The boy-against-girl showdown in this manga makes it much more interesting than your average boy-meets-girl stories. Through the course of the story, there is good development between the protagonist and the lead female.
The factor that had drawn me in to reading this manga was obviously the art. It is perfectly drawn, not too flashy, and the way how each character is drawn to make them look extremely attractive is so appealing to the eyes.
I liked the characters of the story. I find the female lead as one of the most adorable tsunderes I've ever encountered. There is a significant level of Aki being dere and
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Masamune-kun no Revenge: After School, Masamune-kun's Revenge: After School, Masamune-kun no Revenge: Engagement, Masamune-kun's Revenge: Engagement, Masamune-kun no Revenge Tokubetsu-hen: Rental Kareshi Masamune-kun Japanese: 政宗くんのリベンジ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 13
Chapters: 70
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 27, 2012 to Dec 6, 2023
Comic REX Statistics Ranked: #54152 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #145
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Your Feelings Categories Sep 1, 2016
Masamune-kun suffers from an interesting phenomenon, something I like to call the "Guilty Crown Effect". At the beginning, we start with a very unique plot with tons of potential, and several different characters with what looks like room for development. However, after a short feeling of general oddness it takes an absolute dive into the abyss.
In the beginning, there are several very interesting characters. Our hero is very handsome, but also extremely narcissistic. Our heroine is beautiful, but a terrible tsundere. As they draw closer together, we see that there is some depth to these characters that is making their interactions more interesting. The side ... Aug 12, 2018
There aren't great many routes a romance series can take. Especially the high school settings are limited and suffering from unoriginal content where most series are more or less the same thing. Masamune-kun no Revenge introduces something fresh as like the title implies - the plot of the series centers around a revenge.... kind of.
Our main dude, Piggy, got his nickname from a beautiful girl who ended up bullying him for his outlooks. This happened at a very young age. Good for him, the handsome boy genes kicked in after the childhood phase and he turned into a nice teenager. Just so happens to be, ... Aug 15, 2018 --The review contains spoilers-- Unlike the anime, the manga actually has an ending albeit a weird one. The anime suffered from the worst possible ending in the whole world, a confusing cliffhanger that would make many seem that the story itself had no purpose. If only they realized that anime is just a marketing tool to create interest in LN and manga.... The anime ending is bad, indeed, but it made me curious to know the ending enough the find the manga. And now that I've finished the manga here is my review. ... Apr 7, 2013
I stumbled across this manga quite by accident a while ago, but I found the premise rather interesting. So I decided to give it a go, and I was quite happy that I did. At the time of writing, only 5 chapters of this manga have been released, but I think this is sufficient to produce a fairly decent evaluation of it.
1. Story: 8 I like the premise of getting back at your childhood bully, but having read the specific bullying scenes, I did not think the MC had to be as fixated on his past as he is. Regardless, the story picks up after that ... Aug 10, 2018
Masaune-Kun No Revenge
Reading this manga is somewhat similar to drinking cheap supermarket cola. It's not outright disgusting, but it leaves a rather unpleasant aftertaste. In effect, Masamune-kun no Revenge is certainly not a terrible Manga, but it's not really worth investing time on either. Story (8/10): Creating a mediocre Manga by throwing in a bunch of tried and tested cliches is a sure fire way to earn some cash (by appealing to the otaku audience), and that's exactly what Silver Link has done here. The story is absolutely nothing new - a fat kid works out and diets, becomes a pretty-boy and tries to publicly humiliate the ... Jun 7, 2019
all those 40+ chapter leading up into a mess 7 chapter of ending....
pain point: 1. Irrelevant / gimmick side character that really does nothing to add into the ending of the story 2. Later, the series extremely into shoujo romance 3. They drag the series way too long with hollow, meaningless chapters 4. All character feeling and logic are nonsense / stupid that you can figure it out in the first chapter 5. Predictable and hollow ending, left the rest of the character with no proper ending / the author want a good ending for all character but fail miserably 6. The series want to be "light and entertaining to read" ... Oct 23, 2014
Masamune-kun No Revenge is about the main protagonist, Makabe Masamune, who wants to take revenge on his childhood ... enemy? Friend? called Akagami Aki. No one shall ever know. Anyway, this Masamune stayed with his grandpa to train for his revenge, and became a handsome narcissist, ready to take revenge on Aki.
Story:6 The story has a low score as it is extremely generic. Handsome guy says, I'm going to make you fall in love with me" and blah blah blah. I feel like his reason to get back at Aki, the enemy/love interest, was crappy. Move ON, please. However, the author realised that the reason ... Feb 10, 2018
**COPY PASTED MY ANIME REVIEW, BUT THIS APPLIES TO BOTH** You may be wondering why I gave this pretty high scores for all categories but a 4 overall? Well that's because the show starts off amazing has a fun premise and looks to be fun. As it moves on the characters are shown to be deeper than we thought, some really good storytelling is made and it turns the show into more than a silly revenge rom com. Here's where it gets bad, after it started getting so good the show takes a COMPLETE 180 and ruins everything they've ... Sep 16, 2018
I'll try to sum up what i think.
I watch the anime first and considerate that despite the rocks that have in its trayectory it was entertaining. Now that i know all the story i can't comprehed the objective of the autors. It's a very interesting beginning, a Male MC that it isn't the typical good boy, and the female MC that's can have more personality and not be simply violent tsundere because fuck it. Yes, we have our "childhood friend" of the MC with a disease that in spite of being only revelant times to times i can take seriously her character. What happened then? I'd like to ... Dec 26, 2016
Masamune-kun no revenge is a new flavour to your typical romance stories in which you're allured from the get-go with the main character trying his best to make a certain girl fall in love with him. Nevertheless, although the story is intriguing from the start it takes a deep dive as it progresses with the introduction of new characters being so absurdly surreal and bullshit making you flabbergasted at their mere existence and the direction of the plot. Overlooking that aspect the story does progress fairly well and it does not stray as much away from the original plot line so I encourage not dropping
Jul 4, 2018
Great Premise Horribly botched execution.
As of now I've read the entirety of the series. It starts off good. All of the characters are pretty interesting. Then plot developments beyond the initial romance and branching storylines start to pop up. They are completely ignored or given a half thought. Themes aren't explored, questions never really answered, relationships not really cultivated, most hard conversations that are necessary are never had or at best glossed over. The absolute worst part is the story takes on a case of Shamalamadingdong syndrome and the necessity to put twists and subvert expectations just for the sake of subverting expectations. This ... Aug 18, 2016
Alright I randomly found this manga while browsing a "What anime/manga does this character come from?" thread, and once I saw the synopsis I decided that I should read it, I mean come on guy trains and becomes handsome in order to get revenge on someone from his childhood it doesn't get much better than that.
On to the review Story; The story Masamune-kun and his revenge as I'm sure that you already guessed from the title or the synopsis but what the tile and synopsis doesn't tell you is that he is developing a harem that constantly gets in his way while he ... May 28, 2017
Masamune-kun no Revenge is... well, let me put it this way: you ever put your hand in a blender? Yeah, that sums up how I feel about this manga.
Long story short: good art, bad everything else. Go on the wiki, enjoy the cute girls and Masamune and Kojuro's designs, and go do something else with your finite, beautiful, valuable lives. And if that isn't enough reason to stop you from reading this manga, allow me to explain why I immensely dislike Masamune-kun no Revenge. Imagine you've got a cool, relatable story of self-betterment and learning, a story which shows how a person can evolve and become ... Nov 29, 2018
Story: 8
A generally good plot till the last 10 chapters of the manga. The development of the story and flow is well paced, not too slow such that it gets boring. The only draw back in my opinion was the rush to finish the manga, which left quite a few things unexplained. I did not really enjoy the 2 plot twist at the ending and the expected girl to win at the end of the manga, but it was generally a good read. Art: 10 Great art with nice illustrations. I like how the emotions of the characters are displayed through multiple expressions which is not often ... Apr 11, 2022
How hard can it be to write a decent story with a decent ending. Up until the last 5-10 chapters. I would’ve given this manga a solid 7 maybe an 8 out of 10. This is my first review and I just need to express my disappointment. The story starts out with an interesting unique premise in romcoms, a story of revenge. The MC starts out seeking revenge on the FMC who humiliated him long ago when they were children. Now an unrecognizable attractive high schooler he seeks out the FMC and wants to cause her the same pain she caused him, but ... Sep 13, 2016
This is my first review so cut me some slack xd: (Might contain Spoilers..MIGHT)
As you all probably know this manga will be getting an anime adaption which i'm pretty excited for. This anime is pretty interesting so far.. Anyways, let's jump right in: Story (7) Now the overall premise story, not gonna lie, kinda hooked me. I mean cmon, a guy (Masamune) who was once fat in the past because he was driven out by Aki Adagaki, decided to get in shape so he exercised a lot, and he has a plot for revenge for Aki. And of course, Masamune and Aki happened to be in the ... Jun 6, 2019
I'm disappointed, really disappointed considering the fact that I read this whole manga in a few days just to have everything leading up to one of the worst endings ever lmao.
Story (4): I read the synopsis and I expected a really good story out of this. The thing is though, I put this manga off for a whole year, but that ending made me envy the me before where this manga was still being put off. So let me tell you something, the first chapter gives out a good story, fat dude loses weight and becomes handsome in order to get revenge on the girl ... Mar 21, 2017
Masamune-kun no revenge. A story about a boy who, after being heartbroken invests his following 8 years into reshaping himself into every girls wet dream, and then proceeds to serve the cruel girl her own medicine, making her fall for him, then leaving her heartbroken. The story ends with the boy realizing the vanity and emptiness of revenge, and going out with the girl seriously.
EXCEPT it doesn't. This manga starts out interesting, with a decisive, determined MC, and actually cruel rich girl. MC sacrifices his chances for friendships, relationships and fulfilled love only to achieve his revenge, slowly learning of the pain and hardship the said ... Nov 2, 2019
This manga really touched my heart in a lot of ways.
(No, the literally way is not one of them). Even though there were some problems with nearly every character at some point, the writer always managed to have a way to get me to love them again. WARNING: Spoilers Ahead. Let's start with the main character of the story, Makabe/Hayase Masamune. I've seen a lot of people complain about how his motives for revenge were really childish and immature, but I disagree with that. Sure, he might be holding a grudge for something that happened when he was a young kid, but that event destroyed his childhood, both mentally and ... |