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Nov 20, 2010 9:35 AM

Jul 2010
Wow, I don't even know where to begin...having marathoned the last 8 episodes yesterday and now this today, I must say that my mind has been raped like never before. Mostly in a good way.

I thought the first scene was a good indication of what was to come. Disturbing, to say the least. The rest of the first half was absolutely brutal. Misato's death was quite emotional and well done, not overwrought in the slightest. And then, there was Asuka's death. Holy. Shit. I thought Touji's wrecking in episode 18 was bad, but this just completely blows that out of the water. The Evas tearing out her guts and mutilating her, having 10 Lances of Longinus pierce her, and then the disfigured corpse…the most terrifying and gruesome scenes in anime I have ever seen.

The second half drops the physical action, but the intensity’s at least the same level. I was ambivalent towards the typical mindfuck scenes, but strangely enough I enjoyed the end. I loved the part when everyone explodes into orange juice, combined with the hilariously inappropriate music. Then again, Evangelion has a habit of using music to create ironic situations, and that’s been done a number of other times in this movie too I think. At the end I was hoping for an ending where everyone could reunite, and at least that was somewhat achieved with the somewhat hopeful and bittersweet ending. Guess Shinji and Asuka are the new Adam and Eve (being not exactly well-versed in the Bible, just about every other reference went way over my head). I suppose if I wanted to see a downright happy ending, I could watch Gurren Lagann again =/

I went into NGE without much background knowledge, and as such I was expecting yet another shounen/mecha series. Bad idea, since NGE is just so far removed from the standard fare mecha show. This is a work of art and a masterpiece, though I was nowhere near prepared for the psychological onslaught. I didn’t fully “get” the show, and probably should’ve watched similar-themed shows before moving on to this one so I could appreciate it more. Oh well, at the very least it demands respect for the huge risks it takes.

Overall, around 9.5/10. Hope that Rebuild of Evangelion can top this =)
Jan 15, 2011 1:45 PM

Sep 2009
I really liked this movie , understood most of it ( maybe, I think?) certainly not everything, or maybe misunterstood everything or @.@ ...
I'm just gonna wait for the next movies.
Feb 1, 2011 12:52 AM
Jul 2018
I think people get the wrong idea with NGE. This isn't an over the top rollercoaster, it's subtle, it has tons of dialogue, and the little things complete the package. I could watch this series over and over, I finished rewatching it a couple months ago and I'm still picking up new things after a good 10 years or so.
Feb 16, 2011 12:34 AM

Aug 2010
I will never in a million years understand what I just watched.
Feb 23, 2011 12:14 AM
Dec 2010
Wow......I have no idea what that was about, but it was Epic. Undeniably Epic (the E is capital)
"I... don't need anything else...if you don't need anything else."
Feb 25, 2011 12:42 PM
Nov 2010
skip the remaining 3 Evangellion movies

The rebuild movies are much better than this garbage
Feb 25, 2011 8:34 PM

Sep 2010
Pretty good. Really confusing.
May 9, 2011 2:46 AM

Oct 2008
That was.. sooo weird. o_o

But for some reason I enjoyed it more than the series.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
May 15, 2011 6:24 AM
Dec 2010
man who created that had to be crazy and psycho, That was the one hell weirdest show i've seen.
I can't figure out how to rate it...

I think i'm gonna take that as it was view onto crazy mind of pathological murderer with multiple personalities one of them was shinji-kun and they just forgot to mention it in series/movie, who, at the end, still ended up in his own world again.

Ok i know im bit exaggerating but this was truly full of psychos :-X
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
May 20, 2011 9:11 PM
Feb 2011
The show was really too much. I want to say it was good but...seriously what the hell? The creator expects too much of his viewers...we're not mind readers.
Jun 15, 2011 9:01 PM

Aug 2010
I expected some mecha anime, but boy was I wrong. I swear the show and movie just fucked with my mind. My favorite char is definitely Asuka.
Jul 27, 2011 2:23 AM

May 2010
This movie made me feel every single emotion available. One of the greatest fucking things I have ever seen.

And Asuka's fight scenes are remarkable.
Aug 10, 2011 4:28 AM

Jan 2010
my head still hurts
Aug 11, 2011 9:45 AM

Aug 2011
Why is Shinji so stupid!!!
Oct 22, 2011 10:37 AM
Apr 2010
For the first half, I enjoyed it more than 25-26 episodes of the series. After all the tsunderism of Asuka and Shinji being a pussy it was AWESOME to see them go fucking crazy and fighting the enemies...

And the second part... Well, that was a mindfuck.
Oct 25, 2011 4:34 PM
Jul 2011
...umm...yeah everybody said what i was thinking already. whoever wrote this has serious issues. i was teased all the way to the bitter, anti-climactic end of evangelion.
Dec 3, 2011 5:24 AM

Jul 2009
EoE was EVEN_WORSE than original ending.

Well, this movie is a perfect mindfuck.

And by "mindfuck" I mean: lots of incoherent, senseless bullshit thrown around, to appeal mindless hordes of plebeians, so they can say "EVA IZ GREAT COZ ITZ A MINDFUCK!!11 IT HAZ LOTZ OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUFF (the very basics BTW) AND LOTZ OF SYMBOLISM!!!!!!!!!! IF U NO UNDERSTAND IT U MAD!!! (not that mindless plebeian understood it either, but he won't admit it)"

+someone got the concept of evolution so fucking wrong that it actually hurts. In the end, whole evangelion plot doesn't hold water. Better even - IT DOESN'T MATTER. "Mindfuck" is all that matters. My guess is - mindfuck is very appealing to otakus/plebeians/pokemanz becouse it screws with their minds. And I bet 99% of said otakus, etc don't take drugs, so they're satisfied with what their favourite medium delivers as a substitute. [*break for dinner*] After seeing NGE and EoE, those who took lsd will probably say "hmmm... I've seen something similar before," those who watch anime for plot/fights/etc and disregard "mindfuck" (me...) will be dissatisfied (if not disgusted) with them (NGE and EoE).

orzel286Dec 3, 2011 5:36 AM
Dec 3, 2011 5:51 AM

Feb 2009
It seems funny that, when people dislike something, they always try to insult the fanbase of said thing to somehow justify their dislike.
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Dec 15, 2011 8:58 PM

Aug 2009
It was cool, whatever.

I prefer the ambiguity of episodes 25+26 as the real ending. No shock value, just Shinji accepting himself. Because it's more important to love one's self before even bothering with what is reality and is life worth living.

Though it got tiring to watch slideshow fever, looped animation, and still frames forever for the actual series and the recorded segment of this movie even if it was just to make a point. It was agonizing to watch. Incredibly so. To the point where I wanted out several times but stayed just to finish. I choice I mildly regret, but I'll stand by my first statement.
Jan 21, 2012 2:26 PM

Jan 2012
I find that with the endings to both the series and EoE I have needed to step back afterwards to reflect...only then do I begin to really comprehend it. I really liked EoE, it brought more closure than the series' ending did, mostly because it placed a greater emphasis on the other characters (though what did Misato have in store for Shinji when he came back? <shudders>) It was great to see Asuka finally snapping out of her depressed funk to kick some ass. As for the very end, I assume that Shinji and Asuka are meant to be some sort of Adam and Eve symbolism and it appears that their feelings for each other are finally more expressed (Asuka caressing Shinji's cheek) and her "how disgusting" quote shows that her personality has finally returned. As for what happens to Shinji and Asuka? Well I really don't know but they certainly were meant to be together if they both rejected instrumentality. It's certainly a bittersweet ending...
Feb 5, 2012 3:50 AM

Aug 2010
The table flip scene was the best scene I've ever seen in anime
he totally jacked off in the beginning
Feb 19, 2012 8:38 PM

May 2011
...How am I supposed to rate this?

I came upon NGE knowing it was NOT Code Geass but one giant mind rape. I was expecting more of a Bokurano vibe, really.
I soon discovered that it was more psychological than depressing, as in a shit load more symbolism and in-depth thinking. If I had known that from the beginning, I would have planned some space inbetween episodes.

I just marathoned the entire Neon Genesis Evangelion series, immediately followed by End of Evangelion.

I now truly know what it means to be mind raped. I thought I knew before, as if it was just something that left you confused or depressed (like Cat Soup or Ima Soku ni Iru Boku, no big deal), but no, that's not it. That's just minor mind molestation. Some might even say it's the innapropriate flirting between a teacher and his student that never results in physical contact, just awkward conversations.

But no. That was a full-on mind fuck.

And the result: ...I didn't like it. I didn't dislike it.
I really don't know. I think I understand the main jist of it, but there were so many parts, details large and small, that I have multiple theories about or have no clue whatsoever and can't figure out even after reading numerous forums and webpages. I am just really confused and don't know what to make out of it. I had problems with the series's end, so this was a nice conclusion, but while it explained some things, it ruined any chance I thought I had for making sense of this show.

...But it's not that unpleasant. I guess I like that I can speculate on so many different things. I'm given a myriad of thought possiblilities on single subjects from this show, which I've honestly never had after watching anything before. But I still don't know what I think of this show overall. I think it's something I'll have to keep rewatching over the years and pick up more and more things to consider before I really start to understand it. So it's not bad.

Feb 20, 2012 5:54 AM
Oct 2011
Jesus, what a mindfuck. After watching the entire Higurashi series in its entirety, I can still comfortably say that that was the most fucked-up, intense thing I've ever watched in my life.
Apr 7, 2012 11:47 AM

Aug 2009
I just want to say that I thought this was awesome but I have no idea how to rate this.
Apr 7, 2012 11:59 AM
Jul 2018
The Third Impact is basically just surrealistic symbolism for the connections between people. Don't look at it as something logical, but allegorical.

Most of the characters in EVA (particularly the pilots as they're confused teenagers) have difficulty connecting with others emotionally, and the Third Impact brings all the people together as one consciousness, so they don't need to worry about being hurt by others anymore. But it's at the cost of their individuality as people. Shinji realises that, and rejects the instrumentality, accepting who he is as an individual.

And this is all stuff that the show points out very clearly in Episodes 25 & 26 of the TV series. This movie is the same thing, just with a giant naked Rei melting people into tasty primordial soup lol.
Apr 16, 2012 5:56 PM
Jul 2018
Ok, overall, it was boring. But I liked it. 8/10
May 21, 2012 3:24 PM

Dec 2010
what the fuck did i just watch?
May 28, 2012 10:20 PM

May 2012
I watched this movie awhile ago and loved it! I thought it all brought most everything into light and really was the best conclusion for a show I have ever seen. I think one of the only things that did not make any sense to me in the movie/ show (if anyone could shed light on this for me) exactly what the hell did Comander Ikari want differently than freaking seele. Was he just trying to use the instrumentality project to become god-like so he could form his own future vision? Because he seemes OK with what happened at the end of the movie (everyone bursting into LCL or whatever the essense is called) and that is whate Seele wanted too. So why the big fight and conflict?
Anyway it was truly a masterpiece
Jun 2, 2012 10:42 AM
Mar 2012
Jun 6, 2012 8:55 AM

Mar 2008
For me there are still things I don't get .. either they were never explained or I simply missed it. May need to read some other discussions regarding NGE.
Unlike the series, I enjoyed this a lot more. I also liked the last 2 episodes of the TV series and episode 19 I think, but particularly the first half of the TV series wasn't good imo.

Now, how to rate them... this is going to be difficult.
Jun 23, 2012 3:04 PM

Sep 2011
I'm a returning Evangelion fan, meaning that I liked the series back then when it came out but only recently (when I'm finally mature) did I finally take the time to truly appreciate and understand the series. So recently I just finished the series, and this is my take:

Finished End of Evangelion and I just wanna say I actually thought it was great. It was actually......uplifting, more so than I expected it to be, especially considering how people often talk about it saying that it's just pure mind-screw and depressing nonsense (which I greatly disagree with.) I think what's important to take into account is that a lot of the stuff that happened wasn't even symbolic: EVERYTHING is very literal. It actually revealed all the vital plot details in the end, and finally revealed the reason why only the young children could pilot the Evas: the souls of their mothers reside within the Evas and the connection of the psyche between parent and child is what allows them to function.

Nearly everything was finally revealed (the connection between humanity/Angels, Seele's goal etc.), heck the only thing they never mentioned was the whole deal about the Lance of Longinus sealing Adam or Lillith (I had to research the full extent of this and yet it wasn't even that vital to the plot.) Now the only thing I can even nitpick about the whole of Evangelion was Episode 24 as its exposition (through Kaworu's reveal) was too rushed, to the point that it could cause general confusion. Otherwise I thought End of Evangelion was actually straightforward and perfect. Not to mention, it was far more uplifting than people often put it (an indication that one shouldn't always trust what people say and that you should experience them for yourself.) The imagery and psychological concepts was probably the thing that put people off since not everyone is quick to catch on with them, especially with the stylistic presentation of the events that transpired. Asuka finally showed off her prowess despite dying initially, Rei finds peace in realizing that she is actually a reincarnated form of Lillith as well as learning to appreciate her emotions through Shinji and of course Shinji, wow Shinji. For all the depressing things that Evangelion talks about, the final lesson it gives to its main protagonist and its viewers pretty much boils down to this: Learn to appreciate yourself more as well as life in general.

9/10 - Very ethereal yet precise in its explanation. Presents an interesting mythology with the conflict of humans/Angels (Adam/Lillith) as virtually similar beings that co-existed since the beginning of life on Earth. Character development and dialogue-interplay was brilliant. Gives an uplifting message in the end despite all the death and despair throughout the series. Amazing ending to the series, I would argue that it was only hampered down by the fact that Episode 24 of the series should've been divided into two episodes (instead of jam-packing all the info about "the reveal" in one go).
ronriJan 12, 2013 8:57 PM
Jun 30, 2012 2:47 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
This is Anno saying "fix'd" to the TV series. A masterpiece.
Though I'm still thinking about that last scene to this day...

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jul 14, 2012 9:58 AM

Jul 2010
i question why i gave this series another chance. the latter half was confusing as heck.

Jul 20, 2012 5:12 AM

Aug 2010
oh my.
i think it's one of the movies that intimidates me - when characters go through such a thorough emotional journey and you see how broken they are, the scars they carry.

i did enjoy it though. i wasn't really looking for answers to unanswered questions from the series, and i thought this movie brought me closer to the characters.
Jul 20, 2012 6:27 PM
Jun 2012
This is going to be pretty long so bear with me, but this is my explanation of the series plot.

The organization, SEELE had it's hands set on the Human Instrumentality Project.

Now what is the Human Instrumentality Project?

The Human Instrumentality Project, otherwise known as the Human Complementation Project is an effort to reunite all Lilim consciousness (mankind, who were born from an entity called Lilith) into one.

Why do they wish to do this? It is an effort to eradicate loneliness and insecurity. Insecurity would be erased because the flaws of each individual would be complemented by the strengths of others, there would be no insecurity since everyone is one, everyone has the same flaws and strengths since they are now one entity.

Because everyone is one, there is no longer the pain of loneliness, as there is no gaps between humans, everyone is together.

Now that I've got that out the way, let me explain the rest of the plot.

In order for SEELE to initiate Human Instrumentality, they need to be able to open the Door of Guf in order to gather all souls into the Chamber of Guf (which is lilith's black egg)

"What the hell is the Chamber of Guf?"

In Jewish mythology, the Chamber of Guf refers to the place were all unborn souls (minds, consciousness) reside. It is the place where consciousness resides before entering a host (body). The Door of Guf is the entrance to that Chamber, which can only be reopened by God (Think of it like God gathering all souls into heaven during the Final Judgement).

To gain Godlike power, SEELE needed two things. The fruit of knowledge (which is possessed by mankind) and the fruit of life (possessed by the angels).

As you know, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge in the Bible, they lost access to the Tree of Life and could no longer live forever, so in relation to EVA, what this means is that normally, you either have the Fruit of Life or the Fruit of Knowledge, but not both, only God possesses both.

In order for SEELE to get the tree of life though, they needed to initiate Second Impact. To do this, they awakened the First Angel, Adam who opened up the Door of Guf for the Angels and began terraforming the earth for the angels to live in, but before it could fully awaken, they reduced it to an Embryonic form using the Lance of Longinus. Their attempts to gain the Tree of Life from Adam had failed, his soul was released into the atmosphere as well.

Now that the Angels souls were released from Adam's Chamber of Guf (Which was inside the White moon) SEELE now had access to the Tree of Life, possessed by the all of Adam's Children (and Adam alone)

In order for the Lilim to get possession of the tree of life, the Angels would all have to be wiped out, thus begins the EVA project to put a stop to them.

Once SEELE had finished off the angels, they were going to use the Lance of Longinus tg suppress Lilith's will and force open up the Lilim Door of Guf (through the hands) and allow all Human souls reentry into the Chamber of guf for instrumentality.

Gendo however, disposed of the Lance of Longinus, preventing SEELE's only means of suppressing Lilith. Lilith would no longer be suppressed. They would have to proceed with using Unit 01, the only clone of Lilith, who's will was suppressed by the armour restraints (which is why they got worried a few times when Unit 01 awakened and broke free from those restraints).

Since Unit 01 is the only clone of Lilith, it's body could be used as a medium for opening the Door of Guf.

The Door of Guf would be those vagina hands (called the stigmata) you see marked on Unit 01 and Lilith. The human souls entering this symbolises a return to the womb, a return to the place you were before you were born. "It all returns to nothing". That is where the souls would be gathered.

Gendo didn't want to initiate Instrumentality, he was morally opposed to it. "Death creates nothing". He was simply working with SEELE so he would be able to combine his body with Lilith so he'd be able to reunite with his wife, Yui.

Since he was on good terms with Rei (or so he thought), he believed Rei/Lilith would obey him, but alas she did not.

Lilith obeyed only Shinji since Rei loved him. He decided to go through with instrumentality so it all began and stuff, but then he rejected instrumentality in the end and they all returned to their individual forms.

And so at the end of th-OH CHRIST THIS SHIT IS BANANAS
Jul 20, 2012 6:45 PM

Oct 2010
I am perfectly fine with the mindfuck imagery of this ending. What I don't like is that characters are decontextualized and their main traits raped for that process, to the point they are more like walking concepts and at times (what the fuck was that Katsuragi portrayal?) totally incoherent.

I got disgusted and annoyed at the masturbation scene. Not only because of how unnecessarily graphic it was but because I couldn't see the same Shinji I had known from the series daring to do this. He is an extremely shy and insecure boy, for God's sake. As well as it works for the shock effect you can't have him jerking off in front of the body of a friend, in a familiar environment (the NERV hospital) and probably feeling observed. And it annoys me even more because it is used as an artificial resource to increase the degree of depression and guilt of the character to the point it turns from understandable to overdone and forced.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a character study. The end of Evangelion is just a bunch of high concepts. Saying this is the best ending the series could have is something I can't agree at all with.
Jul 20, 2012 7:03 PM

Jul 2012
I'm a biased fanboy, I know. But The End of Evangelion is my favourite film of all time, and in my opinion, an immensely satisfying ending to the series. It's one of the most rewatchable films I can think of; every time I view it, I notice something I didn't before. And it makes you think. The Classified Information files from NGE2 help a lot for the series as a whole ,but there's still so much symbolism and visual metaphors in the film that you can think about it for hours on end without getting bored. Not to mention the animation is gorgeous, and the editing, music, and voice acting are all perfect. Which doesn't mean the film is perfect. I agree that Shinji's masturbation scene was rather forced, and much of 26' could have been better edited, but overall it's still a masterpiece, and an amazing artistic achievement.

I can't wipe my butt with the shreds of a wedding dress!!

Jul 20, 2012 10:54 PM

Sep 2011
jal90 said:

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a character study. The end of Evangelion is just a bunch of high concepts. Saying this is the best ending the series could have is something I can't agree at all with.

While I agree with you to some degree, my reasoning lies in the fact that this ending fully fitted perfectly with the TV series (no not Evangelion as a whole, but the TV series in particular). The masturbation scene was unsettling no doubt, but it accentuated how far Shinji's mental state has truly been reduced for all the suffering he endured. He wasn't unknowingly being perverse or immoral, in fact his own self-awareness and guilt of simply desiring some form of comfort/gratification at such a dire situation was what made it all the more depressing in my eyes.

I stand by my view of this film as the perfect ending to the TV series. I always felt that the series and this film represented how far one could push the characters to the brink of despair as well as showcasing the conflict of finding oneself while being caught in such a violent and chaotic world. As complementary piece, I then take the Rebuild films more as a form empowerment to the characters, finally giving and rewarding them what they deserved for so long.
ronriJul 24, 2012 7:16 AM
Jul 25, 2012 1:11 PM

Jun 2012
Well, after being mildly disappointed with the TV ending, I watched End of Evangelion.

Throughout the first half, I was rather satisfied. Asuka has the most epic death ever and then Shinji gets in Unit 01. Right before it cut to the second half, you could see Unit 01 breaking off all of its restraints and letting out a massive scream as it went into complete berserker mode. I was thinking "Sweet, I finally get to see Unit 01 use it's full power and totally kill everybody out there to avenge Asuka's death."

Then, it switches to the second half. Unit 01 does nothing, and gets carried into the sky by the flying Evas. They do some sort of magic AT field trick which makes the area around Unit 01 really shiny and colorful. Then, Rei gets into Adam and takes the form of an earth-sized Rei. Unit 01 was still not doing anything, and Shinji went back to how he was in episodes 25 and 26. Then, everyone on the earth gets their soul carried into a massive black orb, and then Shinji goes through a series of mental trials and then Rei's head gets cut in half and he returns to his human form.

Movie ends as he tries to kill Askua while crying on the hellish surface of Earth.

The second half came in way to quickly. I was seriously disappointed that Unit 01 didn't go berserk and kill everyone. In a single moment, the series went from epic finale to psycho mind-fuck existentialism like in the ending of the TV series.

I would have been just fine with the ending if it didn't happen so abruptly. Also the imagery in the ending would have been much more disturbing if they had actually built up to it instead of bringing it all in at once.

I'm seriously disappointed with the ending.
LarasoJul 25, 2012 1:16 PM
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Aug 2, 2012 4:46 AM

Jan 2012
another overrated piece of shit

have fun wasting your life rewatching this crap and pretend your enjoy it over and over again

Aug 2, 2012 9:53 AM

Sep 2011
flaxman85 said:
another overrated piece of shit

have fun wasting your life rewatching this crap and pretend your enjoy it over and over again


So much hate in this post I actually lol'd.
Aug 7, 2012 7:47 PM

Jun 2008
So...everyone is alive at the end, yeah? There's no more angels to worry about, and the only major problems are the destruction of NERV, and the seas apparently being made of blood now. Yeah.

I'm guessing Rei is dead though, right? Considering she's...hardly normal.

Anyways, better than the anime ending (since that wasn't really an ending), but it felt a bit rushed in the second half, yeah. I'm surprise Unit 01 couldn't do anything to the other Eva. Who by the way could revive themselves how?

Aug 7, 2012 8:37 PM

Sep 2011
darkares said:
So...everyone is alive at the end, yeah? There's no more angels to worry about, and the only major problems are the destruction of NERV, and the seas apparently being made of blood now. Yeah.

I'm guessing Rei is dead though, right? Considering she's...hardly normal.

Anyways, better than the anime ending (since that wasn't really an ending), but it felt a bit rushed in the second half, yeah. I'm surprise Unit 01 couldn't do anything to the other Eva. Who by the way could revive themselves how?

Yup, pretty much that's how it ends. Glad you enjoyed it, though to address your last question:

The Mass-Production Evas had their own in-built S2 Engine, meaning they didn't need the umbilical plugs to power them. It's similar to how Unit-01 later didn't need the plug as well and how it could easily regenerate. Also, the Mass-Production Evas were never really killed, since the only real way to kill an Eva or an Angel is by breaking its core (which Asuka never managed to achieve in her fight against the MP-Evas).

Hope that helps! ^_^
Aug 15, 2012 10:53 AM

Aug 2012
Freaking idiots if you can't understand what the film says.

I'd consider this film a perfect work of art.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines.
Aug 16, 2012 5:04 PM
Jul 2012
It's a great movie but I hope the rebuild shows the story better and ends even better
Aug 18, 2012 8:57 PM

Feb 2009
Holy shit.

That was absolutely genius. I don't know if the original series was quite at masterpiece level (the first half brings it down and I'd rather pretend the last 2 episodes don't exist), but this? To me, that was absolutely a damn masterpiece.

I was a bit confused in the second half, but after reading a little bit up on the episode I think I've got it. Fantastic. It ties up enough threads to satisfy, but also keeps the right things ambiguous to keep people guessing - and evidently, people HAVE been talking about this series ever since it ended. I'm going to be thinking about this series and its ending for weeks, I'm absolutely sure, we'll see beyond that.

I salute you, Neon Genesis Evangelion. I've doubted you many times, I've never been convinced enough to give you a try in all my years watching anime, but you proved me fucking wrong. I was stupid for not watching this sooner. A rare 10/10 for End of Evangelion.
Aug 27, 2012 4:08 PM

May 2012
Wow.. That was.. Weird..

The first half of the movie was quite good, but ever since Ayanami was unificated with Lilith till the very end I was like "Dafuq did I just watch"

I definitely like the original ending of evangelion much more. I know that they were low on budget and End of Evangelion is in the intentions of author the real end, but I'd say that in my opinion, author accidentaly did something way much better, than he originally planned. So in my opinion: TV series ending FTW

Maybe my problem is, that from the very beginning the whole ocultistic and religious like imaginery didn't really speak to me?
I mean for me it was, like the author sat down, got bunch of books (Bible, some Jewish apocrypha ect.), mixed it up in his own way, cut something here, add something there, and tried to link it with mecha and his own life (experiences from depression etc.) I got even his quote:
"There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice."
I mean.. kinda without-insight action.
But hey, when I watched anime I thought: "Let's pretend that I buy it" and then I enjoyed it greatly. Just with this movie it was too much... My mind was blown.

Anyway I think, I like the message of this movie.
Nov 16, 2012 11:45 AM

Jun 2012
Nov 22, 2012 5:13 AM

Oct 2011
The End of Evangelion discussion thread: 5 pages

Bleach episode 823 discussion thread: 900 pages

And this is the world that we live in.
Nov 30, 2012 1:22 AM
Jun 2009
The End of Evangelion discussion thread: 5 pages

Bleach episode 823 discussion thread: 900 pages

And this is the world that we live in.

umm theres many reasons why but ill explain it shortly,this movie came out 15 years ago,Bleach is in the peak of its popularity
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Aerghlis - Sep 29, 2024

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Sep 29, 2024 11:31 AM

» A(No-Other) Psychanalytic Take on Evangelion's Cosmology

Aerghlis - Aug 7, 2024

6 by Aerghlis »»
Sep 19, 2024 4:34 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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