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Dec 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Nov 2008
Most saddest episode I have seen in this series and on top of that I have seen this right after seeing another depressing episode of GaRei Zero. Anyways now I have a heartache. I hate those but hey family health problems make you stuck with them when you are part of that family.

This episode like #11 of GaRei Zero deserves a good review because this one looks more serious.

The first thing I have to say is that I have not never seen in this series (anyone can correct me) that 3 people got sent to hell right away and then a fourth person got sent right after that. O_O The first thing I want to say is
In Poland many are very Christian and so Am I thus I really believe in Hell.

This being said let's go person by person.Will update with subs should I have time (at least the name).

Asaba, the women working for the magazine company------->She was ok but I think a little stupid for being pissed off at the boss for not taking her article or publishing what she wanted and instead published something else.

The person #1 that has a interest on the crimes done by that guy ------->sending his partner for some personal reason was perhaps justified in his own senses but I think it was wrong most likely cause the wife of the person who got sent by person #1 sent him to hell right after. So sad! :( Cried plenty plenty. Anime is so good I am thinking of watching just that. Some movies with friends I might go but anime for me seems to work now.

Yui's sister------->who her sister Yui got killed at the beginning by that SOB ass****. That pissed me off so bad! What in the world? What kind of maniac goes around kidnapping girls and then attaching a weight on their legs to make them fall off skyscrapers to their deaths. That one was good that little punk went to hell! I would agreed with his punishment even they already caught him in prison. Let the little punk not have a single more second on earth's surface! Man, humans killing each other, what are we sometimes I ask myself even as a Chrisitan.

Finally the wife of person who got sent by person #1------->She was damn right to send the other guy. She most likely loved that person enough for another grudge to be born.

Probably the worst part for me was like my head telling me "Three people simultaneously" then the three straw dolls pulled. It was also a little bit rushed since it was three.

The punishments were all similar that was lame! They should somehow made it a little more different for each one. I mean all three fall off skyscrapers?

It was also about time they started the rumors of Jigoku Shoujo. In the previous seasons it was about that time they started to intensify but this one caught off guard which is why T_T

Another thing I find ridiculous is why did Yuzuki not suffer more and why was she looking bitchy at one point? Are they showing us she becoming a bad girl? Forget that it was my illusion, I though they make up on her with her eyelashes.

Good episode but sad------->4 people got to hell/2 more will got when death. 3/5, punishments too similar. At least #10 was funny.

1.Glad this guy is death
2.Triple straw doll string pull



In spoiler R.I.P. in hell people!

1.Magazine boss is bye bye
2.Both of them go bye bye
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Dec 15, 2008 2:34 AM

Mar 2008
5/5, never anything like this happened in the previous Jigoku Shoujo, awesome! the circle of hatred is just awesome, and that dude brought one with him(pretty random choice) b4 got sent to hell lol
Dec 15, 2008 4:41 AM

Nov 2008
dragonshade said:
5/5, never anything like this happened in the previous Jigoku Shoujo, awesome! the circle of hatred is just awesome, and that dude brought one with him(pretty random choice) b4 got sent to hell lol

I will admit, this episode was epic so they should have varied it more but in general was fine for me. Yeah I wonder how much more crazier it can get?
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Dec 20, 2008 10:47 AM

Nov 2007
Enma's normal speech while falling from the building was a pretty cool scene.
Dec 20, 2008 11:16 AM

Nov 2008
Enma's normal speech while falling from the building was a pretty cool scene.

Yeah I liked that scene too it was nice.
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Dec 20, 2008 1:00 PM

Oct 2007
Now we need half of the whole town go to hell at the same time.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 21, 2008 11:31 AM
Jun 2008
Still not as crazy as one of the final episodes of Futakomori where everyone sends each other to hell lol.

But, yeah, this was probably the most creative and interesting episode of Mitsuganae so far. That boy and his mother were both lame, blaming the author for the kid's stupidity. What was that kid doing reading this kind of book anyway? It's his fault that he couldn't distinguish fiction and reality. Idiot.
Dec 21, 2008 8:53 PM

Sep 2008
it was a pretty interesting episode
as other one said it wasnt as interesant like futakamori but it was good
pretty stupid how the mom and son blamed the book
enma still is cool

Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Dec 22, 2008 3:27 PM
Dec 2007
Best episode of Mitsuganae for now. By the way, 4 people, among which two that clearly weren't bad people, going to Hell at the same time is nice ! Thank you irony !

Next episode seems interesting too, the guy doesn't know who to send to Hell, I bet we'll have a random kill again ;)

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 23, 2008 3:57 PM

Aug 2008
FINALLY! God, I've been searching for this for over two weeks and couldn't even find the raw. W/e, at least I get subs along with it this time. Very interesting episode, this is probably the most creative one so far. Once again, the show is reflecting on the irony of using the Jigoku Tsuushin.

I'm hoping for more excitement just like this one's in the next episodes as well.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Dec 23, 2008 4:20 PM

Feb 2008
lol i supose belief in hell is a sort of confort, much like heaven, a release of sort...a life line. oh well.

are they now going into the mass cursing mode? last season was pretty massive. a whole city.

they always accept the terms of the contracts but when its time to pay the piper, they are innocent too? hahaha.
Dec 23, 2008 9:58 PM

Aug 2008
Great episode, it was like a great hell conspiracy ^_>^
'Hey, there's 3 of us, so we can send 3 people to hell!'
Once again the irony is strong and the futility of such vengeance is portrayed. Another thing to note is that the 3 sent to hell all fell from considerable heights. I can understand the irony in why the kid fell, but I'm puzzled as to why the other two fell as well. Perhaps there's some sort of common theme here.
"Cicadas, even though their lives last only a few weeks, fall in love and disappear"

~Heed the roar of the mighty ocelot~
Dec 28, 2008 11:55 PM

Jun 2008
When the author was sent I was like "HEH?" then I was like "Oh!"
Dec 29, 2008 6:48 PM

Jun 2007
Awesome episode! Nothing like this has ever happened before so it was very entertaining.
(well, there was the mass cursing in season 2 but like there has never been a conspiracy before :D)

Jan 1, 2009 7:22 PM
Nov 2007
*Comes back from holidays to find multiple episodes to watch* Oh goody.

Comments made while watching:

-Ok that certainly is an original and disturbing way to kill a japanese school girl.

-"This program brought to you by Sony Music" Its a Sony! (Kannagi reference).

-He read a book and did it because it was cool...I will withhold my thoughts on that.

-Damn liberal media, betrayed the public again.

-Oh here we go, blame the violent video games and mangas, yeah because people cannot control themselves. (<---Sarcasm)

-"Are you saying you can change the truth just to sell?" Yes that is what the media does.

-Ok seriously that is retarded. If a murder intentionally shoots and kills someone else, its not the fault of the guy who made the gun.

-Yes, their lives are going downhill for reasons they cant control so they decide to take someone down with them who really deserves it. Interesting. Suicide Pact! Suicide Pact! Suicide Pact!

-Ai's gonna be busy tonight, which begs the question, she only has 4 people who can turn themselves into dolls, what happens if she gets more than 4 requests at once?

-If Yuzuki thought 1 back burst a week was bad...that girl needs a chiropractor bad.

-*The author notices the tatoo on the older sister's chest* Wait why did he automatically look at her chest?

-Well I suppose if the three of them are going to hell they might as well be drinking buddies.

Post Episode Comments:

That was intense. In fact not counting the last episodes of season 2 I think they just set a record for most characters being sent to hell in a single episode. Very nice episode. Incidentally though Im curious is Ai is actually capable of forgiving a person or if the "So he says Ojou" line is just sort of a formality.


Wow 4 in one episode, let me just break them down.

*The murderer: normally I wouldnt see any point in sending a person to hell who is without a doubt going to end up there on his own anyway but that bastard seemed intent on putting as much blame on the author as possible so its sorta understandable. Keep in mind that the older sister said she had nothing really to live for without her younger sister so sending her murder immediately to hell can be justified (unless of course her younger sister happened to be a Christian in which case the older sister made a very stupid and foolish decision). Guilty

*The editor: being a journalism major and having worked for newspapers in the past, I have a deep loathing for this trend of writing "based on a true story" articles instead of the truth itself. I also hold a special place outside my heart for those who perpetuate this trend so personally I can completely justify him going to hell. Deceit is after all a sin and this guy is being deceitful to a mass audience and shows no remorse for doing so. The freelancer's choice of the editor was based on the notion that the company who fall without him and if the company is full of similar scumbags then I hope she is right. (calms down and reminds himself its only an anime). Guilty.

*The author's co-worker: Ok this poor guy. Yeah sorry my mom doesnt want your book and I dont have the tact to keep it and not rub salt in the wound. Maybe you could say he was a bit thoughtless but there I can see no reason why he would need to go to hell. Not Guilty

*The author: I dont think he deserved to go to hell for writing that book because he cannot control what someone who has read his book does and its not like he was instructing someone to go and murder people. Had he not thoughtlessly condemned his co-worker to hell he would have ended up being a tragic victim but if you are going to send someone to hell then you better have a damn good reason for it, this guy did not and got what he deserved. Guilty.

So the count is 3 Guilty and 1 Not Guilty.

Jan 2, 2009 8:56 PM
Feb 2008
I sort of liked when they showed the four candles at the end and the writer's candle was blown out. I also think the falling deaths were really good scenes and made perfect sense to be done to all three of them. (Murderer obviously, editor for lying about the story on that, and co-worker for not keeping the book on it; of course he didn't really deserve it but I digress) Definitely best creative episode so far.

"Well, we're all going to hell, so we might as well meet up every now and then as drinking buddies!" XD
Jan 17, 2009 3:39 AM
Nov 2008
The Falling scene is something ever done before in the 1st episode of the 1st seasons. I can still remember it well.

For me I like previous episode least it obviously criticize Pathiarchy society.
But this episode try to make some vivid twist (Like in Futakomori...which I think it's too much) but it lacked emotion at the very end...Kikuri isn't as amusing as before and even less evil.

Feb 11, 2009 1:53 AM

Feb 2008
I was laughing when the author was sent to hell just for doing what he think was right.

Just like went his co-worker was sent to hell just for saying his mother's own thought.

I have no sense of humanity anymore.
May 22, 2009 10:54 PM

Mar 2009
fav episode this season, seems like a lot of people agree ^_^ more original than all the past episodes, but not more original than season 2.

lol @ the kikuri and yamawaro scenes. Seems like he's completely filled the position as his babysitter. oh and the part where she's like "write down how you read these!" when he's being ferried to hell was pretty funny too.

Somehow though this season's not as good as the other 2, there's definately more humour which I personally like =)
Sep 28, 2009 8:11 AM

Aug 2009
Loool. They pulled the strings together. The best part is, the author also disappeared because someone sent him to hell. Oh, the irony.

I think the only one who really deserved to go to hell was the murderer since it was his fault for being psychotic all because of a book.

The editor was somewhat acceptable since we see this in our everyday lives. Mass Media always bends the truth. Just like the government. They never tell the truth.
Dec 10, 2009 5:27 PM
Sep 2009
Best episode so far this season. I really enjoyed the falling sequences and the triple string pull. I agree with Moonfrost about how only the murderer and maybe the editor should have been sent to hell. I can understand the murderer's mother hating the author though so it wasn't too surprising that he was sent to hell as well. The timing on it was perfect too.
Jan 24, 2010 10:11 AM

Nov 2009
jus cua of a book that kid goes and kills... wow... i felt bad 4 him 2 die but then again not at the same time X3 this was interesting... seeing 3 ppl gettin sent 2 hell at the same time and then seein the dude next XD awesome!!! XP
Apr 23, 2010 1:17 PM

Feb 2010
wow.. loved that ep :-) triple string pull was awesome :-D that almost beat the second season's "mass pull".
Jun 7, 2010 10:29 PM
May 2010
Lol...the guy whom the author curses is like a three year old....always says my mother this and annoying!!

And....Kikuri takes the book to hell? How sarcastic is that!

Lastly, lol...a secret person joins their hell group
Oct 9, 2010 9:37 AM

Apr 2010
I feel so sorry for the writer, because as he kept saying, he only wrote what he wanted to write. People write stories all the time about things a lot worse than that and he had to be hounded just because somebody was dumb enough to think it was a good idea to copy a book. >_<

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Jan 30, 2011 2:09 AM

Mar 2010
to be honest, i was not as impressed by this episode as most people seem to be. really, it kind of dragged on to me and their sudden idea to send three people to hell without much thought (aside from the older sister of the murder victim) just came off as stupid and rushed.
Feb 20, 2011 2:19 AM

Oct 2008
Poor author.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 16, 2011 7:16 PM

Jun 2009
Wow this was a ep I liked a lot one of my favs and really sad. For me best ep so far of this season.
I really liked how they all pulled the string at the same time. And wow poor man I mean it wasn't his fault at all...all that just because a book.
Jul 8, 2011 8:35 AM
Jun 2009
lol, 4 cases in one episode. It's too bad the author was able to pull the string before he himself got sent to hell. His coworker totally did NOT deserve going to hell just because he voiced his mother's opinions on the book. The rest of them deserved it.
Jul 30, 2011 6:17 PM

Dec 2010
This episode was... well done. Not just because we got 4 sendings in one episode. In someway it resembled the episodes from Season 1 to me. It was the atmosphere, it was the feeling I got while I watched it. It wasn't as good as the most episodes of Season 1(at least them), but still the feeling was close.
What I didn't like were some of the reasons to pull the thread, and I mean - the editor and the author's "friend." Maybe the reason were not served in the right way to me, but still - I didn't like them. This episode could get way more dramatic, something like episode 14 from Season 1, in example.
Although I said all that, I still miss the real Season 1 - everything in there was just perfect. If you look at some of the reasons to pull the string back then, you can say they're stupid, but the director of Season 1 in some way achieved something impossible - he made them look righteous in their own way. The background music helped a lot. So did the animation. This was never achieved to now by Futukamori or Mitsuganae(too bad =\ ). I will forever miss Season 1.
Aug 31, 2011 5:51 PM
Jan 2010
this is really stupid... someone can hate you for anything and send you to hell for it?

even jesus could have been sent by jews? :D

this anime is really ludicrous, but that's probably a part of storyline, so audience understands how useless and unfair this whole thing is and that is has to end for good this time (my guess of ending)

someone should send jigoku shoujo for sending people to hell without good reason :)
Oct 26, 2011 7:12 AM

Dec 2008
Woh. A chain of hate.. I'm starting to fully understand the meaning of the saying "hate just brings more hate".. And the end was just O_O i honestly didn't see that coming (that the writer got sent to hell himself too)..
And i hope there'll be more episodes (at least one more) with this massive-send-to-hell thing XD; that was kinda special.

Nov 17, 2011 9:53 AM
Sep 2011
good episode..didn't expect that editor was going to died
season 1 was better than this season
Jan 28, 2012 1:49 PM

Dec 2011
Amazing episode! Great ending, too... And now we confirm the candles' symbolism.

Perfect Episode; 6/5 ★★★★✶

Apr 5, 2012 11:42 AM
Jan 2010
I feel sorry for the author.. He only wanted to write what he wanted to write, after all. Hey, someone should send the murderer's mother to hell for sending the author to hell!
Jun 29, 2012 8:35 PM

Jul 2011
it would be funny if the authors mother sent the murders mom to hell....
Aug 10, 2012 11:54 AM

May 2012
Woh great episode especially how it started quite freaky! The ending was also a bit of a twist, everything just done than the writer disappears :p

Great episode I must say, some of them didn't need to go to hell other than the boy who killed those people imo!
Sep 18, 2012 11:41 PM

Apr 2011
Definitely a nice episode, it had some blogging moments and sad one's, like the beginning.

There were multiple murder's and finally someone sent that author to hell. I understand it wasn't his fault, but the reader own responsibility, but I am bias, cause a pretty girl died a horrible death.

Happy to see the murderer at the beginning, gets his just desserts.

Nerds Unit!

First time seeing 4 candle's lite.
Sep 27, 2012 8:01 AM

Jun 2012
Somewhat expected the author to get sent, although the timing of it was a bit surprising.


Just thought of an insane plot twist... Someone does something to Yuzuki, and she contacts Enma to send them to hell!

Or better yet, Yuzuki contacts Enma to send Enma to hell for possessing her!
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Oct 14, 2012 9:59 PM

Mar 2012
What an episode! I started laughing when the author was trying to convince the two girls to send someone to hell.

Oh, one of the girls shared some insight about the Hell Correspondence. I forgot the exact line, but it's something like sending someone to hell because you hate them is unfair as they'll go to hell eventually.

Even though they've realized this, they still pulled the strings.

As for the murderer, I bet he was lonely. Just like the fortune teller in the last episode.

Thought they're gonna have a threesome at the end. LOL. Too bad Mr. author.

Kikuru was probably happy with this, they've got 4 customers at once.
Dec 17, 2012 12:47 PM

Jun 2011
What an unfortunate episode =/ This kinda left me feeling awkward...
Good ep either way, 4/5
Feb 1, 2013 2:02 PM

Nov 2011
Wow, fan-tastic.

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Dec 7, 2013 12:10 AM

Jun 2012
that wasn't fully unexpected i actually thought the reporter or sister would sent the author to hell but in the end it was someone else but i think we all knew someone would sent him.

pretty good episode but again 3 out of 4 didn't need to be sent to hell and maybe 4 if he wasn't the real killer that is.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Jan 16, 2014 5:51 PM

Nov 2013
LOL this episode was kinda funny like i didn't really for sad at all. :D
4 people were sent to hell in one episode this is the first time there were multiple candles added in the end! Although this episode kinda sucked at the same time...well not the episode itself but what it is representing. How kids mimic things like violence and ect but the gist of this episode is pretty much: CHILDREN ARE RETARTED! *troll face*
Aug 16, 2014 4:36 AM

Jan 2014
Well, well.. well.. I'm trying, but I really can't get over the reasons why people get sent to Hell. I just can't, it's a lost cause. I'd like so much to isolate this season like a stand-alone to judge it better, but I can't. It's just an insult to the intellect.

That said, I think this was the best episode (finally) of this season up to now. Two things I liked: the opening scene, with a murder! pretty incisive.
The second is this new stuff of multiple banishing, I think we've never seen it before. But I don't get the cling on of people in here. In order to absolutely make other people get cursed they build such shallow and pathetic reasoning just because they HAVE to be pitied. God this is even not worthy of one thought. I am referring to the writer.
The sister's victim can be understandable though. But. Pointless.
If Hell exists, there's obviously some other place where your sister is. So why curse you and go to Hell as well?

Finally Yuzuki seemed to take parts.
Dec 10, 2014 9:18 PM

Nov 2013
This was a little better than the previous ones though I wouldn't say them pulling the strings was justified at all.

It was a little more interesting because we got to see 3 people pull the string at the same time and the author also ended up getting sent to hell by the murderer's mother.

What was the point of sending the murderer to hell? He was already in custody of the police and he wasn't going to hurt anybody. What about the author's co-worker? All he did was give him his book back. The editor probably was the one who deserved going to hell the most for getting the author in a rut by altering the information from the interview.

Definitely interesting episode though not the most well executed one.


Oct 11, 2015 6:33 AM

Aug 2014
Anyone who blaimed the author is a complete retard. they are no different from those who claim videogames make children more violent.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Sep 20, 2017 12:56 PM

May 2015
That was some nice combo.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Nov 3, 2017 10:52 AM

Sep 2012
books like don't make a killer, books like that only effect the way killers kill, so if they take inspiration from a book they are already sick in the head or trying to find excuse for their actions, same goes for games

so ppl accusing books & games are idiots!!!!!

Steven15ify said:
Anyone who blaimed the author is a complete retard. they are no different from those who claim videogames make children more violent.

yep i agree

if it effect the some that shows he or she was already sick in the head, i mean it can only bring the killer out in person sooner, but it doesn't make person in to a killer

i think u know this, but just in case u don't, GER has gone nuts with shooters, like game team had to make humans in to robots & replace blood with screw & bolts & metal getting hit effect cause otherwise its to violent & can make some1 in to a psychopath that's what GER is saying XD, so most shooter game teams no longer sell to GER & neither does this team cause they are fed up with GER demands of changing game so much, so if its shooter with biological life forms they wont even try to sell in GER, one yutube video talked about this issue with GER
Sugram22Nov 3, 2017 11:11 AM
Feb 18, 2018 8:51 AM

Oct 2015
Pretty average episode. Is it just me or did the mother find out about her missing son immediately after the author pulled the string? lol what's going on here?
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