BNA: Brand New Animal

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Synonyms: Brand New Animal
Japanese: BNA ビー・エヌ・エー
English: BNA: Brand New Animal
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Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 9, 2020 to Jun 25, 2020
Premiered: Spring 2020
Broadcast: Thursdays at 00:55 (JST)
Licensors: None found, add some
Studios: Trigger
Source: Original
Genres: ActionAction, FantasyFantasy
Themes: AnthropomorphicAnthropomorphic, Urban FantasyUrban Fantasy
Duration: 22 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 7.341 (scored by 212492212,492 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #26292
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #654
Members: 385,743
Favorites: 2,740

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-Both feature an interesting take on the animal society. -Both have an amazing soundtrack and fitting animation. Although I think Beastars treats itself a lot more seriously, BNA also has a lot of those ''reflection time'' moments.  
report Recommended by MaksoL
Both are Studio Trigger original mystery/action series with absurd comedy and a teenage-female lead. 
report Recommended by Will_Bradley
Both are Studio Trigger Originals, have great music and animations. They also have a similiar kind of story setting and I'm sure anyone who loves one of these will love the other one too :) 
report Recommended by K1ngOfSloth
Both are absolutely hilarious and have some furry undertones. BNA has more of an actual narrative though while Seton academy is simply lighthearted fun. 
report Recommended by HellLyter
Same studio(trigger). Gutsy/positiv female protagonists searching their place in the world, while society makes that hard for them.  
report Recommended by AnimegaYT
The premises of Tengen Toppa Gurrenn Lagann and BNA are essentially inversions of each other. In TTGL, the humans are forced into hiding due to conflict with "Beastmen"- a species of anthropomorphic animals who have the ability to shift into humanoid form. In BNA, the "Beastmen" are forced into hiding due to conflict with humans. The director, one of the scriptwriters, and the character designer of BNA have previously worked on Gurren Lagann. In all likelihood, if you like one series, you'll like the other. Both series explore the biology of its characters. TTGL has "Spiral Power", and BNA has the "Beastman Factor". These serve  read more 
report Recommended by erikkamirs
Division. Though plots vary between the two, they share a similar theme with beast people being separated by normal humans. Though, BNA is harsher in the theme in that it shows the beastmen are being oppressed and hated by humans. Boy and Beast show a distinct separation between the two societies where there is no acknowledgement of existence between beats and humans. Both are good anime with BNA being heavily focused on action, and superpowers, in comparison to not so a lot of action in Boy and Beast.  
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Transforming hybrids. BNA and Wolf Children aren't so similar in plot but both have people who can transform in between humans and some other animals. Both stories also have it so that characters who can transform have to hide from the outer society due to the threats they pose on them. Both are good anime with one being targeted at action lovers, the other bringing forth a more emotional and dramatic movie.  
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Both focus on an empowered individual joining an organisation with special privligases to protect the city. 
report Recommended by ZipLordGaming
It's hard to believe that Trigger had nothing to do with Kyousou Giga yet it very similar to anime produced by that studio. I would describe it as something that trigger could do if they focused on plot instead of going crazy 99% of the time. If you like Trigger animation style you should check that one out because usage of animation for comedic effect and overall no brakes while drawing policy almost identical. Also events of both series are taking place in city, so I couldn't help but compare Animacity to Kyoto. 
report Recommended by Wannasauna
Both shows feature protagonist(s) that can shapeshift into a variety of different things. Tanuki can shapeshift into just about anything they are skilled enough to mimic, whereas the characters in BNA can swap between animal and human forms (with a few extras that will remain unspoken due to spoilers). They both feature excellent use of color, with bold and bright hues in nearly every shot. They have very stylized art as well, giving them very unique feels. 
report Recommended by Xaeveax
Both shows have the same dynamic of a male main character with a mysterious past working along side a younger and more inexperienced female main character. Both shows have interesting worlds where the main character's try to discover the truth within that world. 
report Recommended by BDubzer
Both shows have underlying social commentary presented by anthromorphic creatures. 
report Recommended by Ahegyao
*Beastars 1st Season* as well. They're both similar to Zootopia but have interesting concepts. BNA is between humans and beasts (BNAs), while Beastars is between herbivores and carnivores. 
report Recommended by Pyroclastical
Both have very dysfunctional societies that horribly have to deal with two separate races of 'humans'. Also, the main characters are both females that act pretty similarly in attitude and mindset towards their secondary male character. 
report Recommended by Enivlens
anthropomorphic animal stuff 
report Recommended by fawn7
An early example of anthro-style characters co-existing in an urban setting, Hyper Police shares a lot of commonalities with BNA. 
report Recommended by Rusvul
Similarities: 1. The same mystery and action genre. 2. The same one older guy to younger girl kind of partnership. 3. The same situation plot where it involves a bigger villain that the duo has to deal with. Dissimilarities: 1. Different futurist , where one is about mankind dealing with demi-human beast, and the other was mankind dealing with entities from an alternate world. 2. Different female main characters attitude, where in one anime the girl is a kuudere/lesbina/air head, while in the other anime the main female character there was more of tsundere/airhead/bokuko. 3. Different main guy attitude, where in one anime was very analytical but very cautions, while in  read more 
report Recommended by Horn_dawg_2019
It has a similar style... More than an anime, it feels like a cartoon. Charming characters and a creative set-up. It is also from the same creator  
report Recommended by JiegerBlack34
The basic premise of Black Fox and BNA is a girl finding the truth about a life changing event with the help of friends. Rikka Isurugi (Black Fox) is investigating her family's murder and hunting those responsible for it. Michiru Kagemori (BNA) is investigating the cause of her transformation into a tanuki girl and uncovers a vast conspiracy. Both titles are set in societies with advanced technologies that play an important role in the stories. Anyone looking for a sci-fi anime with action and mystery (and without mecha or space) will find them interesting.  
report Recommended by lancelot200
A MC with a lonesome wolf attitude protects a teen girl MC wich seem to be misplaced in this World.  
report Recommended by gremlyn
The first rather obvious point is the character designs in both these shows are animals, and animated with a flat style. If you liked Michiru stumbling into the underlying crime/mystery in Anima City from BNA, you'd like Odd Taxi. Like Anima City, Odd Taxi has more realistic crime mystery just in the background which the main character is trying to stay out of. BNA leans more into action and melodrama, while Odd Taxi leans into wry humor mystery.  
report Recommended by MariSan28
The main characters have a similar personality and the smae voice actor. the story are a little diffrent but the way things play out is quiet similar to each other.  
report Recommended by kmimiumi
The similarity between these animes are that they both have supernatural phenomenas by transformations like humans to beasts in BNA and humans to Demons in Devilman. The worldbuilding to episode pace is similar to both of them from what i can remember having watched Devilman a few years ago and alot of the story/plot in BNA reminds me of Devilman, that's why i made this recommendation. This is my first "Similar Recommentation" ever and i hope i've brought an "correct" opinion on why these two are similar for someone wanting to watch these! 
report Recommended by Linkon18
Very similar setting and premise (Scifi about a naive young protagonist navigating a hidden world of beastmen in contemporary Japan.), but it is a lot more graphic in its depiction of violent and sexual content. Plot wise, both feature shady corporations involved in bio-engineering, but while BNA is more detective/political action thriller, Killings Bites is a pure action series focused primarily on the titular bloodsport (and the BTS machinations of its invested parties). 
report Recommended by Earlgrey49
Both are extremely colorful and have a similar art style. The setting is also similar and both start with a person finding themselves in a new place they'll have to adapt to with their own special skills. 
report Recommended by donut_jelly
- Discrimination between 2 races. - Main character is a mix between the 2 races - Plot is very similar 
report Recommended by reed