This 44 pages long oneshot has more characterization, more depth and more psychological insight than most multi-volume mangas. The story of this manga centers on the psychology of the main character, and it does so magnificently. Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo Sezu is only incidentaly yaoi. Primarily it deals with psychopathology of a messed up teen who thinks he's just fine, but is all but.
The flaw I found with this manga lies in my greed – I wanted more. I just wanted a few more pages, I wanted to read more.
Regardless of my voraciousness, it's one of the best psychological oneshots out there, and
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Don't Stay Gold, Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo sezu, Twittering Birds Never Fly. Japanese: 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 2011 to ?
Organized Crime
ihr hertZ Authors:
Yoneda, Kou (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #749
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Your Feelings Categories Oct 15, 2011
If you havn't read this manga yet, here's a note; it basically goes in this order of one-shots:
-Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo Sezu -Dont' Stay Gold -Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai One doesn't have to read them in order, they still make sense if you don't. Anyway, this review will be based on all the one-shots I guess, seeing as I wasn't disappointed in any of them and they are all based around the same characters. The story is amazing, it...explains things so well seeing as it's only given one 'chapter' consisting of only 40+ pages to tell the story of each character and keep things interesting. So much is ... Mar 23, 2012
One of unforgettable BL mangas I've read. I don't write reviews usually, but I'm attempting to properly write one for this oneshot that made me feel so strongly attached to. Don't view this review too strictly though, it's my first.
Story: A high school yaoi story between classmates. Only the main character is fucked up, full of cynicism until someone reaches into the deep pits of his dark, injured and sad soul and saves him with kindness. And then love blossoms. It kept me interested with the little snippets of detail handed out to unfold one big picture like most oneshots while with idealisation pared down ... Mar 11, 2015
I see that it's been awhile since anyone wrote a review for this manga that is no longer a one-shot (up until now 16 chapters.) I can't seem to find this particular manga in book stores (honestly speaking I always get distracted and end up buying other books but I believe this story is close to ending.) Now, let's get to the juicy parts.
Story: 7 Although I seem to be enjoying this series quite a lot, it's still a typical and simple story. I do enjoy any type of 'Yakuza' love story (especially when the one who bottoms is the toughest one and older.) You have ... Feb 20, 2024
Where do I even start? Maybe here: To simply slap a BL label on this and leave it at that feels downright criminal. I’m very grateful that I stumbled upon this without any prior knowledge or pretext. Had I read a synopsis or character description, I doubt I would have given it a try. Almost everything I found on this movie and manga fails to capture the essence of this story and its characters. It very much sounds like one of those cliches where BL is predatory and abuse is strangely romanticized. But I can promise you, that this ... Apr 13, 2021
Saezuru is truly masterpiece and a work of art. If I only read Saezuru casually without analyze anything, I will only get 30% of what the story actually hold. Even if I analyze everything, I still can't get every message. Every activity and useless conversation is actually hold some meaning. Every gesture, every expression, even the background of the manga have meaning behind it.
Story of Saezuru is about two people who have trauma, how they meet and how they change. There is also yakuza plot in here. As someone who likes story about yakuza and sometimes read article, interview about yakuza, this manga really ... Jul 21, 2014
I hate depressing stories.
But as much as I do my best to prevent myself from reading such things that might damage me permanently, I still feel the urge to devour every single one of Yoneda Kou's works -- even though the majority of them are so nerve-wracking. Of course, Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai is no exception. Story - Having quite a fan of BL stories, I have read another BL with the setting of yakuza. But that certain manga's yakuzaness doesn't even compare to Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai. This manga is so dark, complex, sad, with the kind of story that will haunt you in your ... Jan 12, 2023
The premise seems cliché, the protagonist does not bring any new face to the story until he reaches chapter 10. And then the story begins to reveal itself in its entirety. How can a work of sarcastic and immoral humor, profanity and characters that don't stand out for much, make a quality somersault with few scenes? For me, Yashiro's fragility, going beyond that superficial and cold man, was summed up in the way he related to the past in those introductory chapters to his past. A normal person, then a trauma. Anyone would interpret it as... normally a protagonist needs to be tragic... But Yashiro
Jan 29, 2020
Okay. I'm always stop myself to reading this one. I think one big problem to start this manga it was that in thirten years printed only 37 chapters and in russian forums peoples wrote that they married or graduated and this story standing steel. In truth I was scared. I pulled yourself together and started reading. And it was amazing. Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai was amazing. This manga is from that grade when you reading and have soo many feelings. From heartpain to hate.
Okay why this one so impressed me? First - is beautiful art. You saw how beautiful Yashiro? Or how hottest sex-scenes? ... May 10, 2017
This used to be a one-shot, long ago, but now is a full blown story of depth and passion with 25+ chapters and counting. I've read 25 chapters at the time of this writing.
What I liked about this story: 1. Yakuza setting - means adult characters and themes. 2. Unique premise - sex story with an impotent main character. It becomes an interesting way of showing character growth. 3. Beautiful artwork. 4. Lovable characters - not just the MCs but the side characters too. 5. Non-typical uke and seme. The plot is really nothing special; it's the characters that drive this story. ... Nov 4, 2012
I've read a few yaoi/romance series's before, and this one isn't really a romance, but it definitely has the "feel" in it.
The story's one of the best I've read, and it's not even finished yet. I love the tension between Doumeki and Yashiro, and how Doumeki loves Yashiro, but at the same time he doesn't why. The confusion is what makes me love this series, and the characters, too. You Kouneda sure knows how to write, and I hope to see more gems from her in tthe future, including the conclusion to this one, because the cliffhanger at Chapter 7 is killing me! Oct 16, 2024
Hands down, one of the best manga I've ever read. It's a tragedy that this manga will be dismissed by most people as just another BL/yaoi, but it's so much more than that. At its heart, this is a story about two very broken human beings at their most fragile and flawed. It's a story about suffering, human resilience, and how, despite everything, despite all our differences, we as humans crave love, compassion, and connection to another person even when we feel like we're unworthy of it.
It's not at all a light-hearted story. The story takes place in the world of organized crime, where ... Dec 6, 2020
The story has a great way of showing how people are differently affected by past similar traumas and how they tend to respond differently in the same situations. As the reader I tend to get very frustrated on the main character actions but as much as I want to settle him down and explain why his actions are wrong or that there was another way to go about it, brings me back to reality realizing on how I never even thought how his trauma has and still impacts him. Instead of him trying to fix his problems he tends to feed into them to the
Apr 4, 2017
This is my first time writing a review so i'll be quick. If you are into Yaoi-BL you definetly have to read this manga. The story is very intersting, really different from what we are used to. It doesn't includes any type of character which i have seen before. If you're more into school romance, slice of life or just used to read the typical story where a boy mets another boy and with no realizing it he falls in love with him you won't find it here. This story includes violence, hard sex, psycological disorders and much more. It is very intersting to see
Mar 16, 2017
A GREAT yaoi, definitely one of my favs! It truly has a unique and interesting plot. Never would've thought there would be a yaoi, where one person is a masochist and one dude was impotent...
The plot is a bit slow-moving at the start, but then everything clicks together later on. I found the Yakuza stuff a bit confusing, but after rereading I understood a lot more. This yaoi really draws your emotions and is so hot, I felt so ecstatic when reading, it's so exciting!! Around the second half of the manga, things get more... intense ;) This yaoi totally turns on the inner fangirl! >///< These ... Sep 11, 2020
Saezuru: the clouds gather, ou Saezuru Toriwa Habatakanai, conta, principalmente, a história de Yashiro, um adulto de trinta e seis anos de idade, um yakuza; seu envolvimento com a máfia, os riscos de vida que toma por ocupar tal cargo e seu universo pessoal que conhecemos com a chegada de Doumeki, seu guarda-costas, um adulto de vinte e cinco anos que acabou de sair da prisão. Para ler Saezuru temos que ter em mente duas coisas: é uma história adulta, num contexto yakuza, com homens que possuem passados e, quem sabe, presentes problemáticos, e claro, é um yaoi, então temos relações homossexuais. Diferente de ... Dec 5, 2016
Best Yaoi Manga.
The story, the plot twist, the phsycological depth, the art, the characters, everything about it is great. I'm obsessed with this manga, and can't wait to see how the story will evolve. From many yaoi manga I have read, not many story with this kind of depth (except for Kyūso wa Chiizu no Yume o Miru, that's another best yaoi manga). I only can describe this manga without spoiling it as GREAT! Because it has everything, as you can see from my write above, each element complimenting each other. So it's not just yaoi (from my perspective). So if you're looking for a hot, steamy, ... May 22, 2021
My ratings for Saezuru may seem very high, but I don't think it's undeserving at all. Overall, it's arguably THE BEST yaoi manga, and one of the most memorable mangas I've ever read. What separates it from other yaoi mangas, put simply, is the sensible, realistic, and meaningful way in which the story carries its characters.
I have to mention this: Saezuru is NOT your common yaoi work with shallow and sometimes nonsensical scenes -- just focusing on the p*rn. (Not sayin those works are inherently bad. Saezuru is just a different type of work.) No, when reading Saezuru, it's important to analyze the meaning behind the ... Jun 8, 2023
I gave thus one a 10/10 after reading the latest chapter last night.
This is everything I want from a manga and more than I ever hoped to get from a yaoi. The story is interesting and all characters feel so real. The psychological drama, the beautiful art, the pacing - it's just wonderful. This story makes my heart ache in a bittersweet way. The only 'bad' thing is that it takes so long to get new chapters. But seeing the quality of the newest chapters it kinda makes sense. I rather her to take her time to develop the plot and hit us with ... Nov 17, 2022
I've never liked to write reviews, but this manga exceeds my expectation. Did watch the movie too, for some reason I have mixed feelings. It makes my heart hurt even more sobbing, feels like all of the loneliness came after me. I do really want Yashiro can't find his happiness somehow. If you don't watch the movie yet, you may add it to your watchlist. All of the aspects balance each other, especially the main soundtrack (Moratorium by Omoinotake). Even the meaning of the lyrics makes my heart full of tears. I cannot take it.
Good storyline, a nice art style. |