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Dec 19, 2013 5:42 PM

Mar 2008
9/10, had a lot of fun watching this.
Dec 19, 2013 5:45 PM

Apr 2013
This show was so stupid. What the fuck was the Tesoro? What were they doing it all for? There was no resolution at all! Also, I think the courtroom scenes were written by the same guys who wrote Speedo:
Dec 19, 2013 5:58 PM
Oct 2013
Cicinho needs his own show.
Dec 19, 2013 6:04 PM

Oct 2012
A very nice ending
Dec 19, 2013 6:08 PM

Aug 2012
So we get no reslotuion on what the Tesoro actually was... Despite that I liked this. The last couple of episode could have been a lot better but oh well. 7/10

Dec 19, 2013 7:04 PM

Jul 2009
Ahahah, this shit, THIS SHIT. :'D
I don't... I don't even know where to start, man.
The hilariously ridiculous trial?
Mom being a troll?
Evil, all powerful CEO going to prison EVEN THOUGH HE WASN'T EVEN ON TRIAL?! For the love of god dude, just bribe the judge next time.
Roberto shooting his step-dad.... Just because?
Cicinho giving the necklace to the girls, but then stealing it back just for the lulz?
Also, Cicinho flying off and not giving two fucks about Bambina in the end, even though he wanted to shag her the entire series?
Galileo Tesoro not being explained at all in the end, except "It's like, some magic dust that makes infinite energy and time travel!"?
Oh and in the end they did nothing with it, I mean, screw the world energy crisis man, let's just go on a family trip!

Oh and to top it all off, just in case someone hasn't noticed it already, shove in our faces the confirmation of a ridiculous time travel paradox.

Seriously, messing shit up this much this fast should be a form of art. :'D
ElectromistressDec 19, 2013 7:10 PM
Dec 19, 2013 7:05 PM

Jan 2013
There is no way that was the ending
Dec 19, 2013 7:05 PM

May 2010
6/10 nothing was resolved and the last half of the show just sucked. very dissapointing.

this definetlay not a 10/10 like some total idiots revieved it but not a 2/10 either in my opinion cause art,soundtrack and animation were solid and should always be rated. ofcourse that is only my opinion.
Dec 19, 2013 7:32 PM

Mar 2012
Barion-Zara said:

7/10...Still wondering what the Tesoro is?

They said it was a energy source or something like that.


Personally I think that the end was pretty good.
*Father Ferrari entrance likeabawse
*Trolling lawyer
*Roberto killing Adni Moon's boss.

Some good scenes.

I think it wasn't a bad anime, though it could have been better. The medium score looks underrated to me.
Dec 19, 2013 7:42 PM
Jul 2018
Kerozinn said:
6/10 nothing was resolved and the last half of the show just sucked. very dissapointing.

this definetlay not a 10/10 like some total idiots revieved it but not a 2/10 either in my opinion cause art,soundtrack and animation were solid and should always be rated. ofcourse that is only my opinion.

Agree completely with you there.

All I was left with was...answers where?
Dec 19, 2013 7:47 PM

May 2010
Their journey has just begun, the real deal of the story should be at Japan but if other viewers also felt the way most people in MAL here then Tesoro will remain a mystery.

Sorry, but I really enjoying it so I'm giving it a 8.
Dec 19, 2013 8:04 PM

Jun 2012
The beginning was really awesome, but it dropped quite a bit and that ending was disapointing. I mean, they are leaving us with that? I feel like there is something missing, or like I missed something. And from what I gather from the comments, it seems more like the first. I did enjoy it though, it had it's good moments (like the first episode) and definitely has good points, but it really feels incomplete in the end. Some good potential was wasted. Something along the lines of 6 or 7, I'll have to think about it.
TynkerDec 19, 2013 8:11 PM
Dec 19, 2013 8:09 PM

Aug 2013
mayukachan said:
My OTP isn't canon yet.

^ At least I actually enjoyed watching this show. 7/10
Dec 19, 2013 8:25 PM

Jul 2013
Finally this shitty series come to an end.. it's painful to watch it week after week, the only reason I didn't drop this was only because I was already halfway through it.

Everyone in this series acted like idiots not to mention a gary-stu villain who's supposed to be dead a long time ago (yes I'm talking to you, Roberto who should've gotten massacred by the air pirates at the hospital).

I was originally going to give this a 1/10 but it's not exactly the worst this season (that title's reserved for Coppelion) so 2/10 just because I enjoyed the first episode (too bad that's the only episode I like).
Dec 19, 2013 8:40 PM

Jul 2013
Well, the ending of the episode was mediocre; the trial was rushed and some scenes were left unanswered. Well at leas Adni Moon was arrested though Roberto was sort of random when he shot his father or something.

6/10, I thought this show is about cute girls saving the world with a lighthearted action scenes, but shows a much more darker tone when Roberto joins in. Though I wish the series could expanded up to 24 episodes and solve mysteries of the Galileo stuff.

Dec 19, 2013 9:38 PM

Jan 2008
I thought the love letters were sweet, but also a bit creepy. It's like wanting to hookup with (albeit much younger version of) your grandpa, or vice versa.

I for one liked the ending, because they concluded enough, while also leaving it open for a second season or OVAs. For those who still don't know that the Tesoro is, the million dollar question; didn't Hozuki mention something about an incomplete chemical reaction phenomenon? Ergo, a potential fuel source. We knew that he was researching the time-displacement of foreign objects falling from the storm clouds, so perhaps it's related to that? It's all really open for interpretation.

The mom had me going there, with a big wtf moment. But she really pulled a fast one there but was really working on the inside, for justice!...and her family.

That pirate boss... I thought he had a thing for the eldest sister? Maybe he wanted to impress her by getting to the Tesoro first? I dunno. Just seemed like a bit of a cop out after his impressive acting skills and disguise. Speaking of pirates, I wonder what happened to that pirate girl that Roberto shot in the hospital? Did she survive thanks to Hozuki's fish?
Dec 19, 2013 9:52 PM

Nov 2011
tesoro = gold fish ship blue print

Dec 19, 2013 9:59 PM

Aug 2013
This could have been better had it been a 2-cour show. It had a couple of "well that was stupid..." moments but I don't think I have ever been annoyed while watching it. It was fine.

"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Dec 19, 2013 10:10 PM

Jan 2011
one of my biggest disappointments of the season such an waste 5/10

also this trial was laughable just like most of the second half of this series least it had pretty art i guess?.

still couldn't get over the transitioning from Roberto just straight up killing the boss then it changing to cheerful music with everyone's reunion lol.
Dec 19, 2013 10:42 PM

Nov 2007
Meh. At the end there was no resolution and everything fizzled out. It's like it needed 12 more episodes to fully develop. Rushed indeed.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 19, 2013 10:52 PM

Jul 2013
I really liked the anime overall so it makes it hard for me to criticize the ending. Since the bad guys were caught and the family got back together, I feel as if they have completed what needed to be done, therefore concluding the anime. I wanted the relationship between Hazuki and the air pirate to continue though because I absolutely loved his character. The ending left you to use your imagination to guess what happened later on in the story.
Dec 19, 2013 10:58 PM

Apr 2012
I don't get the story. I am confused and I am sure I will never watch it again. But it wasn't that bad, so I will give 6/10
Dec 20, 2013 2:03 AM

Jun 2011
God this show disappointed me so much. The animation and first episode was brilliant, then everything after was just me being a masochist and trying to finish it.

The end felt so rushed and there are still so many unexplained matters like how the tesoro came about and roberto just randomly becoming a good guy for no reason whatsoever and killing his dad.

Dec 20, 2013 2:10 AM

Sep 2009
Dec 20, 2013 2:24 AM

Jan 2013
i can't believe i stuck with this piece of shit for 11 weeks
the mildly interesting scene in court was ruined by the horrible ending after the arrival of their father, which thus made it impossible to redeem itself from the awful bulk of the series from episode 2 onward
when the attorney peeled off the face mask, i just laughed, cringing at how stupid such a thing occurring actually was
i'm unsure if this even deserves the 2/10 i gave it, because a 1/10 wouldn't be a far cry from what this show was
Please check my music out on SoundCloud! There's something for everyone.

Dec 20, 2013 2:55 AM

Apr 2013
Tracing back to episode 9 (around the 10th minute mark), I can conclude that the Tesoro is actually some sort of powder, seeing how Hozuki poured some of it back into the hourglass and mentioned that it is "the real Galileo Tesoro".

Also, Hozuki mentioned in the last episode after they won the trial (around the 18th minute mark) that Galilei only "left a small amount of to us" and that the activation of the Tesoro will cause a chemical reaction that will trigger a certain phenomenon (presumably time travelling and the object absorbing thingy we saw earlier).

The phenomenon could well be the solution to the energy crisis, although not shown in the ending, but with the dissolution of Adni Moon company, the monopoly to Methane Hydrate is no more, and the world will have an easier time trying to solve the energy crisis issue, by using Hozuki's newfound knowledge of the making of the Tesoro (those mathematical formulas shown in the moon sketches).

I actually liked this, many parts of the plot are actually logical with some thought put into it. And the ending did tie up a lot of loose ends and eliminating the world's greatest evil (Adni Moon and Messier). Why the heck did Roberto have to kill his father in public is beyond me, though, should he stayed alive, season 2 is very possible.

Ah well, I guess this show did not do well enough to warrant a second season. Too bad though, I am giving it an 8/10.

Dec 20, 2013 3:42 AM

Sep 2012
What a waste of my time, thankfully I turned on the 200% speed to finish this crap more quickly.
Dec 20, 2013 3:57 AM

Aug 2013
7/10 but it was good series I love that love letter :3 there should be S2 to continue the series !!
*My 400 anime completed*

Dec 20, 2013 4:23 AM

Oct 2013
"Burn the heretics"
Dec 20, 2013 5:56 AM

Feb 2011
ArcanaTrace said:
God this show disappointed me so much. The animation and first episode was brilliant, then everything after was just me being a masochist and trying to finish it.

The end felt so rushed and there are still so many unexplained matters like how the tesoro came about and roberto just randomly becoming a good guy for no reason whatsoever and killing his dad.

That's exactly what I thought of it too. In the end, it had some neat ideas and the music was fantastic, but bespite that, it felt really weak (except for the awesome first episode). 5/10.
Dec 20, 2013 6:26 AM

Apr 2013
Dat Deus Ex Machina...
Dec 20, 2013 7:16 AM
Oct 2010
lolwut ending XD

I was going for an average score, but this ending just lowered that.

This was undeniably bad.

Well, at least it was funny, even though I'm sure that wasn't the intention.
AjunkyDec 20, 2013 7:22 AM
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Dec 20, 2013 8:25 AM
Dec 2008
Some thoughts:

-Most everything WAS wrapped up, actually. The Galileo plot was essentially wrapped up with the time travel arc (only good thing about that arc besides laughing about incest), the family was reunited, their names were cleared, and the villains were taken down. The problem was, while they were wrapped up, they were all wrapped up in a really half assed way that wasn't satisfying at all.

- The notable parts that WEREN'T wrapped up were the three major supporting characters: Roberto, Anna, and Cincino (or whatever his name is >_>). And Cinny was technically wrapped up back in Japan episode, because he didn't have much to his character besides "Likes Big Sis Galileo". The air pirates sadly did not have much relevence, so they didn't do much in the ending.

-The climax of the show was actually the desert showdown. Everything in the series hinged on that moment, and everything else was Falling Action. The trial was basically predetermined thanks to Mom and Dad. The desert was when Roberto, Anna, the Air Pirates, and the Galileo sisters actually made their real decisions that decided the rest of the plot, and as such was the most intense part of the show. So it was INSANE to have the time travel sequence happen at that point.

- As such, I would have preferred to see a final showdown between Air Pirates and Roberto, and resolution of Anna and Roberto's plot. Cut 10 minutes of the Time Travel sequence, and have a 10 minute sequence showing the end of the Desert Battle. This would have the effect of resolving the three supporting characters, which in turn would allow the last episode to revolve around the three Galileo Sisters, as it should be. That wouldn't solve everything, but at the very least it would change our expectations of the final episode from "wrap up EVERYTHING" to "wrap up the Sister's plotlines", which the final episode did.

Overall, I still give it 6/10, but only because my MAL ratings are pretty messed up and higher than they should be. I enjoyed the early parts of the show, thought the sisters were pretty cute, and the goldfish ship was awesome. I liked that it was sci fi without revolving around mecha, instead was ship based, and liked the spirit of adventure it had. But the plot really fell apart, and the show made horrible use of the limited time it had.

My first post in like three years, and I spend it making a massive post about a series no one cared about! Go Me!
Dec 20, 2013 8:46 AM

Jul 2010
Haha, what the fuck of ending is this.
They forgot the best character (Roberto) like nothing.

Shame on you and shame on Cicinho who did not bang Hazuki.
Lame show, 5/10.
Dec 20, 2013 10:10 AM

Apr 2013
zSolstice said:
Cicinho needs his own show.

He was the only truly entertaining character, so yes (I thought the father would be when we last saw of him back in episode three or four, can't remember, but he never showed back up until the very end). Maybe then he could get together with Hazuki unless he's really just a womanizer at heart and thus has a hoard of women following behind wanting more. Who is the real Bambina???

Oh well. That's what fan fiction is for.
Dec 20, 2013 10:32 AM
Jan 2010
Cicinho why did you not steal Bambina like you promised??

I demand season 2 even though it'll be unlikely that it will happen. T__T
Dec 20, 2013 10:37 AM

Aug 2012
Surprisingly, the conclusion was better than i expected. I thought it'd be a mess (due to many unanswered questions from the previous episodes), but it actually wrapped up quite well.

- Dat globe from ep 10. 7th sketch revelation scene was kinda heartwarming, really surprised to see that it's a sketch of Hozuki.

- So Galileo hid the formulas on the moon sketches. It was there all along.

- Trial scene wasn't boring at all. As expected, their mom was only faking her amnesia and their dad managed to escape the pursuit.

- Cicinho was the man. He could take The Tesoro even before the trial and leave the sisters but he decided to give it to Hozuki and still helped them with the case. Though he took it back again with him lol. Unfortunately, his meeting with Hazuki was only for a brief time.

- Roberto was a twisted man till the end. He's beyond remedy. But it made him more awesome. That bastard of a father deserved it anyway.

- Anna was seen waving at the sisters while being guarded by the police, so i guess she'll get back to prison, considering her roles as Roberto's accomplice. Sad, but at least her relationship with the sisters was back to normal again.

- Kazuki disposed her phone lol. That's right, just forget that senpai.

- I still want Cicinho and Hazuki as a couple!!

- Final scene with all the family members together travelling to Japan was pretty good. Now all that left to do is creating the Tesoro from the formulas, i guess.

- The OP and ED are ones of the best of all series that i'm currently watching.

- Any chance for a 2nd season, or maybe an OVA?

Final score (based on enjoyment level) : 8/10

endlessdusk said:

Ah, finally a comment i can agree with.
ChoroshiDec 20, 2013 10:40 AM

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Dec 20, 2013 12:33 PM

Aug 2012
I feel bad for Takuan for defending this show for so long.
Dec 20, 2013 12:34 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
After a promising first episode, things quickly went downhill. Bad writing and a terrible conclusion make this an utter dissapointment.

After all he did Roberto is just going to go down like that? What happened?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 20, 2013 1:24 PM
Dec 2008
AlexTheRiot said:
I feel bad for Takuan for defending this show for so long.

I know, if his theories had been true then the show would have been so much better than it was =/
Dec 20, 2013 2:26 PM
Apr 2013
How can you possibly give this show 5/10 or above? You do realize that 5 means average right?
Undeveloped characters, plot holes, unresolved loose ends, a nonsensical time travel filler episode in an 11 episode show and a final episode that is nothing but a 20 minute long asspull because they had no fucking clue what to do after writing themselves into about half a dozen different corners.

These are not the qualities of an average show.
Dec 20, 2013 3:03 PM

Mar 2012
dsfargeg said:
How can you possibly give this show 5/10 or above? You do realize that 5 means average right?
Undeveloped characters, plot holes, unresolved loose ends, a nonsensical time travel filler episode in an 11 episode show and a final episode that is nothing but a 20 minute long asspull because they had no fucking clue what to do after writing themselves into about half a dozen different corners.

These are not the qualities of an average show.
Dunno where you live, but in much of Europe a 5/10 on a school assignment isn't average, it's either a borderline pass or an outright fail.
Dec 20, 2013 3:07 PM

Jul 2011
zSolstice said:
Cicinho needs his own show.


"Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle."
Dec 20, 2013 3:12 PM
Apr 2011
Seemed like it could be interesting from the start, but geez did this one fall flat in the end.

I enjoyed a number of the episodes and some of the sub-plots, but geez they could have done so much more with this.

The faked amnesia really threw me for a loop, that went well beyond the usual bullshit plot device.
The rapid reunion of the family + the restored trust in Anna.
What is the Tesoro and how does time travel relate to that.

That court scene was laughable at best, it felt more like a shitty recap episode at times.

6/10 - but that's generous.
haganbmjDec 20, 2013 3:18 PM
Dec 20, 2013 3:54 PM
Oct 2013
dsfargeg said:
How can you possibly give this show 5/10 or above? You do realize that 5 means average right?
Undeveloped characters, plot holes, unresolved loose ends, a nonsensical time travel filler episode in an 11 episode show and a final episode that is nothing but a 20 minute long asspull because they had no fucking clue what to do after writing themselves into about half a dozen different corners.

These are not the qualities of an average show.

Dunno, a 5/10 seems about right.

A fair few of the characters are likable and the show has good animation and sound.

On the other hand the story is rather lackluster and feels rushed.There's plenty that needs to be explained better. Also, excluding the sisters, the characters are rather underdeveloped.

The series started a whole lot better than it ended. Frankly, the endings is the weakest epsiode in my opinion. This is simply one of those series where the main characters were enough to keep me watching.

To summarize, I have taken a liking to the sisters. It's a pity that they weren't given a better show.
Dec 20, 2013 4:09 PM

May 2011
I laughed about how everything went down in the trial, it was entertaining enough. At least I was glad to see Cicinho was involved. Rather lukewarm on how the bad guys went down though. Especially with that shot. >.>;
Dec 20, 2013 5:02 PM

Nov 2013
Too much facepalming for my own good. This was the train-wreck of the season.
Dec 20, 2013 6:15 PM
Oct 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
I feel bad for Takuan for defending this show for so long.

I feel bad for myself as well :-)

I apologized on my two threads, so should apologize to anyone here who wasted their time in any part due to my trying to make more of this show than it was.

It wasn't that the ending was bad (though it was that), and god knows there are far worse shows out there, but this show just had so much potential that they were sloshing around, the ending was just palming slapping face horrific in comparison. I was right that Houzaki knew from episode 4 that Anna was a traitor, but to never have used that throughout the show (and Houzaki never trying to "accidentally" leave Anna behind, or to use to her for something, or anything), to only use it as a lame explanation to justify Houzaki keeping things secret from her sisters, what exactly was the point? Which was the greater problem with the show.
Dec 20, 2013 6:29 PM
Jul 2013
FUCK. THIS. SHIT. Where do I get the time back watching this crap anime??

Damn, they ruined it totally with the finale. At first it was going for a 6 or even 7 of 10 rating but the fucked it up big time. I was kinda intrigued during this anime because it had some nice "shock" elements like the mother "supposedly" dying or that village where hozuki befriended the boy was blown up or even Roberto just shooting all the people in the hospital with everyone watching. I also liked the Art / Animation but they did so much wrong in the final episode...

1. Wasn't the Galileo out of fuel? They just started it and took off...

2. Their lawyer just GIVES them stuff even though they are in prison and nobody cares??

3. I don't remember how old Hozuki was but they were basically accusing a fucking 10-year-old of mass murder?! yeah right...

4. Why did the mother say that she wanted her to be punished in the first place and discredited her with that statement when she still had her memories?!

5. A huge company against 3 "little" girls??? Usually the public would obviously be on their side but they just were shocked by the accusations.

6. WTF is the Galileo Tesoro???

7. What was that shit the pirate guy pulled off in the end? dafuq? And we didn't even get a romance with "bambina" even though they build it up the whole time

8. WTF is the Galileo Tesoro???

9. Why the fuck did Roberto just straight up shoot his "father"? I don't recall him bearing a grudge and he even did it in public?!

10 WTF is the Galileo Tesoro???

11. Anna just suddenly lost interest in Roberto?? Wasn't she like MADLY in love with him the whole time and I think she said herself that she knows its not good but she could never abandon him?!

12. The 7th scetch just "popped" out in midair even though the globe was hollow so it should've just laid on the bottom of it...

Oh and last but not least - WTF is the Galileo Tesoro???

Excuse me for rant right there but if you can't tell by now I am quite mad. I am pretty sure that last episode gave me cancer.
Dec 20, 2013 6:36 PM
Apr 2013
vonPeterhof said:
Dunno where you live, but in much of Europe a 5/10 on a school assignment isn't average, it's either a borderline pass or an outright fail.
No, that doesn't matter. Next time you rate an anime, read the letters to the right of the numerical score you give it.
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