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Oct 3, 2013 5:56 PM

Jul 2013
A lot of people are saying that Koabto would be really young. Doesn't anyone remember that her wish was to transcend time to be with her love again? That also explains why she reappears in the photo again as though she lived that life but was also living another life. I'd say Fujimoto would be about 26 and Kobato would be 22. If she was born when she died, she'd only be about 6 because the previous kindergarten kids were in middle school (uniforms).
In my opinion, the ending wasn't spectacular. I was expecting more info on the war with heaven. It was really cute because the lives of everyone as time passed was shown and that was about the only thing I liked. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be one of those 'destiny romance' animes. Still, it was more complete than Angel Beats lol.
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
Oct 23, 2013 7:00 PM
May 2013
Well I absolutely loved this series, and my question to those who hated it is, why the heck would you watch more than the first episode?
What this series was all about was pretty obvious right from the opening, and I'd think anybody who hated sweet, funny and beautiful would have run screaming the second this anime started.
I thought it was perfect and I loved every single minute of it, and yeah, as soon as I can get a copy on blu-ray, I'll watch it again.
Dec 24, 2013 10:07 PM

Dec 2012
Ah what a fantastic Christmas present - such an uplifting ending and beautiful series. There's something bittersweet about seeing the passage of time in anime, and seeing all of the characters growing up. I thought that they were going to leave it at Kobato meeting Fujimoto again and parting ways, but I like how they ended up reuniting in the end because of that song.

Overall this was a very heartwarming, inspiring, and sweet anime series. I like how not everything was solved and how it showed that although you can't make everything go your way in life, you can always find ways to make the best of what you're getting (such as when Sayaka decides to start from scratch with the nursery). I think Kobato is going to earn a spot in my favorite characters, she was perfect mix of cute, caring, and hilarious. Also felt HanaKana brought out Kobato's character the best.

Merry Christmas Kobato, 9/10.
Mar 22, 2014 3:09 AM

Nov 2011

One of the few series that have the advantage of having a final, on which you can not think about that and say: Superb! * _ *
Anime that slowly penetrates the soul of the user, sin is not made ​​good by Madhouse, at least watching the TV series.
And if the drawings have been redone as often happens switching from TV to the BD version, then it's a whole different ballgame! ^ ^ "
What can I say, a final so it is always a pleasure to see the heart and makes you feel overwhelmed by so many feelings and load!
I'll miss Kobato and Ioryogi-san! T_T

Final rating by virtue of the final events of the past and goes from 7/10 to 8/10!
Apr 23, 2014 7:31 AM

Mar 2010
Well that was cute.
Jul 16, 2014 12:30 AM
Jul 2010
One of the most badass anime I have ever seen. Complete and utter badassery.
Aug 10, 2014 3:43 PM

Mar 2010
There is too much to be said about this anime. The whole situation to me was a huge WTF, then it was like a YAY they are together..

I really like how it ended all happy so I guess my Kompeito is out :b
Until next time!

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 28, 2014 12:33 AM

Jan 2012
okay snorefest series

but that fucking gay ass rabbit during interlude makes me rage every fucking eps
Jun 17, 2015 8:20 AM

Apr 2013
Wow 10/10, fantastic series, from amazing visuals, to phenomenal character growth and characterisation, to superb soundtracks and music, to an amazing and beautiful ending. So much feels/
Jun 24, 2015 11:09 PM

Jan 2010
After nearly a year, I finished Kobato, almost appropriately with how a year had passed in the main story. This show is quite simple and straightforward really, having very little twists and turns throughout most of its run. I really appreciate Kobato for maintaining this cheerful, calm, kind, slightly sad yet optimistic feeling all through. It's truly a show about nice people just trying to get by.
Jul 6, 2015 8:41 PM

Sep 2013
That was a brilliantly satisfying ending. Well there are still a lot of loose ends but I dont really care anymore. I was originally planning on giving this an 8 but after the ending I feel like bumping it up to a 9.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Sep 23, 2015 10:06 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
So in the end, Kobato return. YES!!! <3KOBATO!!!!

Does Kobato's soul have a similar thing to Suichiro? Like Kohaku said, even though he may lose his memories, his soul is still the same, they just make new memories each time he comes back?

I adored the ending. But dang, so many years passed. We see Makina and the preschool kids going to middle school I suppose. Sayaka has a new preschool and is most likely in her early 40's, and she's got a helper as well. And of course, the Chi Twins are fully grown up.

Bittersweet episode, the good sweet stuff coming at the end. 10/10 for me. It may have been slow at first but I enjoyed the early episodes, Kobato's clumsy yet cheery self.

Jan 21, 2016 1:20 AM

Aug 2009
solid ending

100 points for iorogi :3

fujimoto had only this ep to redeem himself, and he did good

almost shed a manly tear

good to see okiura helping out with sayaka at kindergarten

never change, chiho and chise <3

now i demand an OVA on iorogi and the animals (would like to see their actual forms)
Jan 21, 2016 10:58 AM

Jan 2014
This was very very beautiful.
I loved this anime, it was so sweet.
Jan 30, 2016 12:49 PM

Sep 2015
Great. I cried a lot. It's basically a copy of Wish with a little difference but it still manages to drain my tears.

Such is the power of CLAMP.

Cliche? Yes, it is. Unexplained missing plot points? Plenty. CLAMP stories are full of those. But that doesn't stop me from loving their stories lol. Also, gotta love the crossovers XD I grinned a lot when Syaoran's group showed up. Would love to see more Mokona vs Ioryogi. Perhaps in one of CLAMP's other works there'd be cameo of the shiro manjuu and doggie
Ioryogi-kunJan 30, 2016 1:36 PM
Apr 22, 2016 2:27 PM

Nov 2014
Ok, that was boring anime with annoying characters and cheesy drama. I really wanted to drop it, the only thing that kept me from doing so was hoping for some deeper develpoment of Iorogi and Kobato past. In the end that part disappointed me too. But last few episodes were still really good and that ending... simply perfect.
Now I'm not sure how to rate it. Around ep. 20 I thought I'll just push it to end and give 4/10 but with such ending I can't go below 6/10 D:
Oct 14, 2016 11:14 PM

Jul 2016
I love happy endings I even cried.
Oct 28, 2016 10:07 PM

Jan 2009
I finally finished this show, have been watching it for over a year.
It was pretty fun overall, Kobato is one of the cutest characters I've ever seen.
The ending however, it's nice and all, but to be honest I wished they'd focus on Kobato and Iyorogi making her wish come true, rather than making her fall in love with Fujimoto, that guy really pisses me off!
There are also a few things about the ending that were left unexplained (or the explanations weren't clear).
Anyway it was a nice and fun ride, I give it a 7/10.
Jan 19, 2018 6:25 PM
Jun 2014
So in the end, this was all about romance without all that much romance in it. A between the lines thing with a romantic ending. Why isn't it tagged as romance?
Feb 21, 2018 9:59 PM

Jun 2015
Awesome anime, really enjoyed it. It didn't matter to me at first, but from episode 12 onward, I came to care for the characters.

And I was astonished since it was Madhouse that made this anime.

ok :p
Oct 18, 2018 9:50 AM

Oct 2018
10/10, wow what river of tears these last two episodes were lol, I am a sucker for Slice of Life stuff, especially with ultra-moe 'Magic Girl' heroines and supernatural elements. Being a huge Ah! My Goddess and Chobits fan I was sold, might be too moe for some, but I personally loved it! I loved Madhouse's uplifting anime endings for Chobits & Kobato compared to CLAMP's somewhat downer manga endings. Kobato is definitely one of the most moe, but still fascinating, heroines I have seen since Chii or Belldandy.
Apr 7, 2019 9:45 PM

Sep 2018
The final episode is HAPPY ENDING, but why I feel sad??? huhuhuhu
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Nov 3, 2019 12:22 PM

Oct 2015
I'm glad Kobato's back, even if it smelled like cheese. But what can I say, I love cheesy romantic moments like these.

I thought for a second there, Kobato was reincarnated, as Kohaku mentioned about her and Shuichiro, but I guess that was really her. I wonder what did Ioryogi pull to get her back in the world again, it doesn't make any sense. It's one those asspulls I don't mind, because they are truly needed for the viewers who just love happy endings.

This definitely felt like an ending, with all the characters that were in the show present, so we can get an update on their lives. I see Doumoto became a doctor, while Yukino became a photographer. I see Sayaka has decided to reopen the school with Okiura, whom BTW promised change this time around, how nice. It was wrapped up nicely, even though it was imperfect.

Overall this was below perfect. To me it all came down to character likability and enjoyment. The plot sucked AF. The confetti collection was neglected so many times it hurts, she only helped few individuals, after that it became a mediocre. The characters she helped kinda weren't interpersonal enough, I felt so much shallowness in their developments, making it hard to memories their existence. I only remembered them on this last episode. I also felt Fujimoto and Kobato's romance was just thrown in without real development, I mean Fujimoto didn't seem to love Kobato until he knew it was his fault she disappeared. Music was beautiful though, along with the animation.

lihle808Nov 3, 2019 12:28 PM
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Nov 27, 2019 5:24 PM

Oct 2018
Rewatching this and the second time around I can't help but note how perfectly the series sets up Kohaku & Suichiro's story threading their 'WISH' plotline as a subplot that comes to fruition in the final plot arc in episodes 22/23/24. The way that their own cycle of death & rebirth is a parallel of sorts to Fujimoto & Kobato's situation is a great method of delivering exposition to Fujimoto about what happened & why it happened that way. As Kohaku said, things couldn't be changed, all he could do was hope that they could meet again, and he moved on. But fate wasn't cruel, because they appear to be star-crossed in the end.
Jul 2, 2020 12:18 PM

May 2016
I was so glad that she remembered her past life, would be really sad if she hadn't.
Though we still didn't get much about Iorogi's story.... 8/10

I will definitely miss this show and Kobato's energy vibe.
Feb 17, 2021 7:42 PM

Jul 2016
What a cheesy and lackluster finale, honestly. The power of love and plot at its finest.
Also, if Kobato reincarnated, shouldn't she be like under 10 when she and Fujimoto reunited? Taking into account if Fujimoto finished college and started working as a lawyer right away, that is.

Overall, it was a series that started as something mediocre but ended up going downhill during its last 10 episodes or so. The way how the romantic progress between Kobato and Fujimoto was portrayed was so lame, forced and disappointing to see. Probably the aspect I hated the most in the show alongside the lackluster as hell conclusion the "nursery's closure" plot-line received.

Regarding cast, there was barely any development for the characters and Kobato as MC is probably among the most exasperating ones I have met. Her development was almost non-existent and her lack of common sense and extreme naivety towards everything despite having lived surrounded by all kind of people for a year truly infuriated me in some occasions.

There were also some plot points that were left in the air without giving them proper development but well. Guess the director preferred to prioritize cameos and Ioryogi's adventures in amusement parks instead.

2/10 - Doumoto's character got robbed, by the way.
SouthRzVaFeb 17, 2021 7:50 PM
Mar 10, 2021 3:14 PM

Oct 2019
I loved the ending. So Kobato did not change her wish after all. Her "original" wish was about going back in time and "being with the person she loved". She (and we) didn't know at the time that person was Fujimoto but it turned out it had been him all along, which is why they avoided clearly showing us who that pianist was in her half-faded memory or dream she had.

So in the original timeline -before she died as a collateral loss- she apparently met Fujimoto in some other way, not as part of a mission to be reincarnated and reconnect with him. This entails some causality issues related to that pesky thing called "predestination paradox" (assuming it is a single timeline), but we can crudely assume this was taken care of (somehow) by the angels or God or -much more neatly- a separate timeline was formed.

Fujimoto's "confetti" also turned the balance toward reincarnation; while only a single confetti quite clearly his heart was the most wounded of them all, thus his confetti was the strongest; it was also connected with Kobato from the previous timeline and with her wish. In the future when Fujimoto became a young lawyer it appears that Kobato's own confetti had been left inside Fujimoto's jacket from the time he had lent it to her. That apparently allowed Kobato to regain her memories.

I would have liked to see the four spirits we saw regain their original forms but apparently that did not happen because Ioryogi-san decided to stay in the human world to watch over the reincarnated Kobato (I don't quite get what what one has to do with the other, but this is what the bear said...).

All in all, while certainly not flawless, a bit too long and rather fillery, and its 24 episodes could have clearly trimmed to 16 episodes or less (since most confetti were collected off-screen anyway), I think the show deserves a 8/10. I would have rated it 7/10 if it had a poorer or rushed ending but the way the show ended satisfied me fully.

edit : Those who claimed that Kobato was too old in the end compared to Fujimoto would be right if Kobato had been reborn right after she disappeared at the end of episode 23. However it was clearly stated that Kobato's wish was to transcend time and meet again the person she loved.

"Transcend time" specifically meant "go back in time". The first 23 episodes depicted the testing of Kobato, not her wish. At the end of episode 23 Kobato's soul was sent back in time (I would imagine 8 to 9 years) in order to be reborn and be at roughly the same age when Fujimoto reconnected with her.
If the "temporary" Kobato was 16, and the future scenes are 8 years in the future (Fujimoto was already working 4 years in that office and Doumoto was what appeared to be a resident doctor, so 8 years sounds a good bet for both) Kobato would have needed to be reborn 8 years in the past at the end of ep. 23 so that the "permanent" Kobato would also be 16 at the end.
SharpedonMar 10, 2021 3:32 PM
Aug 13, 2021 5:17 PM

Mar 2018
Overall a very disappointing series, similar problems I have with Violet Evergarden and Fruits Basket. I didn't like the comedy at all, that made a lot of the episodes feel so boring. Kobato's only memorable trait is her clumsiness, that made me unable to care about her. There were some good episodes, like the one of the tree but the ending was meh and the thing with Sayaka and her husband felt so forced... I'll give this a 5/10, since I don't think it's awful, just meh.
Dec 24, 2021 4:57 AM
Jun 2021
Such a beautiful ending!
Mar 11, 2022 3:15 AM

Jan 2021
AAAAAAAHHHHH I thought this would have a sad ending.... ಥ╭╮ಥ I thought they would meet again at the last minute and start all over again.. but apparently Kobato regained her memory and it ended with a hug! My heart feels so full (つಥ⌣ಥ)つ♡

Apr 15, 2022 3:16 AM

May 2021
this was great and made me cry too, a 9/10 from me. Ioryogi real chad
Jun 3, 2022 3:07 AM
Sep 2018
Blackbird said:
What a beautifull ending, the sparking think that coming back does that mean they remember Kobato?
No sign of that in the ending.
Clamp can still do a great job with this.

So you like the ending!
Nov 1, 2022 11:42 AM

Aug 2018
Nice ending.. Even if it didn't fully answer.. If Kobato was Fujimoto's mother all along.. Or not.. I probably will think that this theory is what I can believe the most, I think.. Well, I mean, her dying, or getting in the constant coma.. So this way she didn't age.. And anime was nice.. Showing different lives of different people.. Melancholic and hopeful at the same time.. Relaxing and tense at the same time.. Sweet and bittersweet at the same time.. Enjoyed how anime felt a lot..
Apr 2, 2023 2:52 PM

Nov 2016
Another anime that will leave me with an empty feeling despite the happy ending. I wanted at least another episode. There's not even an OVA or special aside from the mini episodes.

Oh well 8/10 very emotional anime at times, but what carried this was honestly Kobato just being Dobato lol

Ioryogi was also an awesome companion

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 2, 2023 4:01 AM

Apr 2018
I know this is supposed to be a happy ending but it just felt confusing the whole episode, I'm not sure it makes sense even though it's a fantasy story, so her life was spending time with Fujimoto -> dying -> being half dead and spending time with Fujimoto once again -> being revived and spending time with Fujimoto once again but why 4 years later while having the same body and mind I don't even understand why it has to be 4 years while nothing change, that's just weird especially how she was supposed to die due to supernatural events before I don't even know how the timelines are tied or whatever they don't even explain how she knew the guy except showing brief flashbacks, I liked the whole anime but the ending just felt very rushed and random, how it is supposed to be sad when you barely have any info

So in the end from Kobato's POV the story would be the same as having amnesia for 1 year and then being teleported 4 years later
AshhkMay 2, 2023 4:27 AM
Jul 3, 2023 1:47 PM

Dec 2020
another great anime with a well-thought plot, and it sure made me cry a river as well. the way kobato confronted the problems she faced, her way of overcoming daily life issues with such attitude, the lovely outlook she had-- it was simply beautiful. also, i liked the ending where it showed everyone years ahead:')
Mar 29, 2024 5:18 PM

Jun 2015
A Clamp story that was concluded in the anime adaptation. It's a miracle!
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jun 13, 2024 12:26 AM

Nov 2023
It's just really good, and honestly, it's one of my favorites. It's an anime I won't forget.
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