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Oct 22, 2017 12:48 PM
Jul 2018
Epicenter said:
I know it would seem obvious she did this as revenge, but is it actually shown Chain gave the wallet back to Leo? I don't remember that scene.

The wallet was in his hoodie

I didn't notice it either, until I read some comments. Though I wonder how it went for Zapp and his Freedom Magnum
Oct 22, 2017 1:43 PM

Nov 2012
Inferno_Blaze said:
Epicenter said:
I know it would seem obvious she did this as revenge, but is it actually shown Chain gave the wallet back to Leo? I don't remember that scene.

The wallet was in his hoodie

I didn't notice it either, until I read some comments. Though I wonder how it went for Zapp and his Freedom Magnum

Ah thanks, okay that makes her a lot more likeable, I was starting to get neutral.
Oct 22, 2017 2:38 PM
Apr 2016
This is outright sad episode.
Oct 22, 2017 2:39 PM

Jul 2009
Zapp was so high at the beginning XD

Looks like the little Trigun cat is everywhere:

Oct 22, 2017 3:51 PM

May 2015
Once again, Zapp's moments were hilarious XD.

Oct 22, 2017 7:43 PM

Nov 2011
Soooo did that one girl rip the other girls titties off? If so that must have suuuuucked.

Chain was kind of a bitch in this episode. Yeah she got Leo's wallet back but he still got his ass whopped by that dude. I mean unless she had a good reason not to help him out which I doubt there was.

She still is best girl though.

Holy shit Steven though!!! That was pretty cool...
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Oct 22, 2017 9:40 PM

Jan 2011
Pretty sure the point of Chain not helping was to show Leo needs to fend for himself. Teach a man to fish.
Oct 22, 2017 11:40 PM
Mar 2017
Nothing worse as a just person like Leo, who does not want to use his "skill" for his own sake, because it reminds him of his sister ... but if they help other people. What a stupid thing!.
Why do you say that if you use power, the debt will increase ?. I do not understand who explains me!

(google translater)
FireCrauterOct 22, 2017 11:44 PM
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Oct 23, 2017 3:44 AM

Mar 2013
Uh so the other girl died or not? lmao

It was a nice episode since it focused on our main characters on their off days. Something we haven't seen yet.

Poor thugs. That city really is a harsh place lol
Oct 23, 2017 6:22 AM
Jul 2018
SoraSenpai said:
Soooo did that one girl rip the other girls titties off? If so that must have suuuuucked.

Chain was kind of a bitch in this episode. Yeah she got Leo's wallet back but he still got his ass whopped by that dude. I mean unless she had a good reason not to help him out which I doubt there was.

She still is best girl though.

Holy shit Steven though!!! That was pretty cool...

Maybe it was because those thugs could get punished even more at the bar. Since she took the wallet at the bar, they couldn't pay it back so they lost body parts instead. Though, yeah I do feel really bad for Leo
removed-userOct 23, 2017 6:26 AM
Oct 23, 2017 7:25 AM

Jul 2013
First, great episode. We're finally shown what happens in the daily but abnormal life of individual characters. Steven and Chain finally got more screen time than they had the previous season, and who doesn't love them both? (Read: Steeeveeeeeennnnnnn ♥♥♥) Leo's growing a backbone or two though I really wish he wouldn't be so averse in using his eyes (they're there for a reason, kid, and you're in Hellsalem's Lot for christ's sake). And Zapp. Oh, Zapp.

Second, I have no bone to pick with anyone but I honestly don't understand why people are all "I hope this season gets more plot" or "Still not seeing the main plot" or "this anime isn't worth it coz there's no effin plot". What is wrong with this being an episodic anime? It's chaotic. It's disorganized. It runs you around in circles but that's what makes it so fun to watch. This isn't the first anime with this structure and god forbid we've got shitload of mainstream titles already. Worse is it's getting dubbed as "trash" for something it wasn't supposed to deliver in the first place.

I went off on a tangent but yeah, great episode as always.
Oct 23, 2017 11:00 AM

Aug 2016
I really love the essence of this anime, every episode leaves me without words. Simply stories of a daily life in an apocalyptic city of our main characters that generate and give birth to a fantastic anime to enjoy.


Oct 23, 2017 11:03 AM

Aug 2016
I really love the essence of this anime, every episode leaves me without words. Simply stories of a daily life in an apocalyptic city of our main characters that generate and give birth to a fantastic anime to enjoy.


Oct 23, 2017 2:25 PM

Jun 2013
why did Chain ignored Leo at the start? also damn Steven is a badass
Oct 23, 2017 2:34 PM

Apr 2012
FireCrauter said:
Why do you say that if you use power, the debt will increase ?. I do not understand who explains me!
I meant like the moral debt. Ultimately Leo's goal is to do the demon's bidding and free his sister (and himself). If he used his power for personal gain, he would feel like abusing his sister himself (because she paid for that power), he would be no different from the demon then.
Oct 23, 2017 7:15 PM

Aug 2013
That "Hi, Steven" voice reminded me of those "hey Steven" videos on Youtube
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Oct 23, 2017 10:48 PM

Jul 2009
Ulquiorra said:
Leonardo is too damn lame, he can't do anything alone.
Chain was cool and hot.

No he's just a nice person. Poor kid even got nervous when the dude was like but what if you accidently kill me? xD

And he can do stuff alone, he chooses not to.
Oct 23, 2017 11:04 PM

Nov 2013
Some of you may not have enjoyed this episode as much in comparison to the last one but this was a much needed character development episode .
We get to learn that being part of Libra does not necessarily mean you always have others to rely on and each member has their own issues to deal with .

First and maybe most significant development is Steven, we see that his character is very complex. He has a house full of guests, supposedly friends but none that he can trust . It's part of his line of work and even more so ingrained into his personality, he cannot help but always have his guard up . I feel the reason he thanks Veded at the end is because she is someone who is true and good to him, which is something that he struggles to find. You can see he is always thinking about the challenge of keeping his resolve as even he is unsure of what kind of expression he should make.

For Leonardo , we see that despite his all powerful eyes , he is humbled and makes sure he only uses his eyes for others; a way to pay homage to the gift his sister granted him . We also learn that Hellsalem is every bit as hard of a city as intended, and Leo being a regular human most certainly feels his powerlessness , but more so his need to change and grow stronger.

We see Chain being a silent overlooker for her comrades. Sometimes the best help you can give someone is to stand back and let them experience things themselves so that they may grow stronger from them . This is why she doesn't help Leo at first . At first it may seem selfish, but her way of helping him is perhaps a better in hindsight , as he learns a lesson in the progress . We see she is not the cold person she may seem at times .

And then there's Zapp.

All in all , really enjoyed the slower more character oriented episode. Good stuff !
herricklukOct 23, 2017 11:14 PM
Oct 24, 2017 5:47 AM

Jul 2013
Forgot to mention this but it's real nice to hear last season's OST still being used this season. Iwasaki did a superb job and this series pretty much has one of the best soundtracks around.
Oct 24, 2017 6:59 AM

Oct 2008
Whatever's happening to Renfro Zapp is so wacky! LOL at what happened to his boner!
Leonardo as well is being useless could not even bring town a common thug!
Chain so cool winning the halsalems Alcohol shot competition!
Steven so badass as always!

Oct 24, 2017 7:25 AM

Feb 2008
Too bad for Zapp's Freedom Magnum... His misfortune really cracked me up. Chain's drinking contest was amusing as well, particularly its aftermath.
Oct 24, 2017 5:30 PM

Mar 2012
Chain may have got Leo's wallet back, but there was no reference that she gave it back to him.
Oct 24, 2017 7:06 PM
Jul 2018
dzn018 said:
Chain may have got Leo's wallet back, but there was no reference that she gave it back to him.

There is. It's in his hoodie. Its at the end when Leo and Zapp are on the motorcycle. The pic is on the top part of this page too if you want to see
Oct 24, 2017 7:42 PM

Mar 2012
Inferno_Blaze said:
dzn018 said:
Chain may have got Leo's wallet back, but there was no reference that she gave it back to him.

There is. It's in his hoodie. Its at the end when Leo and Zapp are on the motorcycle. The pic is on the top part of this page too if you want to see

Oh, must've missed it then. I assumed Chain is indifferent to things outside work.
Oct 25, 2017 12:07 PM

Sep 2015
Fun little episode. Way more sadistic than I remember the show ever being. Especially Zapp. I haven't watched the first season since it came out. And I do remember him being a butt monkey. But he's swiftly becoming a chew toy this season. After being unceremoniously knocked about last time. Here he almost loses dick. Which might have been the strangest of the three interconnected stories.

I like that they're giving some time to Chain now. Seems like she'll factor into the next episode too. The drinking contest was awesome. And her abandoning Leonardo in the alley got a laugh out of me too. Still don't really know much about her character or motivation though. I'm also still curious if this season plans to develop an overarching story. Maybe involving Leonardo's little sister. Who was brought up again in this episode to no payoff.
Oct 25, 2017 1:39 PM

Jun 2011
Damn Chain was so fine I could hardly see straight. I'd like to see even more of her. I still don't understand why she ignored Leo when he needed help? Did she think Leo needs to start handling things on his own? I wish we got some kind of explanation.

Felt bad for Leo for sure, he always gets in the worst trouble.

Zapp is always hilarious.

I really enjoy episodes that have multiple story lines going on, but my issue with this one is is that it feels like hardly any of them were resolved. Sure Leo got his wallet back, but did he learn anything or was he able to stick up for himself? Not really. Zapp was able to find the cat in the end at least.

As for Steven, I'm not exactly sure what this episode was going for with him. It's cool that we get to see more of his personal life, but I guess this was trying to convey that he's overworked and needs to relax. However, they didn't really do anything about that, he still had to fight some people. And on a side note, that power he used was cool as hell.

Overall, this was an enjoyable episode for sure, but from a story standpoint, it was pretty weak.

Chain best girl <3
Oct 25, 2017 1:58 PM

Oct 2012
Omg chain best girl confirmed. And Steven...damn dude.
Oct 26, 2017 11:45 AM

Sep 2013
Leo getting his kicked cause he's to passive but the guys get their karma with chain and the bartender.
Zapp with deadly women problems and steven doing the dirty work that clause won't do :'(
Oct 28, 2017 11:43 AM

Apr 2013
This is the best series of the season for me so far. I love the characters and i love the shenanigans they get up to day to day. I don't even need an over-arching plot with a big bad.
Oct 31, 2017 6:25 AM

Mar 2009
closeureyes said:
I really love the essence of this anime, every episode leaves me without words. Simply stories of a daily life in an apocalyptic city of our main characters that generate and give birth to a fantastic anime to enjoy.


Thanks for the gifs!
Chain's such a babe. I'm glad we're getting more of her in the next episode.
Nov 2, 2017 7:28 AM

Aug 2017
Steven is the only good character in this episode. That guy is cool. The others are just boring or annoying. Leo was useless as ever, Chain was disappointed (why she doesn't help Leo? why she is in that bar?) and Zapp was more annoying than funny in this episode. Also Leo (he learn anything?) and Zapp problems went to nowhere because the episode ends before that.
NurguburuNov 2, 2017 7:38 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 5, 2017 4:26 AM

Jul 2009
Everyone was in trouble this episode! Steven was great!
Nov 5, 2017 7:19 AM
Jul 2017
Honestly i loved the first season of this show but to be honest they really messed up with this episode i mean that stuff that happened with that girl over a cat was serioualy messed up and kinda took away from the episode
Nov 6, 2017 7:31 AM

Apr 2013
ok... what the fuck?! first of all why the hell did Leo not use his eyes get out off the situation? i would have gotten if it was for comedy but the music played after it makes it clear we are supposed to sympathize with him. this is the guy who has taken out terrorists for chirst's sake, and he got robbed of his precious sister's allowance by two-bit thugs. I repeat, WHAT?!
"I don't like using the special moves for my sake" blah blah blah. Self-Defence is a fucking thing you moron!

And then with the woman who got her breasts mauled.
{Edit -
Cashern2451 said:
Honestly i loved the first season of this show but to be honest they really messed up with this episode i mean that stuff that happened with that girl over a cat was serioualy messed up and kinda took away from the episode

Exactly right!}

On the flip side, however, the Steven story was FANTASTIC! It added much more depth to his character, even if that wasn't entirely positive, but damn i really felt for him near the end.

Of course, how he dealt with them was just... cold, ice cold! XD
R2Nov 6, 2017 7:38 AM
Nov 18, 2017 5:35 PM

Apr 2011
I'm still sad about the blonde girl boobs exploded at the beginning, because of a cat.

The thugs lost all their body parts, is over the top for stealing a wallet.

The party was something off and the man has his own secret death squad of S&M looking monsters.
Nov 26, 2017 5:24 PM

Jan 2014
This show really bewilders me. Generally, I find myself not paying attention to all the episodes fully. But every once in a while, this show will pop out an episode like this one where I was engaged the whole time. I really enjoyed this episode as it showed the MC's personality/perspective of what is right and wrong, and the subtlety of the other two characters' actions (the ice guy and the girl who got his money back at the bar). I guess she thought the MC could defend himself, but after learning he got beat up maybe she felt bad and wanted to help him? It doesn't tell us that, but it implies that.

Overall, this was definitely one of its best episodes in both seasons.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 26, 2017 5:27 PM

Jan 2014
Dr4kon said:
MrJc said:

well she got his his wallet back so meh

Kinda the point really. She could've done that right away. But no, let him get beat up twice first...

Leo himself says he could have easily defended himself with his eyes, but he chose not to. Knowing this, it's implied that she thought he could take care of it, but his morality got in the way. He willingly chose not to use his powers. The fact she even helped him says she does care.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 2, 2017 12:22 PM

Dec 2012
This is the best kind of episodes! I love when they develop the world between the humans and the monsters.
Great episode :)

Poor Zapp, he almost lost his Freedom Magnum
Dec 3, 2017 5:18 AM

Sep 2017
Glad to see Zapp is recovering and getting back to his old ways are the previous episode. Didn’t expect what happened though! That lady is mad! And then the cute cat just randomly eats Zapp!?

Poor Leo though. This whole episode he just gets beat up by that dude. And Chain just leaves him too! But wasn’t expecting to see her sort things out her own way in the end. She’s such a tease too xD Interesting to see other sides of her. Holy heck does she know how to have a good time! But that after credit scene was funny haha wondered where’d she’d put all that drink away.

It was also nice to see Steven finally let his hair down. Sad how things turned out. But what the heck was that twist!? Really showed who was the boss there. But he sure has his secretes.

Guess it was nice to see how everyone’s evening pans out differently in the city. Confusing as always but I kinda like the madness of 3 simultaneous stories :D

Dec 3, 2017 5:27 AM

Sep 2017
Zelev said:
This show really bewilders me. Generally, I find myself not paying attention to all the episodes fully. But every once in a while, this show will pop out an episode like this one where I was engaged the whole time. I really enjoyed this episode as it showed the MC's personality/perspective of what is right and wrong, and the subtlety of the other two characters' actions (the ice guy and the girl who got his money back at the bar). I guess she thought the MC could defend himself, but after learning he got beat up maybe she felt bad and wanted to help him? It doesn't tell us that, but it implies that.

Overall, this was definitely one of its best episodes in both seasons.

You made a really good point there. Didn’t think of it that way but now you’ve said it the whole thing makes a lot more sense. Thanks for that!
Dec 13, 2017 1:01 AM

Aug 2012
Not going to lie, I'm a little salty that they cut my favorite part of the Zapp story out and we got a dream flashback to Leo's backstory instead. Like, the former wouldn't be a massive issue for me if it wasn't for the latter. They also cut out a bit where Leo thought about Chain ignoring him there, and just left the power bit in. Still, this chapter was my most anticipated to get adapted and it mostly translated seamlessly so it was still entertaining. I would've love to see Matsumoto's take, I feel like it'd have some cool transitions between stories, probably wouldn't have sacrificed the Zapp scene for that recap, I don't know. It was still good.
Jan 9, 2018 6:38 PM

Jul 2016
Chain is the best.

Loved her hustling that idiot.
Jan 10, 2018 2:29 PM

May 2012
Quite an interesting and also fun episode, looking forwards to see what's next.
Jan 23, 2018 8:40 PM

Mar 2015
All's well that ends well in the end, at least!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 11, 2018 3:25 AM

Dec 2010
It was nice to see Steven enjoying himself, even if turned out to be fake in the end. Definitely one of the title's best episodes.
Oct 7, 2018 8:57 PM

Sep 2017
This was a pretty crazy episode. The Steven thing was pretty random but he was super badass. I've always kinda liked Chain, and this episode only enforced that. Interesting how she let him get mugged, only to seriously screw the guys over later. Cat girl was crazy. I feel bad for the blonde chick.
Feb 1, 2019 7:06 AM

Nov 2013
Poor Zapp having his cock cursed by that crazy thot.

Was a bit bothered by Chain leaving Leo to get beat up at first, but we would've never got the awesome bar scene otherwise. When Chain seduced that thug; hnnnnngggg.

Steven was badass with that gambit. I had a feeling him tripping over had some significance.

Was interesting to see that Steven has his own secret squad separate from Libra. He's starting to become one of my favorites in the show.

I lol'd when Chain was puking in the toilet at the end.

Wish we got some closure to Zapp's side of the story, but a great episode nonetheless.

9/10 Was awesome seeing Chain and Steven finally getting some meaningful development.

Dec 18, 2019 10:02 AM

Sep 2018
This narrative that parallels moments of daily life of various characters, was truly enjoyable and fun to follow. The episode shines for the excellent comedy that the protagonists are able to give and because we discover something more about their life, thus giving more characterization to them. Violence is not stigmatized at this juncture, it amazed me.
Jul 23, 2020 5:31 AM

Jul 2015
Quite a lot of things happening this episode and I really like how it all connected there at the end. Steven was quite the badass there. Roundabout way of Chain helping Leo, but I like how Leo tried to stand up for himself with the stun batton. Zapp is pathetically hilarious as always wiht his 'Freedom Magnum' lol.

Dec 25, 2020 11:46 AM

May 2018
Poor Zapp, his poor freedom magnum about to get blown to shreds
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