All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 47.6
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed106
- On-Hold23
- Dropped37
- Plan to Watch89
- Total Entries270
- Rewatched31
- Episodes2,966
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 29.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries254
- Reread8
- Chapters2,603
- Volumes519
All Comments (122) Comments
Also come back to the FE4 Thread and play the new NTG Maker.
Too bad for No.6, that's the anime I miss most now =[
I don't think it'll get a second season, even though there are manty big fans..
Was it a disappointing ending though?
I LOVE your picture <'33
By the way... how are you? x]
On the bright side, it's still better than Star Driver.
I'd say just watch episodes 9-10 (Hashire, Melos!) and ignore the rest, but if you really want to watch it all, I'd recommend saving these episodes for last.
You will cry!
Or maybe you won't and I was just emotionnal. :/
BL need plots just as much as other manga.
Btw, from what series is your DP? I love the look on his face. ♥
Please don't forget to save and re-host your card!