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Jun 27, 2024
I think that this anime is a very intense experience. The level of emotion it can bestow upon you is frightening. The older you are when you watch this, the more likely you are to fall victim to thoughts such as "My time to achieve any of that has passed".
Regarding the technicalities... The animation is "excellent", whatever that might mean to each one of us.. But it is.
The main song of the anime can take root in your heart because of how heavy it falls after you witness the anime.
I watched it dubbed and the voice acting is flawless as well.
One particularly good thing about
this anime is the language of its characters. The characters speak and use words which are genuinely the words that would come to exist if the world of this story is real; So because in this anime its world is real, inside of it those words exist. For example, the anime-world's slang term for getting bodily modifications in the form of cyber-implants is to get "chromed up", and that is likely so because the implants are most often shiny, silver-shiny, like chrome is. The thought behind of that was surely something along the lines of the following: As more and more people got modifications, more and more people witnessed the modifications. Those modified would look shiny at the parts of their body which got modified. Their friend might've told them "Wow, you look like you're made of chrome!", and that's how such a slang came to be.. "Oh wow, you got chromed up again". And it spread. It's how language workds in real life and they're implementeded it in this anime. There are many such words which just scream that a lot of thought and love was given to the creation of this anime.
It is an (extremely) coherent and whole story. The only reason you would want for more episodes is to not feel like your are suffocating because the window into the story of these fictional characters has been closed. Some people describe it as "When people want more episodes of an anime its creators know they've succeeded".. I agree. This anime doesn't need another season or anything.. And its creators specifically stressed that this story is done. This story will never be touched again. If anything new comes up, it will be a new cast of characters, but these characters' story is completed. This is it, as regarding our window through which we witnessed their story...
Everything about this anime is flawless. The character interactions, the scene changes,the story, the characters themself of course...
If you love romance and the idea of love and, or friendship, you might love and be hit hard, perhaps even physically-painfully-hard, by Cyberpunk:Edgerunners.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 22, 2022
This anime is a complete experience. I can only hope to gain something more than what this anime offers. Every aspect of it is impeccable, art by itself, flawless. The most important thing to me is the story and I think that that's the most difficult aspect to flawlessly deliver on, which this anime does, for me at least.
So, this is a masterpiece in my book. It reminds me of the anime Shiki and Shinsekai Yori because of the level of quality that the whole package that the anime is has. These three anime are different, but it can't get better than what this anime
is, or those two are, there can only be variations in how the package of perfection is delivered, for me at least.
You know how with the real-life media what is provocative or negative is what's most often talked about because it garners the most attention by the audience? If you prefer such content then this is not for you, heh. This story is a story of love and it is positive. The first episode already had me in tears, and I adore this first episode. All of the tears that were brought to my eyes were not caused by sadness but by overwhelming warmth, love. If only the real life was as lovely as anime is for me, and if only it was as this particular anime is.
This anime also has the trait that its OP is, at least for me, so good that I watched it every time it arrived. Koto's smile and then striking a pose, A and Un laugh.. The way the characters are all presented as the music is flowing. The 1:04 mark and onwards.. The OP itself is touching for me.
Koto, the main charactress, came across as dense, was hard to "feel" for me in the beginning. That changes and I love how it changed and that it did. The love in between the characters is what brought the most enjoyment to me. It is a story that warmed up my heart, to put it that way.
The anime also has a lot of cultural heritage in it, that is to say, a lot of it is directly inspired/taken from the history of Japan. Some of the things were direct references, such as for example the temples in the anime being drawn temples from the real life in Japan. Some of the things are less literally taken from the real life history, but were directly inspired by it and have an additional something added to them to make it a bit more enjoyable in the anime. For example, Myoue's dog, Inuyama is grown up, when in real life it is a polished wooden statue of a puppy that the real life historical figure, priest Myoue, had supposedly pet every day because he loved animals. Yes, the priest had supposedly pet the wooden statue and that is what made it be polished as he did it for years. Watch the special episode, episode 5.5 to find out about this stuff becasue that is where I've found out what I'm talking about in this paragraph. Anyways, for me it is a plus when inspiration is taken from the real life and with that some form of respect for what one's culture is is given. I appreciate that.
Then, the music. The OP's song is lovely, I enjoy it and have it on my phone to listen to whenever I want. The ED is also a great song, but because the ED doesn't have a story(animation of the characters or something that conveys a story), the ED song I've not connected to as strongly. The main thing I want to point out here is that the music during the anime is overall awesome. In particular, there are times when this.. I'll describe it as divine music, the music/sounds that sound religious, music which I would "expect" to hear if a God, or two, were explaining what happens after death. That's just my attempt at conveying what the music feels like me. The music is played during particular times in the anime and it simply increases my immersion, it makes me engrossed by the story.
And that leads me into the final part which is another praise for the story. The story is not a mundane one. It's as wholesome as what for me the Lord of The Rings is. The story doesn't just tell the story of the relationships of a few people, its story is grand and relevant to everything in its universe. That's why the aforementioned "divine music" was leading towards this, it fits with what the overal story is, to me.
Trying to think of a downside, what comes to my mind is that the side characters need to get a lot more exposure. Alas, this only has 10 episodes and with that it's just fine. Also, I would love to know more about the... Strang beings which I've interpreted as being replacements for what should be actual people, which are seen for example in the train station.
Anyways, I love this. This is the ideal anime, this is the complete experience. It can't get better than this for me, there can only be variations. This anime is what I always hope to gain from the experience of whatcing an anime, I always hope to get from fiction.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 30, 2022
Beauty. Another example of why I love manga. It gives me everything that the socially incapable or whatever I myself have hindered myself from acquiring. I learn something from most of the manga I read.. Or at least repeat a somewhat faded lesson..
With this story that lesson revisited is.. That I should not be fixed in on my inner burning of bridges.. I should perhaps always leave some room for forgiveness when I am suffering and some room for love when all I feel is hate.
There is romance and some tough scenes which I love because I interpret it all as the genuine striving by
the author to do their best at convey the story that they are translating from their imagination into a manga. I love this. It's short and meaningful. Also, the main character is very cute (Tsugu). To add on to that, the entire art is splendid and without a single weak point.
Additionaly, the single chapter story in the last volume is made out of absolute love that I can't currently comprehend and that makes it interesting and lovely. It's somethijg I've never thought about which is big since I was 28 at the time when I've read this story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 6, 2022
I've read the (light) novel with the manga next to it so as to have it provide me with some visualization. It was great for that.
There are painful things in this story, things "everyone" would appreciate having had a different conclusion (the revenge and that certain character's life overal is hard to come to terms with. You'll understand if you've read the story), but it is what it is and it's what makes the story what it is. That character's life, her past and both her new and old futures is how real life works. Merciless. I wish her all the best.
I feel like the
novel made this an overal better experience than had I just read the manga. I am not sure though. I love manga.
It's a great story which ends with making me feel like I'm suffocating, making me feel like crying, and with making an ephemeral point, at least for me.
I would love to have 3 days of happiness.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 6, 2022
I've read the (light) novel with the manga next to it so as to have it provide me with some visualization. It was great for that.
The extra chapters (the two .5 chapters) don't exist at all in the novel.
The differences in between the manga and the novel are such that the novel has more details and smaller parts of the narrative. I'll leave it at that.
The manga offered me the visualizations which I sometimes couldn't envision myself, be it that of the scenery in the story or the characters' conduct and appearance.
There are painful things in this story, things "everyone" would appreciate having had
a different conclusion (the revenge and that character's life overal is hard to come to terms with. You'll understand if you've read the story), but it is what it is and it's what makes the story what it is. That character's life, her past and both her new and old futures is how real life works. Merciless. I wish her all the best.
I feel like the novel made this an overal better experience than had I just read the manga. I am not sure though. I love manga.
The art in this manga is not something spectacular so to say, but it's nothing less that exactly what the manga lover that is me loves. Expressions and body language are conveyed and what is care about the most.
It's a great story which ends with making me feel like I'm suffocating, making me feel like crying, and with making an ephemeral point, at least for me.
I would love to have 3 days of happiness.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 28, 2022
Brief version:
This is a (wonderful) story about young adolescents, living a picture-perfect mundane school life. I love it because I've never had that kind of a normal life and through this story I could somewhat experience it. There is a romantic element which I would say for more than not would be a dream come true. At the very least for me it would be. The two of the main characters' romantic development is the focal point of the story until about half way through. Then, after that aspect of the story.. Develops, they are in love and each page of the story feels like
another brick in the wall which is their love and appreciation for one another. I feel sorrow knowing that I've long since been past the point in my life where I could hope to meet someone with who what the two main characters have become to each other will develop.. They've found someone and created something fulfilling; They've become a precious person for someone who became their precious person. The story doesn't stop there. The story goes on and shows how they nurture that relationship and make it grow every day for the rest of their life that we know about.
This is a perfectly mundane story which I only can dream of being my life at this point.
Every single character is a loveable good person.
Now, the a bit longer version..
I've had this story in my mind as "one of the great stories I absolutely must go through" for a long time.
I first got to know of this story through Reddit, r/manga, before the anime was announced. People on there were displaying a lot of affection for it a lot and based on what I read, the expectation and hope that I'll love everything about the story grew in me. Then, after a long whe, I'd found the mental capacity to broach it and finally delve into it.
I expected this story to be something I'll love and that is what came to be.
There is one single thing I've mildly disliked in Horimiya. That is the fact that some characters seemed to be underappreciated by the other characters, most prominently Iura Shuu.. I dislike that, I dislike comic relief characters (there are no comic relief characters in Horimiya, it's just what came to mind as a comparison). But that wasn't my interpretation for too much, so it's not terrible.
Through Horimiya I lived through what I'd love for my life to actually be. I'm bad with people, am all alone, and all of that cliche stuff. When I get the opportunity to get closer to someone nowadays, I just don't feel like doing it, I become tired by just the thought because it always ends up worse than had it not happened at all. Through Horimiya I could enjoy the "life" of having friends and being alright in the society, without the fuck up which is me actually being a part of that equation. Every interaction in this story in between all characters is for me a reminder of how life can be beautiful, how my next life might be! I'm sure that there actually exist people who are, other than for their names, the same as the group of characters in this story together.
The characters aren't presented like a "major character", "more major character", "less important character", "unimportant character".. They're all just natural, the difference being only in the amount of spotlight they receive. The spotlight's shine doesn't shine less or more bright for any character than it does for any other character. It would be lovely to know more about all of the characters of this story. I feel like I could spend the rest of my days reading about them, reading this story. I was so.. Engaged with the story that I eventually started realizing "wow, you are just looking at a screen, a drawing.. They literally don't exist, this warmth is just a construct in your mind, not a real person.." and I would feel sad. It's nice when a story achieves this for me.
This manga is originating from a web comic by the story's author, HERO sensei. Here is a link to their site: http://dka-hero.me/top.html
Please realize that the manga Horimiya is (the first) 120 chapters of the web comic. Those 120 chapters convey the main story, which is mostly about Miyamura kun and Hori san. It is so very worth of a mention that actually there, CURRENTLY, 460 more chapters! They're an omake (bonus story), but it is 460 chapters! It's basically the same as the first 120 chapters, just with the focus being more on the other characters. Kyouko and Izumi are still present though! The thing to note is that none of those chapters have been translated from japanese right now.
Sidenote which I'm mentioning because of the expectation that for some, Iura's behaviour might be not perceivable as anything other than a quirky manga character trait; I am identical to Iura in regard to his differing personality based on who he is with, specifically, when I'm with my sisters(family) my behaviour is to a I would say great extent different than when I am with someone else.
I like Sawada Honoka a lot as a character. I will be intentionally very vague in the following about her. When she first appeared I was quite captivated by her and the expectation of there being more of her.. It's interesting how she became "just another" character as I realized that she indeed was, just another character. What I mean is that when she first appeared she captivated the majority of my emotional attention and that I even might've expected her to become a major focus point of the whole story.. But that's not what happened. There is something sorrowful about her, and there are many wonderful things about her. She is precious. The beautiful thing to me is that the authoress didn't make her revolve around these certain things which in most other stories would become at least somewhat of a defining characteristic of the character carrying them.
Life goes on and it is, to me at least, clear that in the "behind the scenes" (what the author didn't present to us in the manga) she does deal with what she has to deal with and that just because the authoress chose not make her character revolve around one specific thing doesn't mean that that thing is irrelevant, that those things are irrelevant. My interpretation is that it is a way to convey that people move on. People mustn't live in the past. Life goes on. One of the sad things about her is practically identical to what is sad about Miyamura in the earlier stages of the story, and Miyamura's past, before the story began. Trough that I assume that it is implied that Honoka will, just like Miyamura did, overcome it and soon enough have what to her personaly is a fulfilling life. I mean, it wasn't really merely implied, it was somewhat made apparent. 🙂
Things in this manga are reeeally slice-of-life, and primarily Izumi-Kyouko.
There are things I'm left wondering about and would've loved to see, but I guess that the reason why they were't drawn out (this being a manga, also in the literal sense) for me is because that would dilute the story, it wouldn't fit as neatly as the authoress would want it to fit with what she strived to achieve with this creations of her's. It's not necesssary for everything to be drawn out (litterally) for the reader of this story, in order for the reader to know that some things did/do happen.
For example, with Honoka, I briefly felt like she stopped existing in the story which was sad to me because I like that character a lot. Then, on one page, outside of a speech bubble I think even, there was a sentence which changed my view of the whole Horimiya manga; That sentence said that Miyamura was tired because he was playing games up until the early hours with Honoka.
Poof, at that moment I realized that the story is not faulty in the way of skipping some developments, or of being one-dimensional. Honoka wasn't present for some time in the story at that point, so when she was mentioned just like that, I relized that the story shows us certain things, but the characters have lives outside of what is literally shown to us through the story. Tooru and Yuki have their life while we witness Hori and Miyamura hanging out at the Horis place. Yuuna and Souta have a life while we're shown the main cast all hanging out in the council room. Yuriko and Kyousuke, Miyamura's mom, Motoko.. And Honoka. They all have a life behind the scenes. The story just doesn't focus on them, this isn't a story about them (remember, there are, currently, 460 more chapters of the web comic which ARE about the other characters). This is a story about Izumi Miyamura and Kyouko Hori. Even with them, there are things which are left to my imagination and I know have happened "behind the scenes"!
The relationship of Hori and Miyamura. The authoress portrayed for us in the story their emotional and for their relationship major developments. Things which signify how much they were bonding and growing their love for and trust in one another. Some mundane things about them aren't drawn out for us in this story though.
Skip until the next paragraph if you don't want to read a mild spolier. It's about something that there isn't in the manga, which then you'll know not to expect and hope for.
My first kiss is not something awfully worthy of a mention. Perhaps Hori and Miyamura's wasn't either? In any case, their first kiss isn't shown. Perhaps it was beautiful but nothing out-of-this world, and that is why the authoress chose not to (literally) draw it out for us, the reader, but to simply show us the story in which we will know that they did kiss prior? It could've been in the story as I doubt it would've been anything but beautiful, but it not being shown makes the story more mature to me and solidifies the "things happen behind the scenes" interpretation.
Now I'll mention something which I think is a bad topic in today's world, namely because of cancel culture, and because it will dirty up this review I guess... But I will mention it, I want to mention it!
I want to mention it because what increased how much this story shines for me is precisely how this story is not contaminated by that! What I have in mind is.. Well, I don't know what precisely to call it.
The characters in this story are normal human beings who make jokes that will evoke toxicity within a "woke" individual. I fully expect that there are plenty of people who literally took issue with this whole story because of how not-okay they are with some jokes and things that the characters of the story said. I've never minded this in a story before, probably hadn't even noticed it as something worthy of a mention in my own thoughts. But, because of the state that the world I am surrounded by is in today, becuase of how loud and overreaching these "woke" people are becoming, I have taken notice of it in this story and it is something I appreciate the story for further more. It makes me remember that the world is not crazy but that just some really loud and/or influental people are, and that they empower those who share their views while canceling those who don't.
There is some spite in the above because more than once have I been offended and hurt by people who had a toxic interpretation of what I said (just a single someone IRL, while on Reddit it's not just a single person usually) and decided on stickng with jt without being willing to heart out what it is that I'd actually meant. They allow themself to define my words, the meaning I had intended for them and the overal intention of my thoughts which gave birth to my words. This has been happening increasingly more often in the last few years. I am happy that Horimiya is clearly not a story created with the worry of not offending those people in mind. This is a really small aspect which I presume more people than not will not notice.
My latest ponder, given birth to by this story somewhere around its 80th chapter, is that these works of fiction are here to captivate those like myself, who have practically given up on themself and thus experience "life", what they would love to have from it, through these works of fiction. I hope that as few people as possible need to read Horimiya in order to experience Horimiya!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 1, 2021
As I was beginning to watch this anime, I'd felt like this is something made by a template on how to make a(n anime) story which will have emotional and phylosophical weight. The characters were plain out boring at first, and nothing but the story was interesting. I was pushed away by how uninspired the characters felt for me, because I've seen many stories with similar characterisations, but it made for an easy watching. This anime wasn't so much about the characters for me as it was just an enjoyable watch.
In the first half of the anime, as I was feeling my attention isn't
being captivated because of what to me was plain and boring, I was sticking around for the awesomely animated shots of running, the cool fighting scenes, the cool music, and, obviously, Miki's ass as she was preparing to start her run. I'd kept on watching for those reasons, as well as to see how far the story goes with being extremely NSFW. I was enjoying the things presented and the way in which they were. I'm specifically thinking of the NSFW scenes of which there is A LOT in the first half of this anime.
Anyways, the first half of the anime is sort-of boring to me, but the aforementioned reasons made me stick with it. In the later half, the NSFW scenes stopped being all-over the place as the story developed.
The big plus of this anime is that, similarly to how it's kind-of basic and plain in regards to characters and the story-development, it's also very good in terms of not trying to be smart about stuff or overcomplicating of anything. Thank God, the characters do not yell oit silly names for their attacks when they fight. Regarding the fights in this anime, they are great! No dragging out of ANY kind, no immerssion-killing narration, and the fight are executed properly in terms of their length. They don't last forever. Continuing on, in this amime everything happens similarly to how it does in real life; You don't get a narrated explanation for some of the things you don't understand, and I liked that on more ocassions than not because it fit with the overal style of the anime. There is even a seemingly major character in terms of the story's universe who appears just as abruptly as they disappear from the story.
I'll make a hard to understand hyperbole here, but it's what I think when I think of why I've enjoyed this anime; When your parents die, or your lover, that's it. Nothing you do will change that. This anime doesn't dwell too much on what in real life people also shouldn't dwell on. Shit happens. Accepting it is the first step you must make. Overall, I think that this is a good fit for older audiences.
It seems to me that this anime cut a lot of the content from the source material, which is a manga. It might be an incorrext assumption because as far as I know, the story is quite old and I don't have much experience with stories as old as this one, so it might just be the case that the "hastiness" and the lack of time given to tiny details and a strong romantic element is the norm of how stories were told back at the time when the manga was drawn and written. There is romance in this story, but it is basic in terms of how much time the story gives to it.
Now, for the final part. The ending of this anime is good and overall bumped the score by 2 point. By ending, I mean the last 2 episodes. It reminded me of Evangelion because of an extreme similarity with it to such an extetd that I scream with excitement. That's besides the point. I like the very ending scene because it finished.. On a positive note.
Overall, I've liked this anime and consider its simplicity its strength. It's an easy watch for a watch session with someone, someone you're comfortable watching a lot of NSFW animation with that is. It didn't make me rewind it constantly in order to "interpet what the author meant". It is direct and simple. The last two episodes were are and improved my enjoyment and thus overall opinion substantially. The very ending is beautiful. One last thing I'll add is that I think it's a shame that the number one review of this anime here on MAL is the one made by a person who obviously failed terribly with this anime. You should look up to people who succeed, not fail and then elaborate on why exactly the've failed. The point of anime is beauty, as is of all art.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 21, 2020
To me, this anime is beautiful in the simple meaning of that word. After all the stories that I've gone through, this is what's turned out to be my breath of fresh air. A story in which exclusively everything is good and nothing is bad.
Happy.. Not just happy, but wonderfully happy developments happening all over the place.
In a lot of stories there are characters that are the enemies in their given circumstances, but if those circumstances were to be different they'd be friends, or even lovers. To realize our dreams of those characters, at least I turn to fan artworks in which those characters are drawn together. There isn't even many artworks of this story to find and I assume that it's because this story is a whole cake, not just a piece of it, if you understand my analogy. :)
Regardless of that, this story is its own fan-fiction in that sense. Characters which start as enemies, but end up hugging each other in tears and becoming best friends. It's as if that is the essence of this story. I'd even say that no one in this story is ever an enemy of anyone. Even the government is not a bad guy, that ever-present trope.
Almost all of the characters are all bright and positive. At the very least, the conviction is understandable in positive light, but that is an eternal trope and won't be a surprise to anyone I think.
I like all of the characters, but the young girls are especially noteworthy for me. They are good and kind people that are easy to love for me. If only the world was full of kids like that. I wish the world was full of people like the people in this anime in general.
But, I'll just touch on what my feelings are regarding Sana.
Sana, the main character, is almost perfect. The "almost" is there because she is so near-flawless, that a tiny thing like this is the only flaw making her less-than-perfect for me. For me, it matters that a younger character has an appropriately younger voice actor. He voice actor not being that is that single minute flaw.
None the less, the voice actress of Sana performed better than flawlessly, to put it that way... She actually has the intonation, the rhythm, the.. I don't know how to describe it exactly. Her voice sounds like that of a little kid. The way she speaks, the way she stutters, the way the tone of her voice loses confidence, the excitement at times, the voice of an angry child.. Everything about her voice acting for Sana is childlike. Her voice contributed tremendously to me perceiving Sana as a genuine child and liking her as much as I do. It's not even right to say I like her, I'm just happy to know that she is in the hands of two wonderful people, Sanae and Zouroku.
Beyond just her voice, Sana as a character is such an amazing feat. She is very well characterized for a child character. The way she speaks, thinks, behaves and acts, it's all childlike. Not just that, but it's all also how a child that's never seen the outside world would be. My overall point is that Sana is a wonderful character that easily could've carried the show by herself for me, but it wasn't necessary!
While this is a fantasy story, it's not over-the-top. Once you're into the story, the story will not change until its end, so to say. There is a final event, but it's not a plot twist, or something to be described as an arc, it's just how the story goes, proceeds, and departs from you. The story will be just what it has been since the start. Because I am so loving of the topic of beautiful (honest, filled-with-good-intentions) human relationships, this anime has had my eyes in tears for what honestly felt like half of the entire duration of the show.
I liked what the story was presented to me as, and I only liked it more and more with each episode.
Having ended up loving this story, I am glad to have given it a chance.. I'm going to read this manga.
Did I mention that the ending of this anime, the very last scene, is something so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes yet again..
Only thing left to add is that I loved the OST, having searched for one particular piece during the first occasion that it's played in the anime, because of how much and instantly I liked it, and, the art is cute and beautiful. The characters are expressive and especially in the last few episodes, the environment is beautifully drawn.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 10, 2018
This being so poorly rated here on MAL serves to further my disdain towards MAL.
This story is all around perfect for me.
These people writing reviews in an invalid manner, who the majority are here on MAL (and I think everywhere), which is the critical approach itself;
I wonder if they've even accounted for when this anime had come out.
Regardless of that, I love the animation of this story, I love its music (the first few seconds of my first viewing of the ED were enough to grip me firmly, and the artworks accompanying the music played a role in that, but the song is just..),
and most importantly, above all, I love the characters.
I haven't developed a firm understanding on how to think of the main character, as I was bothered by him, but I have come to very much accept him.
A valid explanation on as to why the MC is the way he is, to me, is that he is the author's tool with which to tell the story, tell it exactly how he wants. Can't get more valid than that.
Having written it out like this, all this stuff about the MC, this might make it seem like he's something I highly detest or simply consider horrible.
It's not that, it's a more subtle aspect of my preference.
I think that mostly everyone has had a problem with the MC exactly in the manner that I have as well, and I am glad to have succeeded with him in the end.
Other than for the MC, all of the other characters are flawless to me.
There is this female character in this story, a girl, who I've grown to adore, who is immaculately beautiful, delicate but strong, broken..
I want to hug her, I want to have grown up with her, I want to console her, I want to support her, I want to keep her safe, I want to help her recuperate, I want to be in the same world as her..
As compared to the majority of anime from my experience, the way characters are in this anime is flawless.
Like when I've first started watching anime and fell in love it undoubtedly in part thanks to how in anime characters usually are always quite.. "Transparent", quite open with their feelings without lying about them, as opposed to how real life is, where getting to know people is something practically inconceivable, in my reality.
I think it's not even that, but simply, in "Now and then, here and there", the characters are realistic without ANY fan service (what I'm thinking of is far from the sense of sexual fan service, I mean the fan service personality-wise).
That goes for the story as well.
The melancholy..
I love it, melancholy is beautifully horrible and I love that.
The story is realistic, and not "fan-service-y".
What can I say..
By the end of it, I was greeted by the aformentioned;
Beloved melancholy.
I hope I'll get to experience another anime like this..
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 21, 2018
This story changed genre in its last 60 chapters.
When I had just begun reading this, I wasn't too thrilled by it.
With the amount of dissatisfaction that had accumulated, I would read through some of the other peoples' opinions which only furthered the feeling that I just want to get this story over with.
This story is, for its greater part, a shonen story. That is to say that silly developments best described as instead of doing the logical, the plot-fertilising choices are made, are all that happens. But that that's all that happens is entirely incorrect..
The people who say this turned bad as it was
nearing its end (as of around chapter 200) are exclusively the people who like what I've described above. They like shonen, fighting, dislike drama, or simply can't enjoy something in a way diferrent from the one they've grown to enjoy it in already.
"Girls of the Wild's" is a gem for me. I've been wanting to find a hybrid story, to call it so, such as this. A story which grows on its audience based on something which entirely changes as the story progresses.
It took me as long as it did to read the first 200 chapters, to read the last 60 (in days).
This story is a shonen-harem over the course of its first 200 chapters, and it has caused an innumerable amount of times for me to roll my eyes during the time of reading those first 200, having been unable to take the story seriously because of its developments.
That entirely ENTIRELY changes later on.
This story goes from being a shonen fighting genre, to being about love, turning in to a drama, becoming realistic, changing vastly from the extraordinary daily stuff occurring, to just life going about normally.
It somewhat feels to me like the author simply prepared the ground for his main intent for the story which is the chapters after the first season.
I was dragging myself through quite a number of chapters prior to the "season 2" of the story (literally, the manhwa in itself has a chapter at the end of which it's written that it marks the ending of the first season of the manhwa, that chapter is around ch. 200), but with the coming of the ”2nd" season.. Wow, as if the entirety of the first 200 chapters carry the purpose to cultivate the ground, the latter within me set in and bore fruit splendidly.
The most important thing to me is the characters, and in that aspect this story never made me "roll my eyes", as its plot in the beginning did.
I wish there was more to this story.
I wish there was more of The Girls of the Wild's..
I've been feeling down since I've read the story becauae my view of the world of that story's characters is done.
I can only imagine what goes on with their lives after the final chapter.
Moonyoung, Jaegu, Queen, Yeo Jung, Joon Gu, the Goo Ra high's teacher and miss Lee Na.. Jae Hyung, Jae Som, In Sung, Hye Sung.. All.. Each and every single one of those, not knowing more about them, being cut off from their world brings about a feeling of suffocating to me.
And then there's Dal Dal.
What went on with her in the story, and how it finalized, is scary to me. I don't know how else to put it.
If I remember Dal Dal or she comes up as a wallpaper on my phone when I'm about to sleep, I get woken up by the discomfort instigated by knowing what went on with her.
I feel horrible, because she's perfection that slipped away and can never be attained again.
Something along the lines of "You don't know what you have until you lose it".
Queen is also perfect, Dal Dal and her are both honorable while queen is also respectul, but I simply grew vastly attached to Dal Dal as she is an extremely direct, open and warm person.
This was a top-class story for me.
When I think about Dal Dal, it brings about the feeling of suffocating in me.
I was highly disencouraged by the a lot of the opinions, but it's just people who got lost in the story, as the author did perform a trick with the telling of it.
Basically, this story changes genre.
9/10 and not 10/10 because I had some trouble with keeping myself reading the story during its first 200 chapters, the first season, after it it turns 10/10.
I was annoyed over how I was swayed to expect that I would not like the story further more, but just the opposite, as I'd near its end.
It's really great to me, gave me melancholy.
I mean.. It's just come across my mind that this is the feeling of NTR, something I don't even remember having felt while reading Kuzu no Honkai.
This story is just so special. It was told in such an overall thought out way.
First the author built up the world or the story's characters, and then in the last 60 chapters focused just on it .
This is the only way I can actually legitimately experience the "NTR" feeling. It wasn't forced, it's not even in the "genres" of the series. I grew attached to the characters, but their story is only told of for a while, as their life together only lasted that much and the mangwa ended.
Gradually, they started going their seperate ways, just as it happens in real life..
This was a top-class experience, but but not story due to the first 200 chapters, for me.
I wish there was more to read through, at least 500 chapters. The story ended while it was soo good.. I love this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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