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Aug 31, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Legitmately has one of the most amazing starts I have ever seen to any manga. That said it goes straight downhill from there. The beginning has you feel more emotions in 1 chapter than you will feel for the rest of the story combined. It set expectations so high and then completely let them down. The rest of the story isn't even terrible it's just mediocre but when you compare that to a masterful start it leaves a bad taste.

The premise is amazing, it feels like it was pitched and started by one mangaka and given to another to serialize. The characters aren't very ...
Jul 4, 2018
Preliminary (50/70 chp)
Great Premise Horribly botched execution.

As of now I've read the entirety of the series. It starts off good. All of the characters are pretty interesting. Then plot developments beyond the initial romance and branching storylines start to pop up. They are completely ignored or given a half thought. Themes aren't explored, questions never really answered, relationships not really cultivated, most hard conversations that are necessary are never had or at best glossed over. The absolute worst part is the story takes on a case of Shamalamadingdong syndrome and the necessity to put twists and subvert expectations just for the sake of subverting expectations. This ...
Jun 24, 2018
Preliminary (10/48 chp)
So I know what your thinking. This is just another SAO isekai story. You'd be somewhat right. The setting is pretty much SAO meets Dark Souls levels of masochism. Yet I'm recommending it for one solid reason. It can be freaking hysterical.

I don't really care for a lot of the OP scenes that flood Isekai but funny scenes on how to get OP are right up my alley. Give this story a shot until the church dojo. If it hasn't made you laugh by then it's probably not your humor.

Story is a standstill for what has been released so far but thats to be ...
Apr 17, 2018
I was just going to write this off as a writer that got too into his story and screwed it up for the sake of catching the reader by surprise. Then I saw how the top reviews were all 10 stars so now I have to give a counterpoint so that you all don't get blindsided by the people that were saying how this is perfect the way it is flaws and all.

I'll say this right now the story, character, and art are superb. I firmly enjoyed this story...until a certain point. I won't give direct spoilers but the writers ruined the story with a ...
Sep 8, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Okay gotta admit this one duped me more than any other series since Madoka Magica. I was expecting something lighter and bittersweet, it delivers and then some.

Art: For the story and style it doesn’t really fit. Its trying to turn genre conventions on their heads.

Character: Pretty decent cast but too diverse with not enough time to flesh them out. I have no idea why but a lot of them became cardboard cutouts halfway through the show, episode 5 in particular. They say things nobody would say and it comes off terrible. The authors naming sense is also pretty bad. I’ve read some weird names that ...
Jan 26, 2017
I'll keep this short and simple

The art is better than most and while the artists don't focus on the blood and guts it is there. It is shown to be more realistic than most war anime.

The sound is alright with a few selected ost that are good but nothing that truly stands out. This is one of the things that stop this series from being great. Most truly great anime have at least a single soundtrack that absolutely blows your mind such as Gate of Steiner, Half of Death Notes soundtrack, and the entirety of FullMetals soundtrack.

The character and story need to be linked together. ...
Jun 6, 2016
Toradora! (Anime) add
I'll keep this short and simple. Screw this anime.

Sound and art are fine. Not really too detailed art with a little bit of comedy sketches. The sound matches well with the series which would give it a higher score if the series was good.

Now the reason why this series sucks. TAIGA IS A GIANT BITCH. That should be tazered and thrown into Mount Doom. I get the appeal of Tsundere which is the demographic for this show. Taiga is the completely horrible side of Tsundere. Tsundere are supposed to be a tale of two sides with a harsh side balancing a hidden sweet side. IF ...
Apr 8, 2016
Fuuka (Manga) add
Preliminary (103/204 chp)
I can't tell you why I read this far. Here's how I imagine this series got created.

Author: What's the most formulaic way to make a popular manga. Let's take another androgynous lead and make a bunch of archetypical girls to form his harem! Wait we need another hook. Screw it, throw in some music and talk about climbing to the heavens or some bullshit. Wait we need Drama and angst! Let's kill off a character early in! That'll show that I'm edgy and anything can happen.

Seriously the art isn't anything special and is filled with fan service to keep 13 year old boys happy. ...
Jan 6, 2016
Damn it I wanted to like this so badly. The setting and world making developed for this series were incredibly interesting, I just wish the rest of the series would've followed suit.

The art was much better than most series. There are a few fan service scenes but I let it slide because it was handled nicely versus other shows with less moral (re: High school DXD)

The sound was good but has a very limited selection. They beat the deadhorse on this one.

Half of the characters were hit or miss. Some were cool (Hei and November), some annoying (Kiko and Gai), and one was show stealing ...
Sep 22, 2015
Real Account (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (30/194 chp)
If you're like me then you know that the people you hang out with in real life and make an effort to be around are your true friends. This means that when you get sucked into a sadistic video game that kills you when you run out of followers you know that you will have at least a few people that have your back. Yet these people that had 2000 followers act surprised when people don't want to risk their lives for you. All you did was click to accept a friend request dude. If we haven't at least run from cops together I'm not ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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