Oct 8, 2016
If you have come to this manga, chances are, you're not satisfied with the ending of the anime and want to see the source material for yourself, you may grow quite disillusioned with the motion picture. How great must the manga be to send this weeaboo elitist dashing on the keyboard so blindly?
Story: 9
I assume you have read the synopsis so I won't repeat it. The story has 2 "parts", rather "arcs" because they interconnect pretty well with each other but still has separate focus. While the first "part" /spoilers/ describe the "daily life" of main characters Rea and Furuya, the second part tells of
their adventure to learn more about zombies, especially Rea/spoilers/. What I find brilliant about the plot is that although the first part, as mentioned, tells of the "comedic nichijou"("normal life" in Japanese,"comedic" in brackets because the comedy is a bit clichéd, hence the 8) it did set an eerie atmosphere for the future events to push the climax. The second half, in my opinion, was perfect. It was like Berserk with high-school kids, zombies and a bit of romance. The execution is brilliant, the drama is just right and the climax of it all overflows with fulfillment (in my mother tongue, "cao trào tột độ").
Art: 7
The art was of decent quality, not that eyegasmic or too appalling. The scenes that required better artwork are done decently(/spoilers/the first time Rea eats hydrangea leaves/spoilers/) and the rest are on the same level as other mangas in the same genre. By the way, if you want to see some scenes in their "eyegasm" version, fulfill that fetish here: https://www.facebook.com/imanidiot96/posts/1201771509915634 (the facebook account is mine)
Characters: 8.5
The thing with this story is that everyone seems to have a hidden past(except for Rea, she's pretty straightforward). The manga EXPLORES its characters, rather than DEVELOP them. Someone who acts stupid and goofy may turn out to be a major contributor to the backdrop or has a pretty dark past behind their stupid fetishes. Why I give this part an 8.5 is that beside the ones who play a key part in the story, the rest of the cast of characters are quite generic and over-recycled. If you ignore the clichéd bunch, it's pretty much mini-Cowboy Bebop.
Enjoyment: 10
As mentioned above, extremely satisfying in the end. In my case, the satisfaction is boosted even further by the fact that it's such a fresh take from the hell-bound anime.
Overall: 8
A good blend of romance, action and mystery, Sankarea is best when you invest time into it, rather than just skim or binge between chapters.
First review here, feedback IMMENSELY appreciated.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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