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Mar 9, 2019 9:48 AM

Jun 2013
Serizawa is one of my faves. I honestly forgot about the other Ultimate 5 members, even Shimazaki Serizawa is extremely precious.

I'm going to reread this arc in the manga to refresh some details since it's been a while since I last read it.

One of the best episodes, I like the return of some of the older Claw members and seeing some new faces, of course for the Anime-only viewers even though I've already read the manga, it's nice seeing them animated.

People are complaining about the Anime but in my opinion, the Anime is WAY superior to the manga. Why? Its animation is amazing, the fluidity, the music, the colors, the voice acting, etc. None of that exists in the manga but the manga has its own charm too.
Mar 9, 2019 3:25 PM
Jan 2019
Great episode! Love it. I'm a manga reader so I'm not surprised. Still though can't understand why some people expect Mob Pyscho 100 to go full dark and edgy. The shows isn't about that. In an interview ONE even stated that he wants to make MP100 to feel kind. So don't expect any deaths and gore here. This isn't that kind of anime. I also don't understand why some people wants all anime to be beautiful or at least similar to SAO. Anime is never like that. Each anime have their own style. Not everything has to look as if it's made by A1 picture.
Mar 9, 2019 8:27 PM
Jan 2013
Hyped as hell.Finally the main villans show up.

Mar 9, 2019 9:24 PM
Aug 2017
Mar 10, 2019 11:28 AM

May 2015
Dimple save humanity!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 11, 2019 5:40 AM

Nov 2015
Man, that villain at the end surely reminds me of Kusuo Saiki.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 11, 2019 2:16 PM

Nov 2018
Very good, mob psicho 100 is getting better. I'm in love with this second season, I think it's overtaking the first one.
Mar 21, 2019 12:47 PM

Nov 2017
Uncomfortable with where this is going now, falling back to action tropes which I really dreaded. I'd rather have MHA's psychology than Mobbu's endless power reserves.

Oh look, random characters introduced at lightning speed for an entire episode. Can't wait to get to know them all--and they've been defeated.

What I feared is coming to pass, know thy past or thou is doomed to repeat it, yikes.

Well hopefully they can make something original out of it this time. I like single cours, but episode 9 makes it clear that besides the high animation budget, double cours allow for entire stories to be completed functionally and cohesively.
Mar 21, 2019 8:06 PM

Feb 2013
DarkInsomnia57 said:
Uncomfortable with where this is going now, falling back to action tropes which I really dreaded. I'd rather have MHA's psychology than Mobbu's endless power reserves.

Oh look, random characters introduced at lightning speed for an entire episode. Can't wait to get to know them all--and they've been defeated.

What I feared is coming to pass, know thy past or thou is doomed to repeat it, yikes.

Well hopefully they can make something original out of it this time. I like single cours, but episode 9 makes it clear that besides the high animation budget, double cours allow for entire stories to be completed functionally and cohesively.
wouldn't call the direction generic per se

the claw represents the core theme behind the series. there's narrative purpose that ties it in with every other arc
Mar 31, 2019 7:35 AM

Jan 2019
So we finally get to see claw ... pretty good Ep ... lots of fight to come.
Mar 31, 2019 7:29 PM

Jul 2013
I'm glad the things in the fire weren't Mobs family. But even then he immidiately found the supposedly responsible persons. I'm not sure but Mob seems to be way stronger as in season 1. Even if the fight was short it was pretty badass.

What a coincidence that Mob met Koyama and Sakurai. I'm glad Reigen was able to calm Mob down. He was so stressed out and so he slept in an instant. I didn't expect Sho planning to stop his father. Also that all the division leaders became traitors was unexpected. We got to see the ultimate 5 and damn these guys are monsters. The upcoming fights will be superb.

The fight between Teru and Shimazaki was intense but sadly so short. It's also nice to see so much different abilities. Can't wait to see the following episodes.

Apr 3, 2019 8:56 PM

May 2012
Pretty nice start of something a lot bigger! Really good buildup start and I do wonder what will be going down next. I am glad Mob's parents and brother ain't death though!
Apr 6, 2019 7:11 PM

Jun 2015
knew they wouldn't be dead of course, but i enjoyed mob's reaction and initial rage about it.
Apr 7, 2019 2:10 AM

Jul 2013
What a drastic turn of events. Claw still hasn't learned their lesson it seems. Whatever happened to that short bald dude who was the leader of 7th division? He might be able to help them.
Apr 8, 2019 4:46 PM

Aug 2007
Oh, excited to see Claw enter the story once more!

Apr 9, 2019 6:08 AM

Dec 2015
Lol, I really thought they were going to take down Claw. Bamboozled.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Apr 16, 2019 12:26 PM
Jan 2017
My mood has definitely got ??? after that fake cliffhanger.Now it has come down to same old claw and their stupid world domination goal.It looked like the series would reach some totally new heights after some top tier episodes earlier but looks like we will be witnessing season 1 once again.
CoreFinderApr 16, 2019 12:34 PM
Apr 17, 2019 3:50 PM

Jul 2008
Tachiki Fumihiko Gendo pose! The legacy continues...

I write about manga →
and movies →
Apr 20, 2019 3:59 AM

Mar 2012
The parents surviving was predictable but I didn't expect the orange haired kid to be on their side. Pretty disappointing that we won't get a proper fight against him, the previous claw members coming back as allies is also weird.

Not only do characters not get killed off but we also get that troupe of all of the villains coming back as allies or comic relief after being defeated. Just comes off as cheesy.
May 7, 2019 7:40 PM

May 2013
Tell me how I managed to fall for that Mob Psycho "trick" when they did the same shit first season where errbody turned up alive AND from a previous ep where that esper girl's father got to live????? I got played-- AGAINS x'D

Also, that prime minister some kind of useless for not telling our bb Teru that the kidnapper's power is teleportation smfh >.>
May 31, 2019 4:54 AM

May 2016
Dimple and Reigen were treading on thin ice when they both told Mob that his family is safe somewhere without being able to confirm it for themselves but it was a lucky break that their panicked excuses turned out to be the actual outcome of events. It's even better that his parents are out of the conflict's way since if something really did happen to him, he'll end up more alone than he ever did even with his power being awakened because things will never be the same if he loses his family. That 100% Obsession certainly didn't waste any time in trying to find them.

It's really fun to see that most of the former 7th Division defect to the good side and seek help under Reigen out of all people. The Ultimate 5 made their dastardly debut and Teru's forced to fight another person who is far stronger than him before failing to rescue the Prime Minister. Ricchan's in a pickle since Shou's Anti-World Domination's Squad pales in comparison to the Ultimate 5, oof.

Jun 20, 2019 10:45 AM

Mar 2019
Imagine what could have happened if Mob went all out back at his house :)).Well,Claw is getting more and more serious!
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jun 21, 2019 7:40 AM

Jan 2009
After watching the dumpster fire that was Tokyo Ghoul:re, I had to give this episode a harsh rating as it gave me the same vibes with all the random fighting everywhere.
Jun 29, 2019 1:52 AM

Mar 2015
Great we're finally getting into the meat of what makes this anime great - strong espers fighting each other!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jul 5, 2019 11:44 AM
Jan 2018
lol who ever fell for the cliffhanger last episode haven't been paying attention for the past 1 season and 8 episodes
Sep 15, 2019 8:41 AM

Jul 2015
Really glad that Mob's parents and brother aren't death
Ultimate 5 is pretty strong, too bad for them there is one guy that will stop them.....and his name is...Reigen-sama!!! and his disciple Mob

Sep 29, 2019 4:34 AM
Jul 2018
"Let's report to the police." Jeez, Reigen. You can't get any lamer.

I assume it was Noriaki Sugiyama's voice we heard this episode.
Oct 4, 2019 6:28 AM

Dec 2013
Nearly any other series and that cheap fakeout would've been lambasted to oblivion, but if you take a look at this thread... well, nevermind, this is just how forums go.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Dec 5, 2019 1:40 PM

Aug 2017
Mobs family is safe and sound and we are introduced to the new claw. Seeing Mobs powers was sick. Let’s see how it flows with the villains.
Jan 3, 2020 6:12 PM

Oct 2013
That "Claw" organization again. I hope it won't bore me as it bore me back in the previous episode.

The episode was good, I liked the new espers. That guy who "cannot see with his eyes, but can predict the movements blah blah" looks formidable.

I'm glad that Mob's family is safe. Too bad their house had to burn to a crisp. :(

@PriestSlayer , I guess it is because Mob Psycho is a series that is full of parody and humor, so that kind of maybe naive ideas (although I don't see this one you are talking about particularly as a naive one) are treated lightly.
AdnashJan 3, 2020 6:19 PM
✨Saint Seiya Club🌠
Jan 8, 2020 9:40 AM

Nov 2012
Woooo, knew Ritsu and the fam would be okay!
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Feb 25, 2020 10:08 PM

Mar 2017
Not gonna lie. That fake death pissed me off so hard I'm considering dropping the series.

That could have been the single most emotionally powerful moment in the series, and they pissed all over it. Can you imagine if they'd actually gone through with it? People would be talking about Mob twenty years from now. It would have been the next EVA, the next Barefoot Gen.
"Bang." -Spike Spiegal

"Everything... is connected." -Lain Iwakura

"Life is too short to watch bad anime. Long Live the 1st Episode Drop." -InkSpider

"Anime fans make me embarrassed to be an anime fan." -InkSpider
Apr 28, 2020 5:21 AM

Jan 2013
InkSpider said:
Not gonna lie. That fake death pissed me off so hard I'm considering dropping the series.

That could have been the single most emotionally powerful moment in the series, and they pissed all over it. Can you imagine if they'd actually gone through with it? People would be talking about Mob twenty years from now. It would have been the next EVA, the next Barefoot Gen.

Why in the world does the series suddenly need to take a dark spin and kill of his parents, the series so far has never been that.
I can say that they maybe should've kept us and Mob in the loop for a little bit longer rather than half an episode - could've dealt with the supposed deaths better.

Shimazaki looks just a little bit overpowered ... teleporting / reflecting bullets like that (may be related to his teleporting power) and being able to predict movement despite being blind.
Who knows what else he's able to do.

PrOxAntoApr 28, 2020 5:36 AM
May 31, 2020 3:07 AM
Dec 2012
Well, they got me good in last episode. Kind of a cheap tactic to have fake deaths though, the deaths made me super sad but would have made the show a lot better.
Jun 30, 2020 9:59 PM

Aug 2019
woooo this is getting interesting.
Really fucking happy the old squad 7 claw members are returning as the good guys, happy they weren't just a one time thing, and have genuinely thought about what they've done and decided to act up. All thanks to good old Regien with his crafty use of vocabulary.
also, weird father son problem happening between class boss and his own son? I don't really know how to feel about Shou actually (i guess) wanting to stop his dad???? i kinda just... went eh?
Wooooo mob really was giving 0 fucks this time, almost went super all out. oof even dimple got nervous about the situation.
I fucking know Sugiyama Noriaki voice when i hear it. Fucking LOVE the guy. FYI some big names in anime he voice acts would be, Shirou from Fate Stay Night or Sasuke from Naruto.
Jul 2, 2020 5:48 AM

Apr 2020
This episode suddenly disappoint me a bit. Not because of the fake death, but because of too many new characters popping out. But anyway, it was a decent episode.
Aug 13, 2020 7:37 AM

Jul 2020
Glad his parents and Ritsu are alive after all. Though their death will give a powerful moment in the series, I don’t think there’s a need to do that. Mob Psycho is not a “dark type” anime and there’s no need to go there. It’s awesome as it is.

Another point is that it’s not good if Mob’s powers will draw from grief and revenge over his family’s death, that I think will be destructive to him rather than helping him to be more stronger.

Also, it’s nice to see those Claw members are actually powerful and genuinely strong. I’m hoping to see a good fight between them and Mob and others.
SoraaaxiiAug 14, 2020 2:15 AM
Sep 27, 2020 7:06 AM

Apr 2020
How dare this episode play with my feelings
Oct 6, 2020 10:52 AM
Aug 2020
This episode felt like there was content worth of four episodes crammed into one, everything developed way too fast.
Dec 22, 2020 11:29 PM

May 2020
Intense episode, I'm glad that Mob's parents and Ritsu are alright, it seems that Shou is an ally, I don't trust him much though yet. Glad to see the former 7th Division members helping out. So we finally get to meet the boss, Toichiro. Shou's father.
Feb 22, 2021 11:15 PM

Aug 2018
What's going on wow, very good episode
Mar 10, 2021 11:29 AM

Apr 2013
So obviously his parents were still alive, that much was obvious. Mob's rage mode was nice, too short though. Cool that some other characters are getting more screentime as well, so far Claw seems OP which is pretty normal for the evil organization I guess.
May 19, 2021 9:24 AM

Dec 2020
well, not really surprised or let down that we didnt get a heavy plot twist on how mob's family is dead. come on this show is half comedy it'd be .. Odd to suddenly have heavy drama with our mc's family dying idk how we'd get comedy after that
Jun 23, 2021 2:06 PM

Jan 2020
So it was probably just dummies huh? I wasn't expecting that but I'm quite happy they aren't actually dead.

I'm not too interested in the claw stuff though. I don't think I'll enjoy this final arc much

Jul 6, 2021 2:05 PM
Dec 2020
this episode was pretty good! the accuracy of society's reaction to the claw though haha
Dec 16, 2021 7:02 AM

Jun 2019
I've nothing else to say other than that I'm glad that his parents are alright. They're too fricking sweet for something like that. Mob was pissed by Reigen was there to calm him down.
May 4, 2022 9:56 PM

Mar 2021
As a dub watcher, one thing I noticed was that during the intro, Kyle McCarley (Mob)'s voice got a lot deeper. Really adds a new emotion to Mob's character.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

May 31, 2022 8:21 AM

Feb 2021
It was so satisfying seeing Mob actually being serious and beating those assholes with ease.

I feel kinda stupid after ranting about the red-haired kid who went to the Kageyama residence. He's actually a rebel kid who hates his dad. Basically a good guy in this story. Also, Ritsu and the parents are doing well!

So why didn't he just join up with the former Upper Echelons of the 7th Division? They could have coordinated much better this way.

The former Upper Echelons of the 7th Division have teamed up with our known psychics. They don't seem menacing but having them on our side is surely good.

The guys who planned for a mutiny were able to defeat the Upper Echelons of Divisions 1-6 but the 'Ultimates' took them all out.

Ultimate 5 Shimazaki has the same VA as Sasuke, right? He seems to have multiple psychic powers. Super speed, teleportation, movement prediction, and hardened skin (?)

Action-packed episode! The animation was a blast as usual.
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
β—‘ ━━━━━ β–£ ━━━━━ ◐
Aug 10, 2022 5:17 PM

May 2021
Welp, I called it. They were indeed dummies and it wouldn't make sense to kill them. I'm curious about this main villain's kid. Is he simply in his rebellious phase or is he playing a bigger game here? Since even though he didn't kill the parents, he did burn the house down.

Also, the guy who kidnapped the Prime Minister has Shirou's V.A. so that's a plus.

Aug 15, 2022 4:02 AM
Jan 2022
amazing, very good!
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