough to make her freeze apparently, so she follows him to... kill him? with a gun? the same gun that couldn't kill the water monster that was killed by this very monster that she is trying to kill? and also the very one who saved her ass for the second time just a minute ago? and she's trying to kill him right after that? Who the fuck wrote the scrip of this anime? I doubt it's someone competent because that "If we save enough humans, we will be able to become human" line was pretty cringe and makes no sense, thankfully the red-haired girl changed it to "if we don't believe in humans, we'll never become humans" near the end of the episode which is still cringey, but also makes no sense wait a minute-
ClickBaitBusterJul 14, 2019 3:48 PM
Jul 14, 2019 3:33 PM
May 2014
I totally loved the music used in this episode. Really nice OP/ED as well. As for the episode in itself, it wasn't really anything extraordinary, as people have mentioned. Though I'm somewhat curious, so I'm going to stick around with it for now.
Jul 14, 2019 3:41 PM

Dec 2015
Seems promising, but so far nothing particularly new or captivating has happened. The story itself seems fairly generic, so I hope the delivery is at least entertaining going forward.
Jul 14, 2019 4:11 PM
Sep 2016
The op was good the rest is mediocre, the blond girl is kinda annoying but not to the point of not watching at least 2 more ep, the art and animation are quite bad tho.
Overall it's feel quite generic, and the monster trio feel like they could become really annoying with the whole become human thing, the world building also feel really flimsy.
I doubt I going to give it more than 3ep.
Jul 14, 2019 4:37 PM

Jun 2015
This is the pinnacle of mediocrity. I will give it another episode at MOST, if it stays like this it's going to the trashbin
They all feel the same adjust to the tears in the rain..

Jul 14, 2019 4:38 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
blonde girl is a little bit of a dumb bitch and animation was really meh but it was still good enough to at least give it the good ol' 3 episode rule
Jul 14, 2019 4:38 PM
May 2017
Extremely obnoxious heroine, she talks big but is useless when it matters. I hate those type of characters, all bark no bite. Also, another anime that fetishises being human and humanity for no reason, it's honestly getting creepy. If i had to score this anime based on only one episode, this would be an easy 4/10.

Edit: Also since the blonde girl is being showed down our throats in the first episode i'm guessing she's gonna become a main-character that's gonna get a lot of attention. This is certainly going to destroy any fun i would otherwise get from this show. Trash.
H4nss0nJul 14, 2019 4:42 PM
Jul 14, 2019 5:28 PM

Jul 2017
why is there always some new fucking annoying bitch who gets put into this situation. my god it irritates me
Jul 14, 2019 5:44 PM
Jan 2019
Interesting!. Certainly, this anime has caught my attention, especially because it is one of the few animes that differentiate this season between both genre isekai and other genres already known. I understand that it is a kind of remake or reboot. I hope that the following episodes are much more exciting than the introduction, although I like that dark atmosphere of mystery, suspense, horror that tiene has.
I hope, do not disappoint me 😁.

PS: Cop Craft or Bem? I will make a competition between these two animes. At least one of them must be a gem.

I thought I saw Touka from "Tokyo Ghoul" in the ending πŸ˜….
Jul 14, 2019 6:14 PM

Oct 2014
Decent art, editing was very bland, some sound effects were used incorrectly, the CGI cars and landscapes looked solid as expected of Production I.G., but the animation was severely lacking. Many of the shots were still with very little animation at best, even fast movement was just blurred out with line effects. Bem is an intruiging character, he lingered in the shadows during the day, but in the night he was on the prowl.

The dumb idiot who shared the protagonist spotlight with Bem was... definitely a worse character. She did nothing of use and had no standout lines other than making basic observations. She shows up in the final fight, which had the best animation by far. How she got there? Who knows. What does she do there? Nothing but act terrified of Bem and wave her gun around helplessly. The water monster looked like it was ripped straight out of Scooby Doo from the 70s, loved the nostalgia but it did not fit the grimdark tone at all. It killed the police officers instantly, why the hell didn't he use this attack on Sonia or Bem? Plot armor I guess.

I'll watch this for Bem and his crew, but Sonia needs to get less unbearable fast or it'll be a quick drop.
RebelPandaJul 15, 2019 6:39 AM
Jul 14, 2019 6:38 PM

Nov 2014
Jul 14, 2019 6:38 PM

Jul 2009
I already hate Summers. She’s supposed to be all about justice and doing the right thing yet she shoots Bem without asking questions after he just saved her life multiple times and DID NOT show her any aggression. I mean yeah he’s creepy looking but she chased him down just to shoot him and then pissed herself in fear (not literally)
Jul 14, 2019 6:45 PM

Feb 2017
The only thing that popped out from this anime so far is the sound design and music in this show. I totally loved the opening and the nice background sounds so far. The animation is mediocre, art is okay, and the heroine looks plain. Poor CGI as well. Music and the sounds at most looks attractive to me. Other than that, the anime is just mediocre. The story sounds basic and unappealing so far, so I'll probably see later on...


Jul 14, 2019 6:59 PM

Nov 2011
Yo that dirty cop got sliced up like deli meat. Didn't think this show would be that brutal but I guess I was wrong. That opening is pretty fantastic though. Holy Crap. Overall the anime episode was...Okay? I thought the OST was great but the episode didn't do much for me. It wasn't a bad episode just very...meh. I'll keep on with it for now.

A lot of Hate on Summers for no reason.
SoraSenpaiJul 14, 2019 7:05 PM
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Jul 14, 2019 7:02 PM

Mar 2019
I need the soundtrack to this show already, damn I love the tunes.

Lol I found it amusing that she charged after a hand bag at the price of leaving her keys in the car. Not the smartest thing to do.

I do love the tone and style of this show and look forward to see what's to come.
Jul 14, 2019 7:08 PM

Mar 2010
Was gonna say that the Bem isn't ugly but he transformed lol. They look more like aliens then youkai.

Wonder who those shadow people are... Leaders of the city i guess?
Jul 14, 2019 7:10 PM

Aug 2016
The music is the highlight so far. Blonde chick was terribly cliche. New girl who's suspiciously just in an unjust city...

Belo, Bela and Bem. I dig it. The character dynamics between them seem kinda fun.

First episode didn't give much to be overexerted about, even though I was anticipating this show for a bit. Just got to watch and see what else it offers.
Jul 14, 2019 7:10 PM

Apr 2018
The presentation is terrible
Jul 14, 2019 7:24 PM

Jun 2014
The CGI wasnt 100% bad, but there were plenty of awful looking 3D environments.. More jarring is the fact that some of the 2D still picture panning shots looked disgusting. 9:24 - Are these buildings fucking trapezoids??! Oh and anime setting loosely based on Amercia -> cue obligatory jazz music.

BUT Ill go ahead and watch the whole thing anyway. This looks VERY much like B The Beginning. I just hope this has a somewhat worth-while story that doesnt completely fall apart.
Jul 14, 2019 8:07 PM
May 2016
Reminded me of GeGeGe no Kitaro but nowhere near as good and obviously more "adult", the girl definitely is similar to Nekomusume.
Jul 14, 2019 8:09 PM

Mar 2019
CHC said:
It's just very generic. Film Noir, jazz music, corruption, a naively good cop, supernatural crime, good guy monsters.

OK jazz music in a crime story is a cliche but it did sound nice.

Action scenes: mediocre.

well, it's a remake of a 60's show, i think it came before all those things became generic in anime, maybe
my dark magical girl webseries
Jul 14, 2019 9:22 PM
Nov 2015
I really like the MC and the opening is nice
Jul 14, 2019 9:56 PM
Oct 2017
Except the OP and the setting, there's nothing to highlight, but it isn't look bad at all.
The animation is solid tho
Jul 14, 2019 10:50 PM
Feb 2012
SoraSenpai said:
A lot of Hate on Summers for no reason.

dude there's like 12 comments above yours giving reasons why they don't like her and you write a comment like this?
Jul 14, 2019 11:08 PM

Dec 2018
The trio of Bem, Belo, and Bela are interesting, but I feel like they need more explanation for their motivation...why do they want to become humans? Why does Bela seem to want to become human more than the other two? Why does Belo have an apparent distaste for humans, yet still want to become one? I get that it's only the first ep, but come on. It's based off an anime from the '60's, and I was kinda hoping the studio would adapt it the way MAPPA adapted Dororo, but Bem isn't nearly as good. The animation is smooth and the backgrounds are detailed, I really like the almost monochromatic and dreary color scheme/feel to the city, but the monster designs and the demon form of Bem felt...old to me. The color scheme and designs were just slightly off and out of place with their rubber-hose like animation and colors. The monster's designs were literally giving me nostalgia flash backs to when I was 7 and watched reruns of Batman the animated series from 1990. It was strange, to say the very least. Officer Summers is a bitch. Fuck her. She's stupid, and doesn't know when to not stick her nose in places she doesn't belong. Also. Belo is officially my favorite character in the show. I hope we get to see him in action. His design reminds me of Noodle's from Phase 1 of Gorillaz.
meatmuffins66Jul 14, 2019 11:13 PM
Jul 15, 2019 1:13 AM
Jul 2019
ahneeme said:
SoraSenpai said:
A lot of Hate on Summers for no reason.

dude there's like 12 comments above yours giving reasons why they don't like her and you write a comment like this?

The only reason I agree is that Summers is cliche af. Besides that, all of them sound like edgelords who want dark stuff just because...

Anyway, catchy OST and setting but generic first episode. Still 'gonna stick around.
Jul 15, 2019 1:30 AM

Jul 2017
An OK start, but at the mediocre state anyways. Seems that this has a competition with Cop Craft over similar features (e.g. jazz music, detective), but the latter will always be the better one.

Sonia Summers, now I understand why everyone abhors you. A bland character playing off the rules, and the usual cliches. Acting strong but weak in the inside. And shooting Bem? That's some stupid decision.

Seeing Bela, Bem and Belo in action is cool, but the action is accompanied by sub-par animation, from a third-tier studio, LandQ. It's no wonder Production I.G. has to come in with assistance, and it shows. CGI is terribad, but background shots are decent.

OST is good, jazzy OP by Maaya Sakamoto and JUNNA's soothing ED. The music is the only saving grace for me.

I understand that this series is like Dororo, a late 60s' to early 70s' anime (1969 to be exact), and for a 50th anniversary, even the earlier adaptations (in the 90s and one by Studio Comet in 2006) didn't make the cut to be decent shows either. Perhaps introducing this series to newbies like us? Maybe so.
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