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Mar 28, 2021 6:57 AM

Jul 2017
What a fight between Yui and the double tag-team of Kabane and Nobimaru. It's not easy to go against an ice user, and putting Kabane on fire as a combustion source does the trick against another lifestone user, and nullifying that with his own.

Glad that Akira is able to have a closure with Yui, as is with him meeting Inugami finally for recovery and safety under Grandma Ohana's treatment.

But to think that all of this is just the prologue with the self-title, a lot of infodump on the Kemono war between humans, and most importantly, a lead to Kabane's parents.

Nobimaru playing with Kon's feelings of Inari's mission, WELP...acting as a spy, but of course getting found out by Kabane and Inugami.

A pretty good underrated show, time to continue with the manga!
Mar 28, 2021 6:59 AM

Apr 2018
That's a nice conclusion for the Akira and Yui case, and also a lot of interesting information about the kemono incidents and the way to find Kabané's parents, too bad that Inari is sending Kon once again but on the other hand I'm happy that we'll see more of her.
Overall it was a good shounen, quite underrated for this season to be honest, nothing too special about it but it was very enjoyable especially thanks to its characters, I hope that we'll be able to get a 2nd season
Mar 28, 2021 7:03 AM

Jan 2014
Honestly hope people check out the Manga if they can after this. It's a good read, much like this is a good show. It isn't super long, and I'm sure you'll be caught up in no time. I do hope we'll get a second season of this.

Kon being super precious gal at the end. I loveeee her.
Mar 28, 2021 7:09 AM

Jun 2019
A good fight to end the season. Yui with null stone was definitely a strong opponent. But, with the help of Nobimaru and Kabane, Yui got back to his old self. Glad to see that. Also, Kabane being happy that Akira still loves him was so adorable. :3
We finally some lead on Kabane's parents as Inugami explained to them the past. The whole scenario with Kon was pretty interesting and might set up for the next season, I'm assuming.
But, quite a good show. Pretty underrated tho mostly because of all the other big shows going on at the same time.
Mar 28, 2021 7:12 AM

Jul 2020
Solid ending, concluding most of the plot in season 1 whilst sowing the seeds for a potential s2! Honestly a great shounen and was fun to watch with some interesting takes on characters.
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Mar 28, 2021 7:14 AM
May 2014
ah yes, the story of kemono jihad
can't wait for s2
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Mar 28, 2021 7:19 AM
Oct 2016
A solid end for this show. Kabane had been through a lot since he meet Inugami I'm glad that they're finally going to look for information about his parents. I did worry tat the arc with Akira and Yui ending the show would take away from that but the writing tied it in nicely with the stones being passed down to descendants so maybe either his mother or father was a high ranking kemono. A clue that could help figure out Kabane mysterious past. Overall I very much enjoyed this show. There are some low spots and some things that aren't that well done but definitely the dark horse underrated show of this winter. The whole cast is great with Kabane, Shiki, Akira, Kon, Inugami and even Mihai. Inari and Nobimaru, and even Yui at the end, being interesting opposing forces to pit against them. Shiki, Akira and Kon all had great development with their own personal arcs. The action looked good all throughout the show with Ajia-do handling it best they could. I think this is a show that lots of people could get into especially if they like darker occult mystery type anime.

Mar 28, 2021 7:23 AM
Sep 2015
I really want a sequel! Kabane naked again, in fact, I think he's more naked than dressed through the whole season.

While anime tone down some dark side, it hasn't change any of that. You just have to look and think deeper if you only watch the anime, while the manga feed that data directly into your eyes.

But both anime and manga don't reveal what's happened to Yui and Akira's father, at least in this point of the story.

Yui is now my favorite character, while it's kinda sad that I won't be his first time, his high sexual skill could compensate that.
Mar 28, 2021 7:25 AM
Oct 2020
Great end to the first season. Hope there is season 2.
Friend Request?

Mar 28, 2021 7:37 AM

Jan 2012
And so Akira is reunited with his brother, and our cast goes their separate ways...for now.

I gotta admit, seeing Kabane's flaming skull hopping around was unexpectedly humorous given the seriousness of the moment. And that makes for a nice little segue into my overall thoughts on this series. It's actually a pretty good example of them. This was such a wholesome, feel-good series for me. I usually had a smile on my face while watching it. Going in I was expecting much darker fare, but I'm glad I was wrong. I'm glad Akira's brother didn't have to die. I'm glad Shiki's mother didn't have to die. In other shows like this one or both certainly wouldn't have made it. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised. This is based off a series in a shonen magazine, but that's no guarantee. I've seen darker stuff come from shonen magazines too afterall. The chemistry of our main cast was really strong in this one. Just take the cute little moment of Akira and Kabane holding hands running around happy in a circle in this episode. It felt natural, and I shared in their delight. Honestly, should this get more episodes in the future, my biggest worry is that it will begin to lose that wholesomeness. That characters really will start dying. I don't want that, but I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it. For now I'll just end by saying this was definitely a surprise of the season for me, in a positive sense. A breath of fresh air. 8/10
Mar 28, 2021 7:47 AM
May 2017
This episode was everything I liked about Kemono Jihen as a whole. Decent action scenes, wholesome character interaction and smooth plot transitions. Really enjoyed this series. Personal rating 8.1/10. Mal rating 8. Can't wait to see where they take it from here
Mar 28, 2021 8:03 AM

Sep 2019
It was a wholesome episode. Everything is back to norma or better than what their normal used to be. Akira is together with his brother, Kabane and Kon going on vacation, I'm happy for them. It was hilarious when Akira fell asleep to his brother's "serious talk".

I liked Kemono Jihen. The story was good, animation was great. I loved the characters and their VAs.
Mar 28, 2021 8:03 AM

Nov 2011
Me at the end of this episode: "F***, F***, F***" I wanted a "See you next Season!" Dammit this episode and series was so good!

The fight between Kabane and Yui was intense! For Kabane to be lit on fire to fight him was actually insane.

The art and animation for that fight was so good as well!

Oh man Kabane's face when Akira told him he wasnt mad was so freaking pure. And then both of them holding hands spinning in circles was so funny!

I wanted more KON and they teased more Kon at the end of the episode...dammit is I need season 2 PLEASE!!!

10/10 I loved this anime.
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Mar 28, 2021 8:05 AM

Apr 2019
Really surprised with how well the studio adapted this show. Very solid, almost no off-model faces.

i will miss my weekly dose of Kabane drug. Wearing boyfriend shirt and dancing in joy when he realizes he is actually not hated. Such a cute kid, unlike a certain pervert shota this season.

Mar 28, 2021 8:11 AM

Oct 2017
Kabane and Nobimaru vs Yui fight was pretty good. Good thing Yui's back to normal. We learn what happened after he took the null stone and as expected he went berserk and killed all the women of his harem, what a waste. The new infos on Kemono were interesting. Kabane might be a descendant of a great Kemono and it's time to find out if he really is.

Decent season overall, now hopefully we'll get season 2.
Mar 28, 2021 8:23 AM

Oct 2014
We got a good finish to Akira and Yuis storyline. All in all a good season.
Looks like there are more stones like the one Kabane and Yui had, I wonder how many there are.
There is for sure material for a second season, I hope we get one.
Mar 28, 2021 8:39 AM
May 2016
Great finale for a great show, looks like the stones fusing spoiled Inari's plans, I can't believe she is serious about Kon taking them back. Great fight, Kabane puts even Wolverine to shame in sacrificing his body. Overall this was one of the surprises of the season, really well done, art, story, action having that perfect level of dark creepiness mixed with lighthearted comedy and great characters and chemistry between them. Not having more Kon would be my only complaint. That tease that the next arc will be only her and Kabane has me really hoping for a season 2, I'd love to see that.
Mar 28, 2021 8:50 AM

Apr 2009
Best anime of the season 9/10! Hope there are more seasons.
Mar 28, 2021 8:55 AM

Aug 2020
That battle between Kabane and Yui was fire.
Mar 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Mar 2020
jTiKey said:
Best anime of the season 9/10! Hope there are more seasons.
Finally someone with a similar taste. this and wonder egg were the best imo
Mar 28, 2021 9:03 AM

Sep 2007
I hope eventually there will be more seasons as it'd be dang awesome if Yui would come back to help Kabane and co. on a case or two...
Also need more Kon's funny (and I feel sorry for her) to think she spent most of the season living in the tree at the park.
Mar 28, 2021 9:05 AM

Feb 2020
One of the most underrated anime this season!
Akira best girl xD
8/10, I want season 2!!
Mar 28, 2021 9:09 AM

Jun 2014
Good adaptation. It's a shame they cut out some stuff here and there, but they only had 12 episodes to work with, so it is somewhat understandable. I will not tolerate the censorship/omission of some of the source material from the final episode though, it was messed up stuff and it was there for a reason, things had less impact in the episode with those details that were left out.

8/10, I would watch another season if they make one
Mar 28, 2021 9:32 AM

Mar 2016
This didn't look like they were trying to end it in this season. So, I'll be looking forward to the next season.

Kabane's unmotivated way of talking is so precious. And, I never thought I'd see Kabane holding hands and spinning.

Kabane got to wear Shiki's clothes again. This time, it was the jacket. It looked adorable! Somehow, the burnt clothes came back. The artist really doesn't want to change his outfit. lol

I like Nobimaru's way of talking. He is also cute. I like how he was so nice to Kon, but when she tried to touch him, he just kindly said "Gross, don't touch me."
Mar 28, 2021 9:36 AM

Mar 2010
I wonder what would happen if Inari and Inugami fights. The only reason Inari backed off is because Inugami was there. Guess we will see in the future.

Glad to see brother well. Knew kon will be asked to betray Kabane.
Mar 28, 2021 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
They animated everything I have read in the manga in the last episode of season one, I hope we get season two in the future. Also, I'm so surprised to see how they animated Akira Iwakiyamayukisatoshironanogajuurokushi slapping his twin brother, Yui Iwakiyamayukisatoshironanogajuurokushi pretty neatly.
Mar 28, 2021 10:46 AM

Apr 2013
Not bad overall. Solid 7/10 for me. If there’s more seasons I’ll watch them otherwise I might eventually pick up the manga if I have time.
Mar 28, 2021 10:46 AM

Mar 2020
alpha_shadow said:
Good adaptation. It's a shame they cut out some stuff here and there, but they only had 12 episodes to work with, so it is somewhat understandable. I will not tolerate the censorship/omission of some of the source material from the final episode though, it was messed up stuff and it was there for a reason, things had less impact in the episode with those details that were left out.

8/10, I would watch another season if they make one
TBh it was a great adpatation and i dont mind cutting things which didnt contributed to the story in any way tbh. Yeah in the last episode censorship was a bit off but this episode was done justice. It gave me goosebumps like literally it was sooo good
Mar 28, 2021 10:50 AM

Mar 2020
Stardew said:
I wonder what would happen if Inari and Inugami fights. The only reason Inari backed off is because Inugami was there. Guess we will see in the future.

Glad to see brother well. Knew kon will be asked to betray Kabane.
A little spoiler INugami is Overpowered like hell actually. He doesnt go all out(Or use his actual powers) because he is afraid he might destroy the city actually. Same goes for inari but more then likely inari is stronger from what i have read till now(She is literally annoying and overpowered at the same point). However a conflict between those 2 would likely end in no benefit and inari didnt wanted any trouble with a tanuki since they both are partners at the moment
Mar 28, 2021 10:58 AM

Mar 2010
234Mannan said:
likely end in no benefit and inari didnt wanted any trouble with a tanuki since they both are partners at the moment

Makes sense to see why Inari backed off. I am really curious how stong Inugami is now since he had only used guns and transformation. Thanks for the information.
Mar 28, 2021 11:02 AM

Nov 2011
Decent finale. Glad they wrapped up the fight and Kabane is the hero that their world needed.

Honestly, the finale was kinda predictable but at the same time gave an episode that I wanted to see in the end.
Mar 28, 2021 11:03 AM

Jul 2020
Nobimaru: "I should watch my language."

You're THINKING, for crying out loud! xD

Of course Akira's acting last episode was all part of his master plan to get more likes on social media.^^;
Mar 28, 2021 11:10 AM

Feb 2019
Damn what a finale! The battle between Yui and Kabane was really intense. Nice assist from Nobimaru too. They knew what they were doing with those camera angles on Akira too lol.

So that’s season 1 in the bag, we got a really nice set up for season 2 and future arcs and I hope we get to see them one day. This was a criminally slept on show that reminded me a lot of BSD. Enjoyable characters and intriguing premise, very fun watch.
Mar 28, 2021 11:24 AM

Feb 2020
Hm, so they left Kabane's case to the end, or to an imaginary 2nd season. Not exactly surprised, but still quite disappointed.

I mean this was alright, but it did get repetitive as it went on and I wished they moved on to finding more info about Kabane's parents much earlier. Likeable cast, okay episodic stories, clean animation, but not exactly fun to watch for me. Wouldn't mind seeing a 2nd season though; I suspect the next arc would be more interesting.

Mar 28, 2021 11:24 AM
Jul 2018
ok but please can we get another season? I love this anime so much... and i'm so happy that yui survived and now him and akira are together again. Also that fight between yui and kabane was so amazing. Kabane in flames was so sick! What a great ending. I need to check out the manga soon.

I wonder what shiki wanted to do? he wanted to stay back so...
Mar 28, 2021 11:25 AM

Jul 2011
Was a great fight.

Genocide is fine.

For the most Inari may be evil, I want to see her succeed to see where she want to go.

For me of all characters Akira is just behind the Kabane's village villagers and Akio, on the worst characters in this anime list.And I was thinking this arc would change my opinion

Will be good to have a season 2 if we have more Kon. And lot and a lots less Akira.
Mar 28, 2021 11:48 AM

Feb 2020
Episode felt better than the manga for some reason
Mar 28, 2021 1:32 PM

Apr 2015
So the Snowy Village brother issue has been resolved. Honestly loved the idea of Nobimaru to set Kabane on fire to take down Yui. Pretty impressive.

Near the end, Akira doesn't even try to look remotely like a boy, for gods sake XD I didn't really like him from the start, but he became a bit more bearable near the end.

A great show in my opinion. The Kon moments in the end was great, loved that the most of the whole show. If there will not be an immediate sequel, I will start the Manga. 8/10
Mar 28, 2021 2:09 PM

May 2018
This was good. Hoping for a second season.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Mar 28, 2021 2:27 PM

Jun 2015
Nice close out to the season. That final battle showed MC has fully come to understand just what a mad lad he is! Would be nice to get another season where we can enjoy some even more ramped up savagery. Anime gods willing and all!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 28, 2021 2:31 PM

Feb 2020
Oops, Nobimaru forced to be cooperating with Kabane, after receiving such a damage at his arm. That's some fire action combination, Kabane!

So, the stone has been counteracting and being fused as one Kemonostone, eh? Thats what saved Akira's brother from the stone frozen effect. Inari-sama just came over and took the stone. Fortunately, Inugami-san arrived in the exact time to stop the woman. Wow. The world-building has been revealed to be more wider than i expected. The history of Kemono Incident. I wonder whose the one (Kemono race) to put up the peace ideas? There's alot of stone spreaded across the Japan, eh? Then one of them may lead to Kabane parents information, either they are the important person related to the incident, or not. Interesting plot stories.

Unfortunately, that's the end of it! Even after Kon finally came in again, idk if i shall be happy about that or not xd. But i really hope its get more continuations. But, for now, let it rest up in these point and pray, that there's always a chance in the future, about these series.

7/10 from me.
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Mar 28, 2021 3:14 PM

Dec 2015
This was unexpectedly good it's just the beginning though i hope the next season gets darker and darker :)
Mar 28, 2021 4:00 PM

Mar 2012
well Akira wins "cutest trap ever award", from me

also, Kon didn't get enough screen time, but at least Inari did
Mar 28, 2021 5:23 PM

Dec 2018
Sad to see this show is over, but I really liked it. This final episode was nice too, the fight between Yui and Kabane looked great and was a good fight, Akira getting through to Yui was also really good, and glad we finally got to see more Kon after a bit of not seeing her.

Definitely gonna miss it like a lot of others this season, and I think the strongest part was the characters, especially Kon and Akira for me, found them both very fun and unique. Can’t forget how great the dynamic is between Kon and Kabane as well lol. I hope this gets a season 2, would watch it for sure, although I might read the manga too. Also gonna miss the ED, god I love it.
TheColonel76Mar 28, 2021 5:27 PM
Mar 28, 2021 5:32 PM
Jul 2018
The last episode, I really liked the episode in general, in a matter of fights in the episode it was very good, talking more about the null stone, this very interesting.

Mar 28, 2021 6:04 PM

Jan 2020
The last few episodes lost me quite a bit sadly but this was a fine finale and it was nice seeing Kon with them at the end

Mar 28, 2021 6:16 PM
Nov 2020
I really like this anime, I hope it gets a second season. Guys I wanna ask, what chapter do I read after the anime? Thank you
Mar 28, 2021 6:20 PM

Jul 2014
A lot better than I expected and a lot darker than I would have imagined.

I'm going to miss Kon, she's one of the most adorable girls I've ever seen in anime. She's so pure that she's the worst liar and that's so cute haha. Dammit, I can't believe it ended just when Kon joined them xD.
Mar 28, 2021 8:17 PM
Mar 2015
Ending sets up for a 2nd season
Mar 28, 2021 8:29 PM
Jul 2018
pretty cool ending, was quite predictable and wasn't much of a surpise but yeah this was pretty decent overall, i'd say a 3/10.
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