My favorites section lists the last ten shows I rated 10. I'm getting worse at ordering and classifying, and I think this says more about my current interests than a top10 that is so set in stone at this point that I'm kind of lazy to handle.
Just to clarify, my favorite anime ever is still
Spirited away, which is coincidentally my favorite film or piece of fiction ever. But for the sake of this new rule, I'm not putting it there.
With that set, let's throw a few random facts about me:
-I am a 30-year-old Spanish guy. Biology + a Master's Degree in Biomedical Biotechnology.
-I am very much into films. In fact this comes before my specific interest on anime. My tastes are varied but like everybody I have my little preferences. Bring me anything that revolves around nostalgia on childhood and/or friendship, and I will much likely love it. Bring me a psychological thriller about a main character getting through a mindfucking journey, and I'll be sold. And so on.
-My interests on anime started as soon as April 2009 when I watched
Princess Mononoke for the first time. I got an interest on exploring the rest of Studio Ghibli and both Miyazaki and Takahata became favorite directors. My next step was Satoshi Kon, who became another of my favorites, and around the same time I went through
Azumanga Daioh, the first show I watched without a clear positive reference (hype) in mind, just as a random one. The result was so good that it encouraged me to dig more deeply and to try stuff.
-Keep in mind that English is not my first language so I'm likely to make mistakes relatively often. I've been here for years so my English level works fine but there will be the occasional moment where my thoughts are lost in translation. Also remember that I can always use it as an excuse. Why? Because I can. Deal with it =).
-How I rate. It's something like this:
10 - Awesome show, with very few flaws that I can easily ignore, and capable of bringing lasting memories on me. [9.6-10]
9 - Great, with some minor flaws or a more or less long part I didn't enjoy at all, but managed to be memorable nonetheless. [9-9.5]
8 - Very good, I don't really have an interest on rewatching but I'm sure I will be pleased again if it ever comes the chance. [8-8.9]
7 - A little irregular but something I still can call good. Its flaws are too blatant to ignore but I can sit through them and have a good time with the show. [7-7.9]
6 - The good outweighs the bad but I don't have any kind of attachment to this work. Not interested on viewing it again but at least I didn't feel like I lost my time watching it. [6-6.9]
5 - Mediocre at best, it is close to not watching anything. I didn't like or dislike it, I won't remember it in a couple days. [5-5.9]
4 - I can find some points I like in it, but mostly it's a below average show that I can't enjoy at all but is too insignificant to hate either, overall. [4-4.9]
3 - There is still the occasional moment or scene I would like to save, but I have grown a strong dislike to the rest that is too prominent. [3-3.9]
2 - I plain hate the show, it didn't bring anything good or outstanding, and am actually shocked this was found worthy of being aired. [2-2.9]
1 - Absolutely nothing remarkable in the good sense, absolutely everything remarkable in the bad sense. The lowest of the low. [0-1.9]
This is more or less the criterion I follow, but it can vary depending on the show. Anyway, I do use the full scale, but tend to veer towards the positive. My number of 10 ratings is high, as you see I don't define it in terms of perfection but rather in terms of awesomeness, so it's not really an exclusive rating. I believe that, if I ever watched every anime in MyAnimeList, my number of votes would be the same for each score. Since I tend to focus on recommendations and shows I've grown a hype around, it's only natural that my average is high.
My MALgraph:
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Also, about genshin. I quite like its main quest aka archon quest. Aside from that, the game does have some really well-designed characters. But these days I feel like it's going through at an all low. At least for me that is. Though, I do know the next arc will be good. So I'm just mostly skipping the current one as much as I like. Also, genshin isn't competitive. It's so easy I could cry xD.
And lastly, congrats on completing your Master's degree! It takes a lot of effort to do it! And your CV's gotten a multiplier boost thanks to it!
Oh, while we're at it, I'll mention the two games I currently play. No more like do you play Genshin Impact? xD
Ah while we're at it, yesterday I was talking with a genshin friend and they were like, "I'm very confused as to what you look into chars when pulling them." I was like I'll think and get back to you. And omg, I ended up writing 3000 words about it. And I tried my best to keep it short! And I even cast the whole male cast aside and only focused on the female chars! It was both hilarious and terrifying I mean I haven't written something this long for a long time except for my thesis! But we don't talk about it! This reminded me of the forums back then. I don't think I've ever written this long on forums either xD. But it was a nice nostalgia. And now it was time to send my 3000 word thesis to my friend through dms... omg, I was like what to do. Then I remembered a saying that went like to see whether someone means what they say, make them repeat the same thing three times. Heck I apologized three times! So they get I mean my apology!
Ah, right right. While we're at it I don't remember reading you had a master's degree the last time I visited your profile.
Well, considering how we've never interacted before, this may seem out of place lol. But at least during the times I was slightly active on the forums, I do know about you and have interacted with you a few times. Which was perhaps around 2018-2019. Time sure flies by! I haven't seem to have logged in for quite some time. And now while I have for updating my lists, I'm dropping a greeting at your doorstep.
Have a good day!
For what it's worth, I don't think anything you said aged poorly at all. But if you think so I understand.
You seemed like one of the only people in that thread I actually enjoyed reading the responses of.