I started reading I''s because i wanted to see if there was something else in the romcoms of the past in comparation of what we have now with the typical structure of the romcoms.
It was worthy? For the most part is a yes but i can't deny if someone would bring up a big no too. Let me explain:
For sure i have something else from the MC, i feel the anguish that he feels through the story, he makes mistakes and suffered from them and finally learn valid lessons and take the decisions that he should take. The problem is that how hecking long it
Sep 16, 2018
Masamune-kun no Revenge
I'll try to sum up what i think.
I watch the anime first and considerate that despite the rocks that have in its trayectory it was entertaining. Now that i know all the story i can't comprehed the objective of the autors. It's a very interesting beginning, a Male MC that it isn't the typical good boy, and the female MC that's can have more personality and not be simply violent tsundere because fuck it. Yes, we have our "childhood friend" of the MC with a disease that in spite of being only revelant times to times i can take seriously her character. What happened then? I'd like to ... Sep 13, 2018
Masamune-kun no Revenge
-First of all, despite of the punctuation i can't recommend this anime to everyone. The idea of the story in general is very well, the execution probably won't be attractive for a lot of people, but i have to recognize the good pace along of the chapters.
-The art is not remarkable, but it isn't a point against. -The sound probably will be one of the reasons for what i would see this anime again, the OST in general for the different situations was wonderful, although i can't dismiss that probably the reason is my love for that instrument in OSTs. -Leaving the designs of the characters on ... |