it's Hard to find someone yells at you and says "you're a shit taste" nowdays :D
anyway.... what a change!! your Top 10 is upside down again...:D
haven't you try S;G0 ?
some fuc*ing damn person is showing me it's shots...i really want to kill him...shitty anime like Yuri on Ice are spreading fast and we're still waiting T_T
For me you can like whatever you want. Sometimes we like a show just because is special for us due some extra factors. I'm trying to said that you can judge a profile just if they dindn't love S;G as you do. Maybe those guys dind't get it for some reasons, or they dont like the genre, or some other shit.
Anyways i really loved S;G.
Some of the later episodes had mediocre art when it should have been great but episode 305 made up for it (the best anime episode I've seen).
For me, it's not really the art and animation that makes Gintama lovable (though I still think it's one of the best looking long running anime). If you ask me, the biggest problem with the third season is how they skipped content from the manga.
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Fellow Misaka fan here
HEY Watch Dororo ffs
*fades away into oblivion*
anyway.... what a change!! your Top 10 is upside down again...:D
haven't you try S;G0 ?
some fuc*ing damn person is showing me it's shots...i really want to kill him...shitty anime like Yuri on Ice are spreading fast and we're still waiting T_T
For me you can like whatever you want. Sometimes we like a show just because is special for us due some extra factors. I'm trying to said that you can judge a profile just if they dindn't love S;G as you do. Maybe those guys dind't get it for some reasons, or they dont like the genre, or some other shit.
Anyways i really loved S;G.
Fairy Tail 10 Won't waste my time. Simple as that.
Gintama 1 ==> Won't waste my time. Simple as that.
Don't try to speak shit when your taste as the same as those occasional anime fans .....
For me, it's not really the art and animation that makes Gintama lovable (though I still think it's one of the best looking long running anime). If you ask me, the biggest problem with the third season is how they skipped content from the manga.
(Hey you read FB's Manga...that was great should've read that before)
How are you, Mongrel? :P