Hunter x Hunter
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Hunter x Hunter

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: HxH
English: Hunter x Hunter
German: Hunter X Hunter
French: Hunter X Hunter
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Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Mar 3, 1998 to ?
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Togashi, Yoshihiro (Story & Art)


Score: 8.761 (scored by 133999133,999 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #492
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #22
Members: 291,350
Favorites: 25,268

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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 17, 2018
Preliminary (389/? chp)
Before beginning this review, I will like to point out that the intention of this review is not to trigger Hunter X Hunter (HxH for short)fans or let them feel like I'm attacking them or their intelligence since that is basically the trend in most reviews these days. Most reviews are made with the intention to 'trigger' a reaction out of fans by criticizing a series to the point that you are telling fans that they are basically dumb for liking a particular series.

This review is simply showing you guys another perspective since HxH fans aren't used to seeing much criticism when it comes to ...
Sep 15, 2008
Preliminary (273/? chp)
Welcome to the world of Hunter X Hunter where people pursue to become Hunters. But to become one, one must undergo the Hunter Exam. Thousands of people participate in this exam. Among them is a kid name Gon Freecs who longs to meet his father, a great hunter, but in order to do so, he must become a great Hunter and follow his footsteps. Along the way, he meets Killua, a kid whose family is famous for being assassins, Kurapika, a kind and loyal friend but at times reckless due to his revenge motive and Leorio, a brash man who aims to be a successful ...
Jan 2, 2012
Preliminary (330/? chp)
This my favorite manga of all time, so I may be a little biased when it comes to this review. I love every work that Yoshihiro Togashi puts out! I'm not exactly sure what a typical shounen is, so i'll just start by saying that it starts out with a boy named Gon Freecs going on the most challengeing hunt of his life, to find his elusive hunter father. And the story shows his development as a hunter throughout.

Story: 9/10
I give the story a 9 because the first 12 or so volumes had a great story and a lot character devolopment with the four main ...
Jul 9, 2018
Preliminary (350/? chp)
Most of my points in my HxH 2011 review stand here, so I'll keep this short.

HxH 2011 definitely brought life to the HxH manga, but the manga is still wholesome in its story and its characters. The current arc is in the running to be the best arc of HxH in my opinion.

The only low points for the manga are its artwork and the constant hiatuses. The art can range from scribbles on a page to fantastically drawn creatures and areas that even Miura of Berserk would approve of. And as every HxH fan knows, the hiatuses are the biggest flaw on this great ...
Aug 12, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
With Hiatus x Hiatus, you have to take the good with the bad. Or, on second thought, you don’t really have to take the bad at all. Read the following arcs: Hunter exam, York Shin City, Chimera Ant. I’ll make it easy for you: read manga chapters 1 through 38, 64 through 119, then 186 through 318. That is Hunter x Hunter. The rest is not worth the time. When reading HxH this way, it becomes a really solid, decent length shonen manga with a bittersweet ending. Considering the manga will never have an actual ending, this is really the only way to read it.

So ...
Dec 30, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
Okay, to start off, I'm going to go on a little tirade about the early chapters of this manga's art. If you don't care or whatever, then keep scrolling until you see "TIRADE END", I guess, haha.


When I read this manga, I was shocked that the art style of the manga that managed to tie with OP was so bad. It actually looked a lot like my current art style.

I was actually sort of happy.

You see, I'm an aspiring mangaka (bleh, I know that's not what you call it outside of Japan, but bleh), and I was always thinking that my art style ...
Sep 13, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (400/? chp)
HunterxHunter is what got me back into reading manga as an adult. I remember loving the anime the first time I watched it and in a bout of nostalgia I decided to read the manga. Past the emotional bond I have for the story and the characters, it's time to face it: it's overall mid.

The art clearly is not why people love the manga. Togashi *can* draw, but he just can't seem to be thaaaat bothered to put in that extra effort to polish up spreads most of the time. However, from the storytelling point, there are some beautiful dramatic build-ups and climaxes that ...
Oct 29, 2012
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
this manga was the first manga i ever read the baka sensei yushiro togashi can find every thing you like in this serie no one can say the opposite unless they were payed.......with the process of this manga you get more enjoyment ..more characters appear ..the events just getts more darker and cooler ...for me i finished the whole manga in one week because i couldn't stop ...belive me if it was no hxh manga ther will be no naroto or bleach or a lot of other mangas that borow meany things from this manga ..if just that baka togashi didn't stop the ...
Mar 20, 2016
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
I gave everything a 10/10 except for the art which got 7/10.

Anyway, where should I start?

This is a masterpiece, and I will tell you why:

Story: 10/10
Genius. He thought it all up. The world of HXH, when we think of it, makes you realize many things about our own world, and makes you question many of our morals and mentalities. This masterpiece was elegantly written, no fillers, and every action counts. Realistic reactions to many events. this manga leaves you in a wreck of emotions: there are funny moments, there are heartwarming moment, an then there are those very dark moments when you least expect them. ...
Jan 9, 2010
Preliminary (186/? chp)
"Monstrous Animals, Rare Species...Buried Riches, Hidden Treasures...Worlds of Demons, Unexplored Lands...The Word 'UNKNOWN' Seems Magic...And Some Men Are Attracted By This Force...They Are Called 'HUNTERS'!"

This is the introductory that meets the reader in the very 1st chapter of the 1st volume of the Hunter X Hunter manga. Having had already watched the anime, I am aware of what Hunter X Hunter is about so the introduction wasn't anything new. Someone who hasn't ever encountered Hunter X Hunter, however, will probably feel disappointed to eventually find out that the manga isn't really about a treasure-hunt or a great adventure into some ...
Mar 31, 2024
Preliminary (400/? chp)
Ah, Hunter x Hunter. Simply the best battle shounen ever created!

I will divide this review into five sections: Story, Art, Characters, enjoyment and personal taste.

Story: 10/10. Whether it's world building, battles or foreshadows, all of this is perfect in hunter x hunter, managing to move me in some parts.

Art: 8/10. The illustrations are good, but sometimes inconsistent (chapter 337 says so). However, we have to take into account that Yoshihiro Togashi has a chronic back problem.

Characters: 9.9/10. Togashi managed to strike a beautiful balance with his characters, especially between the protagonists. There are few that I don't like, but they were enough to take a ...
Mar 3, 2019
Preliminary (380/? chp)
This manga is an absolute masterpiece, and I'll never stop recommending it.

Character development is incredible and the story is engaging. Pacing is pretty much perfect. While I was reading the manga, it really felt like I was on a journey with the protagonists, which I think is a sign of great writing.

There are hardly any instances of plot armor or plot holes in this manga. In all 380 chapters, there are only 2 events that can be referred to as asspull. The power system feels balanced and contained, without skyrocketing in later chapters, instead opting for more creative powers.
Nov 12, 2012
Preliminary (340/? chp)
( Sorry english isn't my first language (; 3 ;) )

Hunter X Hunter is one of the longest ongoing manga in Weekly Shonen Jump since 1998. Sadly, this masterpiece is really have annoying hiatus often, so unlike One Piece that published from 1997 have almost 700 chapters in 2012. Hiatus X Hiatus (Hunter X Hunter I mean) only made half of it, 340 chapters and hiatus again in 2012.

But, what makes this manga really addictive to the reader? What makes it adapted into amazing anime twice (1999 & 2011)? The answer can only you get after you read this manga. So, I'm going to review ...
Dec 9, 2023
Preliminary (400/? chp)
Writing a review about something you like THIS much is... Very hard for me.

A lot harder than taking the time to absolutely shit on something you hate for a few paragraphs of text, explaining the many reasons why you hate it. Which is why i've basically never seriously attempted it until now.

Conveying to anyone why i love something feels like it can't be done with just the words in my own vocabulary, but nonetheless i hope this review can express to everyone reading why i think Hunter x Hunter is Yoshihiro Togashi's most successful work, not just in terms of the number of copies sold ...
Feb 27, 2018
Preliminary (350/? chp)
Hunter x Hunter is the best Shounen there is.
What i like about it is that it feels like togashi has taken all the god ideas and tropes from shounen and has kicked all the bad out.

Gon is like the early Goku.
Most Shounenprotagonists are simple stupid Hotheads, before DBZ Goku wasnt stupid, it was just that he was raised in the jungle and therefore was uncivilzed and didnt know and understood conformity.
Gon also is not stupid, its more like he ignores social conventions.

The powersystem is outlined in the beginning.
Take OP for example, afer hundreds of episodes they just say you know there is another powersystem ...
Feb 23, 2021
Preliminary (380/? chp)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction. One above all, peak creation, lonely at the summit, goats above goats, grandiose masterpiece, impeccable perfection, too exquisite to exist, unbelievably marvelous creation, spectacularly bewildering and stupendous imagination, work of god. Groundbreaking and foundational, his sense of development is a deconstruction of employment segregation and the powerful performances are truly comprehensive of their poignant themes while the nuance in the direction complements a layered screenplay. Pure elegant, ...
Sep 13, 2020
Preliminary (390/? chp)
The story of HxH is very good, the world is pretty awesome and the powers are super cool. The problem with this manga is the endless exposition, even 390 chapters in there are walls of text that makes this manga feel like I'm reading the wiki for this manga and not the manga itself.
It is a testament to the brilliance of this manga despite all that I was still engaged in the story even after the beginning of this newest arc.
The characters are good but you can go a long while without seeing them and often it's out of sight out of mind with ...
Jun 4, 2015
Preliminary (349/? chp)
This is one of the most underrated manga i ever read. The characters are really well develop,you are gonna love some of the characters good or evil. Most people see this story has an shonen battle manga but yet it is not like that at some points at the story, some part of the story will use challenges for the main or secondary characters in were the need to use the intellectual to beat the enemy. Every arc has is own unique style with different objectives that will not make you bored of the story. This is a great manga one may said that is ...
Aug 17, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (390/? chp)
Short and spoiler-free review:
The beginning of Hunter x Hunter was amazing. However, around the end of the Chimera Ant arc, I encountered changes which really turned me off.
I don't like how every single of one the characters became like 800 IQ and forcing the reader to read their thoughts as they describe a whole quantum-physics theory or something during the 10 seconds where it was supposed to play out.
This continued and took a stronger turn after it. It just became... not fun to read.
All of a sudden, the manga was filled with unnecessary characters, unnecessary world-building, unnecessary events, unnecessary monologues and dialogues. They ...
Jul 22, 2020
Preliminary (390/? chp)
This review DO NOT contain spoilers.

First of all, i need to say: hunter x hunter is not a flawless mangá. The art style in some chapters are avarege, since the author has many health issues and can´t draw properly, and some moments has too many exposition dialogues that doens´t need to be too long.
However, despite these problems, hunter x hunter is one of the most unique and inteligent battle shounen that exist, followed by one piece and jojo.
Here are some of the most compelling things that make me love this mangá:

The narrative structure: Hunter x hunter has 4 main characters, and we follow the journey ...