This series is praised in its anime version, while the manga gets less recognition. But, why? Is the anime really better than the original series? Does it deserve all the hype it's got? Well, I plan to uncover this "mystery". Hell, what am I saying? Cutting this, let's get on to the review, shall we?
Kuroshitsuji, or Black Butler, as it is known by most of the fans, is a shounen manga with seinen and shoujo elements. But well, what the hell is that? Well, I have to say that the genre of this series is hard to pin down. Not only on story model, but
art as well. The manga presents lots of cliche elements, stupid comedy (that's actually funny sometimes) and constant action, that categorizes it mainly as shounen. However, the concept is dark, with cruel references, gothic symbolism, and of course the pessimist, melancholic feeling that the main character brings. All those are seinen elements. The design of some characters (specially the male's) looks pretty gothic, with mostly sadistic expressions and smirks, but well, let's leave this to later. However, the "female yaoi loving" origins of the author influence the work making it seem more shoujo-like with all the annoying tendencies. But remember, that isn't something bad, however, as I'm a heterossexual guy, I don't really appreciate the yaoi tendencies presented in the manga.
Well then, after the gigantic explanation about the genre, I shall begin with the story. Well, straight-on, the plot development in Kuroshitsuji disappoints a lot. It had the concept to be the best story I've ever read, however it was crushed by huge simple flaws which could easily be corrected. There are some incoherences in many points in many arcs, and they actually end up ruining big part of the story. The narrative follows on different arcs, which are mainly different crime cases investigated by the main character, Ciel Phantomhive, his butler Sebastian Michaelis and usually more supporting character that'll be mentioned later on. The cases are quite creative at their most, and one of them actually has historical reference. Well, it would be a shame if a manga based off of the Victorian Era with a crime-investigation theme didn't have its own version of the so-famous Jack The Ripper case. This is one of the best arcs on the manga, and the one with the absolute best "conclusion", with a deep message that made me shiver.
Oh, the messages. They are the best thing about the story. Kuroshitsuji is pessimist in every way. The way tragic happenings are treated is amazing, talking about a shounen manga series. The main character ends up being one of the most cruel protagonists I've ever seen in a manga series, and Sebastian only adds to this cruelty of Ciel's with his demonic personality. It's a shame I cannot discuss spoilers here. If I could, I would tell more about the messages and philosophical meanings behind some arcs, such as the Jack the Ripper's and the circus' ones, that are, by far, the best.
However, the messages seem apart of lots of aspects. The story is full of stupid and useless "comic relief" characters that suddenly turn serious and perverse from nothing. That's nuisance and annoyed me many times. And, of course, this a shounen manga. The power of friendship could not be absent. Luckily due to the protagonist's cold and cruel personality, the messages are easily forgotten and it's actually funny to see how people around Ciel seem to consider him as their friend, while the only thing he cares is using lots of them as chess pieces. Still, I don't think Ciel can have friends, and I always ponder if he feels anything for some of the characters.
And as we're getting more into the characters, let's talk about them. As I already commented some about the protagonist, Ciel Phantomhive, there's no reason on going through that all again. Sebastian, I didn't talk much about him. Well, in short, Sebastian is one of the best characters I've ever seen in any story. He's known a lot by fangirls for his looks, and usually fans in general forget just how he really is. We already know his true motives, his true personality, and that he is not playing around. Many people seem to forget just how Sebastian is cruel, but, well, he's a demon. He's pure evil. But... well, aren't humans evil creatures as well? Hey, what is good and evil anyway? This is one of the many questions the manga seems to want you to think about.
As the due Sebastian and Ciel are good, realistic and solid characters, the rest are not as good. Most of them are created only to make comic relief after their main function on an arc is over (main example Prince Soma and Agni, the indian prince and his servant). Some others aren't interesting at all, some are a little bit funny and charismatic, however do not seem to cause much effect on the story (like Grell Sutcliff, the gay/bi shinigami, and Meylin, Finny and Bard, the rest of Phantomhive's Manor's servants). But there are interesting and well developed characters that affect the story, like Ciel's aunt, Madam Red, a very solid and realistic character, and the Undertaker, one of the most interesting supporting ones, and that seems to have a greater role in the future, as the story is likely to, now, get bigger as lots of things are starting to happen.
And, also, there are actual funny characters such as Lau, the Chinese manager of a trading company, and weird ones that have a bizarre charisma, such as Mr. Tanaka, former butler of the Phantomhive family that knew Ciel from long time ago, and also Snake, a servant that appears later on, but that have a interesting personality and ways of facing things.
Kuroshitsuji has some supporting minor characters that appear with equally minor functions in many arcs, and there are the ones that don't do a thing since the beginning. Being, the main example, Ciel's fiancée Elizabeth Midford, or Lizzy. She is the most cliche character and also the most unrealistic one, for reasons that are actually spoilers. But well, Lizzy is completely unnecessary for the plot and storyline, being the most useless supporting major character out of all.
Since the series is currently ongoing, I hope there will be more background development for the servants from the Phantomhive Manor, that hasn't been made until yet. And, of course, I hope for the useless Lizzy to do something that changes the story.
Concluding with the story, it is good, really good. However, the narrative have flaws and the author is not that good at storytelling. She should if her manga is shounen or seinen-focused. And quit with the yaoi tendencies, so that it would please a larger male audience, that I believe should be her target by publishing at a shounen action magazine.
But, well, there are many mysteries to be unsolved on the plot.
The art on Kuroshitsuji isn't good. I don't know what the hell was going on when I saw so many people praising the art as perfect and beautiful. It is not nearly as that. Not in the actual story. I mean this: The covers and full-color illustrations are beautiful and really detailed. The technique she used for the coloring and composition on such covers and special pages are amazing, and I am stunned at every new colored page or double page she draws. However the pages on the actual comic are... Well... Blank. The manga is supposed to present the reader to the Victorian World, where architecture and fashion was everything. There is almost no scenario in the manga, and they are extremely poor and lack "dirt". In case you don't know, in drawing a scene, we call "dirt" the different tones used for different things, or even lesser details, like cracks on a wall, or wall stamps, etc. Kuroshitsuji has few use of gray tones, and even less in this regard. When I see a building, I want to cry to see such the ability of the artist being thrown away by poorly drawn structures. And then I come face-to-face to a double page spread. Beautiful drawings and beautiful use of perspective.
I don't know, but in a monthly manga, I would expect much more of a manga that sometimes has twenty pages. Specially from an artist that CAN draw beautifully.
Well, the scenario is bad, but what about the characters? Are they well-drawn? Yes. Yes, they are. The character design is really good and fits well most of them. Using some examples: we see Ciel, a cold kid. His appearance, often dark and with grey tones resembling the blue give emphasis to that aspect of his personality. Sebastian; an almost perfect butler. Always dressed well in fancy clothing. But he's also cruel and a demon. His usual smirk and grim eyes alongside with the "gothic-ish" hair adds to the feeling of darkness. There are many different character designs, however a lot of the male adult characters look the same. Sometimes you just feel like you're surrounded by Sebastians in the story. Luckily, the hairstyles are distinct and can identify the characters, since the clothing of lots of them are uniformed.
Though they are anatomically realistic, there are little mistakes that can annoy someone that strictly analyzes art like me. For example, hats that do not correspond the actual size of the head, and so forth. And, well, I don't complain much, since I like the character design, however they do not match the Victorian Era theme. As most men wear really long and gracious hair with long bangs, some of them going through their eyes and even reaching the bottom of the chin. However I like this kind of design, and I don't feel the need to complain. It's a stylized manga after all, not an historical movie.
All in all, Kuroshitsuji is a great manga with huge flaws in art and story. A review of it is a bit incomplete without spoilers, but I tried my best to cover it all. I liked the manga and read it through with not a single regret, as I enjoyed through most of it. Even though I'm anxious to know what shall happen next on the story, I'm always afraid the author can screw it over. I feel like the manga has still many arcs to arrive to an end, and I feel like the mystery of Ciel's parents death will be more interesting than I first expected, with revelations coming from many characters.
I recommend Kuroshitsuji to anyone that can stand yaoi tendencies (that DO NOT happen, if it did I wouldn't have kept reading it) and likes a bit of philosophy and darker themes. If you're extremely obsessed with story flaws and art, try it out, however I guarantee that it won't be a perfect work for you.
Oh! Please don't watch the anime. Don't torture yourself doing so.
My score: 7.9
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Dec 16, 2013
Recommended Preliminary
(87/? chp)
This series is praised in its anime version, while the manga gets less recognition. But, why? Is the anime really better than the original series? Does it deserve all the hype it's got? Well, I plan to uncover this "mystery". Hell, what am I saying? Cutting this, let's get on to the review, shall we?
Kuroshitsuji, or Black Butler, as it is known by most of the fans, is a shounen manga with seinen and shoujo elements. But well, what the hell is that? Well, I have to say that the genre of this series is hard to pin down. Not only on story model, but ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jul 16, 2013
Mirai Nikki
Mixed Feelings
Okay, now, I know I'll certainly get a lot of people who'll dislike this right now only for the low rating. But holy potatoes, this manga is one of the most overrateds I've ever seen. And with this I hope I can get someone not to waste their time reading the manga Mirai Nikki (or Future Diary, whatever you want to call it).
Now, let's begin the review. Well, first of course I'm going to say what I think about the story, and there's not much to say about it really. It isn't good, it's far from that. The manga had everything to be very good, ... but it screwed everything up. And when I mean everything, it is everything, from plot to characters. I found it interesting when I read, at least the beggining. But... Dude, the story develops in a very weak and forced way, that makes it almost a non-sense plot. The way that violence and murder is treated during the story is just ridiculous, and completely useless. I even think the manga would be better if all the non-sense fighting and carnage were abscent from it almost completely. Look, I understand it is a survival game, where you need to kill people. But, seriously... At first I was surprised in seeing that the manga would focus more on the intelectual side (plans, strategies and such). But, of course, I was wrong. Because it only focus during the first few chapters, turning then into a game where you only make a plan full of flaws and then kill someone that also was chosen for the survival game. The story has indeed strong points, like some of the mysteries involving the game itself and lots of other things which would be spoilers, so, I would usually tell you to go read and find out what those mysteries were, however, don't do that, please. Even if they are something that sorts of pushes you into reading more, when you find out it is in a strange way that doesn't actually surprises you like in most stories out there. Also one thing that truly irritated me was the fact that the characters were just horrible. Literally, horrible. Yukiteru (the main character) was ridiculous, annoying, and looked like a crying baby almost all of the time during the beggining of the manga. And when you think he'll slowly develop his personality, what happens? Nothing. And suddenly he changes into a strong boy who can handle weapons and kill lots of men with Yuno. That's just ridiculous. It would've not seem strange if the development of the character wasn't sudden or it could've been "hidden" underneath the story if that one was actually good. Then we have Yuno Gasai, the only great character in the story, but she couldn't save it of course. Her personality is very interesting even for me, who personally doesn't enjoy yandere that much. Her strange affection for Yukiteru can be odd sometimes, and even annoying, however, it is interesting and, of course, odd in a good way. But, unfortunately, she wasn't able to save the manga in my opinion. But of course without her I wouldn't be able to give a 5 as the rating. Then, apart from Yuno (and Uryuu who I will talk about in a momment) all the other characters are dumb and have no depth on their personalities at all, even if a few may seem appealing some times, like Akise who wanted to be a detective, and was supposed to help on the intelectual part of the story, and also, the terrorist Uryuu Minene who was meant to have a tragic and sad past, but we cannot feel much about her, since this past isn't worked a lot during the story. However she probably is a, let's say... Medium-Good character that I personally cared a little about for. And also, I would like to point that out: I didn't care for any character except from Uryuu and Yuno. Literally, when a character died, I showed no emotion for them, it doesn't matter who it was. Characters are the weakest point in Mirai Nikki, without a doubt. The ending of the manga totally screwed up. It is a completely stupid, dumb and ridiculous plot-twist with no basis. A manga which could have a medium-quality story ended up with an ending that was just baseless. The first plot twist is just dumb, but tolerable. However, after what we all should think was the ending, there's the thing that just crushed the story in pieces and was only for those who want every story to have a stupid cliche ending. Moving now to a different topic, we are going to talk about art. Well, the art of the manga is not bad, and not surprising. It is okay in most parts, mediocre in others and can even impress a little on... Oh no, sorry, it doesn't surprise you. Most fights on manga and anime are made with dinamic movements and poses that gets you excited to see what more that fight is going to present you. Not in Mirai Nikki. Though the explosions are pretty well drawn - something that is, in most mangas, pretty simple and sometimes unrealistic - the rest of the fights doesn't pushes you on to wanting to know more about everything that is happening. They are not exciting, not well-drawn at all from an artistic point of view, and also, are most of the times useless to the story to develop, and only are put there to prolongue it more and more. The character designs aren't bad, but aren't very good. That is what the art presents, it's nothing awesome or stunning, but also it isn't just blurry images or characters and shade-less images like lots of shounen manga today (you probably know which ones I'm talking abou). But of course, the art didn't count much for me to give the final score, so the bad storyline, awful characters and the abscence of excitment and stunning mysteries still overthrow the somehow good art the manga presents. Well, since there is nothing too much about the story, the enjoyment truly isn't something I can give a high rating. I have to admit I enjoyed the manga for the first few chapters, however, that was the time where I had no experience with actual good anime and manga except for Death Note and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebelion, so, after I discovered great anime and manga I also discovered that Mirai Nikki was nothing but an "okay" series. Overall: 5/10 All in all, Mirai Nikki isn't great in any of its aspects, okay on the art, mediocre on the story and awful on the characters the plot shows the readers, us. It is completely overrated, and people shouldn't be reading manga/watching anime like this one, because there are a lot of short ones that presents a much deeper storyline, better characters and outstanding art. No, I don't reccomend Mirai Nikki (neither manga, neither anime) to anyone who is reading this review, search more for other anime and manga, because this one is only going to get your time wasted. And please, don't spend money on buying volumes from this. I'm trying to help you, but well... If you're a fan of the series, and you are reading this review, well, I'm pretty sure you're going to click the "not helpful" button. And if you wish, you can do that. Just don't considerate the final rating as a review, I tried my best to talk about each and every aspect of the manga, saying the good points and bad as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Jul 9, 2013
Shingeki no Kyojin
Recommended Preliminary
(47/141 chp)
So, here's my second review. And since I didn't like much the way I wrote the Psycho-Pass review, I'll change it. I'll just comment through all the aspects of the manga without having a "separate category", where I rate every single one. So, let's get into the review of the almost perfect manga, Shingeki no Kyojin - attack on titan.
(Remembering this review goes only to the first 11 volumes from the manga. I will re-review Shingeki no Kyojin once the manga finished publishing) Note: Sorry if it is a bit incomplete or short. I tried my best not to spoil also, so don't worry if ... you haven't read the manga. Shingeki no Kyojin (or "attack on titan"), is a historical science fiction/fantasy seinen manga series with shounen aspects written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. Let's first talk about the plot, which is definitely the best and strongest aspect of the manga. It's a shame I can't give a plot summary here, because I would like to get a bit into the details, and also, I really don't enjoy going on talking about the plot without mentioning at least the basics. But what can I do? Well, the story at first to me looked cool and interesting, but as it develops more and more, mysteries appear and unimaginable things are revealed. This is what Shingeki no Kyojin did best: creating so many unresolved mysteries at the same time that we get a lot more interested on the story and keep reading. The narrative is constructed in a incredible way, and everything make us feel the despair and fear that the characters are going through while fighting the titans, also another strong point of the manga that we didn't see in the anime. The characters are also very unique. Every character is different in personality, decisions and even the fear they feel. Also, it seems that every single one of them has a special role during the story, or everyone has a mystery behind their background story and such. Of course there are those one characters which have a bit more depth or carisma than others (of course other than the main Eren, Mikasa and Armin), like for example Corporal Rivaille and Sasha Braus, whom I believe a lot of people liked since the moment they appeared. Of course the background of some characters aren't developed a lot during the story, but that can't be a flaw, since the manga has not ended yet. All the concept of the story is well made and can be explained. Every single thing. That is extremely good for every deep story that I read, and what lots of not only anime and manga, but movies, games, novels, etc; lacks sometimes. Things need an explanation at least. And those explanations and the current revelations that pointed me from the opinion of Shingeki no Kyojin was a supernatural/fantasy anime to my thoughts that the anime actually goes much more to a sic-fi genre. However, again, since the story isn't finished and lots of things haven't been resolved, I can't be sure of the genre yet. And that's only my opinion, there are people who still believe the manga to be supernatural. One of the best things that I found about the story was also the deconstruction of typical shonen or even fighting-central seinen. There are few cliches during the manga, and when those appear, they are really well-used to increase the emphasis of something that happened or what someone is saying. And also, something that Shingeki no Kyojin does – or better, the author of the story – is the fact that it kind of doesn't care about deaths of characters, and that is seen very rarely in anime, as well as the censure, that is almost absent throughout the chapters. The deaths does not seem dramatic, but they somehow make you feel at least a bit of emotion, it doesn't matter who they were. But of course I won't get into detail on this part. And, as the story isn't finished yet, I cannot give my general opinions on the ending. But I can only tell that I'm always afraid of endings when I read ongoing mangas or watch ongoing anime. I always think: "What if the ending is completely terrible? What if it ruins the anime/manga?" But , I here can say that I have high expectations that this manga will have a great and well-thought ending. I hope the author doesn't mess up during the ending of the series. Well, now we go on to the art. Well, this is where the manga fails. The art overall is not good, that being because the artist probably is beginning. There are huge anatomy flaws on lots of scenes, proportion mistakes and such things. Also, the shading done in the manga is not the best, and I didn't like much the way Isayama inked the black parts of the pages, those being normally a bunch of lines. However I know that it may be hard to do 50 pages a month, so he probably does that to make it in time to publish. That being, the fight scenes including humans using the DMT aren't really well drawn, however nothing that disturbs the eye of those who read the manga. But the flaws on the art are only for the characters (humans). The titans are overall pretty good and odd – on a good way – drawn and they vary much in forms, sizes and even their faces are almost all different from each other (some titans with beard, others with chubby creepy faces, and some of them are made to look badass – you that already read through good part of the manga probably know what I'm talking about). Also, the art out stands on the scenarios, that are without doubt one of the best out of all manga I've read. It is definitely the most obscure and dark one of today's good manga, with the whole titan story and the mysteries that the plot presents to us. However, I still am not sure if the artist had his assistants draw part of the scenario or not. Even if that's the case, the creativity he had to design everything – the walls for example – is just insane. The fact that the manga presents lots of mysteries is the key to its full enjoyment. You will keep wanting to read more and more, because, well, you want to find out what the freak is happening, and as more unresolved things appear together, you keep wanting more to read. Until you reach the manga's last chapter, and have to wait one month for it to be posted around in some website. The enjoyment, unlike lots of other series, isn't made by the comedy, which is practically absent on the entire manga, and when it happened, of course it was on the calmest moments, where the characters could kind of just relax. And normally when Sasha's around, since she is that typical character on a serious story that is used to relieve a bit of the stressful atmosphere around the other characters, but that as well have her serious moments. The comedy is even funny, probably because of the lack of it. Overall Score: 9.3/10 Shingeki no Kyojin is the best manga being launched during this time without a doubt, and it probably holds one of the best stories I have seen on an anime or manga. The manga presents only one flaw: the art. Don't get me wrong, I don't really think art is super important, however, for mangos with epic stories and intense, fast-paced fights, it is almost mandatory. It doesn't ruin the manga, not even a bit, because of the awesome story that it presents. Its enjoyment is outstanding, characters very good and almost everyone that I know who read the manga say to be one of the best from today's time and, of course, recommend it to others. So, as a final speech, I strongly recommend to all of you Shingeki no Kyojin, both for the ones who want a more serious thing instead of constant comedy, cliche romance and nonsense fighting, and also, I recommend for the boys/girls who only read shounen. I suggest you to go read the manga, because most people who read and watch shounen will like this. So, this was my review of Shingeki no Kyojin. Until my next review, NuclearNecro-42, signing off, and going back to Ishimura.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Jun 27, 2013
Well, this may be a bit late to post a review on this anime, but well, I'm doing it, since I can really say things that I haven't seen written on most of these reviews, and for that I can assume people have never thought much while watching the great anime Psycho-Pass.
But here we go on to the review: Story - 9/10 This is probably one of the hardest concepts to rate, since it has definitely strong and weak points. First things first, this is a cyberpunk police investigation anime set in almost 100 years from today's time. So, on this alternate future, Japan has isolated ... itself completely for the entire world, and now runs by a unique system called SYBIL, that messes people's tendency of committing crimes of any kind. This is made through a scale named Psycho-Pass, where a person with a number more than 100 is already someone who'll never be "normal" again, and anyone with more than 300 must be eliminated. And now, the police moves on only one weapon, named Dominator, which can only shoot once the person has a Crime Coefficient superior to 100. Up to 300, it only shoots a paralyzer, and if the person aimed at is a psychopath or such, the mode is the Lethal Eliminator, that will shoot to kill, blowing up the person. This is the world in which the anime is set in, and I have to say it is pretty creative how they put Japan as being a completely lonely country that has no contact with the outside. And of course this is made in a pretty logical way. No one can ever leave Japan, while no one can ever enter, because if such happens, maybe the Sybil system would be all over the world, and could be traded in the black market for example. And most interesting of all is that we can notice Japan is getting more isolated throughout time. I don't know if what the anime says can become the truth to Japan far in the future (not due to Sybil and such of course), but who knows. But well, let's just think about the situation: a system that decides if people should die or not, if they should stay in a mental hospital forever or have a normal happy life. That's pretty strange, and if we think closely, every system without exceptions isn't perfect, all of them have one or more flaws. But does the Sybil System has flaws? Well this is up to you to find out by watching the anime. Anyhow, the anime has a much deeper meaning than what it seems, especially in the beginning. This happens because it starts with a series of cases which the main characters (detectives - I'll talk about the division later on) have to solve, from a social game mystery to cases where girls were turned into dolls and put on public places as a form of art. And this part I found a bit boring to watch, but of course, still enjoyable and well-scripted. However, when you past half of the episodes, things are going to start getting insane with the appearance of the best character and the one who carried the anime without doubt, whom I'll comment on later. Well, the story is not perfect and it falls a bit near the ending of the anime, however it still is really well-written, and, if you're into philosophy and social discussions or critics, you'll surely enjoy the story to its essence, from how the Sybil works to decide who is right and who is wrong in the story. Art - 10/10 For an anime, I had to give a 10 to Psycho-Pass on the concept of art, since it has definitely the best scenario I've ever seen on any original anime series. Everything is extremely well-thought and detailed, from the buildings to the awesome design of the robots, labs and especially the "labyrinth". Every single aspect of the scenario has a function, and is of course extremely creative and detailed as I said before, however, what really out stands is the fact that everything new about the scenario such as holographic rooms and mobile are all straightly related to the Sybil System and how it works out, which is definitely a strong point when I say about the development of the scenario. Of course the scenario is the outstanding point in P-P when we talk about art, however the actual characters are also extremely well done. Even though the designer is Akira Amano, known for being the author of "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!", a poor manga and anime compared to Psycho-Pass, and the fact that the characters look a lot like the ones from Reborn in some terms; all of them are well made and the designs fit their personalities a lot, and I have to say also that the style chosen for the anime fits very well the dark world it is set in. Sound - 9/10 There's no much to talk about the soundtrack from the anime. It is pretty good and matches perfectly the cyberpunk dark and mysterious world which the anime is set in. I enjoyed some songs a lot, but of course the main theme out stands all the other tracks from the anime, being one of the best themes I've heard in a long while (not only from anime). For the openings and endings, they're all pretty good and also match the style of the anime, but the both the second ending and opening are really better compared to the first ones. Characters - 8/10 Well... This one was even harder than the story itself. And the fact is that there's a huge problem I found with this anime: the few development of the character's pasts and such made me not care a lot about them in the story. But I didn't dislike any of the main characters, it's just that I couldn't care about what would happen to them, only with one that I will talk about later. But let's get a little more in to the characters: The main protagonist of the series is the newest member of the police, Tsunemori Akane, a twenty year old woman that looks like a teenager. And one thing that is interesting about her is the fact that, even though the anime is based a bit on action scenes and such, her character isn't made to be the "strong and badass cliche girl" that we see a lot in almost every game, movie, manga, anime or comic. She is a normal person who has basically the cleanest Psycho-Pass possible (not actually... But I won't give out any spoilers) and is not worried about becoming a latent criminal at all, what makes her Crime Coefficient not rise easily. Her development also doesn't seem forced, and it is made in a pretty cliche but light and good way, at least in my eyes. Her personality also makes her a pretty unique character in relation to most of the ones from the police department, except for the male protagonist, Kogami Shynia, her partner that had a terrible and tragic experience in the past which will be revealed later on. He is determined and seeks for an objective that most people have already put down and forgotten about long ago. He's not much of an interesting character by himself, only when it comes to his way of thinking as a criminal and the intelectual fight against the antagonist. So, here we are, the antagonist... It is indeed hard to talk about him, once it involves lots of spoilers, and I really don't want to give them. So here we go: Makishima Shogo is far, far and far from being a villain. If you finished the anime calling him an annoying villain or a bad guy you should think again about how you see things. Makishima fights for one thing only, and seeks for one thing only. He is definitely the character who carried the story forward, and the one whose absence would have made the anime not good at all. He's also the reason I had to give a "8" as the rating to the characters. But one can only know how Makishima is the best character if this one can also think more than what the story objectively says. Overall - 9/10 Psycho-Pass has beautiful art, interesting plot and storyline, a deeper meaning behind the plot itself, and one of the best antagonist I've seen. Overall, this is a must-watch to everyone who enjoys police investigation or wants something to reflect and think while watching. It can be a bit hard for the sensitive ones to watch, since almost every censure has been eliminated from the gore scenes. I strongly recommend you Psycho-Pass. Even if the beginning is a bit slow and the conclusion was poor and a bit disappointing, it didn't ruin the anime a lot, and it still is one of the best seinen I've watched so far.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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