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Days: 204.9
Mean Score: 7.69
  • Total Entries1,078
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Sakamoto Days
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9 hours ago
Completed 11/11 · Scored 7
Mar 20, 8:21 PM
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.0
Mean Score: 7.58
  • Total Entries105
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  • Chapters3,234
  • Volumes281
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Tougen Anki
Tougen Anki
Jan 7, 11:01 AM
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Jan 2, 9:54 PM
Completed 56/56 · Scored 6
Kowloon Generic Romance
Kowloon Generic Romance
Dec 24, 2024 6:40 AM
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hancore Jan 10, 2023 3:10 PM
Hi, you were my secret santa this year, right? I just wanted to say my biggest thank you! I truly loved your recommendations, really, i am a very visual person (lol) and the moment i just saw the covers of the mangas i was immediately attached to them. I have started with Shishunki Bitter Change and lord, this was the most cute, cool and unique genderbender series ive read (tbh i have a minimun list of genderbenders bc you know, they have this type of historys and im not sooo into it heh) and you was very right on your description, Shishunki was very similar to Boku Girl and it give me such a fun and enjoyable time reading. Though i have not finished yet i dare to say that Shishunki can easily be one of my favorite gender bender manga so far hahaha.
I cant wait to start Tokyo Underworld, i have this feeling that i will be amazed by the graphic, characters and all! I will believe your recomendation with closed eyes hehehe once i finished i'll came back to give my opinions and notes to you <3
And oh, i'd love of course if you wanna give me some more recommendations and stay in touch and discuss to anything :)

Happy 2023!
Gameleopard Mar 6, 2022 7:11 AM
It's alright, life gets in the day of stuff. Been doing alright, watching shows here and there. I would like to hear more about why you think that about Takt. Op... Been watching Demon Slayer, Ufotable really knows how to bring their A game to a show, the second season looking fantastic!

How have you been doing? Seen any amazing shows? Any conventions worth talking about over the past year or two?
Gameleopard Dec 26, 2021 2:11 PM
Hey, been a while. I'm curious what you thought about the show Takt. Op Destiny?
Elf-tama Dec 8, 2021 12:22 AM
Dear MAL Santa,

The confirmation deadline is almost past. Please check your PM inbox and answer the form in the next ~12 hours or we will unfortunately have to remove you from the event.

Thank you!
~MAL’s Secret Santa Elves
Gabrilindo14 Aug 3, 2021 8:58 AM
Ola Za_Warudio meu nome e Gabrilindo14 Ou Gabriel como eu sou chamado sou um lorde demônio de um conhecimento alto sobre assunto de animes que conhece animes e mangas eu quero que você aceite meu pedido de amizade caso quiser assistir animes que vc quer assistir mais não tem certeza se e bom o estúdio e bom a staff e boa a produção e boa eu posso te recomendar E como estou aqui dizendo isso eu tenho 3 animes que eu quero compartilhar para vc 1 que e de 2017 e que esta nos meus favoritos e teve sequencia ano passado que Tsugumomo que a sequencia se chama Tsu tsugumomo esse e aquele anime que tanto engraçado mais tambem e tem coisas serias e esse eu leio o manga e gosto muito e o manga e famoso vc devia olha o 2 vlad love o 3 terá uma sequência este ano na temporada de julho kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon então aproveite esse animes se tem uma duvida em qual quer anime o manga para ler e so falar comigo Eu estarei esperando sua resposta mais tarde se você aceitar ok Tchau
MARCIO-SOUSA May 24, 2021 3:58 PM
Obrigado por ter aceito meu pedido😊
maxwellxp Apr 30, 2021 3:42 PM
Olá, Tudo Bem? Espero que sim kkk.....Você faz Cosplay mesmo? Achei bem legal mesmo, se for você no perfil com seu Cosplay, eu realmente achei muito lindo, personagem combinou perfeitamente com você, espero que possamos ser amigos.^^
MateusLegalzao Jan 2, 2021 7:05 PM
Just want to say thanks for the amazing recommendations that you gave me at Secret Santa's 2020.
Of all Secret Santa's that I participated I never saw someone so dedicated to search and write a big fucking letter to someone.

Normally I don't write in others profile because I think is cringy af, but I needed to recognize the time and dedication that you spent writing my letter.
Thank you, and have a nice 2021 :)

Gameleopard Aug 7, 2020 5:39 PM
Any that pays a job haha, but in all seriousness any job that is not manual labor is furthering my career.

Peter grill is definitely trash, the monster doctor show is... somewhat passable. Re Zero is good so far, and God of High School is kicking the crap out of Tower of God, which is great news since Tower was a huge disappointment.
Gameleopard Aug 2, 2020 1:00 PM
Eh, what the degree is is fairly irrelevant, I'm just happy to have finished college. Wish you luck in the job hunt, that's always a fun process.

Started watching Full Metal Panic on a whim, it's been a great series so far. Also watching the monster doctor show, along with Peter Grill and his monster harem, this show is terrible. Re Zero is good so far, as has been God of High School.
Gameleopard Aug 1, 2020 11:29 AM
Well I finished college and am now looking for a job. Been exercising and reading here and there, not too much else going on. Anything this season catch your interest?
Gameleopard Jul 28, 2020 12:41 PM
Hey, it's been a while since we talked. Just curious how things are going?
Bunille Jan 18, 2020 5:34 AM
That's going to be really exciting!
websky Jan 14, 2020 10:08 PM
No, I totally get what you're saying!!!!! I find I'm liking Hero Academia less just because there is almost too much hype surrounding it.
AND GOSH, I'm so glad to be ahead of the game reading it before the anime comes out, hopefully they do the manga justice.
Bunille Jan 10, 2020 9:43 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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