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Dungeon Meshi 2nd Season
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Dungeon Meshi
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Boy Meets Maria
Apr 19, 2024 8:04 AM
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Arjon Jul 30, 2023 10:06 PM
kyoudai Apr 10, 2023 2:12 PM
Ah, okay. I also posted on Sugar Apple since then, too, and just posted about UniteUp! as well.
kyoudai Apr 9, 2023 12:11 PM
Have you been swamped? No time to swing by the club?
Ezekiel_01 Nov 22, 2021 4:35 AM
Hello There!

Randomly Dropping By!

kyoudai Nov 14, 2021 4:40 PM
That makes sense now that it's cross-platform and free. (I'm not sure whether there's a port to Linux, though...) But there was this thing in the history of coding, a virtual holy war called the Editor War ( between the zealous fanatics of emacs and the more rational and composed users of vi.¹

Ever since then, even though we now have IDEs and much more feature-packed editors like ST, VSC, and others, it's pretty much always the case that schools and employers do not dictate which editors their employees use. They may set a house style for code (whitespace, whether braces start on a new line with an indent, etc) but it's extremely rare they'll enforce the use of a specific editor.

So use whatever you feel comfortable with and like the most! :)

I've got VS Code on my Mac, but I have never used it. It took me a good long while to get used to the way that ST does things, like with configuration done through JSON files instead of menus. But now that I have, I don't particularly want to change to anything else. I very happily used Textmate for years and years before that, but it had been years and years since it was updated, and it was ultimately abandoned by the developer, so I had to move on.

¹   Can you tell which side I fall on?
kyoudai Nov 14, 2021 10:55 AM
I know I promised you config files and stuff for Sublime Text a while back, and I still haven't delivered. I have no excuse. m(._.)m

But perhaps you will find this useful, although it's a couple years old. Some of them are no longer relevant, so you'll have to look through them carefully to see what is still going to be useful and what isn't. (I think SublimeGit and GitGutter are both already in ST4, but I'm not sure. I had both installed but then when I upgraded I was able to disable them without losing the functionality or something? I don't remember....) Also, since it's 3+ years old, it's going to be geared toward Sublime Text 3, since ST4 came out only a few months ago.

Also, here's the list of the most popular plugins users install and use. Package Control is absolutely essential for installing all other plugins, so if you don't have it yet, that's the first one to install. But that's easy to do: ⌘⇧P then start typing "install" and you'll see "Install Package Control".

kyoudai Oct 8, 2021 6:57 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much it, that it sold based on the notoriety, they say. And they didn't really say it started out "good", but that it started out "your standard edgy retard stuff", or something.

I'm just afraid of another Shironeko or something like that. And I already know I'm going to be in trouble on time when the season gets fully underway. Like, it's been easy for me to pick up series so far that I wasn't intending to watch off the bat, but there are still 7 series on my watching list that haven't debuted yet.

So let's just say I'm going to hold off on it. I'm moving it to my alt/considering list, not my hard pass or even soft pass. If it turns out ok, and I have time, I'll consider adding it in. Plus, when Kaizoku Oujo finishes in 3 more episodes, it'll free up another slot that I hadn't planned for.
kyoudai Oct 8, 2021 1:29 PM
Incidentally, I've heard too many people warn others about Platinum End. So I decided not to watch it. They say it will start out ok, but the last half and especially the end are atrocious. One person said they had to take a break from being an otaku after reading it, that it was the worst thing they'd ever read or seen. Normally I don't pay a lot of attention to things like that but there were so many of them, and no one arguing against them.

Plus, you know... It really does sound too much like Mirai Nikki. I mean, the MC is even named Mirai, and the other MC is Nasse. Nikki, Nasse... Much of a muchness.
kyoudai Oct 6, 2021 7:00 PM
It's exactly because they don't mesh that they have so much potential — but would undoubtedly bomb. What you describe is I think pretty close to Mortal Kombat. But I don't know that much about MK, so I can't say with certainty.
kyoudai Oct 6, 2021 11:37 AM
You know what we need? A good isekai sports anime!
weltmano Sep 8, 2021 6:55 PM
I've been keeping up with most of the seasonals since my last message, though I'm pondering on dropping some stuff that has been kinda of boring.
btw, what's up? how have you been? sorry for disappearing
kyoudai Sep 5, 2021 1:12 PM
Ahh, ok. I think you told me a while back that you were going to? Or something? But yeah, that makes sense. i wouldn't be online all the time either. (Ok, yeah, I probably would because I just hate doing things.)
kyoudai Sep 5, 2021 5:57 AM
Everything ok? You haven't posted in a week, so even though you're logging in, I thought I'd check.
kyoudai Aug 27, 2021 9:50 PM
Yeah I saw. Nice :)
kyoudai Aug 19, 2021 11:51 PM
Yeah, I noticed, and that's what I figured as well. Like TsukiMichi. There's just not a lot to say about it really. "Rembrandt seems like he's not totally above board"? Well, duh. Some series are kinda like that.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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