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Dec 2, 2020 12:27 AM
Dec 2017
eizoken was easily my favorite show of the year and every person i recomended the show to loved it. my only anime loving friend who thought the show might not be good was the one didn't watch it, yet after looking at the 'worst anime of the year' thread i saw that a lot of people crowned it as one of the worst of the year. i"m genuinely intrested how come people have such a diffrent opinion of the show then me and why.
Dec 2, 2020 12:42 AM

Nov 2015
I've only seen the first episode but this is the first i've heard of anyone shitting on it, I also just saw it got highlighted by the NYT. What's their basis?
Teach a man to cook, and he can’t fish. But teach a man to fish, and he feeds himself and cooks. -👧
( ° ω ˣ )
Dec 2, 2020 12:48 AM

Aug 2020
They do? Well I dropped it because it wasn't for me and I couldn't sit through the first couple of episodes without getting distracted tho I like the art and the general idea so I wouldn't say it's worst anime of the year

forum set by taiyaki
Dec 2, 2020 12:49 AM

Feb 2019
Who hates eizoken???
I never heard anything about that
Dec 2, 2020 12:52 AM

Jul 2020
is-whoelsome said:
after looking at the 'worst anime of the year' thread i saw that a lot of people crowned it as one of the worst of the year.

Seriously?It has an average of 8.17.Why will a lot of people crown it as worst anime of the year?
I would say Gibiate and God of highschool deserve that title.
Check out this thread.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Dec 2, 2020 1:09 AM

Aug 2012
well i liked it and if you liked it thats all that matters
Dec 2, 2020 1:15 AM
Jun 2020
Honestly idk, I dropped it, it was boring to me, but I see it has some potential. I haven’t really seen ppl hating on it, it has a really high score doe. Maybe I’ll give it a try again

Shiroyaki said:
Because it's a slice of life, a lot of people seem to hate them and it's not in the Cute Girl Make Cute Things genre. Lately it seems to me that most people watch Slices of life only for the Cute Girls, if there aren't (as in eizoken and Sing Yesterday for me) they don't like it.
Well, Sing yesterday for me is so bad doe not going to lie.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
KuniiDec 2, 2020 7:04 PM
Dec 2, 2020 1:19 AM

Nov 2020
Because it's pretty boring not gonna lie.
Dec 2, 2020 1:32 AM

Mar 2015
I am enjoying it, however it is not the show I can binge. In fact - once I watch an episode I do 1-3 week break because there's just something about it that doesn't let me watch a lot of it very quickly. Maybe it is the amount of information you need to absorb with each episode and it being conveyed mostly through imagery.

I imagine a lot of people who you call "haters" of this show tried to go through it in one sitting and just couldn't get into it? That's just a guess from my own experience with the show.
Dec 2, 2020 2:02 AM

Apr 2020
the ending is horrible and unsatisfying
some people argue that the story is hollow and the anime is purely aesthetical
and is too unrealistic about creating anime, and the characters don't deserve that much praise
some argue that politics is shoehorned into it

Dec 2, 2020 2:13 AM
Jun 2020
Shiroyaki said:
Because it's a slice of life, a lot of people seem to hate them and it's not in the Cute Girl Make Cute Things genre. Lately it seems to me that most people watch Slices of life only for the Cute Girls, if there aren't (as in eizoken and Sing Yesterday for me) they don't like it.

Now that convinced me to watch it.

Slice of Life + Cute girls doing cute things = generic anime of our age.
I stay far from them unless any one of them will become exceptionally popular.

Slice of Life shows are nice if they exclude the cute girls.
So if this one is like that, I might wanna watch it.

Dec 2, 2020 2:30 AM

Aug 2019
Eizouken is good. 7/10 at its best for me. The reason for the hate i think would came from the character. They not memorable enough to remember and shallow characterization and weak OST. Also please don't compare Shirobako with Eizouken since both of them have different approach on anime production. Eizouken i think want to highlight what fun about making anime not going to deep into detail like Shirobako did.
Dec 2, 2020 2:37 AM

Oct 2020
wtf eizouken received some hate on it? imo its good, like def good. though the characters.. i have to consider that side of the show since it irritates me whenever that one character stupidly makes up something (we know who we're talking here). but other than that i hope they give this show a second chance, like its rare to see something like this with different ambitions of the characters of wanting to be an animator and what we can actually see on the characters perspective on their own hippy world when it comes to animation .
Dec 2, 2020 2:50 AM

May 2018
Being not that popular - I agree, but never heard somebody hating on it.
Mostly people say "Not my cup of tea.".
Dec 2, 2020 2:51 AM

Oct 2012
I liked Eizouken, but given it's indie art design and metaphorical narrative devices, it's easy to see why it would not be for everyone. The first half of the show dragged out with bad pacing as it straddled a line between slice of life and could not decide whether it wanted a traditional plot. It picked up half way through as they finally got their acts together with respect to the club, but the ending was kind of anticlimactic.

In short,
  • Pacing was inconsistent.
  • Believe it or not, not everyone likes or gets Masaaki Yuasa's abstract story telling style.
  • Characters can be kind of annoying and don't really act their age.
  • Art was non-traditional.
  • Ending wasn't as good as it could've been, but vaguely sets up the possibility of a season 2.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 2, 2020 5:35 AM

Jun 2017
If someone actually calls it the worst of the year, that says more about them than about the actual show. It sounds more like a reaction to other people overpraising it than a balanced consideration of its merits and flaws.

But the Easy Breezy intro alone should make it impossible to hate it.

Dec 2, 2020 5:59 AM

Jul 2012
Like some people in this thread, Eizouken is not my cup of tea and that's why I dropped it. But I believe it's nowhere near the "worst anime of the year" (at least from what I watched from it).
People saying that probably watched just a handful of shows this year.
Dec 2, 2020 6:11 AM

Jul 2017
is-whoelsome said:
eizoken was easily my favorite show of the year and every person i recomended the show to loved it. my only anime loving friend who thought the show might not be good was the one didn't watch it, yet after looking at the 'worst anime of the year' thread i saw that a lot of people crowned it as one of the worst of the year. i"m genuinely intrested how come people have such a diffrent opinion of the show then me and why.

"Do you know how stupid the average person is?" - BRITISH COMEDY GUY

katsucats said:

  • Art was non-traditional.

Please enlighten me on why this is a bad thing.
Dec 2, 2020 7:04 AM

Feb 2016
I’ve never seen anybody hating it. I simply ignore it because it’s ugly.
Dec 2, 2020 9:14 AM

Oct 2010
I thought I was the only eizoken hater, but I wasn't vocal on mal about it, majority of people like it
Dec 2, 2020 9:46 AM

Nov 2008
I think it's a good show....when they're not doing...what my friend calls "That Muppet Baby thing". xD

I'd rather they focus entirely on creating anime and drawings (I love that stuff) instead of doing the childish "IMAGINAAAAATION" stuff they do at the end of each episode. Other than that...and a few ugly designs, it's all right.

Dec 2, 2020 9:52 AM

Oct 2017
Thing is not everyone can appreciate a gem like Eizouken. Some people won't get the charm of such an artistic anime and it's nothing new. Not all the poeple who watched an anime will like it.
Dec 2, 2020 9:54 AM

Dec 2016
who hates on this series? it didn't do anything to offend anyone neither it got popular enough to awaken a mass of haters
Dec 2, 2020 9:56 AM

May 2018
With rating 8.17 on MAL that seems decent. I never heard people hating it.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Dec 2, 2020 10:03 AM

Jan 2009
if it was visually consistent i would have scored it higher but its good although Shirobako did it better
Dec 2, 2020 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
Not liking something =/= hating it. I don't really like Yuasa series per se. I just liked two of his movies.
Dec 2, 2020 11:29 AM

Dec 2014
It's simple. It was a slice of life show with no fantastical elements that went mainstream. People checked it out because of this, SoL wasn't their cup of tea and the gap between their expectations and reality caused them to feel upset.
Dec 2, 2020 1:37 PM

Feb 2020
Wait, are you talking about the thread made here on MAL ? I've only seen two people mentioning Eizouken, that's not enough to consider this show to be hated.
In opposition, while it far from being one of the most popular shows it has quite a important fanbase, and its rating is high so I'm a bit confused.
But well, why would people hate on this show ? I guess because it's different, the art style is "weird", the themes might not appeal to everyone, the characters also might not be to everyone's liking...
It's a bit particular so it must turn a lot of people away, even I who ended up loving this show didn't really like the first episode, I guess if you're not into SOL or Yuasa's works it might be hard to appreciate it.
FafetteDec 2, 2020 1:40 PM
Dec 2, 2020 7:05 PM
Community Mod

Feb 2014
Thread moved to the series sub-board.

Dec 4, 2020 7:35 AM

Jun 2019
They hate this show? Oh man, I love this show so much, it's fun to watch. I guess they've seen better shows than me and have a more refined taste, and that's okay, each one of us has preferences
Dec 9, 2020 1:48 PM

Apr 2011
The anime was a bit boring.
Dec 14, 2020 2:38 AM

Nov 2018
It's pretty hard to watch because of all the professional terms used by animators and all this techinal stuff , but it's really interesting to see it from animators' POV , even though I don't get a lot of the things. And it's also pretty creative and realistic.

God of highschool on other hand ... most of participants are not even high school students and main cast + plot are so cliche and boring that I dropped it after 2nd episode.If you are into chaotic nonstop fights with no storyline ... maybe you will like it
I hate everyone equally
Dec 20, 2020 11:48 PM

Nov 2013
This is actually pretty boring. I don't care about all those technical details, space shuttles or whatever. I'm kinda interested in animation and art, but main character's explanaitions are the worst part of the show.
Dec 23, 2020 11:43 PM
Jul 2020
Maybe it's me, but so far I haven't fall in love with any of yuasa works, maybe his style doesn't suit with my preference at all. This show is pretty interesting actually, especially with kanamori and her business side, even for me, it is more exciting than any imagination scene or whatsoever. The imagination scene for some part are good, but on the other half it is too much and doesn't have any substance at all. The explanation from asakusa about the world building is so pointless. The technical aspects of animation is explained pretty poorly, too much exposition thrown in a little duration of time and it doesn't have any clear sequence of it.
Dec 25, 2020 6:32 AM
Dec 2020
I guess it is because a lot of people over praise the shit out of this anime. If the show did not involve masaaki yuasa and the plot was not around anime it would loose half of its audience and the praise
Jan 18, 2021 11:40 AM

Feb 2018
Gvendoline said:
This is actually pretty boring. I don't care about all those technical details, space shuttles or whatever. I'm kinda interested in animation and art, but main character's explanaitions are the worst part of the show.

Just went head into the first three episodes and I agree. I'm a graphic desinger afficionado, and I like all things that explain art... but this anime just doesn't fully clicks with me.

I can see why they prise it, but I can't see it as a show for the general public.
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Jan 19, 2021 7:17 AM
Aug 2020
Why do some people think that the final episode is bad?
Jan 19, 2021 6:15 PM

Jan 2019
I loved the concept but the story itself was so boring I just had to drop it midway through.
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Jul 17, 2021 3:37 PM

May 2017
At first i watched cause like any other anime ive watched , i had nothing else to do , so its random

I never drop an anime so no matter how much i hate it , i keep watching (except dragon ball , ive droped it fast)

Then i liked it cause the characters were interesting , so i guess in that way it was quite good , at least 7/10 for only characters

But then there was thoses animation parts that last soo long , it wasnt needed to be that long , and thoses 3 girls werent in some of them

So its a 4/10 to me , thoses animations parts were the bigest issue for me

More than 5 , im enjoying it , 5 its boring but ok , less than 5 it actualy bother me , 0 being me mad and want to do bad things

Usualy my anime are 7/10 , i almost never rate less than 6 , so it means its realy weak in my rating , one of my most unliked anime

Thoses ppl that rated it high were probably thinking "for a new animation studio its realy amazing animation" , they are right , but doing your best doesnt deserve good rating to me , else i would have to give 10/10 on anime that i disliked and 0 on anime i liked , and i would have to give 10/10 of thoses kids drawing house and sun at school while giving 0 to thoses ppl that make anime

it bother me a lot that ive watched 3 anime like this one cause ppl were giving good rating , but then after watching i came back to understand that they werent talking about the anime , but the work done by the animation studio
Loli world is just a cute world full of cute meat

Aug 20, 2021 7:39 PM
Jul 2020
It's at most not relatable to all people, artists/animators/film makers would be the ones to be grabbed by the show. For me, I love every single bit of it.
Nov 8, 2021 3:02 PM

Oct 2015
I guess because it's sort of a SoL? Not that I think it's a bad thing but I know a lot of people don't like those types of shows as they're usually very slow.
Mar 4, 2022 3:01 PM
Mar 2022
It's a "love letter to animation" that doesn't actually have halfway decent animation. Pointless. Characters are annoying and fake-quirky. Pretty formulaic for being so short (girls encounter some mild snag, overcome it, then token cloying cutesy whhhoooaaaaaa magic animation with indie rock scene). Overall it seemed like self-congratulatory red meat for midwits on reddit and twitter who like having it reinforced to themselves that they're "industry insiders."
Mar 31, 2022 9:06 AM

May 2020
First episode didn't entertain me that much.I thought it was boring.And I don't think most of the people who didn't like this anime hate it.And hating it just because it is SoL seems very biased.Just didn't pique people's interest just like me.
Apr 11, 2022 9:05 PM

Sep 2018
Not exactly hating on it here but MAN did this anime get boring fast. I didn't expect a goddamn lesson with a lecture every fricking episode from these three clown MCs with no let up whatsoever. That's the real problem, there's no time to breathe here, they're constantly shoving info in your face at a swift pace as well. I find myself almost tuning out at times. Don't get me wrong, it's interesting and creative at times, but a break from this constant sort of thing would be very much appreciated.

Also the "woo woo wooooo" OST is getting a little old lol...

I'd bet a lot of people simply hopped on the sheep train with this one, without actually thinking much for themselves, it seems to have that certain air around it. Six episodes and it's painfully average so far, had a great start too....
May 8, 2022 1:22 AM

Sep 2009
It's not a show for Anime fans. It's a show for animation fans.

Anything that isn't a shitty isekai, generic shouen, or the billionth and one rom com will automatically be swept under the rug by your so called "Anime fans".

May 29, 2022 1:13 PM
Jan 2019
I'm a bit late to this discussion but as of writing I'm about halfway through. To me, it's not that I hate it, it's just not engaging really. Early on the show gets into a predicable rhythm that is executed extremely well. But that rhythm doesn't get me to want to continue watching.
After I watch an episode, I think "wow, that was really interesting" but I don't watch the next episode right way.
Sep 27, 2022 3:09 PM

Oct 2011
Thought it was pretty cool for some of the art style and the characters imagining their own world or the finished products, but the rest of it felt very boring to me. I'm not all that into anime about the characters working on manga and anime either. So it wasn't exactly my cup of tea when it comes to anime. But it seems like it was nicely done for those who do like this genre of anime.

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