It's just not fair of you to keep coming up with fetishes to hook us poor unsuspecting fans over and over again with your adorable characters. You know it will work every time, so just stop abusing this power. Some of us still need to go outside and interact with normal people in a fashion that doesn't get us sent to the insane asylum.
Now you try to turn us into necrophiliacs? What did we ever do to you? Oh right the piracy, nevermind.
Anyway Sankarea is in a word, mindblowinglyawesome. See, I didn't use spaces so that still counts
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Shiromabito Japanese: さんかれあ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 11
Chapters: 59
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 9, 2009 to Nov 8, 2014
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Authors:
Hattori, Mitsuru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #20572 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #193
Members: 84,355
Favorites: 2,379 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 24 / 28
Your Feelings Categories Aug 10, 2010
How many of you grew up with a hobby? With something you just in general, love/loved? Living in Hawai'i, I've grown up on a mix of Asian and American culture. A long time ago, I was introduced to anime by my brothers best friend. He taught us about the late, great, Toonami; with Rurouni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, Gundam Wing, and the ever popular Dragon Ball Z. As we grew older, he introduced us to Saturday night Adult Swim, and with it the gore and sex every puberty ridden boy needed; Inuyasha, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Case Closed, Fullmetal Alchemist, Outlaw Star, and the life changer, FLCL.
Sep 11, 2011
Note: This is my first review and I have no writing experience, but I'm writing this due the lack of recent reviews. All reviews are up to chapter 8 instead and this one is up to 20. Anyway, please review my review by giving me advice.
This manga has all ingredients of a typical Shonen. Ecchi, comedy, action and the drama. The setting is quite awesome though. It's spread out nice in the first two chapters, but like others said: it drags a little afterwards. Up to chapter 8 that is. The setting changes afterward and a new character appears, which spices things up. The background ... Jul 16, 2015
In comparison to other animes I had watched at the time, I felt that Sankrea was left too open ended for acceptance. In response to my unsatisfied conscience, I started to read the manga. I expected the main plot to have many events scattered all over the manga in a jumbled order to give humor. In contrast, the manga was extraordinarily intriguing for the plot was well planned out as well as hit my emotions in both positive and negative standpoints. I reread the manga in random chapters, as well as retelling the story to intrigue other friends and family of mine. A master piece
May 28, 2015
Sankarea: Undying Love
Sankarea: Undying Love , literally undying love because it is a love between a human and a zombie. I first watch the anime and due to my interest on what will happen next i thoroughly read the manga only to be in love with this again.This anime is unique because you can feel the heartwarming love between our two protagonist even though the theme or scene is somewhat dark. Story: The story is told in an interesting way. You could literally feel the love every chapter. Also the darkness theme that is slowly oozing out little by little .Killing and making Rea a ... Apr 17, 2011
I hate Sankarea. I HATE it with the fiery passion of a thousand Elvis impersonators! It’s an awful manga that turned me into a rage filled maniac. I wanted to kill a puppy it is that bad! Why do I hate it so much you may be asking? Because it could have been a contender. It could have potentially been a great series. Let me explain my rage! NO Spoilers! Spoiler FREE! Let’s get moving!
The Story: Overall, I LOVE THE STORY! It’s unique and it’s well paced and I just love it. Problems? After the first two chapters the story just DRAAAAAAAGS and it doesn’t have ... Jul 6, 2017
I mean, what the heck is happening to this world... It looks like they are doing it on purpose. PLEASE READ THIS REVIEW TO THE VERY END BEFORE ANYTHING.
I watched the anime like... 4 years ago and I just loved everything, the desing, the characters, the music, but it just covered 2 volumes of the mangas and there was no signs of a 2nd season so, a few days ago I found out that the manga was finished so I read it and wow... Sankarea was a great manga, I fell in love with all the characters inmediatly, Babu, Rea, Darin, Chihiro, Professor Boil, it's imposible ... Jan 20, 2017
Sankarea is a mysterious zombie romance that sounds kind of diffrent and funny, i first watched the anime back there in 2012, and i remember that i really loved it, so why not read the manga and know the end of the story?
My frist reaction was that it was going to be a light love story just like the anime... but the anime just covered 2 volumes of the manga, so thats almost nothing of the story, later on the volume 4 it got a bit more darkness than the expected, and in fact that the anime had a focus on the romance of the ... Jan 18, 2017
I have failed.
So many people have departed from this story with results that they love. I have not. I have randomly found this manga, while having had aimed to find something completely random and new to indulge myself with! Something I'll have no idea about so that it can be a totally genuine experience. And Sankarea was just that. I love the way the manga's covers look(that's what ai based my choice on. I've started reading this, and almost every single thing, every page, I had known what would come in the next. ... Aug 22, 2011
Sanka Rea is your everyday ojyou-sama who complains of being "caged" in her house. Her disastrous father and ignorant mother are two things she wants to get away from, but cannot, until when..poof! She turns into a zombie!
Thanks to Mr. I-have-a-zombie-fetish-Chihiro Furuya..she's now freeloading at his place in order to experience a normal girl's life, what she had always desired.. Honestly, i have no idea why i am reading this manga..maybe because of Furuya's chibi-neko form which is reaaaally moe~! :3 Its a typical romance manga, two girls "sincerely" fighting over one guy, the diffrence being, Rea's body is rotting away..and Furuya needs to find a way ... Aug 12, 2013
This a manga to be proud of if you own it! Mix of zombies and romance is just an amazing mix that can never be bad. I believe that this is just amazing!
A story of a kid named Chihiro Furuya who loves zombies so much that he would even matty one and his cat Babu, but sadly his cat was killed when he was ran over. In his attempt to bring him back from the dead at an abandoned mall, he meets a girl named Rae Sanka screaming into a well(because she hates her life and over protecting father). When he is discovered by her, ... Oct 8, 2016
If you have come to this manga, chances are, you're not satisfied with the ending of the anime and want to see the source material for yourself, you may grow quite disillusioned with the motion picture. How great must the manga be to send this weeaboo elitist dashing on the keyboard so blindly?
Story: 9 I assume you have read the synopsis so I won't repeat it. The story has 2 "parts", rather "arcs" because they interconnect pretty well with each other but still has separate focus. While the first "part" /spoilers/ describe the "daily life" of main characters Rea and Furuya, the second part tells of ... Oct 28, 2019
(this is my personal opinion)sankarea it was really enjoyable to read it with a very interesting story(i will not say anything more because i dont want to spoil anyone) .The artstyle was very nice i can say and pleasing to the eye.Every character had something unique and for this reason they werent boring but sometimes i felt like something was missing.The reason i didnt give it 10/10 was the ending . I dont say that it wasnt good,on the contrary it was very beautiful, but i would prefer a more sad end since it is a horror manga.i absolutly recommend you to read it especially
Aug 22, 2021
- May Contain Spoiler -
So i don't know how should i start, Hmm i don't know about it can be said a horror story or not but yeah this one is definitely have romance and supernatural stuff in it and little Ecchi and comedy too. But if you are thinking that if you should read it or not, i will say 100% go for it you will definitely love the story. For the start you will find it somewhat normal but as you progress in story after 3 Volumes it really starts to get interesting till the end. (hmmm just a little note you will ... Jan 19, 2018
I do not understand why so many people hate it's manga but believe me I do not regret having read it. It's story is quite good despite being somewhat slow, there are also not very good moments, despite everything I think I enjoy it and I strongly recommend it to those who believe that the anime is incomplete.
I loved the characters because they were very memorable, even those of support and comedy. Chihiro's family seemed very nice to me and it made me want to read more and more, even knowing that the plot conflicts were not solved as I wanted. PS: It's final seemed acceptable ... Dec 23, 2018
Story is good but the ending sucks even by saying that i would say that is the only logical ending but, in other words i would say it sucks by just playing with your emotions.
Keeping the sad ending aside i would say that you should try this manga if you want something fresh from normal romance. Story- 8 - Great story with quite a few instances where you 'may' get bored. Art- 9 - For art i can say it's pretty decent, so no worries for that. ... Apr 25, 2017 Ah, Sankarea, how I so enjoyed spending time with you. An ecchi with a storyline? Now that is a rare treat. A story of a boy who loves zombies so much that he makes two of his own. However, it's a bit more work than he was expecting. Please note that this is a review of the MANGA, not the anime; my opinion on the anime is nowhere near as good as the manga. Well, let's get started. Story: 8/10 ... Jan 4, 2021
So, I don't usually read manga. Which is kinda funny if you think that as a child I always read more books than watching movies. For some reason, I also grew up watching anime but never really reading manga, and even if I love anime I have some difficulties getting into manga now. However, a while ago I watched Sankarea and I loved it.
I realized that unfortunately, the chances of getting another season are pretty low, so when I noticed that the manga was completed I thought, why not giving it a try? So I read it. I feel like I should explain the ... May 22, 2013
I found this manga pretty decent. The twist of zombie love is a bit weird but I'm open-minded and I guess it's alright (in a manga only!)
Story - 9: Pretty good story line. It's really good for the first 10 ish chapters. The following chapters were entertaining, but not as innovative. The story is pretty chiche when it comes to love stories. Art - 8: Art is pretty nice. I really love Rea's art specifically. The other characters don't look as good as her. I feel like the artist really put emphasis on Rea's smile pictures. In any other panels, Rea looks like everyone else ... May 15, 2022
This review will be written in English and Portuguese [PT BR]
Essa resenha será escrita em inglês e português [PT BR] ____________________________________________________________________ Sankarea realmente é uma obra interessante... Ao mesmo tempo que ela nos apresenta uma trama “boba” e nós faz rir com um humor típico de animes e mangás desse gênero, ela também consegue nos apresentar bons personagens, com um arco narrativo coeso, e isso foge muito da proposta da maioria dos mangás desse gênero. O absurdo facilmente “aceitável” Eu particularmente gosto quando o mangá não se leva a sério, sabe? Quando o autor se permite criar as histórias menos críveis possíveis e mesmo assim nos apresentar uma trama ... |