*This review contains spoilers*
Ladies and Gentlemen, Hello. My name is Hajime Isayama and today I'll teach you how to write manga.
I must begin by saying that you should not be discouraged. At first glance, it can be difficult, but you only have to write 90 chapters perfectly tied together, with great characters and mystery to the world and titans, fantastic fights that actually serve a purpose with barely any talk no jutsu moments, and perhaps the single most important thing in all of this, Sasha being alive.
What you ought to do afterward is write a timeskip. This is meant for the end-series so we can
have a "where are they now" segment but there is no need to worry about it because another timeskip will occur in the last chapter as we would have the pleasure of seeing in efficiency how terrible Eren's plan was. The first timeskip is primarily meant as a means of showing Eren becoming this evil incarnate that at no point in the series have we gotten hits about such alteration to his character. The second one is instead a quick reminder of how Yams got worse at writing a proper story without contrivance to its characters. Both are meant for Eren as he's convinced that all lives must be taken in order to obtain "freedom" and in doing so he ought to go against his friends causing an artificial conflict between him and the rest of Paradis as well countless third parties in which for entirely redundant reasons will join Paradis side and go against Eren. From this point onwards, you don't have to write anything decent since it will all depend on which character is to your liking the most and you'll always have to make him or her achieve whatever goal they are in need of. In this case, it's Armin. He's mastered the talk no Jutsu, I dare to say it's his strongest technique. Anyone he's talked to has been convinced to help him do whatever he's wanted to and its limits know no bounds.
With the power of friendship, Armin doesn't give up, not for one moment while he and co-venture towards Eren to stop him but first, we must go a bit before all that because you are clearly asking how all those characters have joined the Paradis side. Because of plot device, they ultimately were there because Eren too changed sides and there was no choice but to help their enemies. The two couldn't stay on one side only since that wouldn't make sense, just like it doesn't make any sense for Reiner, Pieck, and others to help Armin and Mikasa, meant solely as an excuse for "redemption" for some of the characters. Armin succeeds because of course, he did, Eren becomes dove because of course, he did, we never learn much about the titans and the few things we get to throw at us are pure nonsense in an asspull way upon the "paths" was introduced into the story which, for all intents and purposes is the main reason why the second arc of the timeskip is this bad. Historia getting sidelined from the story by getting pregnant off of some random farmer we never know anything about, which it's not the fact the child is not Eren's that pissed me off, but rather that she could've done so much that being someone's whore. To top it all, Eren Lelouch'd his ass out of and acts like he did something important or useful when all he did was fight for something he himself committed. I always knew he was going to do that the moment he becomes evil for the greater good but never wanted to believe it as I knew it wouldn't work with the story itself.
All the troubles Eren went through, all the people he killed, were just for his friends to live happily ever after. Instead of removing the titan course and finishing what he initially wanted to, he follows the most bullshit route and makes peace for a few generations... slightly for his friends to live their miserable life in complete serenity and with this in mind, the descendants to be inevitably killed. There is no point in taking so many lives when everything remains the same and what Eren has fought so far becomes useless because his goal was suddenly retconned when he confessed his "love" to Mikasa all of a sudden. Especially when you murdered 80% of the population and would've taken a mere couple of hours to exterminate the rest and finally be free of the burden. Even if Eren had somehow died because of that, it's still a better outcome of what we've got although it needs to once again be mentioned that what led to that would've been abominable regardless. It can't get out of character than this, and it makes no sense either given how Mikasa got to suck Horse's dick anyway. I wonder what Dove-Eren must've felt when he saw Mikasa getting fucked by the only person he didn't want to fuck her. I bet it's not sitting well with him.
"Thank you Eren for turning yourself into a mass-murder for our sake"
If you want more proof that Armin is the most hateful character, here you go. Eren is the worst character, but Armin is someone you would hate the moment he opens his mouth. When Armin mastered the talk-no-Jutsu it was as clear as day that he was going to succeed in convincing all of the previous enemies into joining his side to take down Eren, which he does, and that he had a plan into making Eren stop but think about it, why would Eren stop and how would Armin make that happen? Apparently, Armin never thought about the consequences, and the whole reason why he did all that in the first place was that it was against genocide, that there had to be a better option to put an end to this and in the last chapter he goes "Thank you for killing all them fuckers". What could have possibly happened between his determination to stop Eren and the last chapter that made him accept Eren's behavior and get along with everything he's done? Armin who is not only the brain of the trio, but was always been morally right, and looking back at everything he's always made the right and acceptable decision to put an end to something but in the last chapter he comes across as disingenuous and a piece of shit with virtually no fucking reason that let him to the settlement.
As for tradition, a good lead female in shonen is hard to come by and Mikasa is no exception. You won't certainly hate her as much as Eren and Armin but will sure get on your nerves with her stoic persona throughout. In the early series, she's got something to work with and her strength was admirable so for all the good reasons she was reliable in that department. I always liked her early on but looking back it's clear Yams either didn't care much about her or perhaps wasn't able to give her more stuff to do as the story went on, which I find extremely odd given how in the post timeskip she was suddenly given more importance than before but ended up being a leftover until the last two chapters gaining the determination to do the thing she should have done a long time ago. Mikasa is a bit awesome in her own way, but she has no ambitions of any kind and comes across as Eren's shadow. It is clear that she has had mental issues since she was a kid from the accident she and Eren had and her affection for Eren is due to this, but Yams does not look into this with the possibility that she may recover one day. Eren seemingly hating her was an excuse to make her grow and act on her own rather than following in his footsteps but she does nothing the entire time besides feeling sad at Eren's sentiments towards her because Yams never gave a shit about her.
I haven't talked about the rest of the characters but really, what there is to talk about? They all suck because the writing sucks and the story shifted from average (Marley) to the worst thing (War for Paradis) in a dozen or so chapters and it destroys everyone's solid characterization they once had. The transition from Eren becoming evil and after meeting Ymir was awful and the premise itself was bad, to begin with, because it didn't build up to characters that would eventually join the Paradis side to defeat a common enemy. It does this by assuming that everyone is fine in the first place, while that couldn't be feasible in any way. Yams wanted to give the characters more depth but clearly couldn't work with the way they were presented in the first place and also goes against their characters as previously they wanted to defeat Eren as quickly as possible without taking out everyone and yet waste time for trivial stuff. A "goal" of any of the characters who weren't on Eren's side, vanish because the final moments of the story is them trying to reach and take down Eren and in the midst of all the chaos down there, it's impossible to get any devolvement, and they don't, so Yams had to put Floch as a mini-boss before the final event as a means of showing the "cooperation" of the two sides of which couldn't work but the shitty writing proved me otherwise.
Which is better, the journey or the destination? The answer is both. But can everyone get that luxury? Unfortunately not. What one must do to get near to said luxury? Make the journey be worth the destination. If the AoT story had followed this thought of mine, it would've made sense. What was only needed is a linear thread to follow and find its end without splitting into different directions because you wanted to make it a more compelling approach to your story. You could, but why risk it when you had the answer right in the palm of your hand?
Eren died a virgin. That's all you need to know!
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 進撃の巨人 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 34
Chapters: 141
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 9, 2009 to Apr 9, 2021
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Authors:
Isayama, Hajime (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #1192 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2
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Your Feelings Categories Apr 8, 2021
*This review contains spoilers*
Ladies and Gentlemen, Hello. My name is Hajime Isayama and today I'll teach you how to write manga. I must begin by saying that you should not be discouraged. At first glance, it can be difficult, but you only have to write 90 chapters perfectly tied together, with great characters and mystery to the world and titans, fantastic fights that actually serve a purpose with barely any talk no jutsu moments, and perhaps the single most important thing in all of this, Sasha being alive. What you ought to do afterward is write a timeskip. This is meant for the end-series so we can ... Apr 8, 2021
Attack of Titan is the prime example of how a story –no matter how good it is– can get completely and absolutely ruined in an amount of just a few chapters.
That is, if you try hard enough, of course. Attack of Titan doesn’t need any introduction, ever since the anime debut in 2013 it has been one of the most popular and recognizable franchises out there, but in the end, it all boils down to one simple question: is it good? To avoid you all the trouble, the answer is simply no. I have to admit that I used to like Attack on Titan, and even ... Aug 15, 2011
I was unsure if I would ever find another manga good enough to deserve my reviewing. And after reading volume six of Shingeki no Kyojin I can safely say the wait is over. What a manga!
STORY: 9/10 Throughout the history of action manga there have been hordes of fantastically evil creatures ganging up on any shounen hero that dares get in their way. Whether it be demons, hollows, or demons again one thing was always certain: Even though the characters appeared scared you knew everything would be okay. A main character can't die to one random monster out of the horde. They deserve noble deaths via ... Apr 8, 2021
---The review contains plot spoilers---
"Bruh" - Everyone that read the final chapter of AOT. Despite the underwhelming (or I could even say horrible) ending, Attack on Titan has been one of the best manga I have ever read. The manga has amazing well-written characters with the ability to generate some of the best character interactions I have ever seen in any story. The underground scene after the timeskip and the ability to dive deep into the psychology of each character is way too good. The ending is horrible I agree and it kinda breaks a lot of what has been built upon it so far but ... Apr 6, 2021 --The review contains spoilers-- I had to completely redo my review, and went from the score of 1 to 10. I've actually reread the entire manga in a single night, and came to a different conclusion. This review is 100% spoilers and an attempt at explaining the divisive ending, so don't read it if you're just starting. If it helps, know that I've spent 11 years reading it, and reread it many times so I could form this opinion, meaning that my rating holds weight, and you won't be making a mistake if you choose to read this manga. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While I do understand the anger of the ... Mar 17, 2015
Shingeki no kyojin otherwise known as Attack on Titan. This series before the anime wasn't popular in the west, but it was fairly popular in Japan being in the top 15/10 best selling manga in 2011/2012. After the airing of the anime it became a mega hit series.
Now before you give this review a not helpful vote because of the 10/10 score. At least read what I have to say before doing your deed. I'm more interested that you guys read my review than anything else. Now let's begin! "Spoiler free review!" Story: 10/10. The plot/story IMO is snk strongest point. "Titans" these monstrous looking creatures that ... Jul 1, 2011
I will be concise. This review is based on the manga till the end of volume 3.
Shingeki no Kyojin is a unique manga, in that it is bears more of a resemblance to Western fiction than to Japanese fiction. In some ways, it is similar to Gantz, but overall it borrows heavily from western steampunk and fantasy novels. STORY: 9/10 Even though I'm only 3 volumes in, it is apparent that the story has immense potential. The immense world around the small area in which the story is set is shrouded in mystery. Absolutely nothing can be guessed about it at this point. In the future, the ... Apr 19, 2013
What is the most valuable thing in life?
Is it money, love, property, or something else? Well, everyone has his or her own ideas but for there's one thing we all have in common and that's the fact that we are all living beings that breathes in and out. We live by and enjoy life as best as we can. But what if that right is certainly put into jeopardy? What if a day comes when the place we live in no longer remains safe? Well, those are probably questions not many of us think about too often but for Mankind in this manga, those ... Apr 7, 2021
Want to learn on how to make an amazing main character, an amazing manga and just absolutely shit on it all right at the end?
Read Attack on Titan, then! It's absolutely amazing how the author managed to talk about complex topics, such as racism, imperialism and war, throwing giant naked people in the middle, and make it not only enjoyable, but really well written. That's, of course, till we get on the last arc where he, for whatever reason, just throws it out in the trash. Characters who had clear motivations, have a complete 180º. The fear of losing characters gets more and more diminished ... Jun 3, 2013
This review is up to chapter 45.
First of all, if you haven't read Shingeki no Kyojin yet, go do it. I'm not usually this enthusiastic about shounen manga, but SNK has managed to become the exception, simply because it's so damn good. Why? What makes it better than other works in similar genres? Well, my little ones, SNK is so well thought out. Meticulously so. From the plot to the characters, everything has just that extra layer that pushes SNK to become an outstanding piece of writing. There are plot twists often, and boy, can they catch you off guard. All ... Apr 15, 2021
Attack on Titan is a frequent target of derision from those who would dismiss it due to its popularity, but is it really all that bad? Well, the short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but I do really enjoy vore, which earns it points. God, I wish I lived in the Attack on Titan universe. I would join the survey corps 100%. I’d keep straying from the formation a bit just hoping some hulking female titan would take a hunk out of me.
Speaking of female titans, isn’t it weird that of the original 9 titans there’s shit like the beast titan, the ... May 26, 2013
For this manga, the reader needs to be a super active reader. One has to pay attention to every page, panel, behavior of the characters, even random stuff in the background needs your attention in order to understand what's going on, and to make smart predictions/theories of the storyline.
One on the best pieces of literature that I have read in a long time. Jun 13, 2012
After reading so many manga, it is hard to find one that will capture you at first read. Shingeki no Kyojin is one of the manga that caught me by surprise and I definitely love reading this.
Story 10/10 Compared to other manga dealing with the supernatural, giants as the main villain is already a very interesting choice. Maybe because giants, even as portrayed in this manga, dont really have special powers; they are just big, very very hard to kill and not picky at eating people. The great thing about this manga is that everything seems very realistic, apart from the existence of the giants. The ... Jul 1, 2011
I just finished reading the 4th volume in japanese and all i can say is that this manga is the best I have read. Now I know why it´s at the top of japanese popular manga charts.
The story y very hooking. The art is good but they could´ve elaborated the characters a little more. Enjoyment 100%. Overall I think this is a wonderful series that everyone would like (exept there are a few qweezy scenes). I hope this manga artist has more to come. Feb 6, 2011
This new manga is topping the sales charts in Japan and I think for a good reason.
I just started reading it (I am just into the second chapter) and I am already hooked. First let me spend a few words on the drawings. The backgrounds are quite nice and polished, but the characters, although nice, could be less "noisy". I think this kind of style is instead very appropriate with the giants (or titans). They are strange, distorted human forms with the skin of their faces revealing all their theeth in a wicked grin. Their body proportions are usually off enough to give them an even more ... Mar 7, 2011
it's almost midnight as i'm writing and currently procrastinating so there might be some typos but i just wanted to get this out of my way.
someone on the forums recommended this manga and i decided to check it out, initially believing that it would be another boring shounen manga. fortunately, i was proven wrong (that person has a good taste in manga) and became so wrapped up in this story. even the first volume leaves me wanting for /more/ since it ended with a huge plot twist! STORY: very, very nicely done! leaves you with plenty of suspense and anticipating. it's like a thriller where you ... Jun 12, 2014
Attack on Titan is like fast food. Enjoy it while it's hot. You shouldn't think about or doubt it while you're reading it; just keep reading and enjoy the actions, plot twists, and deaths. If you take too long to read it, the plot will become nonsense.
Attack on Titan is highly enjoyable. It doesn't have fan-service to distract you, no 30 chapter long fight scenes, nor does it drag on about the importance of friendship and other garbage that shounen mangas force you to worship. It's flat out action with "kill or be killed" perspective. The fights are thrilling, the deaths are emotional, the ... May 5, 2013
Shingeki No Kyojin has just recently started airing as an anime this season and is the most hyped up show that is currently running. I got into the manga about a month before the anime started to see what it was about. I haven’t read too many manga so far, but I can still feel like I want to write a review about how spectacular this manga is.
I’ll address the few downsides to this manga before explaining each of the parts individually. First, this manga starts off a little slow. It goes in a slightly different, less chronological order than the anime, with more jumping ... Aug 17, 2013
This review is based up until chapter 48.
Shingeki no Kyojin has a comprehensive enough plotline--humans being chased around and eaten by grotesque giants called Titans, which do faintly resemble large, ugly humans. However, the series actually has much more to do than just focusing on humans being eaten, which is probably its best asset. Shingeki has several mysteries that intertwine as one reads the series--how the Titans were made, exactly how they work, who is controlling them, what's that huge monkey, and a few other that are secret--and I think the fact that it isn't eleven volumes of pointless bloodshed that makes the series so ... Jul 9, 2013
So, here's my second review. And since I didn't like much the way I wrote the Psycho-Pass review, I'll change it. I'll just comment through all the aspects of the manga without having a "separate category", where I rate every single one. So, let's get into the review of the almost perfect manga, Shingeki no Kyojin - attack on titan.
(Remembering this review goes only to the first 11 volumes from the manga. I will re-review Shingeki no Kyojin once the manga finished publishing) Note: Sorry if it is a bit incomplete or short. I tried my best not to spoil also, so don't worry if ... |