All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 129.3
Mean Score:
- Watching19
- Completed507
- On-Hold33
- Dropped49
- Plan to Watch122
- Total Entries730
- Rewatched35
- Episodes8,016
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 212.4
Mean Score:
- Reading397
- Completed290
- On-Hold17
- Dropped28
- Plan to Read412
- Total Entries1,144
- Reread9
- Chapters33,555
- Volumes1,415
All Comments (554) Comments
Thx for accepting my FR!
Nice to meet you!! Hope you are doing well ^_^
Btw love your favourites too <3 Magi, punpun, homura, kira, kekkai… great taste 👌
And sorry if I reply so late, I’ve been super busy these last few months 😅
Truly peak indeed. Thanks for reminding me about that series and suggesting it, since it made me read it faster that I would have otherwise.
Really enjoyed what's out so far. Hoping it returns soon enough.
From the others, I have two in ptw but hadn't seen the other one. Will def check them out. Thanks!
As for the faves, yeah. Most ppl just use Manga or LNs. So thanks ♥
Oh, Dimitri? That's a great one indeed! I'm still miffed about the arbitrary changes to his hair color tho lol
I checked your list to recommend you a few based on that, but you had some of them on your list already. Thankfully not all.
So allow me to share a few unsolicited recs! xD